If my take on things is accurate, and my professional observations over the last three decades are correct, along with my current existence as a pseudo romantical friend to abused women numbering at this point seven, then my approximate contact with over ten thousand different women of all ages, creeds, religions, occupations, etc in a p…
If my take on things is accurate, and my professional observations over the last three decades are correct, along with my current existence as a pseudo romantical friend to abused women numbering at this point seven, then my approximate contact with over ten thousand different women of all ages, creeds, religions, occupations, etc in a professional context, over thirty years gives me a correlative opportunity to be a bit more than an amateur on God's most beautiful creation.
They are all the same but all different and that is not an oxymoron. My preponderancy to being bold and perhaps thought to be a fool who rushes in where angels fear to tread, has resulted in being close to a few in a friendship where emotions exist but the required respect, cherishment, and understanding thrives that is necessary to close friendships existing twixt I and they, though I well realize I do not merit the pleasure of the contact with any of them.
I am of the opinion women have been under attack since 1969 and I would quantify women are of two separate entities, one of which is the "real" woman and the other of which I would refer to as incomprehensible to my limited capacity to figure them out though I can and do still respect them yet disapprove of their perspectives.
So it is the first category I find here on Substack who take my breath away and you might be correct in saying euphoria is the effect they have on me though it is not "fake jab induced" but a natural "ism" that possesses me as I observe in wonder the real women anywhere I see and meet them resulting in my deep appreciation of who and what they are.
They have not in many cases been well treated and this is a shame to me and others of my sex. I stood yesterday at the end of a job with a man and his wife, telling him that I have found women are more possessed of the nobler character traits and more intelligent than men as his wife smiled and he disagreed.
I had not the time to explain the most beautiful sight to see is that look of complete dedicated affection on the face of a mother the moment a doctor in a delivery room, places the baby she has carried for nine months in her arms and she takes her first look at her child and immediately that "look" I refer to appears. I have seen that four times as I was present for the birth of our four children and multiple times more when I have sat at church in the upper gallery noting the young mothers with their children as they tend to them and focus a gaze on them so affection filled that it beggars description.
Thus my euphoria but not at all fueled by anything except the realization of the "wonder" of these daughters of Eve. Their beauty flows from within out and over and into me as a beautiful woman must be possessed of in its inner character capacity to excellence.
Thus the most beautiful sights in life are free to those who comprehend what they are and the ways of a woman with a child, or the strength of an intelligent woman defending the Truth that fills the essence of my capacity to cherish same and is best described in my case as a "celebration" of who and what a real woman is.
In Dr J's case, that is a given as well with others here whose words give vent to their character. I am different of course, and one woman who I am closest to as a best friend once told me "There are none like you Edward" and I quipped back, "Is that good or bad" being a smart ass. She quickly replied, "You are a terrible man" and I immediately played the "sad ass" role to which she said, "but I still cherish you." I laughed as did she and there is another I cannot outwit who I occasionally take out to discuss at her behest my opinions of her BF. Ditto for any woman who has been hurt who seem to latch unto my words of encouragement and recognition of who and what they are.
I do not touch any of them, but if they instigate their sensory desire to communicate by hugging me, it brings out the tolerance and strength in me to suffer their embrace even though I hate it but soldier on so as to put up with it and not hurt their feelings. I did tell that to one woman and she immediately called me a "LIAR" to which we both laughed.
The innermost created character God gave man was to cherish and protect them, but it has morphed into evil I will not dignify by identification.
We were created for each other both simultaneously inferior and superior to the other but the strengths of a woman over man and the strengths of a man over a woman were calculated to compensate for the weaknesses of either.
That is how it was and that is how it should be. I now would praise my Creator for His creation of woman and ask what would life be without them? It is not a life I would want to live.
