This is an existential battle for everyone. They are playing for all the marbles. Their actions have exposed who so many of them are and they know they'll never be forgiven for this genocide so they have no way out but to stay all-in on the carnage.

I just want to stay alive long enough to see them held to account. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

Clock's ticking, you sub-human psychos and spineless, grifting enablers.

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That’s a great reason to stay alive. 👌🏾

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Me too, have been doing as you say and speaking out at every oportunity. Most people now really they have been lied to but not my close family. I will fight to the end

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If you can breathe one more breath

Take one more step

Throw one more punch

Or write one more letter

It's not yet over.

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Just how much longer do the elite, many politicians, msm, some qualified medical people think we will listen to their obvious lies that these vaccines are "Safe & Effective". There is too many highly qualified scientists/health professionals or injured/bereaved people giving peer reviewed proof that these covid jabs are killing & disabling those who take them. We must " Fight for our Lives".

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Agree we have to fight for our lives! But how can we be strategic with our fight? I suggest how here...


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This is all definitely in the right direction, though I'm not going past yer pay wall, 'cause I know all that & have more important things to do with the little $ I have

...but do you get to the part where these "bad guys" are all literally, terribly enslaved?

That fact changes the tone of the story drastically in my eyes

Thx, aand keep up the good work brotha

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It seems, they want to rule. The 300 are promised what they want. An island, farm land, adrenochrome. How did Oprah buy up all that land in Lahaina? Is the Mayor going to be allowed to live there with her? Who owns all the Islands? Hawaii better look out for other choice places to live. What’s happening in all the other coastal states?

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Me too... especially for the children! I have 3 toddler grandkids!

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Do grow vegetables... Can't fight without food, water and fuel.

Out-survive the "owners", please.

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Are peanuts easy to grow? If you soak peanuts without skins , you take most of the lectins out. You can then blend or mash up a bit with a banana. It’s delicious. Keeps you satisfied all day too.

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eat the skins - really good for you. Don't worry about lectins much.... the blue zones where people healthily live to 100 all consume legumes every day.

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I have never tried to grow peanuts. I have researched it a couple of times and decided not to do so at my small scale.

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Same here. Pride won't allow some of them to acknowledge they gave others bad advice and took their own bad advice, particularly those in the medical field. Fear of what they allowed to be done to their bodies prevents the others from acknowledging the wrongs perpetrated upon them.

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Yes. Thanks. I love all these infinitely powerful words. I extend by noting IMHO/experiences (hugely in suicide, traumatic rebirth, natural health, and especially 'energies' and altering our realities via brain energies) that what we imagine to be 'real', actually is not. The awesome power (it's infinite) of our individual and collective brain energies are best understood via pagan and ancient wisdoms, which have not been distorted by our modern beliefs about time, space, gravity, and 'information', which, among many other crucial life-forces has no 'mass'; therefore Einsteinian relativity theory and quantum, chaos, string and entanglement theories are all irreconcilable with each other. We should ask the question, "If our conscious and subconscious energies cease to exist, does anything actually exist at all?" Rather like, "If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound?" We are all 'one' in a very real sense perhaps (certainly in my view/experience), in one moment of what we imagine to be linear time, which actually is not. Whether we go infinitely deep inside our own souls, or infinitely far and wide externally to what we believe to be the universe(es), we come to the same thing, which basically is nothing; which is everything, provided we imagine it :)

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Sir, you are ready for the full story, these are top notch assertions. Technological progress has in fact been hidden from us and acience fiction authors have been employed to lie about their foreshadowing, which is merely predictive programming of a master race ideology in all monotheistic facets of the bamboozlement - here is the link: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/sabrina-wallace-explains-bio-sensors

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Thank you, I value your help beyond words.

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Get with God and you will have a front row seat to the judgement. If judgement on earth doesn’t happen, have peace that it absolutely will in God’s time. And I almost feel bad how brutal it may be. God is a fair God, full of Grace, but HE makes it crystal clear that harm, especially intentional harm, to HIS children does NOT go unpunished. Read C.S. Lewis, “ Mere Christianity” if you need a brilliant resource. He was once atheist, and logically ( believe it or not), came to the conclusion that there HAS to be a GOD.

And my GOD is NOT cowering in fear to these corporate cowards. Neither am I. The Truth will win. GOD has never lost a battle. Testimony & blood of the lamb is what hurts evil now. Spiritual Warfare by Dean Sherman is another great book. ( also Derek Prince)

Walk without fear knowing your protection is solid. Rebuke evil in Jesus’ name, daily. We got this! We just need faith warriors to believe the power that is within each of us. God would never create a battle , we aren’t equipped to win. Why were churches shut down during lockdowns? Deemed non-essential? Because “ they” know the power of believers coming together. Their biggest fear is that we gain the knowledge that we were given by God. Be bold, be courageous & do not comply! DO NOT COMPLY!

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Sep 16, 2023
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*demon enslaved outstanding individuals, but ya...that is THE problem

I'm just still wondering if there's a part of all of them left that's "praying" those of us who haven't succumbed to any of the traps...solve it

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Definitely. I see it all the time.

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Sep 16, 2023
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Haha, sorry. I say "they" are/were all good people at heart, who are also very intelligent

...who probably most of the time/in most cases, accidentally ended up in a horrible position that there is no graceful way out of, which forces them to do the dirt they do

I honestly don't believe they enjoy, nor even want to be doing what they're doing, anymore than you or I would

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Sep 17, 2023
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Oh I do...aand I agree with you

I'm just saying that I believe there are details to that whole end of things, because just that statement alone, doesn't answer all the questions, & suddenly make everything about the world make sense

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Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty felt a bit ill

He went to the doctor

And got the new jab

Then fell off the wall

And broke on a slab


But at least he didn't die from Covid

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If you're happy and you know it

Say no way

If you're happy and you know it

Say no way

If you're happy and you know it

But the politicians blow it

If you're happy and you know it

Say no way

To any mRNA gene therapies

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If you're happy and you NO it

Say no way

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Those would both fit on the back of a T-shirt , js

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......an XXXL t-shirt


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I bought a shirt early in the scamdemic that says "Fear is the only virus". I checked online for a friend the other day. They are still available.

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This is a little darker, but still a children's rhyme, English roots:


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Thanks for the giggle!

*applauds until hands turn bright pink*

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CJ for Poet Laureate!

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Could have been so much worse

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Thanks for the giggle!

*Applauds until hands turn bright pink*

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Conway Judge - Terrific use of nursery rhymes!

I'm looking forward to your work once you get to kindergarten.

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I agree the message must be shouted load and clear - DO NOT COMPLY! - watched this last night and it struck a chord: 'Why are People so Obedient? - Compliance and Tyranny'


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Patricia, thank you for sharing that link; it's very succinct. I'll be sharing it.

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I'm only half way through it, so far is great!

This is why polls always lean towards the Democrat candidate. Like 2020 in PA, CNN was going on about how Biden was leading Trump, yet when questioning people on the street, CNN couldn't find even one person who said they were voting for Biden. The polls were wrong. They were designed to make people believe that Biden was liked by more people.

This was two part though. One part was making people believe that Biden was popular. The second part was making the rigged election appear legitimate.

This year, 2024, they don't have that cover. Nobody believes that Biden can win. So what happens next?

We'll have to see.

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Sep 16, 2023
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Sep 16, 2023
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Oh but didn't you know NPR is fair and unbiased??🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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"Are 'they' trying to kill us?"

