There is no such thing as a medical authority. No doctor anywhere on the planet has the right to order anyone to do anything, at all, period, end of story. Doctors provide advice that free people can follow or reject as they see fit. Anything else is tyranny.
I participate zero. when people ask me if (or usually 'how many times!) I've had covid, I reply: I don't know. I refuse to participate. I had a headache in March of '21. my teens both had conjunctivitis (eye infections) in fall of '22. was it covid? I give not two shits.
I have ZERO confidence that doctors who behaved so insanely - adhering to the most absurd rituals like masks that cannot possibly work, or that little 2ft x 2ft perspex screens are going to stop an airborne pathogen, or that natural herd immunity is an urban myth - have the first clue about what they're doing.
The fact that they're so eagerly doling out petrochemicals like candy, so that patients end up on 10 or 15 of these drugs, having no idea of how all those chemicals are interacting with each other (let alone their combined interactive effects on a complex biological system) has me running for the hills.
The very few who DO understand are only rarely found on platforms such as this one.
What you don't know CAN hurt you tremendously, and I see it every single day.
The only silver lining to Covid was that it accelerated my medical knowledge, gave me access to the minds of some brilliant unsung heroes, and gave me an advanced education in what not to do if you want to live a long, healthy life.
Shattering and completely decimating my faith in medicine was ultimately a blessing in disguise.
Amen. Sadly the propaganda machine was whirring 24/7 to bring sheer panic into every home. It caused schisms in families, communities and all throughout society. They didn’t want to simply stick everyone, they WANTED it to hurt. They wanted to twist it and the whole bloody world.
Excellent article. The crazy thing to me is the otherwise seemingly intelligent ppl who still don’t want to know the truth. The whole thing has cratered any trust I had in the medical system. I’m awake now and pretty pissed off.
You don't even need the word medical there. There is no such thing as existential authority granted to humans. There are only people who wield power over others to varying degrees (all of us essentially, like it or not) and people who have expertise. Unfortunately, the word 'authority' is too commonly used to inherently grant power to those who have 'expertise' (or the claim of that).
Did the people whose bodies are found in stacks of burning tires on the roadside in Nigeria grant power to those who placed them there and lit them on fire?
Did the teacher who was attacked by the behemoth, angry that she took away his little e-toy, grant power to that "child"?
Did 6 million men, women, and children who were roasted in the ovens of Germany and Poland grant power to the ones who ushered them in?
Did the 65 million babies aborted in the US give power to their mothers to kill them?
Did Ted Bundy's victims grant their own power to their killer?
Do the victims of human trafficking grant power to their abductors?
I beg to differ with your statement. Power can absolutely be exercised over another without that power being granted. As it is and was, and so shall it ever be.
Good points, with "can" being the operative word, here. Some power is given away, in most cases due to deception by the receiving party, and some power is taken by force. We are seeing the collapse of the deception so we will soon see more of the force. These filthy power grabbers will stop at nothing to stay on top.
To see the likes of one Kamaltoe J. Harris run for president of the US is way, way beyond the pale. To vote for this pathogen speaks to the dream world so many Americans live in. Yet, the other candidates are often not much better. We get to vote for Loser #1 or Loser #2, like, what's the diff? We are totally decadent and thanks to the commies in our midst, we are seeing our demise as we speak. Government wants to kill us off, our corruption knows no limits. And, like Jessica readily admits and substantiates, humanity acting inhumane towards humanity is perhaps the greatest nail in the coffin of our civilization. Jess, you're a nonpareil, thanks for all. Let the Force be with you.
That is exactly what has happened in the US and subsequently globally.
The CONSTITUTION granted a limited about of powers to the courts.
The rest remain with the people. But as you all have seen or noticed they bat will and continuously drive over us (The People).
Words are IMPORTANT. They do not change willy nilly overnight night despite what some think.
Only we (The People) can stand TF up (I been standing up all my life, but I do understand that it is uncomfortable, but not nearly as uncomfortable as you wearing a lithium mining jumpsuit from Davos. I will NOT BE ACCLIMATING.
Yes, quite true, although as has been the case so many times in the past, once again this tyranny appears through the medical system, from Socrates drinking hemlock for rockin the boat to the woman in the bible who gave everything to doctors only to bleed more to founding father Dr. Ben Rush arguing for medical freedom in Constitution / Bill of rights to Hitler's exaggeration of the threats of typhus and so on. No wonder they need a slogan like "First do no harm". It boggles my mind how so many people trust them when even before the new gas chamber type thing got going were already one of if not the leading cause of death.
