Even the New York Times admits the bivalent “boosters seem to do little to prevent infections” and target variants no longer in circulation (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/21/health/covid-boosters-cdc-omicron.html), as I cite in this piece:

• “Letter to the Stanford Daily” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-stanford-daily)

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This is awesome. More please. :)

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😹 That article is crammed with the most compelling studies, papers, and research I could find (up to the point of its publication) demonstrating the inefficacy, harms, and lethality of the injectables. I tried to rely solely on mainstream publications and journals since it was aimed at Stanford, and I didn’t want them to have an excuse to dismiss any of the evidence.

And, of course, I have plenty of older articles collating evidence, as in the following piece where I cited you :-)

• “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

I haven’t forgotten about gifting you a subscription, BTW! Please forgive me if I missed your signup. If I didn’t miss it, I’ll keep an eye out and comp you when it comes through :-)

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"I tried to rely solely on mainstream publications and journals since it was aimed at Stanford, and I didn’t want them to have an excuse to dismiss any of the evidence."


Which defers to the credibility of the same publications and "trusted sources" who have been LYING the entire time.

Who are in fact, paid to lie. Paid to promote the agendas of the same people who wish to kill us.

Still leaning on their credibility.

This is how we got here. This is how we got here to begin with.

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Citing damning scientific studies from sources Stanford would deem credible is not deferring to the credibility of these publications but demonstrating that the very sources *they* trust have published evidence that eviscerates their excuses for a mandate.

Just because the academic journals have been corrupted doesn’t mean legitimate research doesn’t occasionally sneak through, and you have to evaluate it on a case-by-case basis just like any source.

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The second point is more persuasive. Sure.

I tried at length to discuss what constituted credible research in 2021 with a doctor/scientist who was dispatched to NYC to treat patients and who herself was a first up jab recipient.

She was angry that I called into the question the "names at the top of the study", and the began defaulting to "94% effective! Better than polio!" and lashing out at an uninjected CA schoolteacher who was spreading Covid, even though we well knew that the injected were doing the same.

Stanford is probably near Ground Zero on Indoctrinated Motivated Reasoning.

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Right. I’m totally aware that attempting to persuade Stanfordians (and anyone ensconced in the system, really, especially if they’re profiting off of it) is a futile exercise to begin with, but like all of my letters, the content is as much if not more for my readers and the eavesdroppers as it is for the overt recipient.

So if there’s a swing thinker who happens to see this and is open-minded enough to read it, it may nudge them toward awakening if they see a slew of sources they would deem credible, reputable, and legitimate (even if I don’t ;-)

Similarly, my readers can (and have) used this and other articles as part of their own letters requesting exemptions and fighting mandates, so it serves that purpose as well.

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The NYT is an absolute trash dump for journalism. Stanford is so horrible woke that it's a joke. I studied at the MIT in the 1980's. NONE of today's "students" could get accepted today, especially because they would have to take the SAT. Quoting the NYT, Stanford, Harvard, MIT today - means absolutely nothing. Peace.

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Of course, I know the NYT is trash. That’s why it actually means something when they publish an article critical of the booster.

If you actually read my article (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-stanford-daily), you will understand why citing the NYT was crucial to eviscerating Stanford’s justification for a mandate. The only source they cite in their booster mandate is the NYT, so I share damning excerpts from a more recent NYT article demonstrating that “Stanford’s rationale for requiring the boosters is obsolete according to the authority they cite in their justification.”

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We agree to disagree. I threw out the trash years ago. Peace. :-)

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I never had it to throw out since I didn’t start reading it to begin with ;-)

I am just using Stanford’s own weapon to spear its argument.

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I believe there was little science evidence concerning bivalent shots just like the original ones.

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Its just a double dose of the same insalubrious serum. Thus it went from "mono" (1) to "Bi"

(2). They can go to "Tri" (3) or "Quad" (4).....what fool is taking any of them?????

I will just pretend I took it, in the same way they pretend it was a pandemic. Equal protection under the law. Search: "Covid never isolated."

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They now know that they don't need science, that people will go along if they push hard enough.

Nobody forgot how to science. They know that people don't understand the science and they must figure out who to trust.

The people with the agendas know that even the second tier of resistance will default to the "elders".


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The horror of the poor NYT having to admit reality.

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“You know what would help people avoid dying from COVID? Repurposed drugs. Medical doctors being allowed to make their own decisions as opposed to taking orders from incentivized bureaucrats. “

I’m through with this existing medical system.

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“You know what would help people avoid dying from COVID? Yeah, turn off the TV. Turn off social media. Stop listening to strangers, experts, doctors and most importantly, take your health into your own hands. Dr. Jockers, maybe he can help inform you how to do it. Dr. Berg as well.

