Incredible chart now lay on top of that the under reporting in the VAERS system yes we do have a clotting problem Houston thanks again Dr Jessica Rose 🌹
Dr John Campbell had a very interesting video with a vascular surgeon his name escapes me at this time , an actually surgery was shown on the carotic vein in the patient’s neck and what he pulled out is freaking scary
Hi Eric, his name is Professor Sherif Sultan, MB BCh MCh MD FRCSI DEVS FISVS FASA DMD FRCS/Vasc FAARM FACS FEVBS PhD. Professor of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, National University of Ireland. Chief of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery at The Galway Clinic. Chairman of Western Vascular Institute.
President of International Society for Vascular Surgery, University Hospital Galway NUIG & The Galway Clinic.
He is,in my experience, the first Professor of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, worldwide to come out and raise very serious alarms about the triggering of an inflammatory process in some recipients of the Vaccines and boosters causing accelerated arterial disease. He is to be applauded for having the courage that so many have not displayed and come out on the side of his patients with warnings for those who might be harmed under certain circumstances. You’ll find the very outspoken interview with him on Dr John Campbell’s channel. It is in 3 parts. In the first part he presents his case, with references to many reports. In the second, he shows a surgery to remove white matter from the carotid artery of his patient who had had a stroke. One artery was fully blocked the second almost fully. He saved the man’s life. In the third part, you’ll find a question and answer session with Dr John Campbell. I’m sorry to say, but it is a highly cogent and a riveting series, in particular, the 2nd and 3rd part. I would advise everyone to watch these 3 videos.
I do hope, that colleagues in the relevant professions will come up and out of their bunkers and join him in bringing his and their observations and concerns to the public at large so that they will not allow themselves to be schmoozed into taking any more of these without being fully informed of the potential adverse reactions and to arm themselves with his knowledge, freely given and evidence based, in order to protect themselves and their families.
Hi Eric, I will check that out. What I did get a copy of a couple of weeks ago is “ Adverse Effects” A Critical review of Covid Vaxgenes by Karina A. Acevedo- Whitehouse. It’s “a compendium of various topics that have been compiled to help people understand the mechanisms by which Covid genetic vaccines (Vaxgenes)can impact the health of some who receive them.” It collates a lot of studies and backs them up with all the references. Very useful for those in the medical profession just because it references all those studies. I will check out The needles Secret.
If my take on things is accurate, and my professional observations over the last three decades are correct, along with my current existence as a pseudo romantical friend to abused women numbering at this point seven, then my approximate contact with over ten thousand different women of all ages, creeds, religions, occupations, etc in a professional context, over thirty years gives me a correlative opportunity to be a bit more than an amateur on God's most beautiful creation.
They are all the same but all different and that is not an oxymoron. My preponderancy to being bold and perhaps thought to be a fool who rushes in where angels fear to tread, has resulted in being close to a few in a friendship where emotions exist but the required respect, cherishment, and understanding thrives that is necessary to close friendships existing twixt I and they, though I well realize I do not merit the pleasure of the contact with any of them.
I am of the opinion women have been under attack since 1969 and I would quantify women are of two separate entities, one of which is the "real" woman and the other of which I would refer to as incomprehensible to my limited capacity to figure them out though I can and do still respect them yet disapprove of their perspectives.
So it is the first category I find here on Substack who take my breath away and you might be correct in saying euphoria is the effect they have on me though it is not "fake jab induced" but a natural "ism" that possesses me as I observe in wonder the real women anywhere I see and meet them resulting in my deep appreciation of who and what they are.
They have not in many cases been well treated and this is a shame to me and others of my sex. I stood yesterday at the end of a job with a man and his wife, telling him that I have found women are more possessed of the nobler character traits and more intelligent than men as his wife smiled and he disagreed.
I had not the time to explain the most beautiful sight to see is that look of complete dedicated affection on the face of a mother the moment a doctor in a delivery room, places the baby she has carried for nine months in her arms and she takes her first look at her child and immediately that "look" I refer to appears. I have seen that four times as I was present for the birth of our four children and multiple times more when I have sat at church in the upper gallery noting the young mothers with their children as they tend to them and focus a gaze on them so affection filled that it beggars description.
Thus my euphoria but not at all fueled by anything except the realization of the "wonder" of these daughters of Eve. Their beauty flows from within out and over and into me as a beautiful woman must be possessed of in its inner character capacity to excellence.
Thus the most beautiful sights in life are free to those who comprehend what they are and the ways of a woman with a child, or the strength of an intelligent woman defending the Truth that fills the essence of my capacity to cherish same and is best described in my case as a "celebration" of who and what a real woman is.
In Dr J's case, that is a given as well with others here whose words give vent to their character. I am different of course, and one woman who I am closest to as a best friend once told me "There are none like you Edward" and I quipped back, "Is that good or bad" being a smart ass. She quickly replied, "You are a terrible man" and I immediately played the "sad ass" role to which she said, "but I still cherish you." I laughed as did she and there is another I cannot outwit who I occasionally take out to discuss at her behest my opinions of her BF. Ditto for any woman who has been hurt who seem to latch unto my words of encouragement and recognition of who and what they are.
I do not touch any of them, but if they instigate their sensory desire to communicate by hugging me, it brings out the tolerance and strength in me to suffer their embrace even though I hate it but soldier on so as to put up with it and not hurt their feelings. I did tell that to one woman and she immediately called me a "LIAR" to which we both laughed.
The innermost created character God gave man was to cherish and protect them, but it has morphed into evil I will not dignify by identification.
We were created for each other both simultaneously inferior and superior to the other but the strengths of a woman over man and the strengths of a man over a woman were calculated to compensate for the weaknesses of either.
That is how it was and that is how it should be. I now would praise my Creator for His creation of woman and ask what would life be without them? It is not a life I would want to live.
Well, thankyou for that long montribe. I study and observe how the planet seems to think it is their job to just judge the scientist performance. Whenever Dr John gives you a correct answer, like "what is the mechanism of harm". What you all do is exactly what you just did. You ignore the facts that need to be repeated and shared. And you all jist start judging the man. Total lunacy. Try stop deciding you think you can judge everybody. We are doing a science crisis, and the information matters. Repeat that. Most of Dr John's comments is full of jidgmedntal idiots talking like they are in a position to judge. And they are so busy being self important. They don't bother discussing the science that the entire planet wants to know. Bear in mind doctors comments sections are 99% devoid of scientists like myself, medical are hiding from discussion and debate. Comments are full of conspiracy theorists with zero knowledge, guessing away. Or people just judging the show everyday. Total insanity. Then you all wonder why no experts can find the answers. Err. Try repeating the answers when you are told. That might help.
1st and foremost: the lens I look at life with is skepticism, sometimes healthy but veering more toward distrust. I remain 'open' but even that is an overstatement when I reflect on how LONG I take to change my opinion.
I watched the 'medical freedom' movement emerge from the darkness of 2020 (I've now learned there were true pioneers before this cataclysmic event). While some in the "movement" provide excellent analysis to consider, many have fallen prey to their natural human nature and the demand for attention has become a tad pathetic for me. I do not judge them harshly but I do judge them.
As for medical doctors, I have never trusted them for some unknown reason and have taken very little 'medicine', including flu shots, supplements, etc. The indifference my own PCP has displayed, particularly in our last visit where she threatened me (and, I confronted her) that she would not be my doctor if I didn't have an annual mammogram (no family history, etc). I also explained to her that she is not helping people by handing out referrals for all the blood clots she is finding in her patients and reminded her of her oath to 'do no harm'. It fell on deaf ears because the medical care system that we, as Americans, are REQUIRED by law to participate in, is beholden to their employer whose main goal is PROFITS. This is such an important and overlooked nuance.
Finally, as I approach the autumn of my life, I reflect more on matters less important than the physical body. Recently, I read Mark 5:25 - 34. Many know this story of the woman with the issue of blood. If you read closely, for 12 years she went to physicians who took all of her money and made her more physically ill.
Things that make you want to say 'hmmmm'.
Best of luck getting through to people who follow blindly.
His name wasn't the only thing that escaped everyone. He is a vascular endothelial specialist. The focus of the baffling mRNA mystery. And his best guess was "it messes with the bodies immunity and creates an antibody reaction".. whaaaat? What does that even mean? It's got nothing to do with antibodies. Terrible guesswork there! The best thing he said was "we need a specialist, a specialist in COVID and mRNA". Yes. That's what you all need. But you have none. That's why Jessica is here happily guessing, but no closer to the truth. What is causing CYTOTOXIC endothelial damage??? Does anybody know??
Cause we have the money to spend on Ukraine but not to study what the jab has done to our people. Certainly no money to secure our border! This is all purposeful!!
Wrong. You all created a false reality with your words. You say "we have no money to do the studies". The correct description of reality is "the studies have been done, there is mountains of evidence, there is pathology reports with the irrefutable answers, the case is closed. ". But you all keep yourselves in a perpetual hell by describing reality the wrong way. If a doctor says "why are there no autopsies" nobody objects. Nobody says "Dr burkhart did 75 autopsies, the evidence was clear, in 2021, it's written clearly in "COVID update, what is the truth" in 2021.
