But that's still not an explanation for the mechanism of harm. What you have to do, Geoff, is when someone correctly explains it, is then repeat that. That's where you are all going wrong. The whole planet has been told over and over, you all just go back to guessing and thinking you know better. That's why it's still a mystery. You are all doing it. Insanity at its finest.
See my article from January 2023 where I show that Clotting was fully understood in the context of VITT caused by AstraZeneca and Pfizer Jabs. PF4/polyanion IgG
No, Geoff, I won't go look at what you think you know, no offence intended. This is why you are all stuck in a mystery. Endlessly. The MECHANSIM of harm is obvious and has been explained to the world repeatedly. I am literally the ONLY expert on the planet. All the rest of you keep forgetting obvious facts, then you won't listen to those few of us who do have the answers. The pathology reports are full of the evidence and you all ..at best, are still having to guess. Dr mucooloch, for example, his best evidence now is "time correlated" which says he doesn't know the mechanism. Dr John's latest guest is a vascular surgeon and even he said "we are dealing with stuff we don't understand". You need to admit you don't understand, and respect the people who do. I was the first person on the planet to identify and warn correctly of the mechanism of harm, it's obvious science. But you all can't process those specific facts. I can easily prove all of this, but get nowhere because ypu all just think you know better. Did you know that nobody even bothered to learn about the second half of the spike. NOBODY. I can talk for hrs about it's details, and it's more important than the first half. I bet you don't even know it has a transmembrane anchor? Or is homologous to spike from oc43? Oh, right. None of you even bothered to learn the names for the other coronaviruses yet. After four years. So you don't know why half the planet was asymptomatic.
You are all being ridiculously ignorant AND arrogant, and that's keeping you on his endless hell. Your value systems are all back to front. You literally CANT do the science. So respect those of us who can, or you will be stuck in round two... The path to truth is inquiry. Stop telling, and start asking. It's that simple.
That's not what I asked you. Your a scientist. Do science. I ask you to describe something. You describe it. Stop sending me links. Demonstrate you know the theory. What is "carpet bombing of the endothelium", for example. Describe that to me like I'm a biology student. I bet you can't.
Oh, and I'm not trying to make anyone guess. I know you all can't comprehend the answer. The facts. What I know. With the evidence. I asked for the scientists here to do science and discuss respectfully with me. They have all fucked off. So screw the lot of you. I can wait and just watch you all floundering around helplessly. Four years of his bullshit is quite enough, thankyou.
27 million dead. Society in ruins. You are all doing it to yourselves.
I do believe this Will is quite possibly mentally bereft. Definitely appears to have not received enough LOVE. Who in their right mind writes like this person?
Looking at how Will has flooded this thread, he's looking exactly like a paid (or not) troll.
He's obviously no scientist (the guy can barely spell).
And he's vociferous with his comments of "no one appreciates my brilliance" but is strangely non-responsive whenever anyone asks for a link to his work.
I don't have to do anything you tell me. I've been telling the planet everyday for 3 years. You all ignore and turn nasty. So why should I. I've stated If I can get an interview with Jessica or Dr John in public I'll tell you all, but I'm done being treated like crap by you all, and so is Dr bhakdi. Stay in your confusing hell. Ive put a price tag on my efforts. 2 billion dollars. I don't have to help you all anymore. You don't deserve it.
Here is a proof. Can you tell me what Marc GIRARDOT s bolus dose theory is all about? Can you tell me what Dr bhakdi told you was the mechanism of harm? If you can't describe what Dr bhakdi told you all 50 times over, then it's clear you can't comprehend basic immunology. And you should therefore admit that and be respectful of people who can. It's really simple. But you all jist can't comprehend it. That's why your here with Jessica still guessing away.. is it the LNP? NO!!! Is it the spike damaging? NO!!!!!!