Do bears poop in the forest?

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I think they don't care if people die. Their intention is to keep making profits not to kill off the human species, in my opinion. I could be wrong. I don't think they're smart enough to design something that they categorically KNEW would off people.

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Jessica, fascinating post and one that echoes my own sentiments for the best part but I personally think that they DO want the majority of us gone. 8 billion people on the planet is simply unsustainable. Human advancement and now AI (achieved with the collective stupendous brains, blood, sweat and tears of US not THEM) has reached the stage where THEY can and will reap the benefits of our toil. They do not even need us as a serf class. It won't even be about making profit as with a small elite class left living, with everything they need already in existence (no more need to mine for minerals and metals; no more planetary destruction) they can live the halcyon life that we all thought was coming for ALL of us in the 21st century. Now it seems we're not to be part of that future. The perfect planet we all dream of will be for them and not us. Their offspring and not ours. It's even more than just the bankers - there is a hierarchy of leaders, politicians, movers and shakers all wanting their place in the ark. I want names.

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I humbly submit that you think the world is overpopulated mostly because of the drip, drip of propaganda over decades, not because of objective evidence.

I don’t mean to be critical or a smartarse.

But I have read tracts of a great book which counters that Club of Rome propaganda and instead shows a picture of human & ecosystem flourishing.

I’m blanking on the name of the book which does a good job of counterbalancing Club of Rome “humans are like a cancer on the world”.

We’re not boiling the climate.

We’re not running out of food.

We’re not exhausting non renewable resources.

We’ve not run out of space.

We’ve got better at minimising environmental damage, but there are negative consequences of being around. Don’t be concerned. We won’t be here forever & earth and its ecosystems will be just fine after we’ve all disappeared.

As people begin to rise above subsistence, even modest earnings prompts people to care for their local environment. Consider Europe’s rivers and lakes in the early 20th century compared to now. I’m not unaware that “de-industrialisation” (short form for “ensuring your utter dependence on supply chains that the perpetrators control”) has played a significant role in clean up. The point is, it is possible if there’s the will, and there is.

Mired in a ghastly financial system run by criminal central bankers is by far the greatest threat to all life on earth because they have shown through history that there’s nothing they won’t do to retain hegemony.

Very many of the worst things happening now, almost everywhere, are the results of decisions made by individuals who are powerful because of the weight of capital they control. Most wars & all large scale wars are a consequence of a group of such ultra powerful individuals acting in concert. Usually, the problem to which war is their preferred solution is countries resisting the installation of a financial cuckoo in their countries in the form of a private, central bank. If you’ve not yet seen the video I posted yesterday on our shared Telegram channel, you may be astonished (or not, depending on your priors) to realise how all encompassing ultra-capital & the monopolistic model of private lending, at interest, is in controlling the destiny of nations.

I may be wrong, but I think there’s an agenda beyond money. Too many things are happening, and look likely to deepen, that will result in injury, maiming and killing of very large numbers of innocent people.

If mere control, right down to the level of individual, is the goal of those I call the perpetrators, there would be no need to plot to manufacture & coerce the injection into billions of people materials, masquerading as vaccines, which my extensive experience of so-called “rational drug design” shows are intentionally harmful. So pleased are the authorities with the mRNA technology that they’re building out manufacturing facilities all over the world to prepare billions more doses of mRNA-based injections.

What does the reasonable person expect will happen to those doses? They’re going to be injected into billions of people, who will then fall ill and many die.

I humbly note that at this point, operating as if the perpetrators aren’t psychopathic demons is a very risky bet. If you follow their script, and it turns out I’m right, you’ll lose your freedoms and probably your life. If on the other hand, you adopt my current position, which first occurred to me in early summer 2020 & has only firmed up since, and I’m wrong, the worst that could happen is that you get laughed at.

They’ll succeed if many of us cannot or won’t look under the hood.

If enough of us recognize or choose to accept the judgment & arguments of people like me, former “Normies” to boot, the perpetrators will be unable to succeed. They rely on propaganda and most of us meekly doing what we’re told.

Their model of control fails if even a significant minority stand up and face them with a “No” (& mean it, like Novak Djokovic). Or, turn our backs on them. Either way, that would force them to break cover and get a whole lot more medieval. They are aware that, even with the practise their antecedents have had, doing away with many billions of people is difficult. If they have to escalate their tyranny, that’ll represent a trigger for many. Then the chips will fall where they may. De-globalisation is one of many actions we’re going to have to find ways to make happen. That severs centralised power.

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Hey buddy. You must watch this video. It's such a brilliant and comprehensive story of the sheit. https://twitter.com/Inversionism/status/1702711372117586316

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Yep, I’ve seen it, it’s very clearly done.

I stumbled upon Smedley Butler & thought “OMG, they almost had a coup! And who names their kid, Smedley?”

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I think that I ran into Smedley maybe in the early 2000s or even earlier. Those of us who have resisted the narrative have been run off most social media and are still being run off it. I got banned by Twitter again in the last few days for nothing and they got real mad when I kept appealing the ban and changed the suspension from 'you can continue to peruse your posts but can't post anymore' to a 'this account is suspended notice' and not even being able to log in.

Who banned me on Twitter though? I doubt that Twitter did that banning. I figure it might have been the NZ Government again or a combination of them and the ADL (who are nothing other than Mafia) as I decided to call them out considering that such calling out might be listened to at last.

I always seem to get banned in election years in NZ.

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I love your work Jessica. THanks for doing all you do for humanity. You are a warrior woman. Amazon queen.

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I agree with you, Michael. So many people have unknowingly been taken in (completely) by the overpopulation/climate/scarcity propaganda.

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It appears to me that their chosen means of exercising totalitarian control over us - the imposition of regressive Net Zero policies, lockdowns, masks and 'vaccine' mandates - result or will result in high numbers of injuries and deaths. Perhaps this is acceptable collateral damage or perhaps it's not a bug, but a feature. I tend more to the latter.

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Elon Musk thinks the earth could handle 18 billion people, so we don't need to cull 7 billion to make the WEF, the Club of Rome, Klaus, Bill, Algore, John Kerry, Greta, Jane Goodall, and King Charles happy. These people don't need slaves; they want us gone. The people who boarded the trains to the concentration camps in Germany also did not believe they were to be exterminated. They thought the Nazis wanted to steal their property and force them to do slave labor. They just couldn't believe anyone could be so evil as to gas them by the millions and fry them in ovens. Jessica, there are people in this world who are so evil that they want to kill off 90% of us useless biscuit eaters. Fight them!

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I think we could go higher than that. But at some stage we will reach our maximum so what happens then?

Honesty would be a good place to start. Rather than Team Beta trying to eliminate Team Alpha.

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Most demographers think the max is 8-9 billion. Birth rates fell hard everywhere where birth control and the possibility of an independent life for a female, if she so chose, was available.

Consider the acceleration of death rate & notable fall in birth rate in heavily injected countries and it may be earth has over topped its largest ever population of humans already.

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I believe that POWER is the motivator. Money is secondary.

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Except that nowadays, we have simply exported all our filthy waste, and our filthy work, to the poverty stricken masses of the Third World, and they are not happy... which is why we are seeing unprecedented levels of migration.

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Propaganda is a big chunk of it that enables those unwilling to go past the establishment lies to see how it is the glue that keeps the system together, though as anything it also is contrasted and built based on its opposite outcome, people who refuse to buy into it. Then we need to realize the damages of deindustrialization a plan for higher profits and control, but lessening power of working people. Many factors at play, nothing is one size fits all, the ONLY things that are so are purely designed as PR scams.