You all just keep yourselves in a false reality hell by describing everything wrong. You call facts, theories. You don't repeat the facts when you are told. You are all totally insane.
It's clearly purposeful. My guess is the devil is real and he is punishing you all , by taking away simple truths. What sucks is, those of us who try to help you all, you all ignore and criticise us. Like Dr bhakdi. Your all just so horrible and ignorant, it's hard to have any empathy for you all anymore. 27 million dead because you all didn't remember how vitamin D works... Plus about 10 other obvious facts.
It’s good for people to share their hypotheses because we just don’t know yet. One person’s spitballing could be the missing link in another’s theory.
What the doctor may have meant is that the clots could be caused by the immune response to the body trying to clear spike protein that are attached to the walls of the blood vessels. Dr. Bhakdi explains it reasonably well.
Well, you admit nobody has it correct and you are all doing "hypotheses". That's almost true. You are all stuck on the "let's just keep throwing hypotheses about" because the one actual answer, you all can't comprehend.
Dr bhakdi was the first after me to explain it to you all. However , you jist said "Dr bhakdi explains it well".
He does explain it quite well. The problem is. You should therefore be able to explain what he said. But you can't. Nobody can repeat what Dr bhakdi told you. You all pretend you understand him. But when I ask any of you, NONE of you can simply repeat what he told you. You should admit you can't. But none of you will admit ypu can't figure out what he told you. You lie about it. I don't know why you all insist on pretending you know, when I've asked thousands, and ypu all get huffy and defensive, or go silent. Poor Dr bhakdi told ypu all the same thing for years, and ypu all don't repeat what he said. I spoke to him last month, he is sick of this hell where everyone ignores him. You all just ignore. And smile to his face. But you won't do the one thing that is needed. Which is to repeat what he told you. You are all doing this to yourselves by choice. We can't force you to behave sensibly. We are powerless to make your brains work. So the truth never becomes accepted reality. So you all stay guessing away... Day after day
Thankyou , Jolene. Sincerely. This few of us who can comprehend the facts, get ignored and critisised and persecuted. I've been here in this thread all morning, I do have the facts. They are basic immunology that the planet has a blank spot to. Like mass demensia. Jessica's article clearly demonstrates you all still guessing. So don't know. Nobody here is saying they do know. So reality is the planet can't figure it out after 3 years. Yet I figured it out in 2020, because it's actually really obvious to us. It's basic immunology. I've spent all morning here, happy to discuss. But gorege won't even answer the simple task of describing Marc GIRARDOT s "carpet bombing of the endothelium". Jessica is present but is ignoring me. I've had one person accusing me of being vaccinated, to try to hurt my feelings, someone else telling me what I'm writing is "gobldy gook", and another saying its weary. So everyone is being dismissive and ignorant to the person who can give them the answers. This is why you all can't find the answers. This is the behaviour I have had to suffer for four years. Dr bhakdi has the same problem. He called you all "idiots". But I know it can't be your fault, it's like you all have hypnosis brain block against the specific concepts. I've been to he police. They don't help. I'm tired of trying. But it's nice you showed a little empathy and compassion, I rarely get that. So thankyou, for the kind words.
Yes. It is traumatic. Truth was stolen from the world and it has turned everybody tribal, arguing over what reality is, when it's right in front of everyone's faces, and always has been. You take care.
The truth can be found. It must be sought after with a passion. One must ask our Creator to silence the noise. It takes time, one must remain quiet and listen and read and pray for understanding.
Pray directly to our Creator for the souls of your dear loved ones. Pray for those who are frightened and don't have the courage to seek the truth.
The truth will set you free but many prefer bondage where it is safe. Moses oversaw a story such as this. Only 2 people made it to the "Promised Land". Joshua and Caleb. Challenge yourself! Whose spirit is in you!?
Because I am an outsider to the scientific profession and I have no interest in leading a hard-headed and hard-hearted people, I have Caleb's spirit. I have been preparing for this time and I am ready to suffer any consequence for my glorious Creator, this may be my crowning achievement.
Look Will, I am on the mark in my descriptions of Dr. J as an intelligent and lovely real woman. She has a mind like a computer and spits out facts faster than your mind can follow. Everyone here loves and adores her, including me.
Can you post a link to Dr. Campbell's video? I searched on YouTube but there are so many of his videos on there that I didn't find it.
My Dad had a scan which showed a significant carotid artery blockage. He pays for a scan every year when he is in Florida for the winter and it has never shown a blockage before. He is 84 and in good health. Three Pfizer jabs taken in the early scamdemic before we woke up.
Someone should tell the NYT as they just published an article saying it’s all misinformation and the shots are AMAZING. The relentless gas lighting dies not appear to be slowing down.
My husband died 65 days after the j jab. Double massive pulmonary embolisms in a perfectly healthy man with zero history of clotting issues (none in his family either).
They gave him heparin in the ER, which led to him yelling “I can’t breathe”, then about 1 minutes later he was yelling “I’m dying” for another minute then collapsed. THEN the ER gave him the clot blaster drug. 43 minutes of CPR later, they got a heart beat. 6 days later he was as declared brain dead.
The hospital has been protected by PREP act. The doctors are protected, pharmaceutical companies, government.. all protected. CICP was denied. I filled out the VAERS report because the doctors didn’t. (They all suspected the clots were from JJ, every single doctor I talked to). But I was brushed under the rug.
But who is protecting me and my late husband? Who is helping me?
I am so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how difficult it will be to 'get over' the anger. I know so many who won't even consider the kill shots for the weapon they truly are. I also understand why.
The individual accounts are heartbreaking and I pray for your healing.
This is so horrible . Makes me sick to my stomach. My son took the J & J back in 2021, and thankfully he is okay so far. I will never be the same after 2020. 😱
Here's my cartoon on this: Two CDC employees are sitting and looking at a projection of these AE graphs. One states: "Safety signal?? I don't see any safety signal. Do you?"
As a Florida licensed physician, I received an email from Dr Joseph Ladapo with the warning that covid vaccines should be discouraged in under-40 males. It included a graph similar to these, with the obvious safety signal. Nevertheless, the FDA and main stream media severely criticized Dr Ladapo for telling the truth on these miserable products.
Finally, I had a completely healthy, low-risk patient who subsequently lost her otherwise healthy fetus at about 29 weeks gestation, three weeks post second Pfizer dose. (April 2021 - early in the initial vaccine rollout) Post-mortem revealed the placenta riddled with microthrombi. I desperately tried to report this to the CDC via VAERS, but they ignored my report for over a year!!
M Makous - just my view- hell will not be hot enough for the likes of Rochelle Walensky (former Director of the CDC) & what she promoted to pregnant women
I would add all those who sit on the CDC vaccine advisory body: 14 of them, enthusiastically voting for every extension of the injection campaign, injecting the pregnant, children, etc.
Their identities are interesting eg Camille Kotton from Mass Gen, transplant specialist; just one of those looking the other way as deaths and injuries continue. How many will she be responsible for killing and maiming by the time her term is up?
Who would have guessed there were so any monsters with no conscience in the medical field ?
I know a married couple who EACH developed clots after taking the clot shots. She’s a retired RN, he’s a retired “healthcare” administrator. They made the connection and won’t take any more.
Hi Jessica, just watched this european developer who's written a tool to pull data and present it in a graphical format. Looks brilliant. Please check it out. This will be right up your alley... Cheers. Gus
So you are here reading comments. But can't answer the simple question "what is the mechanism of harm.". Your article was a clear sign your still guessing in the blind. I'm telling you I know. You ignore. That is your choice. You choose to ignore the answers. And continue arrogantly guessing. Try stop doing that. It's why you all can't find the answers. I mean, astraxenica admitted clots today and that's not lnp, yet here you are guessing it's lnp. It's not the lnp. You don't know what it is. Respect someone who does. Or stay in the blind confusion forever.
Will R Thomson - YOUR ARROGANCE here is the greatest disease & YOUR blindness to your own insufferable arrogance & pride to us mere mortals is worse than anything you claim to KNOW.
Hahahaha .yes. thankyou. I'm doing the arrogance this on purpose. Seeing if that gets you all to behave like normal. Doesn't seem to be working, but it's much more satisfying. The greatest disease? Nope. It's not me. It's 100s of millions of people with myocarditis, systemic clotting and damage, ms, thrombotic thrombocytopenia, brain fog (zombies) , skin rashes, blindness, tinnitus, hepatitis, turbo cancer ..that's the big disease your dealing with. If you want to stop the suffering. Your going to have to show me some respect, I'm afraid. Your little insults don't have any effect on me. I've been fighting all of your demonic nasty behaviour for four years. You all keeps suffering. I get stronger everyday. Got skin as thick as a rhino! HAHAHAHAHAHA... OH, and I've got the truth. You all don't. So I'm still winning. Ypu can stop losing, by behaving like decent human beings. It's like karma. Hahahaha. 2 billion dollars.