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Remember HCQ not allowed in places for covid use. Yet many doctors pushed covid hypoxia. Malaria causes hypoxia. So HCQ good then? Very simple cheap drug.. Fraud study in Lancet attacking HCQ and then retracted. WHO backed the fraud study. No retraction from them. Where there is fraud there is cover up.

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The malaria theme is recurring. https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1180549.shtml

Funny how at least three anti-parasiticals could beat covid-1984 (isoprinosine /dengue/ is the third).

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I'm confused. The emergency ended. Biden signed bipartisan legislation ending it. How can any product be administered under EUA?

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The bivalent shots are FDA-authorized. That was the trick.

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Under what authority?

Section 564 of the FD&C Act says the HHS Secretary can declare an emergency, and that the EUAs endure for the duration of that emergency.

The HHS and the FDA claim their 564 authority to issue EUAs does not require a declaration of a Public Health Emergency, and they’ve claimed that there are other emergency declarations which cover the COVID 19 inoculations, but I’ve not seen where they’ve specified the actual authority—the actual declarations—that does this.

The only FDA approved inoculations are monovalent Comirnaty and monovalent SpikeVax. Or am I missing something?

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It’s a different umbrella of emergency powers that is STILL ongoing. It’s explained in Bailiwick News.

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Thanks for the information. Filled in an important detail on the ending of the PHE.


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"CATCH 22", Comrade. Did you read the book? Cliff Notes: YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE OF THE COVID CARTEL, UNLESS CURED BY DEATH.

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023

am sure you are missing smt, but it does not matter. what matters is their intention.

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The only authority they have is what you give them under contract, either oral or written. Congressional "Acts" are just that, "Acts." What is an act? A theater production in order to make you respond. All "Acts" are subject to court oversight and they don't apply to people of the land. Just those "lost at sea" under maritime admiralty jurisdiction....those who label themselves, U.S. inc., Citizens.

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023

I thought the bivalent shots were never tested on people, just on 8 mice and all of them caught covid. I would assume that bivalent shots are twice as deadly as monovalent. Last night I heard Dr. Ed Group say the best ways to repair your DNA from jab damage are water fasts and urology( the practice from ancient India of drinking your own urine). Have you tried urology? Bobby is in Boston today to announce he is running against the corrupt, demented Nord Stream Bomber and war monger, Pedo Joe. Pray for Bobby's safety.

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And "traitor" and "psychopath" too.

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If I understand correctly, we had two "emergencies" -- the "national emergency" first declared by Trump, extended by Biden, which he just ended as of Apr 10.

Then we had the other "emergency" -- the "'public health' emergency" issued by the HHS Secretary under the PREP Act. That "emergency" is still ongoing, set to expire on May 11: https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2023/02/09/letter-us-governors-hhs-secretary-xavier-becerra-renewing-covid-19-public-health-emergency.html

Now, what happens to 𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 after May 11? Does that go away since the "public health" "emergency" is over?

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deletedApr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023
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Fraud ...

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If I was a Cov-idiot I'd jump with glee

At the stunning opportunity to get some more spike protein in me.

They say it stays in the muscle and won't travel to your brain

They say it clears from your system and won't linger or remain

I hear it helps grandma from suffering an early breathless death.

I hear it prevents the hospitals from chaos and distress.

That it minimizes symptoms.

That it stops covid in its tracks.

That the side effects are rarer than

Twenty year olds, having heart attacks.

They say long-covid is truly awful

And that you won't get it if you're jabbed.

They say to trust the science.

And misinformation is bad.

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“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton have joined forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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They must be Fatty Bill’s friends, for sure.

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It’s just unimaginable that Marks states that most of the population has antibodies to Covid SARS 2 but in the same breath says keep the up-to-date on Covid shots unbelievable if you weren’t injured before why the hell would you take another chance and spin that roulette chamber of the gun of risk with another shot if you’re supposed to be already having the immunity to Covid SARS 2.


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They talk at the side of their mouth. One side is the truth the other side lies.

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This is updated regularly:

Therapeutics and repurposed drugs for the treatment of cancer


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The Heavily Vaccinated

Are So Traum-O-Tized

That They Won’t Want To Remember

What It Was Like Being Healthy

Even If They Could.


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I was talking to a doctor, who got three doses and EIGHT rounds of Covid, so far. 🙆‍♀️

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So who is brainwashed?

Scary when your doctor can't figure it out.

Is it true medical training has deteriorated to this extent?

Glad he's not my doctor.

Mine said, don't get covid. Prophylax with IVM

I did and I didn't

Until I didn't and I did get Covid.

But I did treat with IVM and on day 3 back to the millstone.

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Went to a medical freedom event this past weekend. A (good) doctor at the event described those coming out of medical school today as "protocol droids." The best these new doctors can do is plug your symptoms into a computer and then have it tell the doctor what drugs to prescribe. That's a doctor talking...