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You are 100% correct Mr. Yeadon. The earth can sustain 8 billion people.....they just don't want that many. Now we know unequivocally that "they knew" all along. They knew the jabs would cause disability and death. THEY KNEW!

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Thank you Dr. Yeadon for your relentless work & insight to help wake up & hopefully save mankind & our amazing Mother Earth- you are truly a very special person & hero of mine & many others. Please don't stop- we all need you!

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“Psychopathic demons” constitute spiritual antecedents. Man, short of God-given spiritual authority, is defenseless against them. If your chosen appellation was merely metaphorical, the devil has succeeded in concealing his existence. The best natural man, independent of God, can manage is to tilt against windmills.

John 15:5 Berean Literal Bible

I am the vine; you are the branches. The one abiding in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit. For apart from Me you are able to do nothing.

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That much I’ve realised, thanks be to God for his clear guidance in summer 2021. That experience alone is more than I ever expected or imagined.

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another source which demonstrates that population isn't necessarily limited is the Ringing Cedars series of novels by Vladimir Megre. the concept presented is kin's domains which are hectare (~2 acre) plots that are nurtured to provide sustainable sustenance and home to a family.

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I wasn’t aware of the Ringing Cedars novels, but I am now, thank you 🙏

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Do you prefer the Bertie Wooster and Jeeves novels or the Blandings castle novels of P.G. Wodehouse?

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the first book is titled Anastasia and sets up the rest. quite a bit of wisdom presented that runs contrary to seeking profit.

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This short and well produced video is relevant to the discussion-


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I am so grateful for all you have done and everything you say to help humanity. You were one of my first guides in navigating this debacle. You warned us all that the "top up shots" would keep coming for us until we died.

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Interesting isn't it that his name is No vak

Considering Serbian alphabet would have x as a k (more or less).

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If 8 billion people are unsustainable that would become apparent from food shortages and lack of living space. Instead we see these being created deliberately, quite the opposite of ingenuity to solve the problem, if it exists.

And if you look locally, here in the UK the politicians seem dead set on increasing the population size through immigration to continue indefinitely.

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Sort of,

We use synthetic substances and fertilizers to grow enough food.

But the microbiome of our soil is being stripped, damaged and it is taking more and more of these fertilizers and pesticides etcetera to maintain what we grow

It's sort of like, we can sprint, but not forever.

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We have kicked the rungs out on the ladder so there is no going back.

We also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will spew cancer causing toxins that remain active for thousands of years... when the power goes out the water boils off and anyone still alive... wont be alive for long

This is an extinction event (we know a fair bit about those having driving thousands of other species to extinction)

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Mr Misanthrope. What spent fuel ponds are you speaking of?

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Not to mention a lot of the food that is grown is poisoned.

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Perhaps there are alternatives to industrial agriculture


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Replacement citizens, to help nullify and eliminate the original citizens. Later on, they won’t be needed either.

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"Jessica, fascinating post "

... and by "fascinating", I am sure that you mean "terrifying" :P...

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A cull is not workable ... the supply chains collapse and those not culled starve

This is the definitive paper explaining this chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://mahb.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Trade_Off_Korowicz.pdf

Go to page 56 if you don't have time to read all of it

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I doubt they'd survive. Think of the number of people that takes to serve in maintenance, replenishment and creation of every substance, product and situation that supports and.benefits us. And who is going to prevent the rusting, leaking, and collapse of containers of toxins and biocides that would be abandoned and distributed by floods, winds, surviving species etc.?

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I think it's both

Depending on which layer you are looking at

Like there are the big CEOs and bankers of which many are disaster capitalists supreme.

But I think there are some who know full well this is killing people and intended it to do so in order to "reduce the worlds population" to be "in perpetual balance with nature" because "apex predators follow a predictable four stage growth curve, lag phase, log phase, stationary phase and then death" and for the continued survival of our species "must intervene"

But then the challenge becomes, "how do we most effectively intervene"

And if you think on this enough, you will realize the objective is much more difficult than you would imagine.

People tend to not want to die.

People tend to fight, run, retaliate, communicate.


How to most effectively solve the problem?

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Was coming here to say that.

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Great comment.

You put a bunch of emus into a containment, they'll overpopulate to extinction, every time. I don't see humans much differently, our larger brain allows us to extend the 'log' phase, but ultimately we end up the same. I guess if you are among the most powerful 0.1%, your arrogance assumes you can 'fix' it?

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I don't pretend to know, Conway, but my simple mind seeks tangible actions ... like Banning the Jab and Burning the Mask.

Feel free to copy my letter to the GOP Executive Committee to Ban the Jab:


And please use my flyer on CMS, Chronic Masking Syndrome ...


Best of luck out there,

~~ j ~~

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If they only wanted to make money off of this ... then why not inject billions with a benign substance?

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Pharma clients for life.

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Yep, all but destroy the immune system.

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Everything was triggered by the imminent financial meltdown; they set in motion a plan concocted for decades, because, as Ed Dowd said, these guys have plans for the time when they will get caught and the financial Ponzi is towards the end. So, finding more reasons to print money is more cocaine for the addicted.

But, on top of this, the hidden puppet masters have eugenicist views; they are the same that were killing and castrating people before WW2, people with fascistic views... For them, killing people is also ideological. Big pharma, corrupt politicians (including Trudolf :P) are just useful idiots...

With the collapse of the Western financial system, their power would be greatly reduced, therefore they need to change the rules of the game, so they cannot be blamed and remain in power, while we return to the dark ages. The arson from Maui shows desperation; they need to get their hands on physical property - they know what is coming.

The aggression against Russia and China is needed to achieve global dominance, leading to total enslavement of the World population. I am quite sure that they will fail - I am not too sure that we will survive.

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I don't know if it was triggered by it... the meltdown was just an unavoidable result. They bailed out the banks with taxpayer money and started it all over again with more stupid terminologies.

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Of course it was!

Like many others, I was awaken from my slumber in 2008, when I was assuming that the system just works, so I can focus on things that I actually like to do. Since then, I was following the economic shows on RT, because once I understood what caused 2008, it was for sure that this will happen again and I wanted to be (more) prepared.

So, in the fall of 2019, the RT shows "Boom Bust" and "Keiser Report" started talking about the "Repo market crisis"... Turns out that banks were using common pools of money, to reduce the effective need for cash reserve and all of a sudden, the interest on the loans from that pool increased to "two digits", while the "Fed" was pumping billions every day (it can be seen on the "Fed"'s charts online. It was rumored that one or more big banks were about to crash, thus the risk loaning the money increased.

Cometh January 2020, financial specialists on those shows were saying that the probability to have another crash, similar to the one from 2008 but much bigger (since the can was only kicked down the road by the Obama ghoul) over the next two months was guesstimated to be 60...70%. I was excited and terrified at the same time to see how will they sort this out?

... but guess what? CAPS... I mean COVID came... and what was the first thing they did? It was the "CARES" act, which pumped over one trillion into the banks (this can also be seen on the publicly available "Fed" charts). Supposedly it was a "health crisis, yet they were pumping money into the... banks? In reality, the "CARES" act was a hidden bailout!

Obviously, I was scared at that time and it took me a while (half a year?) to connect the dots and understand that the two are connected, but - just like with "Magic Eye" images - once you've seen the hidden image, it can't be unseen...