No, what you all have to do is talk to me respectfully. I've had 4 years of everyone losing all value in the facts, and anyone who tells them. So I've been through utter hell trying to save you all. What I expect now is for abunch of you to do science and say things like "HEY JESSICA, HOW COME YPU ATE STILL GUESSING ABOUT LNPS, SO CLEARLY VANT DO TJE SCIENCE, BUT WHEN TJOS POOR MAN SHOWS UP OFFERING TO INTERVIEW, TO TELL EVERYBODY, YOU GO SILENT?? WHY WONT Someone CLAIMING TO CARE ABOUT TRUTH, HAVE A CONVERSATION IM PUBLIC , JESSICA?". O r something like that. Then, Jessica will be force to behave like a human and talk. Respectfully. In public. Hopefully she will have the ear of dr Campbell, and will get me to him. I will then get Dr Campbell to call on a council of the few who ARE getting it right, bit are forgetting. For example. Dr John has been reporting fpr fpur years. And won't mention or talk to dr bhakdi. Why not? I will call many of ypur heros and pin down the answer once and for all, and guode ypu all out of the confusion . We will make everyone right down the answer, and repeat it over and over, so you all don't keep forgetting, that the answer, IS the answer. That might work. But i definitely want paid. I've been fighting for all of you for four years, against your own demons, and you seem to have no idea how horrible you are all being. So I've got a plan. None of your experts alone can get it right. We have to do it together. Jessica simply has to show up and talk on her own thread. But I've just wasted half a day on you all and had no respect, and Jessica and George won't talk, so why should I waste the other half of my day , when I could be walking my dogs, and not wasting my time trying to save ypu all from your self inflicted hell, if Jessica doesn't even have the decency to talk science woth me? Why shouldn't I keep this power? Everyone here could help me end his nightmare once and for all. But none of you will. I can't force anyone to do anything. And I'm done being nice about it. Threats might work better.
Tell you what. I'll do my video report on what's happened in this thread . I'll call it "unacceptable Jessica keeps guessing unacceptably". I'll let you know when it's uploaded. Come find me on my own substack and I'll give you the source so you can watch. I'm not telling the other cretins here who won't talk with respect. I won't help people who are disrespectful anymore. Four years is quite enough of that, thankyou. Oh. And mRNA for cancer is coming. And you all still can't stop mRNA be aide you can't pin down why it harms. Not good.
What have you found the mechanism of harm to be? Is it the pseudouridine? The fact that it’s not messenger RNA and it’s modified RNA. If you know it’s not the LNP and it’s not the spike. Would you kindly share your painstaking efforts to help save others? Would pinpointing the mechanism of harm give a direct link to reversing it? If you truly have that life saving information. Share it and help others. How can 50,000 hours of effort to help save the world be valuable if you don’t provide it. Withholding that info itself could also be extending a mechanism of harm. Your efforts are valuable and if you have all the info to back it up, do what you can to help others. That’s the most important thing. I say all with heartfelt sincerity.
But that's still not an explanation for the mechanism of harm. What you have to do, Geoff, is when someone correctly explains it, is then repeat that. That's where you are all going wrong. The whole planet has been told over and over, you all just go back to guessing and thinking you know better. That's why it's still a mystery. You are all doing it. Insanity at its finest.
See my article from January 2023 where I show that Clotting was fully understood in the context of VITT caused by AstraZeneca and Pfizer Jabs. PF4/polyanion IgG
No, Geoff, I won't go look at what you think you know, no offence intended. This is why you are all stuck in a mystery. Endlessly. The MECHANSIM of harm is obvious and has been explained to the world repeatedly. I am literally the ONLY expert on the planet. All the rest of you keep forgetting obvious facts, then you won't listen to those few of us who do have the answers. The pathology reports are full of the evidence and you all best, are still having to guess. Dr mucooloch, for example, his best evidence now is "time correlated" which says he doesn't know the mechanism. Dr John's latest guest is a vascular surgeon and even he said "we are dealing with stuff we don't understand". You need to admit you don't understand, and respect the people who do. I was the first person on the planet to identify and warn correctly of the mechanism of harm, it's obvious science. But you all can't process those specific facts. I can easily prove all of this, but get nowhere because ypu all just think you know better. Did you know that nobody even bothered to learn about the second half of the spike. NOBODY. I can talk for hrs about it's details, and it's more important than the first half. I bet you don't even know it has a transmembrane anchor? Or is homologous to spike from oc43? Oh, right. None of you even bothered to learn the names for the other coronaviruses yet. After four years. So you don't know why half the planet was asymptomatic.
You are all being ridiculously ignorant AND arrogant, and that's keeping you on his endless hell. Your value systems are all back to front. You literally CANT do the science. So respect those of us who can, or you will be stuck in round two... The path to truth is inquiry. Stop telling, and start asking. It's that simple.
That's not what I asked you. Your a scientist. Do science. I ask you to describe something. You describe it. Stop sending me links. Demonstrate you know the theory. What is "carpet bombing of the endothelium", for example. Describe that to me like I'm a biology student. I bet you can't.
Here is a proof. Can you tell me what Marc GIRARDOT s bolus dose theory is all about? Can you tell me what Dr bhakdi told you was the mechanism of harm? If you can't describe what Dr bhakdi told you all 50 times over, then it's clear you can't comprehend basic immunology. And you should therefore admit that and be respectful of people who can. It's really simple. But you all jist can't comprehend it. That's why your here with Jessica still guessing away.. is it the LNP? NO!!! Is it the spike damaging? NO!!!!!!
It is fascinating. It's fascinating how you all forgot basic immunology. Pre existing cross reactive immunty via t cells to the S2 part of the highly conserved S2 subunit. The whole planet forgot all of that stuff. The science was done. Nobody cared. They have then rediscovered tis over and over and over, and still nobody cares. I'm the only expert on the S2 part of the spike. Go try to find anyone doing a video on the S2 part. You will only find me. No other experts talk about it, if I ask anyone, they have no clue. Since I'm the only one, that means there are no COVID experts at all. You can't be an expert if ypu didn't even learn half the spike. Or noticed that all the coronaviruses weren't monitored by any institution the entire time. None of you even noticed that either. Only one guy, Dr Ben MacFarland, has the knowledge on cross reactivity. And the poor guy does videos, and nobody listens or task to him.
This is Will R Thomson’s thesis which you can read, in full on his Substack:
“It seems obvious to me, having researched this subject for over 50000 hours, that the mechanism of action whereby the cells of the body are instructed to produce and present foreign proteins shall inevitably lead to an auto immune attack by the bodies "hidden assassin" cd8 killer t cells. This shall, if the protein presents there, result in cellular damage anywhere in the body.
This would have a wide range of harmful consequences which would present as damage to cells in organs, such as the heart and the brain, kidneys or spleen, as well as the probability of damage to the lining of the blood vessels which would lead to abnormal levels of clotting agents being released all over the body.” You can find his letter on his Substack. Read it.
As regards Dr Sharif Sultan, I believe his intention was to describe what he is seeing, warn people to think twice about taking the product, though he was careful to request the Pharma Companies to provide scientific reasons why anyone should and challenged them to tell the people about the potential adverse effects and to explain to those who will take it, which or whether, the medical circumstances in which they definitely should not. But the most valuable thing he did was to come out and state that there are serious problems because, he is a practicing Vascular and Endovascular surgeon. So far, anyone shouting alarm to date has been embalmers, anonymous whistle blowers and scientists, science researchers etc no one I know conducting operations daily and trying to save lives has had the guts to do this. That’s the value of his contribution.
I think it’s a mistake to focus so heavily on mRNA products. Almost all of the people I know who have had heart attacks, strokes, and a myriad of other maladies had Astra Zenica.
In the UK, AZ did a lot of harm, injected into 53m, and the boosters were all Pfizer and Moderna, a much smaller cohort - I think down to only 10 m injected last winter (they tried to get them into 20m!).
I would love to know just what happened with the 'AZ-type' vaxx used in India, but no one can ever answer this question. The truth has been smothered by the Indian government. I did find some reports of heat problems, and a few Indian vaxx-influencers 'died suddenly'. .....
Yes, I think the UK and Australia were very much in ‘lockstep’ in this regard. At least that’s what my not very representative sample of family and friends in both countries suggests.
I had read that AZ renamed and carried on maiming people regardless in India.
AZ was presented in the UK as a great achievement for UK bio-science and global Britain.
Everyone involved was rewarded with official honours, and in some cases promotion.
Including the CEO of AZ, who stated that all the AE's had been 'exaggerated greatly'.
He should have walked over not a red carpet but a mas of bones when he went to the palace to be knighted. Still, it is traditional to confer knighthoods on arms manufacturers.....
Guess again. If they used mRNA for nucleocapsid, the damage would still occur. It's not the lnp. It's not the spike. Keep guessing. What could be cytotoxicly damaging cells presenting foreign antigens? It's a huge MYSTERY!!