It is fascinating. It's fascinating how you all forgot basic immunology. Pre existing cross reactive immunty via t cells to the S2 part of the highly conserved S2 subunit. The whole planet forgot all of that stuff. The science was done. Nobody cared. They have then rediscovered tis over and over and over, and still nobody cares. I'm the only expert on the S2 part of the spike. Go try to find anyone doing a video on the S2 part. You will only find me. No other experts talk about it, if I ask anyone, they have no clue. Since I'm the only one, that means there are no COVID experts at all. You can't be an expert if ypu didn't even learn half the spike. Or noticed that all the coronaviruses weren't monitored by any institution the entire time. None of you even noticed that either. Only one guy, Dr Ben MacFarland, has the knowledge on cross reactivity. And the poor guy does videos, and nobody listens or task to him.
This is Will R Thomson’s thesis which you can read, in full on his Substack:
“It seems obvious to me, having researched this subject for over 50000 hours, that the mechanism of action whereby the cells of the body are instructed to produce and present foreign proteins shall inevitably lead to an auto immune attack by the bodies "hidden assassin" cd8 killer t cells. This shall, if the protein presents there, result in cellular damage anywhere in the body.
This would have a wide range of harmful consequences which would present as damage to cells in organs, such as the heart and the brain, kidneys or spleen, as well as the probability of damage to the lining of the blood vessels which would lead to abnormal levels of clotting agents being released all over the body.” You can find his letter on his Substack. Read it.
As regards Dr Sharif Sultan, I believe his intention was to describe what he is seeing, warn people to think twice about taking the product, though he was careful to request the Pharma Companies to provide scientific reasons why anyone should and challenged them to tell the people about the potential adverse effects and to explain to those who will take it, which or whether, the medical circumstances in which they definitely should not. But the most valuable thing he did was to come out and state that there are serious problems because, he is a practicing Vascular and Endovascular surgeon. So far, anyone shouting alarm to date has been embalmers, anonymous whistle blowers and scientists, science researchers etc no one I know conducting operations daily and trying to save lives has had the guts to do this. That’s the value of his contribution.
Jabbing Endotoxin (4 ng/kg IV) in healthy Human volunteers doubled circulating TF+ monocytes, decreased FVIIa levels, induced Thrombin, increased plasma levels of circulating polymerized, but not cross-linked, Fibrin (ie, thrombus precursor protein).
But that's still not an explanation for the mechanism of harm. What you have to do, Geoff, is when someone correctly explains it, is then repeat that. That's where you are all going wrong. The whole planet has been told over and over, you all just go back to guessing and thinking you know better. That's why it's still a mystery. You are all doing it. Insanity at its finest.
See my article from January 2023 where I show that Clotting was fully understood in the context of VITT caused by AstraZeneca and Pfizer Jabs. PF4/polyanion IgG
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and what the Blood Banks know
No, Geoff, I won't go look at what you think you know, no offence intended. This is why you are all stuck in a mystery. Endlessly. The MECHANSIM of harm is obvious and has been explained to the world repeatedly. I am literally the ONLY expert on the planet. All the rest of you keep forgetting obvious facts, then you won't listen to those few of us who do have the answers. The pathology reports are full of the evidence and you all ..at best, are still having to guess. Dr mucooloch, for example, his best evidence now is "time correlated" which says he doesn't know the mechanism. Dr John's latest guest is a vascular surgeon and even he said "we are dealing with stuff we don't understand". You need to admit you don't understand, and respect the people who do. I was the first person on the planet to identify and warn correctly of the mechanism of harm, it's obvious science. But you all can't process those specific facts. I can easily prove all of this, but get nowhere because ypu all just think you know better. Did you know that nobody even bothered to learn about the second half of the spike. NOBODY. I can talk for hrs about it's details, and it's more important than the first half. I bet you don't even know it has a transmembrane anchor? Or is homologous to spike from oc43? Oh, right. None of you even bothered to learn the names for the other coronaviruses yet. After four years. So you don't know why half the planet was asymptomatic.
You are all being ridiculously ignorant AND arrogant, and that's keeping you on his endless hell. Your value systems are all back to front. You literally CANT do the science. So respect those of us who can, or you will be stuck in round two... The path to truth is inquiry. Stop telling, and start asking. It's that simple.
Bolus does not account for the victim count.
That's not what I asked you. Your a scientist. Do science. I ask you to describe something. You describe it. Stop sending me links. Demonstrate you know the theory. What is "carpet bombing of the endothelium", for example. Describe that to me like I'm a biology student. I bet you can't.
