Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

This is an existential battle for everyone. They are playing for all the marbles. Their actions have exposed who so many of them are and they know they'll never be forgiven for this genocide so they have no way out but to stay all-in on the carnage.

I just want to stay alive long enough to see them held to account. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

Clock's ticking, you sub-human psychos and spineless, grifting enablers.

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Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty felt a bit ill

He went to the doctor

And got the new jab

Then fell off the wall

And broke on a slab


But at least he didn't die from Covid

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I agree the message must be shouted load and clear - DO NOT COMPLY! - watched this last night and it struck a chord: 'Why are People so Obedient? - Compliance and Tyranny'


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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

"Are 'they' trying to kill us?"

Do bears poop in the forest?

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Hi Jessica,

Another top drawer reveal, I recall the first and established “ order of business” by these tyrants, those responsible for conducting this reprehensible act, the deaths of the Canadian billionaire couple in their home who had designed and developed what came to be acknowledged as the cheapest means of treating their collective attempt to injure and murder as many as they were able, the drug Hydroxychloroquine, then add to that crime the unexplained death of Dr Kerri Mullis, Nobel Laureate and designer of the PCR Test, found dead in his home, Mullis the 2 I C to Fauci, who had a history of challenging the odious Dr F, calling him out on a number of issues, at the time derided as conspiracy, now well proven as fact, nefarious fact when considered in the scheme of this dystopian intrusion and criminality.

The deaths sadly as we know did not stop there, many more dead, suicided, murdered I truly believe, in order the forces behind this plot could both roll it out and make their money off of it in doing so.

As we know, in order to isolate the reasons as to why, one only needs consider the age old maxim, qui bono, who benefits, well we know big Pharma certainly did, the Pfizer’s, Moderna’s et al, the researchers who blithely looked past their moral obligations, selling out for the multi 6 and 7 figure research grants awarded them for the appointments to the inner sanctum of the boards on the many institutes, Universities and Tertiary entities, the Labs, and the biggest prize, board seats representing the Pharma Co’s responsible, the Media organisations bought off by the billionaires heavily invested in the Pharma Co’s, the Medical Practitioners and Hospitals incentivised to both administer the vaccine and or the solutions, the treatments required to deal with the impact of the vaccines, these vaccines now found to be a bio weapon developed by the gain of function research off shored from the U.S and participant nations, all signatories to the treaties forbidding the bio research that gave us this evil scourge, finally the lobbyists and politicians who also benefitted, their campaign coffers swollen with donations, in essence humanity sold out for the filthy, evil Moolah, dollarero’s, money, the filthy Luca, always it seems at the core and root of every evil promulgated, that has always assaulted and been used against the best of humanity.

We have been led down the right royal path to a hell many now live and contend with daily, hour by hour, day by day, never ending, these criminals aided their media, academic and political new besties responsible for initiating and conducting the biggest crime against humanity… ever.

We cannot rest 7ntil a full accountability has and does eventuate, we need to never forget, never ever forgive, how readily the very same tyrants who perpetrated this criminality cry out, beg we merely forgive, by tones be bygones, never I say, never ever, nope, call these murderers out, always, remind them of their wanton sell out… money over morals and ethics, money for people, something seriously unimaginable that nobody could ever contemplate or believe in modern societies could ever occur, yet it did, but we must stand strong and never again allow such vestiges of tyranny to repeat, our response to the next Pandemic, a middle finger and chorus of F… off, not in my name, loud, proud, direct, in their face, United… we will never again allow them to so subjugate any of us, ever again, never…. it’s over for them, we out number them by a huge scale, they fear us, we have no reason to fear them, not anymore, we know who and what they are…. scum.

The best to you all from New Zealand, Kia Kaha…. strength thru Unity.. xx

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for bringing all those old memories back, specifically the 45 cycle threshold for a PCR test. How very long that fib was allowed to exist! Husband on trip Singapore for the gran Prix. He has now shared a meal or two with Australians also on this trip. To his surprise, they are mostly covid conspiracy theorists like myself. They were all over age 60. My husband has listened to me religiously for three years now about everything

from IFR, masking, PCR testing, social distancing, school and business closures, lockdowns, and finally the poisonous jabs. The Australians repeated every word I have ever expressed on the subject. My husband was astounded. Almost made me wish I had been on that trip.

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MAID in Canada. Now that’s some dark-ass humor.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Some matters are beyond “our” grasp. We don’t know who is “they”, what they really intend, how far their planning is reaching into the future, or even whether we are part of their planning, to start with. Who knows, there is a chance that some “higher” authority decided to liquidate the Earth colony en mass, just because we have become too demanding. Without first-hand access to their conceptual strategy, we are in the dark.

We can only trace the most immediate events, cross-reference them with the visible consequences, and try to infer the logic behind them. Our conclusions will be heavily biased, obviously. Optimists will base their election campaigns on “and this will pass, too”, pessimists will duck and wait. The very few who try to gain a bigger picture may (and should) be worried like never before. Because there is one main question that - apparently - no-one bothers to address:

== How come we have allowed this? == Homo sapiens, pretty much everyone with primary education, a lot of us with secondary education, and quite a lot with “higher” understanding of life, supported with multiple letters before or after their names. All this education in vain and useless, as we can see from 2020-2023 and counting.