Actually, if you look at the per 100K data (Figure 5) it shows a dramatic difference in the incidence and explains why AZ-Ox and Janssen (The DNA vaccines) were quietly removed from the market.
It probably depends where you are. I’m in Australia - we predominantly got AZ here and it was pushed heavily before anything else arrived. My family in the UK all got it for similar reasons. Unsure if those were as prevalent in the US market.
Eric Clapton took the AZ because it was made in England. The he could not play his guitar for several weeks. Then he was attacked when he went public with his experience with AZ.
VAERS data does include overseas reports (mostly added by Pharma. That said a) Jessica did state that this analysis was on the domestic data and b) AZ-Ox was never made available in the US but the technology is identical to Janssen - both are "Viral vector" DNA "vaccines".
These delayed risks from mRNA vaccines that you describe, particularly delayed DEATHS, are very strongly corroborated by the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trial data. The Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials BOTH showed that almost all excess vaccine-associated deaths are delayed by least a few months. Within the first month post-vaccine things looked "fine", almost no excess deaths were seen in the vaccine groups of the trials. But by 6 months, the Pfizer and Moderna trials showed 45% excess cardiovascular deaths and 16% excess non-COVID deaths overall in the vaccine groups compared to the placebo groups (and a net effect of "4 killed for every 3 saved").
Another great chart. It's still shocking all these years later. The sheer numbers, the data... all these poor people who died or who were injured. And then the ones still out there, awaiting their fate. It's so terrible. One day this will all come to light, but until then... we have Jessica. :)
I have the feeling that one day, twenty years from now, I will be listening to a young sociopath attempting to reason along these lines "it's been well known for fifteen years that the injectable products killed more people than all other medical treatments, including surgery, in all history; it was a mistake from the start, but tunnel vision and group-think and several other flying metaphors sent to us by the Wicked Witch of the West, had the effect of confusing everyone; so no one is responsible for any death, except the idiots who went and fell for the trap of injecting themselves with an experimental product out of fear of losing their jobs; but let me remark that no one created that trap or any other trap; only the victims are to blame, but really no one is to blame; biggest oopsie in history, let's just be friends."
Maybe, that day I will die of rage and sadness.
Just in case, I'll try to disable that future rage today by condemning to the deepest part of hell the future sociopaths speaking like that, who may be little babies full of hope and carbs at this very moment.
Curious if mAbs used for Covid treatment (e.g., Regeneron, Bamlanivimab) have the same effect? They don’t have spike but do they employ LNPs? Might be an interesting comparison if data exist. Thank you for continuing to explore and educate! I truly admire and appreciate your efforts.
It doesn't alter the conclusions but it might have been better to use the same scale on the Y-axis for the adjacent different time scales?
And there would appear to be some outstanding issues:
1. The DNA vaccines were removed from the market because of clotting. In terms of overall incidence/100k patients, I guess that makes sense but:
2. Doesn't the delayed onset of clotting with the mod-mRNAs suggest that in fact it is NOT the delivery LNP for mod-mRNA) vehicle responsible for the clotting? Might it not be the DNA contaminants in the mod-mRNA taking longer to have any impact? If the issue were DNA not mod-mRNA?
3. There must BE an explanation because the DNA vaccines, once transfected into the cells and the DNA transcribed into RNA, thereafter are essentially the same thing without the "mod". But if the "mod" was the issue (for this case, clotting, only) then the impact should be more immediate in the mRNas, not the other way round?
4. I suspect that lumping Novavax in with the DNAs makes little difference because Novavax usage has been so small. Nonetheless it would be interesting to look at them separately because Novavax is not a DNA product but essentially, a direct injection of "spikes". Something that always concerned me.
Further to earlier comment - AZ wasn’t removed from the market in either Australia or the UK until much later, which probably explains the disconnect.
The secondary issue is that following the first two jabs, people were then given Pfizer, and then Moderna. So the liability (and doubt) has been nicely spread around.
I’m not aware of any situation previously where it was simply - take a jab, any jab…
'Mix and match' muddied the waters very nicely for all concerned, certainly. There are some other vaxxes being thrown into the mix in the UK now.
The disappearance of AZ in the UK is referred to as 'it's not on offer anymore as doses have run out' - they won't officially admit the withdrawal for safety reasons!
In reality, of course, they don't care about safety, it's just that other regulators withdrew AZ, and it was causing too many injuries of a certain type, and they feared the public would realise the truth.
It does my head in that people just barrelled in on blind trust and belief.
I had red flashing lights and screaming sirens going off immediately, and it's staggering to me that others didn't.
I remember a woman I work with (now severely vaccine-injured with myocarditis, destroyed immunity, multisystem inflammatory meltdown, spent weeks in ICU, tracheotomy, ventilator, induced coma, now in a wheelchair, needing oxygen) telling me she'd said to her 12 y.o son "which one do you want, pick one".
They all seem to have believed it was just another flu vaccine - despite the massive upheaval of society and globally coordinated worldwide lockstep campaign, which you'd THINK would have set off alarms.
It's frightening that most of humanity was this checked out.
A 40yo relative in the UK only had one - his heart stopped as he was walking his kids to school. If not for his Wife doing CPR and someone fetching a defib unit that would have been it. He worked offshore and ran half marathons. Was one week out from his second dose…
Yes of course, but remember this i a retrospective data analysis which is presumably just confirming what must have been already obvious to those in possession of better data not publicly available.
Oh sure. Aware what I’m saying os completely anecdotal but I just realised this last week. Lot of focus on mRNA etc but that came later and really only as a booster in Australia.
Has anyone compared the number of NEW prescriptions for Anticoagulants (or total sales?) from 2018 - now? These of course are used for Afib, Pulmonary emboli, DVT and other thromboses. We observed a huge spike in these but so many did not file VAERS at the time of Vx rollout, and I would guess there are VERY few VAERs reports at all now. Pre 2021 if was rare enough I had to lookup/confirm the doses each occurrence, by 2021 these were so common I no longer had to.
If you dive deeper and find a "lacunar infarct" report, it's probably me. (I scored a "1" on the NIH ZERO to 42 stroke scale so I'm "good".) I learned that I am an individual who is homozygous for the 4G variant in the PAI-1 (SERPINE1) gene. This genotype may cause increased (high) levels of plasma PAI-1 activity. Increased activity of plasma PAI-1 has been associated with an increased risk for venous thrombosis and myocardial infarction. My guess is that this could have been a major contributor to my experience. Maybe someday we'll know definitely what those nasty LNP modified mRNA jab juice platforms really caused. Lots of ways to look at these "clot shots". Also, I was 475 days (-ish) out and Pfizer EN6204 and EW0162 were particularly "bad actors" in out to Craig Paardekooper and you, Jess. Woot.
Incredible chart now lay on top of that the under reporting in the VAERS system yes we do have a clotting problem Houston thanks again Dr Jessica Rose 🌹
Dr John Campbell had a very interesting video with a vascular surgeon his name escapes me at this time , an actually surgery was shown on the carotic vein in the patient’s neck and what he pulled out is freaking scary
Hi Eric, his name is Professor Sherif Sultan, MB BCh MCh MD FRCSI DEVS FISVS FASA DMD FRCS/Vasc FAARM FACS FEVBS PhD. Professor of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, National University of Ireland. Chief of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery at The Galway Clinic. Chairman of Western Vascular Institute.
President of International Society for Vascular Surgery, University Hospital Galway NUIG & The Galway Clinic.
He is,in my experience, the first Professor of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, worldwide to come out and raise very serious alarms about the triggering of an inflammatory process in some recipients of the Vaccines and boosters causing accelerated arterial disease. He is to be applauded for having the courage that so many have not displayed and come out on the side of his patients with warnings for those who might be harmed under certain circumstances. You’ll find the very outspoken interview with him on Dr John Campbell’s channel. It is in 3 parts. In the first part he presents his case, with references to many reports. In the second, he shows a surgery to remove white matter from the carotid artery of his patient who had had a stroke. One artery was fully blocked the second almost fully. He saved the man’s life. In the third part, you’ll find a question and answer session with Dr John Campbell. I’m sorry to say, but it is a highly cogent and a riveting series, in particular, the 2nd and 3rd part. I would advise everyone to watch these 3 videos.
I do hope, that colleagues in the relevant professions will come up and out of their bunkers and join him in bringing his and their observations and concerns to the public at large so that they will not allow themselves to be schmoozed into taking any more of these without being fully informed of the potential adverse reactions and to arm themselves with his knowledge, freely given and evidence based, in order to protect themselves and their families.
You will find one of the interviews here:
Thanks yes I reviewed the YouTube got his name 😊👍
Hi Marie I just got Marc Girardot book
The Needle’s Secret
Dr Jessica Rose. mentioned his work ….
Hi Eric, I will check that out. What I did get a copy of a couple of weeks ago is “ Adverse Effects” A Critical review of Covid Vaxgenes by Karina A. Acevedo- Whitehouse. It’s “a compendium of various topics that have been compiled to help people understand the mechanisms by which Covid genetic vaccines (Vaxgenes)can impact the health of some who receive them.” It collates a lot of studies and backs them up with all the references. Very useful for those in the medical profession just because it references all those studies. I will check out The needles Secret.