So - yeah - it is all related to the coming financial meltdown! But, as they are incompetent, with the aggression against Russia and China, they made things (a lot) worse and accelerated the decay... If they will not manage to trigger a thermonuclear war, we will actually see it unfold... but then they will blame the "pandemic" and the other "good war" (as if there ever was such thing).

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Agreed. I saw lots of people talking about the Repo market crisis that was going to see a huge crash in the market and then suddenly congress found a way to inject more money into the banks. They passed the CARES act very quickly and when people started asking where was their money it took them a year to decide to send us $2,000.

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If the past is any indicator, no one will be held accountable so why not "go for it"?

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Was going to suggest, the economic timebomb, sidestepped in 2008 and the clock ticking on that, is missed a lot in analysis of the current weirdness

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Does the vax effect everyone the same way? Signs point to no. There's data that suggests a certain race are unaffected by the shots. Many people on tv and in our government who are pushing these shots are of this race. Revelations 2:9 is where you'll find out who they really are.

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It's not really the profits because they know the money is basically worthless. They're using it as arbitrage to buy up everything of true value while the money is still useful. Right now, the money is a motivator for the underlings who haven't figured out they'll outlive their usefulness. The house always wins.

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Yep - trying to buy up the land and properties all over the U.S. We're screwed!

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It does seem like the Club of Rome types are trying to reduce the population to one they deem more “manageable.” It took me a long time to come to this conclusion. I did not want to go there without thinking it through. But the evidence started to pile up. Sadly, I now feel at the very least, that our government in the USA, hates us, which if taken to a natural conclusion, means they don’t care if more and more die and they’ll help that along if they can. If I were Canadian, Australian, or from New Zealand, I’d certainly feel justified in feeling that way. The U.S Constitution is an awe-inspiring document. It stands between us and complete tyranny.

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Sadly "we" used to be considered the government. Due to liberal policies and apathy of Americans, the government has grown to a size that is now uncontrollable by we the people. Too bad people don't understand how dangerous all of this is.

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That might be the case. But they categorically KNEW that their injections were offing lots of people by May 2021 and they kept going, hard, so either mass murder was acceptable collateral damage in the pursuit of financial and political gain or mass murder became the goal itself. Either way, they are mass murdering scum who deserve to be tried for the very worst crimes against humanity and punished accordingly.

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Jessica , I think the effort to merge technology with biology is underway and they are doing it covertly. The masses are seen as lab rats as this grand experiment is rolled out.

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Covert moral bioenhancement. There's a paper on it. Says it should be governed by public health ethics. At this point in history, I consider "public health ethics" a perverse oxymoron.


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I think it was a targeted kill. The Germans first got rid of who all would resist them. This is the same playbook. The 'virus' killed the elderly and those who would not be physically productive. The shots will kill off or physically disabled those who would resist: doctors, nurses, educated, etc. Then, they flood the country with young, uneducated, unvaxxed, migrants and make them dependent worker bees. You now have a country that can produce, but is also enslaved with little to no resistance.

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I just found out what we did to German prisoners of war and it was just as heinous as what Germany did to people in concentration camps.


We starved hundreds of thousands of German POW's and murdered them in other ways. This story has been squashed from our history of the war and we we have been led to believe that we were not only the great liberators of the camps, but that we won the war. Russia actually won the war and they rolled into Germany long before we did. Americans took great pride in knowing that our military liberated the camps, but would they still be so proud if they knew what our country did?

Raise your hand if you knew about this.

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But would “they” intentionally create a shot that would cause infertility?

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Oct 2020: It was known that the VIRUS caused a 13% rate of male infertility.

Also they knew...about endotoxin (in Process 2 shots) and infertility “hCGβ was genetically fused at C-terminal to the B-subunit of E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin.” (in the fertility-targeting “tetanus” shot scheme in India)


They knew… (2018) Potential adverse effects of nanoparticles on the reproductive system https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6294055/

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Havnt they admitted they want to kill us? Now they are, I’m not sure what is so hard to understand.

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Let's say you have some agenda. Let's call it Agenda 21/2030 where 2030 is your first goal.

1) A president of a very powerful nation was elected which was not supposed to happen. The DOD enacts operation warp speed in response to ensure he is removed.

2) Great he's gone for now! We lost 4 years of work toward our dystopian agenda. We need to make up for that time. In order to get funding, we'll use the pharma mafia to launder money to our cause. It's easy! EUA and jab mandates create a constant stream for money laundering.

I'd imagine the worst is yet to come.

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Respect. I have since concluded this is a killing campaign. I didn't want to go there but willful ignorance in the name of profit could never explain away all the death, disease and destruction in my area from the shots coupled with the silencing and continuing to push the jabs; all the while witnessing the maimed moms and babies with no one saying or doing anything. I wish I'd never seen it.

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They - SRF & Billionaires - indeed do not want to cull off the "human" species... They just want the cull the right amount of modern moron slaves in order to PRESERVE THEIR PLANET and LIFESTYLE. They will always need a small number of MMS slaving for Them.


And They are very good at Their line of work!

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Maybe you're on to something. If curing people is bad for business - certainly killing them all would be, as well, no?

Maybe they'll enjoy watch the people drop over the next 5-10 years, as myocarditis and inflammation wreak havoc among the masses.

Look at all the new treatments being bandied about - for cancer, etc. Watch and see all the new treatmentsand treatment centers pop up for infertility issues... They positioning themselves to rake in money by the truckload. They ain't spending it, if they ain't seeing the profit potential.

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Tactically "They" will not allow their advantage to be diminished--they will have a fallback position and it will not be pretty. Their lust for Power is fed by confusion which can be diminished by thoughtful, knowledgeable analysis and actionable response. You provide that!

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They mostly like to poop on roads in my almost 35 years bush experience. Unlike my big dog, I don’t think they like vegetation tickling their butt…just saying 😆

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Hi Jessica,

Another top drawer reveal, I recall the first and established “ order of business” by these tyrants, those responsible for conducting this reprehensible act, the deaths of the Canadian billionaire couple in their home who had designed and developed what came to be acknowledged as the cheapest means of treating their collective attempt to injure and murder as many as they were able, the drug Hydroxychloroquine, then add to that crime the unexplained death of Dr Kerri Mullis, Nobel Laureate and designer of the PCR Test, found dead in his home, Mullis the 2 I C to Fauci, who had a history of challenging the odious Dr F, calling him out on a number of issues, at the time derided as conspiracy, now well proven as fact, nefarious fact when considered in the scheme of this dystopian intrusion and criminality.

The deaths sadly as we know did not stop there, many more dead, suicided, murdered I truly believe, in order the forces behind this plot could both roll it out and make their money off of it in doing so.

As we know, in order to isolate the reasons as to why, one only needs consider the age old maxim, qui bono, who benefits, well we know big Pharma certainly did, the Pfizer’s, Moderna’s et al, the researchers who blithely looked past their moral obligations, selling out for the multi 6 and 7 figure research grants awarded them for the appointments to the inner sanctum of the boards on the many institutes, Universities and Tertiary entities, the Labs, and the biggest prize, board seats representing the Pharma Co’s responsible, the Media organisations bought off by the billionaires heavily invested in the Pharma Co’s, the Medical Practitioners and Hospitals incentivised to both administer the vaccine and or the solutions, the treatments required to deal with the impact of the vaccines, these vaccines now found to be a bio weapon developed by the gain of function research off shored from the U.S and participant nations, all signatories to the treaties forbidding the bio research that gave us this evil scourge, finally the lobbyists and politicians who also benefitted, their campaign coffers swollen with donations, in essence humanity sold out for the filthy, evil Moolah, dollarero’s, money, the filthy Luca, always it seems at the core and root of every evil promulgated, that has always assaulted and been used against the best of humanity.

