What have you found the mechanism of harm to be? Is it the pseudouridine? The fact that it’s not messenger RNA and it’s modified RNA. If you know it’s not the LNP and it’s not the spike. Would you kindly share your painstaking efforts to help save others? Would pinpointing the mechanism of harm give a direct link to reversing it? If you …
What have you found the mechanism of harm to be? Is it the pseudouridine? The fact that it’s not messenger RNA and it’s modified RNA. If you know it’s not the LNP and it’s not the spike. Would you kindly share your painstaking efforts to help save others? Would pinpointing the mechanism of harm give a direct link to reversing it? If you truly have that life saving information. Share it and help others. How can 50,000 hours of effort to help save the world be valuable if you don’t provide it. Withholding that info itself could also be extending a mechanism of harm. Your efforts are valuable and if you have all the info to back it up, do what you can to help others. That’s the most important thing. I say all with heartfelt sincerity.
What have you found the mechanism of harm to be? Is it the pseudouridine? The fact that it’s not messenger RNA and it’s modified RNA. If you know it’s not the LNP and it’s not the spike. Would you kindly share your painstaking efforts to help save others? Would pinpointing the mechanism of harm give a direct link to reversing it? If you truly have that life saving information. Share it and help others. How can 50,000 hours of effort to help save the world be valuable if you don’t provide it. Withholding that info itself could also be extending a mechanism of harm. Your efforts are valuable and if you have all the info to back it up, do what you can to help others. That’s the most important thing. I say all with heartfelt sincerity.