Good morning Marie thanks I will check that book out as well 😊👍
Yup, Dr. J at it again, telling the Truth. Intelligent gal. Would that I could stand before her, gently take her hand and kiss it.
Vaccine induced euphoria here?
If my take on things is accurate, and my professional observations over the last three decades are correct, along with my current existence as a pseudo romantical friend to abused women numbering at this point seven, then my approximate contact with over ten thousand different women of all ages, creeds, religions, occupations, etc in a professional context, over thirty years gives me a correlative opportunity to be a bit more than an amateur on God's most beautiful creation.
They are all the same but all different and that is not an oxymoron. My preponderancy to being bold and perhaps thought to be a fool who rushes in where angels fear to tread, has resulted in being close to a few in a friendship where emotions exist but the required respect, cherishment, and understanding thrives that is necessary to close friendships existing twixt I and they, though I well realize I do not merit the pleasure of the contact with any of them.
I am of the opinion women have been under attack since 1969 and I would quantify women are of two separate entities, one of which is the "real" woman and the other of which I would refer to as incomprehensible to my limited capacity to figure them out though I can and do still respect them yet disapprove of their perspectives.
So it is the first category I find here on Substack who take my breath away and you might be correct in saying euphoria is the effect they have on me though it is not "fake jab induced" but a natural "ism" that possesses me as I observe in wonder the real women anywhere I see and meet them resulting in my deep appreciation of who and what they are.
They have not in many cases been well treated and this is a shame to me and others of my sex. I stood yesterday at the end of a job with a man and his wife, telling him that I have found women are more possessed of the nobler character traits and more intelligent than men as his wife smiled and he disagreed.
I had not the time to explain the most beautiful sight to see is that look of complete dedicated affection on the face of a mother the moment a doctor in a delivery room, places the baby she has carried for nine months in her arms and she takes her first look at her child and immediately that "look" I refer to appears. I have seen that four times as I was present for the birth of our four children and multiple times more when I have sat at church in the upper gallery noting the young mothers with their children as they tend to them and focus a gaze on them so affection filled that it beggars description.
Thus my euphoria but not at all fueled by anything except the realization of the "wonder" of these daughters of Eve. Their beauty flows from within out and over and into me as a beautiful woman must be possessed of in its inner character capacity to excellence.
Thus the most beautiful sights in life are free to those who comprehend what they are and the ways of a woman with a child, or the strength of an intelligent woman defending the Truth that fills the essence of my capacity to cherish same and is best described in my case as a "celebration" of who and what a real woman is.
In Dr J's case, that is a given as well with others here whose words give vent to their character. I am different of course, and one woman who I am closest to as a best friend once told me "There are none like you Edward" and I quipped back, "Is that good or bad" being a smart ass. She quickly replied, "You are a terrible man" and I immediately played the "sad ass" role to which she said, "but I still cherish you." I laughed as did she and there is another I cannot outwit who I occasionally take out to discuss at her behest my opinions of her BF. Ditto for any woman who has been hurt who seem to latch unto my words of encouragement and recognition of who and what they are.
I do not touch any of them, but if they instigate their sensory desire to communicate by hugging me, it brings out the tolerance and strength in me to suffer their embrace even though I hate it but soldier on so as to put up with it and not hurt their feelings. I did tell that to one woman and she immediately called me a "LIAR" to which we both laughed.
The innermost created character God gave man was to cherish and protect them, but it has morphed into evil I will not dignify by identification.
We were created for each other both simultaneously inferior and superior to the other but the strengths of a woman over man and the strengths of a man over a woman were calculated to compensate for the weaknesses of either.
That is how it was and that is how it should be. I now would praise my Creator for His creation of woman and ask what would life be without them? It is not a life I would want to live.
Well, thankyou for that long montribe. I study and observe how the planet seems to think it is their job to just judge the scientist performance. Whenever Dr John gives you a correct answer, like "what is the mechanism of harm". What you all do is exactly what you just did. You ignore the facts that need to be repeated and shared. And you all jist start judging the man. Total lunacy. Try stop deciding you think you can judge everybody. We are doing a science crisis, and the information matters. Repeat that. Most of Dr John's comments is full of jidgmedntal idiots talking like they are in a position to judge. And they are so busy being self important. They don't bother discussing the science that the entire planet wants to know. Bear in mind doctors comments sections are 99% devoid of scientists like myself, medical are hiding from discussion and debate. Comments are full of conspiracy theorists with zero knowledge, guessing away. Or people just judging the show everyday. Total insanity. Then you all wonder why no experts can find the answers. Err. Try repeating the answers when you are told. That might help.
1st and foremost: the lens I look at life with is skepticism, sometimes healthy but veering more toward distrust. I remain 'open' but even that is an overstatement when I reflect on how LONG I take to change my opinion.
I watched the 'medical freedom' movement emerge from the darkness of 2020 (I've now learned there were true pioneers before this cataclysmic event). While some in the "movement" provide excellent analysis to consider, many have fallen prey to their natural human nature and the demand for attention has become a tad pathetic for me. I do not judge them harshly but I do judge them.
As for medical doctors, I have never trusted them for some unknown reason and have taken very little 'medicine', including flu shots, supplements, etc. The indifference my own PCP has displayed, particularly in our last visit where she threatened me (and, I confronted her) that she would not be my doctor if I didn't have an annual mammogram (no family history, etc). I also explained to her that she is not helping people by handing out referrals for all the blood clots she is finding in her patients and reminded her of her oath to 'do no harm'. It fell on deaf ears because the medical care system that we, as Americans, are REQUIRED by law to participate in, is beholden to their employer whose main goal is PROFITS. This is such an important and overlooked nuance.
Finally, as I approach the autumn of my life, I reflect more on matters less important than the physical body. Recently, I read Mark 5:25 - 34. Many know this story of the woman with the issue of blood. If you read closely, for 12 years she went to physicians who took all of her money and made her more physically ill.
Things that make you want to say 'hmmmm'.
Best of luck getting through to people who follow blindly.
I bid you warmest regards.
keg - ahhh, thank you for your amazing answer & explanation 🙌
His name wasn't the only thing that escaped everyone. He is a vascular endothelial specialist. The focus of the baffling mRNA mystery. And his best guess was "it messes with the bodies immunity and creates an antibody reaction".. whaaaat? What does that even mean? It's got nothing to do with antibodies. Terrible guesswork there! The best thing he said was "we need a specialist, a specialist in COVID and mRNA". Yes. That's what you all need. But you have none. That's why Jessica is here happily guessing, but no closer to the truth. What is causing CYTOTOXIC endothelial damage??? Does anybody know??
Cause we have the money to spend on Ukraine but not to study what the jab has done to our people. Certainly no money to secure our border! This is all purposeful!!
Wrong. You all created a false reality with your words. You say "we have no money to do the studies". The correct description of reality is "the studies have been done, there is mountains of evidence, there is pathology reports with the irrefutable answers, the case is closed. ". But you all keep yourselves in a perpetual hell by describing reality the wrong way. If a doctor says "why are there no autopsies" nobody objects. Nobody says "Dr burkhart did 75 autopsies, the evidence was clear, in 2021, it's written clearly in "COVID update, what is the truth" in 2021.
You all just keep yourselves in a false reality hell by describing everything wrong. You call facts, theories. You don't repeat the facts when you are told. You are all totally insane.
It's clearly purposeful. My guess is the devil is real and he is punishing you all , by taking away simple truths. What sucks is, those of us who try to help you all, you all ignore and criticise us. Like Dr bhakdi. Your all just so horrible and ignorant, it's hard to have any empathy for you all anymore. 27 million dead because you all didn't remember how vitamin D works... Plus about 10 other obvious facts.
Thank you, oh blessed Holy Redeemer!
infromation is not a word...
It’s good for people to share their hypotheses because we just don’t know yet. One person’s spitballing could be the missing link in another’s theory.
What the doctor may have meant is that the clots could be caused by the immune response to the body trying to clear spike protein that are attached to the walls of the blood vessels. Dr. Bhakdi explains it reasonably well.
Well, you admit nobody has it correct and you are all doing "hypotheses". That's almost true. You are all stuck on the "let's just keep throwing hypotheses about" because the one actual answer, you all can't comprehend.
Dr bhakdi was the first after me to explain it to you all. However , you jist said "Dr bhakdi explains it well".
He does explain it quite well. The problem is. You should therefore be able to explain what he said. But you can't. Nobody can repeat what Dr bhakdi told you. You all pretend you understand him. But when I ask any of you, NONE of you can simply repeat what he told you. You should admit you can't. But none of you will admit ypu can't figure out what he told you. You lie about it. I don't know why you all insist on pretending you know, when I've asked thousands, and ypu all get huffy and defensive, or go silent. Poor Dr bhakdi told ypu all the same thing for years, and ypu all don't repeat what he said. I spoke to him last month, he is sick of this hell where everyone ignores him. You all just ignore. And smile to his face. But you won't do the one thing that is needed. Which is to repeat what he told you. You are all doing this to yourselves by choice. We can't force you to behave sensibly. We are powerless to make your brains work. So the truth never becomes accepted reality. So you all stay guessing away... Day after day
I’m sorry you’re frustrated. It’s traumatic to watch the collapse of things that we mistakenly thought were solid.