We have been led down the right royal path to a hell many now live and contend with daily, hour by hour, day by day, never ending, these criminals aided their media, academic and political new besties responsible for initiating and conducting the biggest crime against humanity… ever.

We cannot rest 7ntil a full accountability has and does eventuate, we need to never forget, never ever forgive, how readily the very same tyrants who perpetrated this criminality cry out, beg we merely forgive, by tones be bygones, never I say, never ever, nope, call these murderers out, always, remind them of their wanton sell out… money over morals and ethics, money for people, something seriously unimaginable that nobody could ever contemplate or believe in modern societies could ever occur, yet it did, but we must stand strong and never again allow such vestiges of tyranny to repeat, our response to the next Pandemic, a middle finger and chorus of F… off, not in my name, loud, proud, direct, in their face, United… we will never again allow them to so subjugate any of us, ever again, never…. it’s over for them, we out number them by a huge scale, they fear us, we have no reason to fear them, not anymore, we know who and what they are…. scum.

The best to you all from New Zealand, Kia Kaha…. strength thru Unity.. xx

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real unity, that is :)

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Perfect comment...I have been saying FU since 2020....and feel the power of the simple truth of my sovereignty grow every day. Greetings from a Canadian who felt for the people of NZ..you suffered as much, if not more than anyone, in terms of losing your freedoms and rights....truly unpardonable. I wait also for the accountability of all who participated in these Global Crimes against Humanity, and know in my heart that it will come. All tyranny eventually fails. Blessings from Switzerland....thank God I was not in Canada during the last four years..l moved away decades ago. Individuals unite, and feel your power. We are indeed much stronger, we are all singular and divine. They have no chance against that. Eileen

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3 African leaders were killed after they refused to follow the big pharma protocols. One was the person who sent in goats milk, engine oil and other sources and they came back marked as the Rona virus.

Remember the India province that handed out ivermectin and people stopped dying and getting sick and then the new president stopped doing it and soon the death rate went up.

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Thank you for bringing all those old memories back, specifically the 45 cycle threshold for a PCR test. How very long that fib was allowed to exist! Husband on trip Singapore for the gran Prix. He has now shared a meal or two with Australians also on this trip. To his surprise, they are mostly covid conspiracy theorists like myself. They were all over age 60. My husband has listened to me religiously for three years now about everything

from IFR, masking, PCR testing, social distancing, school and business closures, lockdowns, and finally the poisonous jabs. The Australians repeated every word I have ever expressed on the subject. My husband was astounded. Almost made me wish I had been on that trip.

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“I told you so”, just doesn’t seem appropriate, but longing to say it, I’m sure!!

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MAID in Canada. Now that’s some dark-ass humor.

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Some matters are beyond “our” grasp. We don’t know who is “they”, what they really intend, how far their planning is reaching into the future, or even whether we are part of their planning, to start with. Who knows, there is a chance that some “higher” authority decided to liquidate the Earth colony en mass, just because we have become too demanding. Without first-hand access to their conceptual strategy, we are in the dark.

We can only trace the most immediate events, cross-reference them with the visible consequences, and try to infer the logic behind them. Our conclusions will be heavily biased, obviously. Optimists will base their election campaigns on “and this will pass, too”, pessimists will duck and wait. The very few who try to gain a bigger picture may (and should) be worried like never before. Because there is one main question that - apparently - no-one bothers to address:

== How come we have allowed this? == Homo sapiens, pretty much everyone with primary education, a lot of us with secondary education, and quite a lot with “higher” understanding of life, supported with multiple letters before or after their names. All this education in vain and useless, as we can see from 2020-2023 and counting.

How come we have allowed an unknown few to impose one short slogan (“just get your jab”) on all human beings there are? Without any rationale provided ever, contrary to all health care measures known before 2020, in plain contradiction of law (e.g. falsification of medical records) and common sense (see the stats, it’s all over the place).

A very short answer is that it was possible because the whole health care structure is wrong and corrupt (in the non-financial meaning). This very structure made the whole story possible. We should dissolve it from the top to the bottom, just as a precaution. And design a new one. Like today. (Unless you want another mandate of this or that... tomorrow?)

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bankers. who incidentally are eugenicists. that's who 'they' are.

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Close ... actually the folks who run the world own the Federal Reserve. The Deep State are their minions

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exactly what i wrote :)

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We may be pretty sure that bankers are not the causative agent.

They create money. Whenever they want, and how much they want. And they control the money. They can rise its value or bury it for good, with a number of tools, inflation being just one. The conclusion is obvious: money has nothing to do with it.

Money (or greed) has never been a factor in creating military unrest or waging wars. Those who pull strings do not care about money. It’s only our concern - and as long as we take money as a factor in play, we will always go wrong and we will always lose.

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Money is and always was a middleman

The real objective is not money but the power over resources, services or even our perception.

Why do you work?

To pay bills. For a house. A car. Food. Travel. To pursue hobbies. The sense of security and esteem it brings.

Take money out of the equation and the world is simpler to understand.

You use money to leverage power.

To control these resources.

But the only power money actually has over us and the world is the perception that it holds value at all.

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I wouldn’t be so sure about resources. Whenever they come up with a breakthrough invention (like abandoning combustion engines in order to return to the original electric power system for cars), there is an initial crisis of “and what we will do now”, quickly followed by a new invention, expensive and “unattainable”, slowly followed by affordable solutions for every buyer.

Check lithium. Oh, so terrible, lack of resources, monopoly of this or that country, and now, by luck, we have “discovered” huge deposits of lithium in our own backyard.

The so-called fossil fuels. They were supposedly depleted 60 years ago, according to some visionaries. Boooom, suddenly we discover them here and there. Then some astronomers discovered them in the so-called stars. So they are not “fossil” whatever, right? Wow.

After 100 years of perfecting internal combustion engines, once we have got a knack of making them work extremely nicely, some unknown geniuses decided to drop them, ban them, forget them. What? And they want to replace them with a power source (battery) that is a mad concept of a madman, considering “carbon footprint”, waste of resources, destruction of the existing labor infrastructure, and a complete lack of a view on disposal or reuse.

To make things worse, this brilliant concept reduces the actual range of your car from 300 miles to local streets only. If you are lucky not to bump into a 50-car-long line to a single charger out there…

Once you add fossil-fuel generated electricity to charge your battery to eco drive these 30 miles around… you know it’s not about resources.

If anything, it’s all about making us all so confused and stupid that we are ready to being fed anything. And we happily rush this way. They don’t really need to convince us. We ask and pray and demand to be conned, every single day.

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We have enough Petrochemicals to supply us long past the next extinction level asteroid impact or Demonic Democrat Administration.

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These guys control companies and portfolios that are as extensive as most of the internet seems to us.

An inventor invents a new technology.

They are approached with a smile, a pitch and offered ludicrous money for it and then they shelf it.

If they decline, they get their arm twisted, bribed, coerced, their banks refuse to play ball, lend them money etcetera until the only option left is to sell.

New technologies that emerge are often years or even decades old.

They're released, drip fed into the economy and society.

Then yes, some upgrades to those technologies are organic as we tinker and invent new systems.