Well, thankyou for that long montribe. I study and observe how the planet seems to think it is their job to just judge the scientist performance. Whenever Dr John gives you a correct answer, like "what is the mechanism of harm". What you all do is exactly what you just did. You ignore the facts that need to be repeated and shared. And you all jist start judging the man. Total lunacy. Try stop deciding you think you can judge everybody. We are doing a science crisis, and the information matters. Repeat that. Most of Dr John's comments is full of jidgmedntal idiots talking like they are in a position to judge. And they are so busy being self important. They don't bother discussing the science that the entire planet wants to know. Bear in mind doctors comments sections are 99% devoid of scientists like myself, medical are hiding from discussion and debate. Comments are full of conspiracy theorists with zero knowledge, guessing away. Or people just judging the show everyday. Total insanity. Then you all wonder why no experts can find the answers. Err. Try repeating the answers when you are told. That might help.
1st and foremost: the lens I look at life with is skepticism, sometimes healthy but veering more toward distrust. I remain 'open' but even that is an overstatement when I reflect on how LONG I take to change my opinion.
I watched the 'medical freedom' movement emerge from the darkness of 2020 (I've now learned there were true pioneers before this cataclysmic event). While some in the "movement" provide excellent analysis to consider, many have fallen prey to their natural human nature and the demand for attention has become a tad pathetic for me. I do not judge them harshly but I do judge them.
As for medical doctors, I have never trusted them for some unknown reason and have taken very little 'medicine', including flu shots, supplements, etc. The indifference my own PCP has displayed, particularly in our last visit where she threatened me (and, I confronted her) that she would not be my doctor if I didn't have an annual mammogram (no family history, etc). I also explained to her that she is not helping people by handing out referrals for all the blood clots she is finding in her patients and reminded her of her oath to 'do no harm'. It fell on deaf ears because the medical care system that we, as Americans, are REQUIRED by law to participate in, is beholden to their employer whose main goal is PROFITS. This is such an important and overlooked nuance.
Finally, as I approach the autumn of my life, I reflect more on matters less important than the physical body. Recently, I read Mark 5:25 - 34. Many know this story of the woman with the issue of blood. If you read closely, for 12 years she went to physicians who took all of her money and made her more physically ill.
Things that make you want to say 'hmmmm'.
Best of luck getting through to people who follow blindly.
If my take on things is accurate, and my professional observations over the last three decades are correct, along with my current existence as a pseudo romantical friend to abused women numbering at this point seven, then my approximate contact with over ten thousand different women of all ages, creeds, religions, occupations, etc in a professional context, over thirty years gives me a correlative opportunity to be a bit more than an amateur on God's most beautiful creation.
They are all the same but all different and that is not an oxymoron. My preponderancy to being bold and perhaps thought to be a fool who rushes in where angels fear to tread, has resulted in being close to a few in a friendship where emotions exist but the required respect, cherishment, and understanding thrives that is necessary to close friendships existing twixt I and they, though I well realize I do not merit the pleasure of the contact with any of them.
I am of the opinion women have been under attack since 1969 and I would quantify women are of two separate entities, one of which is the "real" woman and the other of which I would refer to as incomprehensible to my limited capacity to figure them out though I can and do still respect them yet disapprove of their perspectives.
So it is the first category I find here on Substack who take my breath away and you might be correct in saying euphoria is the effect they have on me though it is not "fake jab induced" but a natural "ism" that possesses me as I observe in wonder the real women anywhere I see and meet them resulting in my deep appreciation of who and what they are.
They have not in many cases been well treated and this is a shame to me and others of my sex. I stood yesterday at the end of a job with a man and his wife, telling him that I have found women are more possessed of the nobler character traits and more intelligent than men as his wife smiled and he disagreed.
I had not the time to explain the most beautiful sight to see is that look of complete dedicated affection on the face of a mother the moment a doctor in a delivery room, places the baby she has carried for nine months in her arms and she takes her first look at her child and immediately that "look" I refer to appears. I have seen that four times as I was present for the birth of our four children and multiple times more when I have sat at church in the upper gallery noting the young mothers with their children as they tend to them and focus a gaze on them so affection filled that it beggars description.