Ever read a scholarly research paper analysis and interject it into a discussion with your physician and notice that said practitioner often panics and tries to erect a blockade against your questions? Very often the patient is often silently denigrated as the doctor loses the narrative. Fact is, in this day of medicine by algorithm is a reality and "they " don't know how to answer your questions and they likewise resent your uppity attitude. After all, we should all bow down to the neon Gods we made, right?
Thank you Jessica for the excellent analysis and for keeping track of all the mysteriously altered, deleted and memory- holed definitions of what used to be marginally interesting subjects (for non-epidemiologists) like pandemics. Important addition to this comes fromRFK Jr’s new book: “pandemic preparedness” is code for “biowarfare research.”
I love and respect the work you’ve done but I can condense this article to this:
There was never a public health emergency pandemic caused by the Sars-cov2 virus. The only public health emergency was caused by the governments, media, and corporations of the world.
Why so many keep stubbornly debating this inarguable truth is beyond my comprehension. I would even argue that with millions of humans crisscrossing the planet every day, sharing their germs, viruses and biomes with every populace in every country on this floating rock, deadly pandemics are probably not possible anyway. But that’s another debate.😊
Oh, so it’s ok for the WHO to call all harmless flu and corona viruses pandemics now? And to not challenge it even though governments are shutting down the whole world because of it? Come on Jessica. I’m not a disinformation agent, just a carpenter from Ky asking questions that shouldn’t be so hard to answer. Discussing the truth isn’t a tactic to waste people’s time. That deflection is getting really tired. If more of you would accept the fact there was no public health emergency caused by covid instead of repeatedly calling it a time wasting tactic of division by the bad guys, all the other debates melt away AND we might prevent the next fake pandemic. It’s so simple and the data is crystal clear, which makes it so perplexing you, Malone, McCullough and others refuse to admit it. I get it from McCullough. He’s selling pandemic preparedness product. And Malone is a slime ball trying to hide his role in killing millions. But you?
Whoa. Malone did some of the original research on m/RNA decades ago. That doesn’t conflate to gain of function efforts that Fauci funded through the Wuhan lab. It’s not legal here so that R&D was farmed out to places where it was. The work on the m/RNA was left because it didn’t seem to be a viable avenue for the safe use in treating anything.
Malone had nothing to do with the plandemic. He was censored for voicing concern over using it in vaccines and smeared in every way by a complicit media. The same media that was all too happy to pour on the panic if it made Trump look bad. The same media that spread the actual disinformation and STILL is repeating the lies they told then along with new ones. The politicization of health concerns or treatments is an abomination. The fact that thousands of Americans still refuse to acknowledge that were duped is bad enough but there are doctors who are still claiming that COVID killed millions of ppl world wide when the facts just don’t support this narrative. When those in charge finally stop the gaslighting then maybe some ppl who’ve been skeptical about the claims (and evidence) that they were lied to will eventually wake up. Hopefully our next admin won’t go right back to cow-towing to the WHO. They were really gearing up to initiate the next plandemic too. There may well be a real super-flu coming down the pike here soon but that’s hardly something we, or any nation, should turn over the control of our country for. In the end one of the safest and most effective treatments for COVID remains ivermectin but because Trump suggested this it was fully discredited which is a shame. The whole of the medical community should feel ashamed at how they put so many ppl at risk and still lie about the safety of the vaccines. Maybe there was real integrity in our government, the medical community and even some in the pharmaceutical industry 60+ yrs ago but that ship clearly sailed.
I love the warning in the upper left corner telling us to consult the CDC for the latest information on if that's even still a thing. Just another example of the controlled narrative that they want to keep us believing.
Give it up. Game over so will some one please just unplug this?
I think the whole COVID episode has been a test run for compliance.
I’ve heard that from others but there remains a growing sector of now awake people who will be far less likely to cooperate. When a leading (3rd) cause of death is medical mistakes it’s hard to take the medical community seriously.
There’s still hope with ppl like JR, the mid western doctor and I see it’s not popular but Malone and McCullough, all the signers of the Barrington declaration and a few others who remain in contempt of the establishment.
I thank you Jessica Rose for refusing to align with the scandemic establishment.
Clearly there are plenty of other big concerns regarding the future and it looks dubious. I hope the next couple generations can resist the Borg. God help them.
I really admire how you can go from molecular modeling geek to political firebrand in a wink. And the idea / image of the WHO getting disassembled is most delightful.
The "pandemic" which worries the owners is "Modern Humans". The owners run an Apex-Predator ecosystem, so their "hammer" is killing-some-folks.
"We" look like 8 billion nails.
They need to keep this quiet, because we would most-likely lose our rationality and react violently against their well-considered plans to cull half of us gradually, so as to not upset the economy too much.
Got some better ideas?