But they allow us to do that, we essentially work for them for free, thinking it is for our gain. And to some degree it is.

They still want the technology and materials.

They just seem to want control over it too.

But like a mafia boss, they have to keep the capos happy, and the capos have to keep the soldiers happy, and the soldiers have to keep the affiliates happy.

At least to some degree anyway.

For us way down at the bottom, we are not even a blip on their radar.

We are just the people.

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My EV is affordable and very cheap to run, and it has a range of 270 miles. I do not have serious problems finding somewhere to charge up on longer trips. Its quiet, fast, comfortable and reliable. Please leave EVs out of it, because I don't know many people who don't enjoy owning one. I own two!

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True, very limited maintenance, comfort, performance and reduced noise are great. But is that all? EVs are the key aspect of twisting our minds that should be discussed first. For three reasons. One, the main function of a car is freedom of movement, with or without cargo. You can’t drive with a free mind when you need to calculate recharging now and then. Especially when you plan a trip below the freezing point. And certainly you can not use even the best EV to escape an emergency situation. Unlike with a 40-year old Ford. Two, disabling any EV remotely is a function integrated in their design. These things should be called REV - remotely-controlled electric vehicles. In quiet times, EVs may be functional and reliable, but you won’t be able to use it as a safety measure for your family. Anyone intent on harming you can easily track you and stop you at any place of their choice. Three, EVs are worth only the range they can go. If electricity is switched off, EV won’t help much with its limited range and high correlation of that range with vehicle load, weather and driving style. Plus, free of charge, you are given a huge electromagnetic field affecting everyone in the car. Long-term, in small doses, apparently innocently… wait 10 years, and you will see a surge of health problems we have never seen before. All in all, it’s another technology trick that we are not ready to use safely and ecologically.

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Well, Conway Judge, you sound like my husband talking (about money)! He actually says "Take money out of the equation ...". I struggle with the concept but I partially get what you both say. I can see the power of it but I can't see past how one would survive in the modern world without it. If you don't pay your bills you'll go under - lose your home etc. He says we ALL have to deny money its power ... but HOW?! I read the late great David Graeber's book (Debt: The First 5000 years) to try to understand how it works (I still don't)!

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I think we need a type of money, universal bartering would be awfully complicated

At least in large societies

But think of all the tribes, clans, ancestors of old who did not have money but exchanged shells, stones, metals and tangible goods instead of digital 1s an 0s

200,000 years they reckon we have existed and survived on this planet

And only in the last slither of that time do we have this type of inflation driven Ponzi scheme we call money

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Bankers depend on LIVE people, not dead ones. The more people, the merrier for them. Just ask (David?) Rockefeller Jr, who intimated to Aaron Russo that "they" the Rockefellers hatched the entire "Women's Lib" movement. He then went on to say that "they" could then tax both sexes, who would be employed, increasing the banker's wealth. That's the kind of things they think up while laying in bed at night.

Just an observation.


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Helps when you have the MSM in your pocket as well as Hollywood. People are stupid!

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We are definitely confused by design. I don’t profess to know what’s actually going on, or who is behind it, but I have my suspicions and lean towards banker eugenicists. Money, power, self aggrandizement: what more incentive is needed?

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When people have enough money to last several lifetimes, they seek power.

It is addictive. Just watch Bill Gates smirking. It says a lot.

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Bill certainly smirks & so did PM Sunak but he is smirking less than he was. Could this be a hopefully sign ? Let's hope so.

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Both Malone & Kirsch smirk reasonably often.

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How have we allowed an unknown few to impose a "get your jab" campaign upon us all? I believe Jessica touched on it at the very beginning of this post. By design, everybody has been, and remains. very confused. Our futures, both collectively and personally, are more uncertain than they've ever been. Turbo-cancers, said to be a delayed consequence of the jabs, are taking our relatives, friends, and neighbors. Will I be next? Anxiety and frustration abound.

These are the very conditions that make large groups of people vulnerable to Mass Formation. Over the last three years it has been a "deadly pandemic" and "miracle vaccine" cure that captured many of us. I believe that particular strategy may be all but played out. At least I hope so. But I see another on the horizon. This time the hardship may come in the form of a crippling financial crash.

Obscenely high interest rates on loans. Economic slowdown. Layoffs. Impossible choices between making household debt payments and feeding the family. Savings accounts drained. Bread lines. Foreclosures. Once again, anxiety and frustration abound.

And once again Mass Formation to the rescue. This time the problem is financial and the miracle cure may be Universal Basic Income (UBI). A monthly income for everyone from our beneficent government. Problem solved. No more cruel starvation. No more missed debt payments. Promises, promises.

Except there's one little catch. To receive your UBI benefits you must open an account at the central bank and begin using Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), i.e., the form of money that allows surveillance of every single transaction you engage in. And by the way, you have to establish a digital ID in order to access your account. And if your associated social credit score does not please the masters, some of those transactions may be instantaneously denied right at the point of sale. Welcome to totalitarianism.

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Some of us saw it for what it was. I say don’t rely on government! That is not its purpose. It has been corrupted. The more independent you are the less you will succumb to their evil!

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It may all be true in a limited scale of this or that measure. My question is about how it is possible that we, you and me, can not detect lies and fraud when it is right in front of our face? How much do we have to be OUT of our minds to fall for obvious fake professional “truths”, like PCR, masks, war(p) speed, mandates, unproven infection capacity, in silico fantasy, disgustingly wrong published studies, or the whole immunology at large? How easy is it to persuade us to go one way when all we know is pointing elsewhere?

We’ve lost common sense. We’ve become so accustomed to others telling us what is true that we’ve switched off our own minds, especially when it comes to survival, and even more so when it comes to protecting our children and elderly. How come we give up and hand over their fate into the hands of obedient servants who really know nothing much about their “health care” intricacies?

We’ve lost touch with our own inner guidance. We want to believe the media and their experts so badly that we’ve given up our own doubts. We are no more interested in taking care of our own lives. In a way, we are not here. There are only empty physical bodies, with the remains of the spirit that we have never been committed to nourish. Working physical bodies, huge and efficient minds, and the spirit that has not been awakened. That’s the true meaning of “zombie”. From 2019-2023, you can see how easy it is to control this thing. On top of that, we ourselves are so eager to destroy anyone who makes even small steps to awaken this spirit…

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I think my sister is a good example of the kind of people you are talking about. She doesn't want to hear what I have to say, even if I say it politely and without being the least bit accusatory. She believes what she believes, and the thought of going outside that "safe box" makes her very nervous. She is a worrier. In other words, these big questions -- i.e., the ones that affect the arc of our lives -- are very intimidating to her. She allows even thoughts of them to push her into a zone where emotions rule, and that's a zone where reason and logic do not apply

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I am referring here to every single one of us, including you and me. We have been trained from early pre-school to believe what we are told, to obey, to follow the instructions and not to challenge anything even remotely resembling status quo. We have been impregnated with this attitude. And most of us will carry it to the last breath. We have all been trained to be obedient followers of prepackaged ideas. This training has gained unique momentum in 2019/2020.

It’s not the question whether you (i.e. anyone, including you and me) are in this fold or whether you believe that you are beyond it. It’s a matter of quantity. The degree to which we have been programmed. We all are. It turns out, it’s rarely to our benefit...