Thankyou , Jolene. Sincerely. This few of us who can comprehend the facts, get ignored and critisised and persecuted. I've been here in this thread all morning, I do have the facts. They are basic immunology that the planet has a blank spot to. Like mass demensia. Jessica's article clearly demonstrates you all still guessing. So don't know. Nobody here is saying they do know. So reality is the planet can't figure it out after 3 years. Yet I figured it out in 2020, because it's actually really obvious to us. It's basic immunology. I've spent all morning here, happy to discuss. But gorege won't even answer the simple task of describing Marc GIRARDOT s "carpet bombing of the endothelium". Jessica is present but is ignoring me. I've had one person accusing me of being vaccinated, to try to hurt my feelings, someone else telling me what I'm writing is "gobldy gook", and another saying its weary. So everyone is being dismissive and ignorant to the person who can give them the answers. This is why you all can't find the answers. This is the behaviour I have had to suffer for four years. Dr bhakdi has the same problem. He called you all "idiots". But I know it can't be your fault, it's like you all have hypnosis brain block against the specific concepts. I've been to he police. They don't help. I'm tired of trying. But it's nice you showed a little empathy and compassion, I rarely get that. So thankyou, for the kind words.
Yes. It is traumatic. Truth was stolen from the world and it has turned everybody tribal, arguing over what reality is, when it's right in front of everyone's faces, and always has been. You take care.
Ok, I'm confused.
What exactly did Bhakdi tell us in 2020? I'm serious. I have been listening to him since then.
What EXACTLY is the truth you speak of?
I am not trying to goad you, I am earnest.
What is the simple truth you are wrting about?
The truth can be found. It must be sought after with a passion. One must ask our Creator to silence the noise. It takes time, one must remain quiet and listen and read and pray for understanding.
Pray directly to our Creator for the souls of your dear loved ones. Pray for those who are frightened and don't have the courage to seek the truth.
The truth will set you free but many prefer bondage where it is safe. Moses oversaw a story such as this. Only 2 people made it to the "Promised Land". Joshua and Caleb. Challenge yourself! Whose spirit is in you!?
Because I am an outsider to the scientific profession and I have no interest in leading a hard-headed and hard-hearted people, I have Caleb's spirit. I have been preparing for this time and I am ready to suffer any consequence for my glorious Creator, this may be my crowning achievement.
Lol. Everyone's "ignoring" Sucharit Bhakdi??
He spoke in front of the German Parliament just a few months ago.
Look Will, I am on the mark in my descriptions of Dr. J as an intelligent and lovely real woman. She has a mind like a computer and spits out facts faster than your mind can follow. Everyone here loves and adores her, including me.
You lose big time.
Sucharit Bhakdi told us 4 years ago that the spikes would damage the endothelial lining and cause clotting.
Can you post a link to Dr. Campbell's video? I searched on YouTube but there are so many of his videos on there that I didn't find it.
My Dad had a scan which showed a significant carotid artery blockage. He pays for a scan every year when he is in Florida for the winter and it has never shown a blockage before. He is 84 and in good health. Three Pfizer jabs taken in the early scamdemic before we woke up.
It’s on YouTube put in DrJohn Campbell episode May 1 it’s with Professor Sherif Sultan
Someone should tell the NYT as they just published an article saying it’s all misinformation and the shots are AMAZING. The relentless gas lighting dies not appear to be slowing down.®i_id=122417681&segment_id=165525&te=1&user_id=ac42d8bec9ba7d230cb0bec744934130
My husband died 65 days after the j jab. Double massive pulmonary embolisms in a perfectly healthy man with zero history of clotting issues (none in his family either).
They gave him heparin in the ER, which led to him yelling “I can’t breathe”, then about 1 minutes later he was yelling “I’m dying” for another minute then collapsed. THEN the ER gave him the clot blaster drug. 43 minutes of CPR later, they got a heart beat. 6 days later he was as declared brain dead.
The hospital has been protected by PREP act. The doctors are protected, pharmaceutical companies, government.. all protected. CICP was denied. I filled out the VAERS report because the doctors didn’t. (They all suspected the clots were from JJ, every single doctor I talked to). But I was brushed under the rug.
But who is protecting me and my late husband? Who is helping me?
No one.
I am so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how difficult it will be to 'get over' the anger. I know so many who won't even consider the kill shots for the weapon they truly are. I also understand why.
The individual accounts are heartbreaking and I pray for your healing.
This is so horrible . Makes me sick to my stomach. My son took the J & J back in 2021, and thankfully he is okay so far. I will never be the same after 2020. 😱
Horrible. Sorry💔
That’s terrible. I’m so sorry. 😞
So sorry 😞
Here's my cartoon on this: Two CDC employees are sitting and looking at a projection of these AE graphs. One states: "Safety signal?? I don't see any safety signal. Do you?"
As a Florida licensed physician, I received an email from Dr Joseph Ladapo with the warning that covid vaccines should be discouraged in under-40 males. It included a graph similar to these, with the obvious safety signal. Nevertheless, the FDA and main stream media severely criticized Dr Ladapo for telling the truth on these miserable products.
Finally, I had a completely healthy, low-risk patient who subsequently lost her otherwise healthy fetus at about 29 weeks gestation, three weeks post second Pfizer dose. (April 2021 - early in the initial vaccine rollout) Post-mortem revealed the placenta riddled with microthrombi. I desperately tried to report this to the CDC via VAERS, but they ignored my report for over a year!!
M Makous - just my view- hell will not be hot enough for the likes of Rochelle Walensky (former Director of the CDC) & what she promoted to pregnant women
I would add all those who sit on the CDC vaccine advisory body: 14 of them, enthusiastically voting for every extension of the injection campaign, injecting the pregnant, children, etc.
Their identities are interesting eg Camille Kotton from Mass Gen, transplant specialist; just one of those looking the other way as deaths and injuries continue. How many will she be responsible for killing and maiming by the time her term is up?
Who would have guessed there were so any monsters with no conscience in the medical field ?
Xavier - Yes
I know a married couple who EACH developed clots after taking the clot shots. She’s a retired RN, he’s a retired “healthcare” administrator. They made the connection and won’t take any more.
Hi Jessica, just watched this european developer who's written a tool to pull data and present it in a graphical format. Looks brilliant. Please check it out. This will be right up your alley... Cheers. Gus
i know. genius. he's awesome.
So you are here reading comments. But can't answer the simple question "what is the mechanism of harm.". Your article was a clear sign your still guessing in the blind. I'm telling you I know. You ignore. That is your choice. You choose to ignore the answers. And continue arrogantly guessing. Try stop doing that. It's why you all can't find the answers. I mean, astraxenica admitted clots today and that's not lnp, yet here you are guessing it's lnp. It's not the lnp. You don't know what it is. Respect someone who does. Or stay in the blind confusion forever.
Will R Thomson - YOUR ARROGANCE here is the greatest disease & YOUR blindness to your own insufferable arrogance & pride to us mere mortals is worse than anything you claim to KNOW.
Hahahaha .yes. thankyou. I'm doing the arrogance this on purpose. Seeing if that gets you all to behave like normal. Doesn't seem to be working, but it's much more satisfying. The greatest disease? Nope. It's not me. It's 100s of millions of people with myocarditis, systemic clotting and damage, ms, thrombotic thrombocytopenia, brain fog (zombies) , skin rashes, blindness, tinnitus, hepatitis, turbo cancer ..that's the big disease your dealing with. If you want to stop the suffering. Your going to have to show me some respect, I'm afraid. Your little insults don't have any effect on me. I've been fighting all of your demonic nasty behaviour for four years. You all keeps suffering. I get stronger everyday. Got skin as thick as a rhino! HAHAHAHAHAHA... OH, and I've got the truth. You all don't. So I'm still winning. Ypu can stop losing, by behaving like decent human beings. It's like karma. Hahahaha. 2 billion dollars.
Do we have to scale a paywall or something?