Thus my euphoria but not at all fueled by anything except the realization of the "wonder" of these daughters of Eve. Their beauty flows from within out and over and into me as a beautiful woman must be possessed of in its inner character capacity to excellence.
Thus the most beautiful sights in life are free to those who comprehend what they are and the ways of a woman with a child, or the strength of an intelligent woman defending the Truth that fills the essence of my capacity to cherish same and is best described in my case as a "celebration" of who and what a real woman is.
In Dr J's case, that is a given as well with others here whose words give vent to their character. I am different of course, and one woman who I am closest to as a best friend once told me "There are none like you Edward" and I quipped back, "Is that good or bad" being a smart ass. She quickly replied, "You are a terrible man" and I immediately played the "sad ass" role to which she said, "but I still cherish you." I laughed as did she and there is another I cannot outwit who I occasionally take out to discuss at her behest my opinions of her BF. Ditto for any woman who has been hurt who seem to latch unto my words of encouragement and recognition of who and what they are.
I do not touch any of them, but if they instigate their sensory desire to communicate by hugging me, it brings out the tolerance and strength in me to suffer their embrace even though I hate it but soldier on so as to put up with it and not hurt their feelings. I did tell that to one woman and she immediately called me a "LIAR" to which we both laughed.
The innermost created character God gave man was to cherish and protect them, but it has morphed into evil I will not dignify by identification.
We were created for each other both simultaneously inferior and superior to the other but the strengths of a woman over man and the strengths of a man over a woman were calculated to compensate for the weaknesses of either.
That is how it was and that is how it should be. I now would praise my Creator for His creation of woman and ask what would life be without them? It is not a life I would want to live.
Well, thankyou for that long montribe. I study and observe how the planet seems to think it is their job to just judge the scientist performance. Whenever Dr John gives you a correct answer, like "what is the mechanism of harm". What you all do is exactly what you just did. You ignore the facts that need to be repeated and shared. And you all jist start judging the man. Total lunacy. Try stop deciding you think you can judge everybody. We are doing a science crisis, and the information matters. Repeat that. Most of Dr John's comments is full of jidgmedntal idiots talking like they are in a position to judge. And they are so busy being self important. They don't bother discussing the science that the entire planet wants to know. Bear in mind doctors comments sections are 99% devoid of scientists like myself, medical are hiding from discussion and debate. Comments are full of conspiracy theorists with zero knowledge, guessing away. Or people just judging the show everyday. Total insanity. Then you all wonder why no experts can find the answers. Err. Try repeating the answers when you are told. That might help.
1st and foremost: the lens I look at life with is skepticism, sometimes healthy but veering more toward distrust. I remain 'open' but even that is an overstatement when I reflect on how LONG I take to change my opinion.
I watched the 'medical freedom' movement emerge from the darkness of 2020 (I've now learned there were true pioneers before this cataclysmic event). While some in the "movement" provide excellent analysis to consider, many have fallen prey to their natural human nature and the demand for attention has become a tad pathetic for me. I do not judge them harshly but I do judge them.
As for medical doctors, I have never trusted them for some unknown reason and have taken very little 'medicine', including flu shots, supplements, etc. The indifference my own PCP has displayed, particularly in our last visit where she threatened me (and, I confronted her) that she would not be my doctor if I didn't have an annual mammogram (no family history, etc). I also explained to her that she is not helping people by handing out referrals for all the blood clots she is finding in her patients and reminded her of her oath to 'do no harm'. It fell on deaf ears because the medical care system that we, as Americans, are REQUIRED by law to participate in, is beholden to their employer whose main goal is PROFITS. This is such an important and overlooked nuance.
Finally, as I approach the autumn of my life, I reflect more on matters less important than the physical body. Recently, I read Mark 5:25 - 34. Many know this story of the woman with the issue of blood. If you read closely, for 12 years she went to physicians who took all of her money and made her more physically ill.
Things that make you want to say 'hmmmm'.
Best of luck getting through to people who follow blindly.
I bid you warmest regards.
keg - ahhh, thank you for your amazing answer & explanation 🙌