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That's actually a pretty answerable question...they move in miniscule, calculated, increments (degrees) and have created and maintained the conditions within humanity (fear, doubt, confusion/distraction) which have allowed, and continue to allow, their progression...is the answer to that

I feel the "why" is sooo much more important/relevant though

Aand I've found that answer as well...their own enslavement, is the only reasonable explanation

Sadly...they were victims 1st/too

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yes, it is intentional. it is planned.

there are books where 'they' spell out the process of their intentions, written many years ago.

"they' have only been waiting for the tech to be suitable for action.

Ref: 'THE NEW WORLD ORDER', A Ralph Epperson, 1989. - Operation Lockstep: From the Rockefeller Playbook:- mentions Corona, Covid-19, 5G, vaccines, vaccinated against unvaccinated => anarchy.

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Prophets of doom they be~!

For them to have predicted all what we are witnessing these days, is far too mathematically improbable. If someone threw a handful of coins in the air and they all came up heads upon landing, it would be concluded as insanely strange. If a second round produced the same results, it would be assumed a dream, and not real! Odds, therefore, exclude the potential that the incidents and programs which are fully underway and in plain sight to all (all very much harmful and insidious) could be coincidentally happening.

A system of operations was put on the "table" long ago by which these evil ideas could be "safely" undertaken and successfully accomplished at the same time. The people of the world have been groomed in order that this might transpire with success. Given poor quality food, water and air to breathe, and plenty of pharmaceuticals to keep them medicated and sick, not to mention the myriad of societal pressures applied through educators within universities, and media outlets of all sorts, the masses have recently become "conditioned" to the "Great Reset" and can even now be informed of the scheme with no fear of revolution! Naturally, technology has also evolved in lines which can be exploited by the "overseers" and is put to use for them.

What amazes me, is how the public as a whole, overlooks the frustratingly obvious nature of the craziness of the whole plan, in that they never consider it to be directed by the "father of lies" himself.

That's the scary part of it all, in my opinion.


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And Kissinger and others. Yes, they want to kill us off. They've been writing about it for centuries. & yes, they hate this Creation. & yes, we are infinite creative powerful spiritual beings...May everyone have a sweet Rosh HaShanah and be written into the Book of Life💜🙏

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Yep, very astute observation Anthony. Regarding anarchy, what they really want is chaos ... since anarchy literally means "no ruler" and would accordingly be their literal end. On that note, you might like this little bit of satire:


Best of luck,

~~ j ~~

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I think the aim was to reduce life expectancy.

They can't afford pensions or medical care for the old and infirm so needed to dispose of them.

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it's likely

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I'm unconvinced - and anyway it isn't working, as global population continues to rise... and life expectancy is rising almost everywhere except Russia....

The 'pandemic ' was a flop, and so was the response to it. Neither of them made a significant noticeable dent in overall population terms.

Plus Western populations are shrinking anyway through lower fertility rates, and thats a long term trend.

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Wrong....our life expectancy dropped by three years recently! So there’s that!

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Maybe yours did: mine did not. I didn't take the silly vaxx. Thats the problem with such grandiose statements, isn't it?

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By ours I mean the general US population and it isn't a grandiose statement. It's actually a fact! I didn't take the hokey pokey either so get off your high horse why don't you.

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I come from Scotland, not the USA. Our heraldic beast is not a pony, it is a unicorn.

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Isn't there analysis of expected fall in the populations of most countries ( even China ) due to falling birthrates? ( aside from the current depopulation discussion )

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Yes. I mean on current trends, and assuming no interventions, most developed countries like China and Italy will shrink by 25% - over the next 50 to 100 years. Places like Nigeria are still growing. It is quite unprecedented.

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So net numbers wise does this have anything to say about a depop agenda.

I mean if numbers are trending down for other ( assuming not coerced ) reasons, this is some evidence against said.

Edit: Scrap that, 75 years-ish obviously could be too long depending.

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Japan and China are already on special measures: both of them hate immigration, have growing pensioner populations, and know their economies and countries are aging rapidly. My guess is that both will have to start incentivising children financially or go under.

Nigeria is heading for starvation or mass emigration: they might survive if they can pull off an an economic miracle - my guess is they are facing huge political change. They simply cannot feed their people.

Russia is just so horrible that the people are drinking themselves to death, or fleeing abroad.

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This is where we are now...https://www.usdebtclock.org/

We have 193 trillion...yes trillion, in unfunded liabilities. And this is for the US alone! The house of cards will tumble soon and it's best to have as little resistance remaining on the planet when it does.

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I guess it depends on many other factors: you can wipe out much of that debt in 20 years with 5% compound inflation.

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They estimate 90% of all jobs will be replaced by AI within 20 years . What do we do with that workforce for the next 50 years .

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We won't be here. We'll all be gone. Dead. Kaput. What happened to all the horses at the end of the last industrial revolution? They did not continue. We are those horses. We will not endure. We are redundant. We are only here now by dint of the fact that we have been useful up until now. In the same way as the industrial combustion engine did it for the horses of the early 20th century, AI will do the same for us. We are the 'useless eaters'.

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I still have faith in mankind . We will be around but in smaller numbers

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Still plenty of jobs for security peeps, cooks, mechanics, housebuilders, road repair men, care-givers, cleaners and drivers... but the Middle classes always find new technology to keep them busy... or just labour away in made-up government and charity jobs,

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Cause they spent all our money or should I say wasted it?? Pay closer attention people. What you see will horrify you!

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It was not real money if they simply printed it.

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Definitely. Look up Martin Armstrong economist- he outlines this and other events perfectly.

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Well said Jessica!!! We have to resist, say “NO” and carry on with our lives in the ways we want to exist - FREE from their tyranny!! 👊🏻

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The DOD is behind this ... with the support of every country on the planet.

How do you resist? They will kill anyone who gets serious about pushing back.

And BTW - every single country on the planet is behind this ... now that surely should make folks wonder why absolutely none of them oppose this plan... maybe there is something they fear so much -- that they have determined killing everyone is a better option?

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They will kill anyone anyways.

If you get death or death, you can always at least trade it for death or victory.

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I live in Canada and it is so hard not to despair. I am unjabbed but barely know anybody else who didn't comply. All of my friends and family still think I am crazy, despite all the evidence that has come out since the start of this nightmare. In my opinion, people have been brainwashed and will not entertain the idea that there is a worldwide evil plan against humanity. They also get no real facts about anything as the media and government constantly lie and censor so, if you are lazy and brainwashed, you will happily move through life believing them and never questioning. If I wasn't a Christian, I would not have survived these last 3.5 terrifying and depressing years. I continue to pray that eyes will be opened and people will start fighting back but in my heart I think the only thing that can save us is God's intervention.

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i am with you.

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The Substack community has been a Godsend. I am in awe of the brilliance and caring of the authors I follow. I just wish I didn't have to have so many online interactions as it is just not the same as in person. I have so much respect for all of you principled and genius scientists but it sometimes makes me feel like a bit of a dummy.

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I agree, but I think God’s intervention will come in the form of God’s children helping themselves via direct revolution once they wake up, or quiet evolution through persistence. What will help us is when some of the old cronies who have created this tragedy finally die. There might be a small gap of time before the new breed of psychopaths get too much of a hold. An interesting side note about your reference to Christianity- I’m reading more and more people are turning to Orthodox Christianity.

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I've been feeling a calling to get more actively involved in the fight but then I wonder if it is God calling me or just my own thoughts.