No, what you all have to do is talk to me respectfully. I've had 4 years of everyone losing all value in the facts, and anyone who tells them. So I've been through utter hell trying to save you all. What I expect now is for abunch of you to do science and say things like "HEY JESSICA, HOW COME YPU ATE STILL GUESSING ABOUT LNPS, SO CLEARLY VANT DO TJE SCIENCE, BUT WHEN TJOS POOR MAN SHOWS UP OFFERING TO INTERVIEW, TO TELL EVERYBODY, YOU GO SILENT?? WHY WONT Someone CLAIMING TO CARE ABOUT TRUTH, HAVE A CONVERSATION IM PUBLIC , JESSICA?". O r something like that. Then, Jessica will be force to behave like a human and talk. Respectfully. In public. Hopefully she will have the ear of dr Campbell, and will get me to him. I will then get Dr Campbell to call on a council of the few who ARE getting it right, bit are forgetting. For example. Dr John has been reporting fpr fpur years. And won't mention or talk to dr bhakdi. Why not? I will call many of ypur heros and pin down the answer once and for all, and guode ypu all out of the confusion . We will make everyone right down the answer, and repeat it over and over, so you all don't keep forgetting, that the answer, IS the answer. That might work. But i definitely want paid. I've been fighting for all of you for four years, against your own demons, and you seem to have no idea how horrible you are all being. So I've got a plan. None of your experts alone can get it right. We have to do it together. Jessica simply has to show up and talk on her own thread. But I've just wasted half a day on you all and had no respect, and Jessica and George won't talk, so why should I waste the other half of my day , when I could be walking my dogs, and not wasting my time trying to save ypu all from your self inflicted hell, if Jessica doesn't even have the decency to talk science woth me? Why shouldn't I keep this power? Everyone here could help me end his nightmare once and for all. But none of you will. I can't force anyone to do anything. And I'm done being nice about it. Threats might work better.
Or. You could have just said "please"
No respect...tut tut.
Tell you what. I'll do my video report on what's happened in this thread . I'll call it "unacceptable Jessica keeps guessing unacceptably". I'll let you know when it's uploaded. Come find me on my own substack and I'll give you the source so you can watch. I'm not telling the other cretins here who won't talk with respect. I won't help people who are disrespectful anymore. Four years is quite enough of that, thankyou. Oh. And mRNA for cancer is coming. And you all still can't stop mRNA be aide you can't pin down why it harms. Not good.
Guessing is important because there is a sequel to sell. I apologize for being crass.
Sorry about the typos. I can't be bothered to fix them.
What have you found the mechanism of harm to be? Is it the pseudouridine? The fact that it’s not messenger RNA and it’s modified RNA. If you know it’s not the LNP and it’s not the spike. Would you kindly share your painstaking efforts to help save others? Would pinpointing the mechanism of harm give a direct link to reversing it? If you truly have that life saving information. Share it and help others. How can 50,000 hours of effort to help save the world be valuable if you don’t provide it. Withholding that info itself could also be extending a mechanism of harm. Your efforts are valuable and if you have all the info to back it up, do what you can to help others. That’s the most important thing. I say all with heartfelt sincerity.
Thanks for posting the link. The video is outstanding and well worth viewing.
Thank you. I've been wondering what the death and injury toll might be in the EU.
Gustav, thank you for that link. More prove towards the failures of our governments.
Jabbing Endotoxin (4 ng/kg IV) in healthy Human volunteers doubled circulating TF+ monocytes, decreased FVIIa levels, induced Thrombin, increased plasma levels of circulating polymerized, but not cross-linked, Fibrin (ie, thrombus precursor protein).
But that's still not an explanation for the mechanism of harm. What you have to do, Geoff, is when someone correctly explains it, is then repeat that. That's where you are all going wrong. The whole planet has been told over and over, you all just go back to guessing and thinking you know better. That's why it's still a mystery. You are all doing it. Insanity at its finest.
See my article from January 2023 where I show that Clotting was fully understood in the context of VITT caused by AstraZeneca and Pfizer Jabs. PF4/polyanion IgG
You might also like EDTA clotting
and what the Blood Banks know
No, Geoff, I won't go look at what you think you know, no offence intended. This is why you are all stuck in a mystery. Endlessly. The MECHANSIM of harm is obvious and has been explained to the world repeatedly. I am literally the ONLY expert on the planet. All the rest of you keep forgetting obvious facts, then you won't listen to those few of us who do have the answers. The pathology reports are full of the evidence and you all best, are still having to guess. Dr mucooloch, for example, his best evidence now is "time correlated" which says he doesn't know the mechanism. Dr John's latest guest is a vascular surgeon and even he said "we are dealing with stuff we don't understand". You need to admit you don't understand, and respect the people who do. I was the first person on the planet to identify and warn correctly of the mechanism of harm, it's obvious science. But you all can't process those specific facts. I can easily prove all of this, but get nowhere because ypu all just think you know better. Did you know that nobody even bothered to learn about the second half of the spike. NOBODY. I can talk for hrs about it's details, and it's more important than the first half. I bet you don't even know it has a transmembrane anchor? Or is homologous to spike from oc43? Oh, right. None of you even bothered to learn the names for the other coronaviruses yet. After four years. So you don't know why half the planet was asymptomatic.
You are all being ridiculously ignorant AND arrogant, and that's keeping you on his endless hell. Your value systems are all back to front. You literally CANT do the science. So respect those of us who can, or you will be stuck in round two... The path to truth is inquiry. Stop telling, and start asking. It's that simple.
Bolus does not account for the victim count.
That's not what I asked you. Your a scientist. Do science. I ask you to describe something. You describe it. Stop sending me links. Demonstrate you know the theory. What is "carpet bombing of the endothelium", for example. Describe that to me like I'm a biology student. I bet you can't.
If you have a theory, you should just say it rather than playing this little game of charades.
“I’m thinking of two words, the first one sounds like…”
No one wants to try to guess what you think.
Here is a proof. Can you tell me what Marc GIRARDOT s bolus dose theory is all about? Can you tell me what Dr bhakdi told you was the mechanism of harm? If you can't describe what Dr bhakdi told you all 50 times over, then it's clear you can't comprehend basic immunology. And you should therefore admit that and be respectful of people who can. It's really simple. But you all jist can't comprehend it. That's why your here with Jessica still guessing away.. is it the LNP? NO!!! Is it the spike damaging? NO!!!!!!
It is fascinating. It's fascinating how you all forgot basic immunology. Pre existing cross reactive immunty via t cells to the S2 part of the highly conserved S2 subunit. The whole planet forgot all of that stuff. The science was done. Nobody cared. They have then rediscovered tis over and over and over, and still nobody cares. I'm the only expert on the S2 part of the spike. Go try to find anyone doing a video on the S2 part. You will only find me. No other experts talk about it, if I ask anyone, they have no clue. Since I'm the only one, that means there are no COVID experts at all. You can't be an expert if ypu didn't even learn half the spike. Or noticed that all the coronaviruses weren't monitored by any institution the entire time. None of you even noticed that either. Only one guy, Dr Ben MacFarland, has the knowledge on cross reactivity. And the poor guy does videos, and nobody listens or task to him.
How often do you engage in these delusions of grandeur?
Have to go now. I'll come back in about 12 hours from now.
This is Will R Thomson’s thesis which you can read, in full on his Substack:
“It seems obvious to me, having researched this subject for over 50000 hours, that the mechanism of action whereby the cells of the body are instructed to produce and present foreign proteins shall inevitably lead to an auto immune attack by the bodies "hidden assassin" cd8 killer t cells. This shall, if the protein presents there, result in cellular damage anywhere in the body.
This would have a wide range of harmful consequences which would present as damage to cells in organs, such as the heart and the brain, kidneys or spleen, as well as the probability of damage to the lining of the blood vessels which would lead to abnormal levels of clotting agents being released all over the body.” You can find his letter on his Substack. Read it.
As regards Dr Sharif Sultan, I believe his intention was to describe what he is seeing, warn people to think twice about taking the product, though he was careful to request the Pharma Companies to provide scientific reasons why anyone should and challenged them to tell the people about the potential adverse effects and to explain to those who will take it, which or whether, the medical circumstances in which they definitely should not. But the most valuable thing he did was to come out and state that there are serious problems because, he is a practicing Vascular and Endovascular surgeon. So far, anyone shouting alarm to date has been embalmers, anonymous whistle blowers and scientists, science researchers etc no one I know conducting operations daily and trying to save lives has had the guts to do this. That’s the value of his contribution.
I think it’s a mistake to focus so heavily on mRNA products. Almost all of the people I know who have had heart attacks, strokes, and a myriad of other maladies had Astra Zenica.
In the UK, AZ did a lot of harm, injected into 53m, and the boosters were all Pfizer and Moderna, a much smaller cohort - I think down to only 10 m injected last winter (they tried to get them into 20m!).
I would love to know just what happened with the 'AZ-type' vaxx used in India, but no one can ever answer this question. The truth has been smothered by the Indian government. I did find some reports of heat problems, and a few Indian vaxx-influencers 'died suddenly'. .....
Yes, I think the UK and Australia were very much in ‘lockstep’ in this regard. At least that’s what my not very representative sample of family and friends in both countries suggests.
I had read that AZ renamed and carried on maiming people regardless in India.
AZ was presented in the UK as a great achievement for UK bio-science and global Britain.
Everyone involved was rewarded with official honours, and in some cases promotion.
Including the CEO of AZ, who stated that all the AE's had been 'exaggerated greatly'.
He should have walked over not a red carpet but a mas of bones when he went to the palace to be knighted. Still, it is traditional to confer knighthoods on arms manufacturers.....
