Oh, and I'm not trying to make anyone guess. I know you all can't comprehend the answer. The facts. What I know. With the evidence. I asked for the scientists here to do science and discuss respectfully with me. They have all fucked off. So screw the lot of you. I can wait and just watch you all floundering around helplessly. Four years of his bullshit is quite enough, thankyou.
27 million dead. Society in ruins. You are all doing it to yourselves.
I do believe this Will is quite possibly mentally bereft. Definitely appears to have not received enough LOVE. Who in their right mind writes like this person?
Looking at how Will has flooded this thread, he's looking exactly like a paid (or not) troll.
He's obviously no scientist (the guy can barely spell).
And he's vociferous with his comments of "no one appreciates my brilliance" but is strangely non-responsive whenever anyone asks for a link to his work.
I don't have to do anything you tell me. I've been telling the planet everyday for 3 years. You all ignore and turn nasty. So why should I. I've stated If I can get an interview with Jessica or Dr John in public I'll tell you all, but I'm done being treated like crap by you all, and so is Dr bhakdi. Stay in your confusing hell. Ive put a price tag on my efforts. 2 billion dollars. I don't have to help you all anymore. You don't deserve it.
If you have a theory, you should just say it rather than playing this little game of charades.
“I’m thinking of two words, the first one sounds like…”
No one wants to try to guess what you think.
Queen - EXACTLY!
Oh, and I'm not trying to make anyone guess. I know you all can't comprehend the answer. The facts. What I know. With the evidence. I asked for the scientists here to do science and discuss respectfully with me. They have all fucked off. So screw the lot of you. I can wait and just watch you all floundering around helplessly. Four years of his bullshit is quite enough, thankyou.
27 million dead. Society in ruins. You are all doing it to yourselves.
Would you please explain your theory? Do you have a link? I’ve never seen you before.
I do believe this Will is quite possibly mentally bereft. Definitely appears to have not received enough LOVE. Who in their right mind writes like this person?
Looking at how Will has flooded this thread, he's looking exactly like a paid (or not) troll.
He's obviously no scientist (the guy can barely spell).
And he's vociferous with his comments of "no one appreciates my brilliance" but is strangely non-responsive whenever anyone asks for a link to his work.
There is a definite behavioral issue or cognitive deficit.
I don't have to do anything you tell me. I've been telling the planet everyday for 3 years. You all ignore and turn nasty. So why should I. I've stated If I can get an interview with Jessica or Dr John in public I'll tell you all, but I'm done being treated like crap by you all, and so is Dr bhakdi. Stay in your confusing hell. Ive put a price tag on my efforts. 2 billion dollars. I don't have to help you all anymore. You don't deserve it.