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If I may be sold bold- it’s both. The inner calling is the voice of God. Your thoughts are the ruminations of the inner calling. If you think that we are all individual sparks of God, then it’s easy to understand the connection and Divine Instruction. Whether we like it or not right now, we decided to come here for this time. I think some, like Jessica, are the creators of the New World, once we get past this current mess. Those that are clearly not meant to be here for much longer will go. Some have chosen to because the burden is too great.

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God doesn't exist, so it was us lot who did it!

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I am sad that you don't believe that God exists. Look around you and you will see the wonders of his creation. Check out creation.com for some great science and evidence -- you will not be disappointed.

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Nice try: 90% of people disagree with the concept that God made the world in seven days, 7,000 years ago, and that dinosaurs are sent there to annoy us, but good luck with that.

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Strive to excel in the science of skepticism. I succeeded on the day of 9/11/2001 when I stopped to do a rough calculation on the energy required to bring down the Twin towers exceeded the impact of a Boeing 767 by a factor of 24 billion to one

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Good for you.

But I've seen entire buildings destroyed by one lit match, and the Ruhr dams wrecked by a few bouncing bombs... so I'd like to see your figures.

The energy that destroyed the twin towers was already contained in the twin towers in the form of gravity...latent energy.

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I had the approximate figures on-hand in 2001. It was based on amount of fuel in a B-767 and the consequence of the impact on both Twin Towers constructed with a steel inner core and and outer steel "chassis" that made them the strongest buildings in the world in many respects. Each of the 110 floors was a full acre in size. Jet fuel impact on steel was almost no consequence and the aluminum aircraft construction was no match for the steel outer chassis and inner steel core. CGI trickery was used to make it appear the jet entered the building. My goal was to estimate the number of times the towers would need to be impacted by a fully fueled 767 in order to approximate the result of near free-fall collapse. Since then I discovered one of the aircraft that reportedly hit the tower was found to be in service for several years following 9/11. It was then that I realized it was all a false-flag lie and no planes hit the buildings. So the 24 Billion number is far too low. See the Tower collapse analysis here - https://tinyurl.com/5n67s4s5

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Steel is funny stuff. Did you ever see that video of a suspension bridge that, when subjected to high winds, simply shook itself into oblivion?

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Wind is funny stuff. Faulty construction of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington, 1940. Look it up.

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Pretty sure that was symbolic, and also a blood sacrifice. Anyone who knows anything about magick, knows that magick requires payment

I think about 2 sides (pillars) representing opposing sides (neither "good" nor "bad", and that was meant to be a time of showing removal/an end to the duplicit nature of whatever...ending, aand being merged into a 1

The problem with those buildings was there was no possible "legal" way to destroy them, 'cause they were loaded with asbestos

So multiple goals achieved at once with that one

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did you write about that? is love to read your research if you did.

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I think that the ruling class of psychopaths and eugenicists are 100% convinced that the world is overpopulated with human beings. And they have convinced a large number of us that there are too many of us. So yeah, they’re culling a percentage of us. The rest of us? They want us controlled, enslaved, diseased, impotent. They also want enough of us productive enough to keep their luxury goods well maintained and their luxury services available.

For the record, I currently belong to the viruses-don’t-exist team; but I’m open to be shown that I could be wrong.

This makes a lot of sense to me: https://drsambailey.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Why-Are-We-Doing-This_-Final.pdf

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they simply do not see us as equals. simple as that. they don't get it. they, ironically, are the useless eaters. if there is such a thing.

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Brilliant. Deserves a million likes. Thank you.

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I recommend Dr. Daniel Nagase’s Substack “Logical Surprises”. His first Psyop article lays out the case for viruses very clearly. Of course that is not to deny all the grotesque bioweapons and deceptions deployed and other factors in disease.

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I think they really do want to kill us, and the reason for this is that too many people are too hard to control. Think yellow vest protests in France, for example. The BLM rioters were controlled but they don't want huge masses going after the people doing the controlling.

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Unfortunately, I do believe one of the intentions from the start of this plandemic was to kill off a certain percentage of people. Actions speak louder than words. They know full well that many are dying and injured from the jabs yet they still push for more uptake. How many ways are we supposed to take that? If this hypothesis is correct then why would they want a number of us gone? Resources. Hard to get at oil. Lack of investment in infrastructure. Insufficient minerals required for a conversion to solar/electric eg. Solar panels, cars etc. Degradation of the top soil. The coming collapse of the financial system. Govt bankruptcies- they’re holding way too much debt. The inability of said western govt’s to pay promised liabilities like healthcare, superannuation, pensions etc. i think ‘climate change’ is used as a propaganda tool to shove people into 15min cities and control them. None, absolutely none of their actions so far show even a tiny amount of respect for the populace, nor for their opinions or their basic human rights. So, is it really such a big step to think that they’d like to be rid of us? No. Look what the ‘caring staff’ have been doing in hospitals. If they can so easily turn psychopathic then so can a few others who masterminded this evil agenda. Stupidity plays a part, sure, but that consideration is long gone in my opinion.

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i think there's a difference intention-wise between trying to kill off our elders and not caring if what they do kills off our elders

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Good point.

I've analysed the actions of global leaders, and I think they have binary thought patterns, and fail to appreciate nuances and collateral damage. It is all black or white to them - they are really rather dim, and respond to a complex question that includes many uncertainties with a kneejerk response that is politically based on the four year electoral cycle. I also think that our democratic bi-poplar systems made them this way. Their thinking is entirely logical, entirely binary, and also entirely dim.

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Good point. Except that one is far too closely related to the other. The latter simply gives oneself permission to look the other way knowing that the outcomes are the same. I think what’s most important is intent. Intent to kill or intent to look the other way knowing all along that what you’re doing (deprivation of fluids, overdose of drugs etc) will kill eventually. To me they’re the same. The people responsible for the patient’s welfare knew that what they were doing could lead to certain outcomes. And they did. Having said that I think that a few in each country had the intention of getting rid of a certain number of people. The ones giving the orders and instructions were none the wiser and simply did what they were told, and kept doing it, even when they could see the outcome of their actions. An extreme example of this would be the injectors at the ‘vaccination’ centres watching people collapse in front of them straight after the injection yet went on to do it to the next person in line. The nurses in the hospitals are another example. They knew the protocols were killing, they could see it before their very eyes, but they kept doing it. Very few seem to have the moral courage to stop. It’s like the west has turned North Korean.

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With regard to monetary gain and enslavement motivation it is important to understand that the Western world and by default the vassals have reached the end of the great FIAT confidence trick.

The excessive money printing since 2008 and unprecedented movement of wealth upwards from public to private over the last thirty years lends credence to the depopulation argument. I'm sure you have seen Austin-Fitts at Solari go into detail as to the manufactured economic crisis. The money motivation is hard to equate with the evident destruction of the monetary system itself and the drivers of current policy being richer than Croesus anyway. Of note is the role of the foundation money in policy, the strange story of the Georgia guidestones, falling birth rates, the work of pathologists showing spike concentration in the testes and ovaries, the madness of pregnant women being targeted for jabs, land clearance in Hawaii and elsewhere, the selective 'Covid deaths' of national leaders in Africa and elsewhere who said no to Western pharma, the deaths of those who spoke out like McAfee, the building of camps and the imposition of the police state... The list goes on and on...

It's difficult to see this as simple greed and suggests a more nefarious agenda. Agenda 2030, to give it its legal name.

Bring it on.

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Obama was the worst thing to have happened to America in many generations!!!

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It's all a scam. It starts with taxation and the greater good.

It ends in genocide.

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