I spoke with a good friend this morning on the subject matter of the ‘Pandemic’ and I think we both got some great insights from each other. My greatest insight was this: there needs to be a bold discernation - made and proclaimed - of the difference between the word ‘Pandemic’, and the agenda of ‘Pandemic Preparedness’.
Let’s get the obvious stuff out of the way. No one wants to be swept away by a tsunami, taken out by an earthquake, or turned into a bloody-oozing mass from Ebola. That’s why we have excellent detection and warning systems in place locally to warn people of oncoming threats. It works, when it can. Planning is important. No one would deny that. Lots of people are even prepping. But planning is best executed at the local level. Sure, global surveillance systems of weather pattern changes are awesome when not abused, but action must be taken locally to dispell threats.
I appreciate that there might be agencies that claim to want to prepare the world, but when it comes to judgments pertaining to restriction of movement and seizure of basic human rights, no one can judge that for me - no one has the right or authority to impose such things on living creatures. The treachery and obviousness of the bastardization of decent ideas into tyranny is well-described here, and it is absolutely clear how the original WHO ‘Constitution’ is NOT being upheld, and they should be held accountable for their role in the disaster that has been the past four years, and disassembled.
Pandemic - a word
I borrow from my previous article on this subject matter to define this word.
pan = all, epi = upon, en = in, demos = people
A pandemic refers to an all-people-affecting 'thing.'
Summary: A pandemic is a word meant to imply that all people are affected - not just some, as is the case in an epi (upon) demic.
Wikipedia defines a pandemic like this:
A pandemic (/pænˈdɛmɪk/ pan-DEM-ik) is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of individuals.
I would call this a ‘radicalized’ version of the definition to include an ‘infectious disease’ part, but etymologically, this word does not depend on the existence of a pathogen. I think a more appropriate word to describe what I suppose is the average-Joe’s understanding of its meaning would be panpathodemic.
Deadly-pathogen-induced type of pandemics are being confused with deadly-measures-induced type of pandemics. Both technically affect all people, since the ‘measures’ were simultaneously ‘applied’ globally, and viruses spread so the word pandemic applies, but, only one of these types of pandemic lives in the realm of data-based reality: the former.
The thing that people are debating is whether or not there was a new pathogen that caused/lead to ‘COVID’ deaths during the ‘pandemic’. The answer is no. There was an all-people-affecting thing, yes. However, the thing that affected us all, and so many of us to our detriment, were the measures taken - especially the shots. This is not to say that the original ‘agent’ was not potentially deadly. Not at all. But the main cause of suffering and death according to the data was the stuff the humans did to the humans.
Question: What good is a ‘COVID-free’ population that has lost the will to live?
Do I smell rotten intentions here?
Pandemic Preparedness - an uncessary and unrealistic dictat based on the potentiality of the release or emergence of something dangerous to people, like bacteria (resistant to antibiotics because of the industry and manic pollution) or viruses (potentially the product of some stupid human GOFing), or even ACTUAL zoonotic pathogens. Zoonosis is a thing, and it is something that we should be aware of - not freak out over - but be aware of. It ties back to maintaining our beautiful planet as undestroyed as possible to reduce the potential of pathogens jumping species. The best way to prevent this is to leave mother nature ALONE, not to spray bat caves with sticky adulterated spike protein.
HHS will continue its work to equip Americans with the tools to identify misinformation and to invest in longer-term efforts to build resilience against health misinformation.1
Yes. I am sure you will.
CDC definition
If you head to the CDC website on the subject of Preparedness and Planning, you’ll notice that the CDC have archived information pertaining to ‘Pandemics’. This section was last updated on Last Updated January 8, 2024, but the main webpage was last reviewed on January 27, 2022. I guess they decided no more ‘pandemic’, eh? You get the same message when you click on ‘Pandemic Preparedness Resources’, ‘Medical Countermeasure Readiness’ and ‘Regulations and Laws That May Apply During a Pandemic’. If you head to CDC’s Planning and Preparedness Resources for Flu, you’ll also find that when you click on ‘More’ under ‘CDC Pandemic Tools’, the page is unfindable.
Ahem, also, click on Bioterrorism emergencies. You’ll get a list of 5 agents with the most recent one’s information updated in 2021. You find out which. Two of them pretty much refer to the same agent. Ahem.
WHO definition
Let’s move onto the unelected threat: the WHO. What’s their definition of Pandemic Preparedness?
Member states must equal no states, in my opinion.
Constitution? This should be good. Well, at least during its inception in 1946, this Constitution appeared to have had some merit. It’s amazing what bastardization by power-hungry people filled to the hilt with hubris, and a bit of time, can do.
By the way, one year prior, Operation Paperclip took place. One lear later, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was ushered in.
In 2005, the WHO IHR regulations were adopted by the World Health Assembly - the ‘decision-making body of WHO’. Billionaire back-scratchers?
So many treacheries that lead to anywhere but human health, so little time. It is these ‘amendments’ that have taken place, and soon to be attempted to take place again, that lead us ever-so-slowly (so as not to alert people to the real threat by moving the goal post just a little periodically) to complete serfdom.
This must be our focus - to end the idea that an unelected globalist-oriented group of people should have power and control over all - this applies to health, money, whatever. Decentralize everything.
I propose, that in order to actually prevent pathogen-related pandemics, each sovereign nation should write their own Constitution. One that embraces the central tenets of human well-being to include freedom of movement and choice - without exception!
In the first line of the WHO’s original Constitution they pen the word ‘happiness’ in the context of describing how it can be achieved, and as the first declaration they write:
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Indeed! Right you are. And I would like to remind the people who are twisting a red-hot poker into the arse of good intentions that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity! Happiness isn’t something you impose on people. When schwabby said, “you’ll own nothing and be happy”, I think he misunderstood the original WHO Constitution’s meaning, because personally, my happiness pretty much depends on freedom. And that includes the freedom to choose what is right for me without being persecuted, thank you very much.
Side note: It’s amazing that people can have moments of happiness even right before passing if their loved ones are there with them, holding their hands while passing deep messages between eyes. Depriving our elders of the love of their families before passing due to neglect during the COVID era was, to me, one of the most disgusting things that occurred as part of the ‘pandemic’.
This was the pandemic of neglect and abuse of our elders.
So to conclude, when the overlords start throwing around the word ‘pandemic’ again, remember, they are likely intentionally confusing and confused, as well. They don’t mean that we need to declare a ‘pandemic’ - as in - a real danger is upon us. No. It’s closer to the ‘pandemic’ that ghates giggles about, ie: pandemic preparedness.
It’s time to impose pandemic preparedness on the people again.
Be afraid! Listen to us! We will save you!
It’s important to note as well, that ‘Pandemic Preparedness’ is infested with preemptive strategies. Meaning, they will impose these ‘measures’ prior to any pending threat. Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate!
To protect us.
To keep us safe.
If I had to choose between freedom and current WHO/UN/CDC ideas of safety, I would choose freedom. Every single time.
There is no such thing as a medical authority. No doctor anywhere on the planet has the right to order anyone to do anything, at all, period, end of story. Doctors provide advice that free people can follow or reject as they see fit. Anything else is tyranny.
Thank you Jessica for the excellent analysis and for keeping track of all the mysteriously altered, deleted and memory- holed definitions of what used to be marginally interesting subjects (for non-epidemiologists) like pandemics. Important addition to this comes fromRFK Jr’s new book: “pandemic preparedness” is code for “biowarfare research.”