If you have a theory, you should just say it rather than playing this little game of charades.
“I’m thinking of two words, the first one sounds like…”
No one wants to try to guess what you think.
Queen - EXACTLY!
Oh, and I'm not trying to make anyone guess. I know you all can't comprehend the answer. The facts. What I know. With the evidence. I asked for the scientists here to do science and discuss respectfully with me. They have all fucked off. So screw the lot of you. I can wait and just watch you all floundering around helplessly. Four years of his bullshit is quite enough, thankyou.
27 million dead. Society in ruins. You are all doing it to yourselves.
Would you please explain your theory? Do you have a link? I’ve never seen you before.
I do believe this Will is quite possibly mentally bereft. Definitely appears to have not received enough LOVE. Who in their right mind writes like this person?
Looking at how Will has flooded this thread, he's looking exactly like a paid (or not) troll.
He's obviously no scientist (the guy can barely spell).
And he's vociferous with his comments of "no one appreciates my brilliance" but is strangely non-responsive whenever anyone asks for a link to his work.
There is a definite behavioral issue or cognitive deficit.
I don't have to do anything you tell me. I've been telling the planet everyday for 3 years. You all ignore and turn nasty. So why should I. I've stated If I can get an interview with Jessica or Dr John in public I'll tell you all, but I'm done being treated like crap by you all, and so is Dr bhakdi. Stay in your confusing hell. Ive put a price tag on my efforts. 2 billion dollars. I don't have to help you all anymore. You don't deserve it.
Here is a proof. Can you tell me what Marc GIRARDOT s bolus dose theory is all about? Can you tell me what Dr bhakdi told you was the mechanism of harm? If you can't describe what Dr bhakdi told you all 50 times over, then it's clear you can't comprehend basic immunology. And you should therefore admit that and be respectful of people who can. It's really simple. But you all jist can't comprehend it. That's why your here with Jessica still guessing away.. is it the LNP? NO!!! Is it the spike damaging? NO!!!!!!
It is fascinating. It's fascinating how you all forgot basic immunology. Pre existing cross reactive immunty via t cells to the S2 part of the highly conserved S2 subunit. The whole planet forgot all of that stuff. The science was done. Nobody cared. They have then rediscovered tis over and over and over, and still nobody cares. I'm the only expert on the S2 part of the spike. Go try to find anyone doing a video on the S2 part. You will only find me. No other experts talk about it, if I ask anyone, they have no clue. Since I'm the only one, that means there are no COVID experts at all. You can't be an expert if ypu didn't even learn half the spike. Or noticed that all the coronaviruses weren't monitored by any institution the entire time. None of you even noticed that either. Only one guy, Dr Ben MacFarland, has the knowledge on cross reactivity. And the poor guy does videos, and nobody listens or task to him.
How often do you engage in these delusions of grandeur?
Have to go now. I'll come back in about 12 hours from now.
This is Will R Thomson’s thesis which you can read, in full on his Substack:
“It seems obvious to me, having researched this subject for over 50000 hours, that the mechanism of action whereby the cells of the body are instructed to produce and present foreign proteins shall inevitably lead to an auto immune attack by the bodies "hidden assassin" cd8 killer t cells. This shall, if the protein presents there, result in cellular damage anywhere in the body.
This would have a wide range of harmful consequences which would present as damage to cells in organs, such as the heart and the brain, kidneys or spleen, as well as the probability of damage to the lining of the blood vessels which would lead to abnormal levels of clotting agents being released all over the body.” You can find his letter on his Substack. Read it.
As regards Dr Sharif Sultan, I believe his intention was to describe what he is seeing, warn people to think twice about taking the product, though he was careful to request the Pharma Companies to provide scientific reasons why anyone should and challenged them to tell the people about the potential adverse effects and to explain to those who will take it, which or whether, the medical circumstances in which they definitely should not. But the most valuable thing he did was to come out and state that there are serious problems because, he is a practicing Vascular and Endovascular surgeon. So far, anyone shouting alarm to date has been embalmers, anonymous whistle blowers and scientists, science researchers etc no one I know conducting operations daily and trying to save lives has had the guts to do this. That’s the value of his contribution.