Australian politicians fell over themselves to get it here first. It was promoted as some sort of race for humanity…
Ridiculous at a time when Australia had been shut down and was effectively an island prison with zero ‘covid’.
Too bad it does not preferentially maim only leftist loons, crooked politicians, and criminals.
A much higher per centage of leftist loons got jabbed as they believed what NPR, The NY Times, and MSNBC told them.
Yes but there is another key factor in play here. Leftists are stupid.
That’s actually true 🤣
It’s the spike however you get it.
Guess again. If they used mRNA for nucleocapsid, the damage would still occur. It's not the lnp. It's not the spike. Keep guessing. What could be cytotoxicly damaging cells presenting foreign antigens? It's a huge MYSTERY!!
How do you know that if they used the nucleocapsid component formRNA "the damage would still be the same"? Sources?
He doesn’t know shit. Just another pharma troll.
Damien - EXACTLY! And … a very sick one at that! Moron can’t even proofread his/her/its own post.
What immature children you are! All that name calling and disregard of learning something new and you piss away at a typo.
I suppose you are going to 'block' or 'ban' him now! That'll show 'em!
Actually, if you look at the per 100K data (Figure 5) it shows a dramatic difference in the incidence and explains why AZ-Ox and Janssen (The DNA vaccines) were quietly removed from the market.
It probably depends where you are. I’m in Australia - we predominantly got AZ here and it was pushed heavily before anything else arrived. My family in the UK all got it for similar reasons. Unsure if those were as prevalent in the US market.
Eric Clapton took the AZ because it was made in England. The he could not play his guitar for several weeks. Then he was attacked when he went public with his experience with AZ.
VAERS data does include overseas reports (mostly added by Pharma. That said a) Jessica did state that this analysis was on the domestic data and b) AZ-Ox was never made available in the US but the technology is identical to Janssen - both are "Viral vector" DNA "vaccines".
Thanks for the clarification.
Wed better change our scientific conclusions based on your small survey then. Cos that's how science works.
Yeah, people have been saying that kind of thing across the board for two years now. How’s that been going?
These delayed risks from mRNA vaccines that you describe, particularly delayed DEATHS, are very strongly corroborated by the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trial data. The Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials BOTH showed that almost all excess vaccine-associated deaths are delayed by least a few months. Within the first month post-vaccine things looked "fine", almost no excess deaths were seen in the vaccine groups of the trials. But by 6 months, the Pfizer and Moderna trials showed 45% excess cardiovascular deaths and 16% excess non-COVID deaths overall in the vaccine groups compared to the placebo groups (and a net effect of "4 killed for every 3 saved").
Another great chart. It's still shocking all these years later. The sheer numbers, the data... all these poor people who died or who were injured. And then the ones still out there, awaiting their fate. It's so terrible. One day this will all come to light, but until then... we have Jessica. :)
Hi Dr Jessica Rose 🌹 you know you’re hitting the establishment big Pharma nerve when you getting trolls and impersonators on your podcast
Keep up the great work 😊👍👋
I have the feeling that one day, twenty years from now, I will be listening to a young sociopath attempting to reason along these lines "it's been well known for fifteen years that the injectable products killed more people than all other medical treatments, including surgery, in all history; it was a mistake from the start, but tunnel vision and group-think and several other flying metaphors sent to us by the Wicked Witch of the West, had the effect of confusing everyone; so no one is responsible for any death, except the idiots who went and fell for the trap of injecting themselves with an experimental product out of fear of losing their jobs; but let me remark that no one created that trap or any other trap; only the victims are to blame, but really no one is to blame; biggest oopsie in history, let's just be friends."
Maybe, that day I will die of rage and sadness.
Just in case, I'll try to disable that future rage today by condemning to the deepest part of hell the future sociopaths speaking like that, who may be little babies full of hope and carbs at this very moment.
I already feel better in advance.
Curious if mAbs used for Covid treatment (e.g., Regeneron, Bamlanivimab) have the same effect? They don’t have spike but do they employ LNPs? Might be an interesting comparison if data exist. Thank you for continuing to explore and educate! I truly admire and appreciate your efforts.
Some new voices here, Jessica.
You may have rattled the cages of hades!
It doesn't alter the conclusions but it might have been better to use the same scale on the Y-axis for the adjacent different time scales?
And there would appear to be some outstanding issues:
1. The DNA vaccines were removed from the market because of clotting. In terms of overall incidence/100k patients, I guess that makes sense but:
2. Doesn't the delayed onset of clotting with the mod-mRNAs suggest that in fact it is NOT the delivery LNP for mod-mRNA) vehicle responsible for the clotting? Might it not be the DNA contaminants in the mod-mRNA taking longer to have any impact? If the issue were DNA not mod-mRNA?
3. There must BE an explanation because the DNA vaccines, once transfected into the cells and the DNA transcribed into RNA, thereafter are essentially the same thing without the "mod". But if the "mod" was the issue (for this case, clotting, only) then the impact should be more immediate in the mRNas, not the other way round?
4. I suspect that lumping Novavax in with the DNAs makes little difference because Novavax usage has been so small. Nonetheless it would be interesting to look at them separately because Novavax is not a DNA product but essentially, a direct injection of "spikes". Something that always concerned me.
Further to earlier comment - AZ wasn’t removed from the market in either Australia or the UK until much later, which probably explains the disconnect.
The secondary issue is that following the first two jabs, people were then given Pfizer, and then Moderna. So the liability (and doubt) has been nicely spread around.
I’m not aware of any situation previously where it was simply - take a jab, any jab…
'Mix and match' muddied the waters very nicely for all concerned, certainly. There are some other vaxxes being thrown into the mix in the UK now.
The disappearance of AZ in the UK is referred to as 'it's not on offer anymore as doses have run out' - they won't officially admit the withdrawal for safety reasons!
In reality, of course, they don't care about safety, it's just that other regulators withdrew AZ, and it was causing too many injuries of a certain type, and they feared the public would realise the truth.
Before we moved them closer, our in-laws got 2x AZ, 2x Pfizer, and a Moderna…
We thought they stopped at the AZ and after the Father in law had a heart attack, but no. And now they are in a world of hurt.
Oh God. 2x AZ, 2x Pfizer and a Moderna as well??!
It does my head in that people just barrelled in on blind trust and belief.
I had red flashing lights and screaming sirens going off immediately, and it's staggering to me that others didn't.
I remember a woman I work with (now severely vaccine-injured with myocarditis, destroyed immunity, multisystem inflammatory meltdown, spent weeks in ICU, tracheotomy, ventilator, induced coma, now in a wheelchair, needing oxygen) telling me she'd said to her 12 y.o son "which one do you want, pick one".
They all seem to have believed it was just another flu vaccine - despite the massive upheaval of society and globally coordinated worldwide lockstep campaign, which you'd THINK would have set off alarms.
It's frightening that most of humanity was this checked out.
I know. They told us their old doctor said he wasn’t getting any more so we assumed they had done the same.
When they moved closer to where we did and both ended up in hospital it all came out - and it’s been downhill since.
I figured with Australia the way it was and us having moved to acreage in a rural area we would just watch and wait.
It quickly became apparent that wait was permanent.
I had two family members have heart attacks in one week in September 2021 after AZ. One in the UK, and one here. That kinda sealed the deal.
A 40yo relative in the UK only had one - his heart stopped as he was walking his kids to school. If not for his Wife doing CPR and someone fetching a defib unit that would have been it. He worked offshore and ran half marathons. Was one week out from his second dose…
Yes of course, but remember this i a retrospective data analysis which is presumably just confirming what must have been already obvious to those in possession of better data not publicly available.
Oh sure. Aware what I’m saying os completely anecdotal but I just realised this last week. Lot of focus on mRNA etc but that came later and really only as a booster in Australia.
Has anyone compared the number of NEW prescriptions for Anticoagulants (or total sales?) from 2018 - now? These of course are used for Afib, Pulmonary emboli, DVT and other thromboses. We observed a huge spike in these but so many did not file VAERS at the time of Vx rollout, and I would guess there are VERY few VAERs reports at all now. Pre 2021 if was rare enough I had to lookup/confirm the doses each occurrence, by 2021 these were so common I no longer had to.
I'd think it would be 1000x increase
If you dive deeper and find a "lacunar infarct" report, it's probably me. (I scored a "1" on the NIH ZERO to 42 stroke scale so I'm "good".) I learned that I am an individual who is homozygous for the 4G variant in the PAI-1 (SERPINE1) gene. This genotype may cause increased (high) levels of plasma PAI-1 activity. Increased activity of plasma PAI-1 has been associated with an increased risk for venous thrombosis and myocardial infarction. My guess is that this could have been a major contributor to my experience. Maybe someday we'll know definitely what those nasty LNP modified mRNA jab juice platforms really caused. Lots of ways to look at these "clot shots". Also, I was 475 days (-ish) out and Pfizer EN6204 and EW0162 were particularly "bad actors" in out to Craig Paardekooper and you, Jess. Woot.