How come we have allowed an unknown few to impose one short slogan (“just get your jab”) on all human beings there are? Without any rationale provided ever, contrary to all health care measures known before 2020, in plain contradiction of law (e.g. falsification of medical records) and common sense (see the stats, it’s all over the place).

A very short answer is that it was possible because the whole health care structure is wrong and corrupt (in the non-financial meaning). This very structure made the whole story possible. We should dissolve it from the top to the bottom, just as a precaution. And design a new one. Like today. (Unless you want another mandate of this or that... tomorrow?)

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

yes, it is intentional. it is planned.

there are books where 'they' spell out the process of their intentions, written many years ago.

"they' have only been waiting for the tech to be suitable for action.

Ref: 'THE NEW WORLD ORDER', A Ralph Epperson, 1989. - Operation Lockstep: From the Rockefeller Playbook:- mentions Corona, Covid-19, 5G, vaccines, vaccinated against unvaccinated => anarchy.

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I think the aim was to reduce life expectancy.

They can't afford pensions or medical care for the old and infirm so needed to dispose of them.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Well said Jessica!!! We have to resist, say “NO” and carry on with our lives in the ways we want to exist - FREE from their tyranny!! 👊🏻

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I live in Canada and it is so hard not to despair. I am unjabbed but barely know anybody else who didn't comply. All of my friends and family still think I am crazy, despite all the evidence that has come out since the start of this nightmare. In my opinion, people have been brainwashed and will not entertain the idea that there is a worldwide evil plan against humanity. They also get no real facts about anything as the media and government constantly lie and censor so, if you are lazy and brainwashed, you will happily move through life believing them and never questioning. If I wasn't a Christian, I would not have survived these last 3.5 terrifying and depressing years. I continue to pray that eyes will be opened and people will start fighting back but in my heart I think the only thing that can save us is God's intervention.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Strive to excel in the science of skepticism. I succeeded on the day of 9/11/2001 when I stopped to do a rough calculation on the energy required to bring down the Twin towers exceeded the impact of a Boeing 767 by a factor of 24 billion to one

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I think that the ruling class of psychopaths and eugenicists are 100% convinced that the world is overpopulated with human beings. And they have convinced a large number of us that there are too many of us. So yeah, they’re culling a percentage of us. The rest of us? They want us controlled, enslaved, diseased, impotent. They also want enough of us productive enough to keep their luxury goods well maintained and their luxury services available.

For the record, I currently belong to the viruses-don’t-exist team; but I’m open to be shown that I could be wrong.

This makes a lot of sense to me: https://drsambailey.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Why-Are-We-Doing-This_-Final.pdf

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Unfortunately, I do believe one of the intentions from the start of this plandemic was to kill off a certain percentage of people. Actions speak louder than words. They know full well that many are dying and injured from the jabs yet they still push for more uptake. How many ways are we supposed to take that? If this hypothesis is correct then why would they want a number of us gone? Resources. Hard to get at oil. Lack of investment in infrastructure. Insufficient minerals required for a conversion to solar/electric eg. Solar panels, cars etc. Degradation of the top soil. The coming collapse of the financial system. Govt bankruptcies- they’re holding way too much debt. The inability of said western govt’s to pay promised liabilities like healthcare, superannuation, pensions etc. i think ‘climate change’ is used as a propaganda tool to shove people into 15min cities and control them. None, absolutely none of their actions so far show even a tiny amount of respect for the populace, nor for their opinions or their basic human rights. So, is it really such a big step to think that they’d like to be rid of us? No. Look what the ‘caring staff’ have been doing in hospitals. If they can so easily turn psychopathic then so can a few others who masterminded this evil agenda. Stupidity plays a part, sure, but that consideration is long gone in my opinion.

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With regard to monetary gain and enslavement motivation it is important to understand that the Western world and by default the vassals have reached the end of the great FIAT confidence trick.

The excessive money printing since 2008 and unprecedented movement of wealth upwards from public to private over the last thirty years lends credence to the depopulation argument. I'm sure you have seen Austin-Fitts at Solari go into detail as to the manufactured economic crisis. The money motivation is hard to equate with the evident destruction of the monetary system itself and the drivers of current policy being richer than Croesus anyway. Of note is the role of the foundation money in policy, the strange story of the Georgia guidestones, falling birth rates, the work of pathologists showing spike concentration in the testes and ovaries, the madness of pregnant women being targeted for jabs, land clearance in Hawaii and elsewhere, the selective 'Covid deaths' of national leaders in Africa and elsewhere who said no to Western pharma, the deaths of those who spoke out like McAfee, the building of camps and the imposition of the police state... The list goes on and on...

It's difficult to see this as simple greed and suggests a more nefarious agenda. Agenda 2030, to give it its legal name.

Bring it on.

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