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Until AI takes over and cuts out the middleman

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Amazon already got an AI med service that can fulfil prescriptions.

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His story shows its a cold. You get colds 2 times a year. His shots might make him more susceptible to colds now. That's the experiment. Seeing more colds then normal to a person. Sicker now then pre vaccime.

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Ditto here my friend. My Florida doc is the best I've had in 75 y😎

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Maybe the next one will work better.

Probably won't.

But who can really say with certainty these days.

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Absolutely unreal. My faith was so misplaced in the FDA. I always figured when push came to shove, they truly had patient safety at heart. I was so wrong. They are completely captured. I hope their consciences never give them a moment’s peace.

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Hope you learned a lesson - we do not have an honest government anymore and they are, frankly, illegitimate. Do not trust anything they say.

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When did "we" ever have an honest government? Even worse, did we ever have an honest or decent "private/public" partnership (aka fascism)?

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deletedApr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023
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"There's only one real public/private partnership, and that's between our government and our citizens."

Each economic class claims that, but as usual, guess who's version inevitably wins out..

"All the others are just competing species of racketeering creating special rules for special people for special consideration and special rights."

That's where "governments" usually come from.

“The primitive state is the creation of warlike robbery; and only by warlike robbery can it be preserved.”

- Franz Oppenheimer, The State [1919] , Chap II,(d) the primitive feudal state of higher grade


"[Confucius and his companions], passing through rugged and deserted mountains on their way, were surprised to find an old woman weeping beside a grave.

Confucius sent Tsze-loo to inquire the cause of her grief. "My husband's father," she answered, "was killed here by a tiger, and my husband also; and now my son has met the same fate." When Confucius asked why she persisted in living in so dangerous a place, she replied: "There is no oppressive government here."

"My children," said Confucius to his students, "remember this. Oppressive government is fiercer than a tiger."


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Come on smarties 🤓 who didn’t take a shot, you know, the science has changed. 🔬

Join the club, just ignore the fact that the bivalent includes two extinct antigens 🦠🦠 and antibody titers mean squat. Zippo. 🅾️

We really need to help pharma out. 🆘 They have A LOT of hot lot back stock that needs to move.

Now 50% off! 🆒 ‼️

Kids ride three times for free, and comes with a happy meal with your very own wuhan spike plushie 🪅 Collect them all! 🎢 Think of the VAERS reports as a rollercoaster ride. Whee!

You know you want it. Don’t be left out. Just do it.

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Speaking of which and for those who may not yet know,

"Philippines DOH has Approved Second Boosters for the General Population. Shelf-Life Extended to 18 Months (Original Was 6 Months). Community Responsibility / Wall of Immunity, STILL Being Pushed.

Vaccines shelf life is extended as DOH aided by media encourage uptake of in stock covid-19 vaccines.


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Hector Barbosa: [expiration dates] are more like “guidelines” than actual rules. ☠️

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Why are newborns being vaccinated at all when they don’t have a fully develop immune system

definition of insanity

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It is insanity if one lives on one side of the "good people/good world" paradigm, which is kind of necessary for societies to have trust.

It is not insanity if one considers that the "greater good" can be exploited, and turns out....not all that tough to do.

It is because their bosses want to murder the world and control the population. And they don't really care if they kill or maim babies.

The people doing the injecting are just following along and some are telling themselves that it's good because it's too inconvenient not to.

If one look at it through the lens of: Why are all of these nice people in white coats doing insane shit and how did they forget how to science? it will never make sense.

If one looks at through the lens of historically the medical field and the scientific field is not exactly composed of the most ethical or morality based denizens, AND, are ice cubed into bubbles that reinforce what pays the bills? It all makes sense.

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True historic medical treatments throughout time had in many ways been latent with crazy ideas at their times , either cynical in their research agenda or stupidity ignorance of what they’re trying to accomplish ,

I agree with you what’s being done today it’s nothing new in the construct of what science and medical research has done in the past except now it’s targeted to a massive world population but looking at it from an objective point of you that is basically what I was saying it’s insanity or you can use another word stupidity ignorance of immunology on their motives we can all postulate on their reasoning to which I know several statements from Influential people such as Bill Gates of our over population and Yuval Hararis we are a useless class of people does play into the question of their motives for sure ?!

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I've tried, with no success, to tell that to relatives who're with babe, with no success. Have you had any luck?

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I’m sorry to say no , my posts about the Covid 2 SARS viruses and Covid-19 vaccines on FB haven’t received one reaction of any kind over the last 3 years not even you’re crazy , people are just afraid to have an open discussion about it , it’s amazing How brainwashing effectiveness of advertisement for vaccines have become and I mean across political spectrum‘s independent Democrats Republicans alike they’re only two people I know they change their mind that already got the vaccine and one other person that I know did not get the vaccine other than that they’re all like I hate to say it but like sheep they don’t question it

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That's been my experience as well. As you say, no one wants to even talk about it.

And I know what yer saying about posts and comments, since I've posted this, which I think is remarkably fascinating and revealing, and rarely get any response at all. I mean, Pfizer has been a criminal organization for 60 years, so why would anyone trust them today?

"Following the January 1959 disclosure of the misleading Pfizer ad for Sigmamycin, the Federal Trade Commission issued the first unfair practice complaint in its history against an ethical (sic) drug house, with Pfizer as the defendant.

- John Lear, Do We Need a Census of Worthless Drugs? The Saturday Review, May 7, 1960, pp. 53-57


The whole article is shocking and perfectly describes what still goes on today!

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Absolutely Pfizer has a lhistory of lawsuits against them of malfeasance on the safety of their drug products

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Johonson and Johnson as well as several others too.

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deletedApr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023
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So called public health has always attracted the eugenicists.

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Can you please confirm if you are the author of this paper? https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/the-novelty-of-mrna-viral-vaccines

Respectfully, suggest you look at the comments. These echo my feelings:

Laura Garcia

"Anyone else noting the change/shift in the wind....it’s called, there will be no accountability. They are now going to lead us down the path of bygones, mistakes were made....we can learn and do better next time around."

Jo Singel

"I’m feeling seriously disappointed upon reading this short article. My sense of smell is very accurate. My mind wants to debate what my sense is presenting. Something does not smell right here. Why this article now, I ask myself. We are still being lied to and there continue to be mandates for certain groups. We aren’t out of the woods yet and here is this article."

And finally, this:

James Beck

"Yes. We can see the next phase of "we didn't know" being unveiled. Dr McCullough has agreed & been recruited to be the spokesperson to beg for leniency for the criminals for the sake of saving science. As of this morning, I am canceling paying for his Substack propaganda."

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i was a contributor on lnp work, yeah. not sure how i like how it's being interpreted though. the message was meant to be: lnps not safe. without lnps, no mrna tech.

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With respect, people have a right to their interpretations given the millions of people murdered and maimed by the mrna platform. There is no trust with scientists, doctors and pharma anymore. Also, the issue of reverse transcriptase (Alden et al) has not been fully explored, so, respectfully, to break the issue down into something so simple (mrna and LNPs) is short sighted in my opinion. People are right to be angry given the unknowns with this technology.

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Maybe Dr. McCullough got a tap on the shoulder?

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Is Covid, by that I mean land - up - in hospital Covid still a thing in the US? Where I am it hasn't been for ages. What is a thing is sudden deaths and the ongoing aftermath from vaccine injury, "long Covid", shedding, weird,, "colds"etc. Everyone is just less healthy than three years ago. OK not everyone, but generally people seem to have lowered stamina.

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Even my family, completely undosed, are less healthy and more prone to infections ... from shedding (?)

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mRNA "vaccines" in the meat?

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Talked to a lady today, about age 35, stomach cancer. They are set to remove her stomach in about two months. Way too young for that type of cancer.

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Yes. I hope Bobby Kennedy wins so he can help us create a better world than this madness.

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My extremely healthy 92 year old Uncle took all the shots.

He was infected with Omicron. It ravaged his lungs and he unfortunately died.

When his doctor was questioned she replied "Well, his age".

Wasn't he in exactly the demographic that was supposed to benefit from these jabs?

I know he was elderly, but I can't help but think Vitamin D and early use of some repurposed meds would have saved him a lot of suffering.

How many people have DIED and suffered because they were DENIED appropriate treatment?

Now add the vaccine deaths.

It's the NEEDLESS suffering that blows my mind.

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How many people died because they actually had the Flu, and didn't receive treatment?


There are so many things wrong with the COVID response, there are too many things to list.

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Euthanasia of the useless eaters according to Bill Gates.

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Definitive proof that these boosters must be the most dangerous. Only maximum devastation will be allowed

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And big pharma treats us like lab rats. Isn't fascism/communism wunnerful? ; )

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"The available data continue to demonstrate that vaccines prevent the most serious outcomes of COVID-19, which are severe illness, hospitalization, and death.”

This is simply a flat out lie! You know what prevents death? Not killing people with Remdesivir!

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What would help more than anything Jessica, we believe at the Action Radio Citizen Legislature, is our bill to restore Vaccine Product Liability. Dr. Judy Mikovits, a frequent visitor to our show talks about our bill at every conference. Ed Dowd recently on the show said vaccines will not be on the market, because the lawsuits for death and injury from vaccines far exceed the profits. Here is the link:


Our show is at: BlogTalkRadio.com/citizenaction, and the rest of our bills are at: WriteYourLaws.com. Please come on the show and we can talk all about how to fix this and other massive problems.

Greg Penglis

Creator, Host and CEO of the Action Radio Citizen Legislature

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