The best I can come up with is praying for guidance each day, being a friend and growing vegetables.
When there’s a lack of diverse actions, the world is at greater risk of succumbing to the mistakes of one action. In true pandemics of unknown origins, wouldn’t we need a diverse set of medicines, methods, and/or treatments? It doesn’t make sense that everyone be forced to behave in the exact same way and to take the exact same treatments. Also, what about mental health? That doesn’t seem to mean much to the global elites.
Orchestrated by the WEF wanna-be global tyrants. They might get that chance if the truths and real data isn’t plastered all over everything. This conversation isn’t over and we shouldn’t let it go quietly into the night. They don’t get to shrug this off and go right back to business as usual.
What you've said is obvious and logical, but unfortunately it could not be possible if you want Emergency Use Authorisation and zero liability for your experimental toxic gene product. Hopefully more people know better now to counter such insanity in future.
It’s not “my experimental gene product” and I never advocated for this insanity. I am jab-free. I have been questioning them well before covid. I have tried to educate my friends, family, and anyone who would listen on social media (before and during covid). I’ve been disowned by many and called crazy because of it. When my FB account started to grow, they took it from me because I refused to give the company my phone number. I showed up to my state capitol to protest the lockdowns (learned firsthand that the government (local, state, and federal) are corrupt and don’t function the way we were taught. I do not take or trust any “modern” medicine and I try to support my health as best I can with food, water, exercise, sunshine etc. Even though “the powers that be” have made it extremely difficult.
My original comment does make sense and is true if the government were really looking to save the most people. The problem is that they lied about everything. The “state of emergency” was originally created to prevent the government from enacting such extreme measures. We also have the laws that came out of the Nuremberg trials that have also been ignored. So you are right, we need a huge overhaul of how we do things (not just with the Emergency Act, but with other things too). I hope this message comes across friendly. I’m not trying to come across as rude.
We are not different, Julie. I also sometimes preface my words saying I don't mean to sound rude. I was being deliberately somewhat sarcastic about the situation, and it was not directed at you personally. I was actually agreeing with your post, and in fact I "liked" it. Perhaps instead of using the word "you", I should have used "one". But I'm completely on the exact same page as you, and I'm totally disgusted by the deceit that went behind the EUA. I took the sarcastic tone I did because I'd just read an article about how the US DoD were involved in contracting for the vaccines, and therefore the drug companies managed to avoid any great oversight. I apologise if I wasn't clear enough, and my wryness came across badly. Let's keep up the good fight together (as you express yourself extremely clearly and well).
Nope. Not rude, just strong and for good reason. The immunity conferred to the pharmaceutical industry for vaccines needs to be revoked entirely. There’s much that needs revision like ensuring that our own government won’t act against existing law and will be transparent in any decision making, data collection and basis for recommendations. I’d like to think I can rely upon the CDC, the FDA or HHS to provide information that is correct.
I’m supposed to be doing Byram Bridles’s Immunology course today. It will be a late start for me. Firstly, who is Katherine Watt? Reading all that she has is scary enough. When people feel disoriented, there’s usually a not clear reason why. We are all mystified about the lack of response or answers as to why the governments aren’t addressing vaccine injuries or deaths. Last year eyedrops were pulled from the market because of side effects. I believe there were under 100 people affected. So, this article as well as Katherine Witt’s posting seems to answer a lot of questions. Because laws, regulations or amendments have been implemented through the years, does that mean that every administration is impotent to change the direction, amend or change something that looks dangerous to people? Like, is the government really unaware about injuries or deaths or aware but are powerless to do something about it? The us is powerful, but do other countries have to abide by some skulduggery taking place in the States? I’m also again reading Elaine DeWars book “The deadliest pandemic in 100 years.” I read it in 2021 but the same cast of characters keep emerging in Substack and elsewhere so it now has more meaning to me. Everything I read is more unsettling than the last thing I read. I also read a post that in Brook Jackson’s lawsuit that pfizer replied with a motion to dismiss saying that the government has been fine with how the “clinical trials” were conducted. If that’s true, it blows my mind. But. Katherine’s post makes it all perfectly clear. I will need to read all of this a bunch more times. Just another thing not to talk about with people as they think I’ve gone down some conspiracy hole anyway.
Just want to add: everything that gets revealed about what these vaccines contain, I assumed was the smoking gun and it would get addressed. But no, contaminated plasmid DNA isn’t a problem we have learned. The goal posts keep getting moved. What’s up with that?
The real issue with the alleged pandemic is money, and how much corrupt individuals in the alleged healthcare bureaucracy were able to steal. I think most who read you know that, without any intervention at all, fewer people would have died from the made up "covid-19" just as the informed among us know that 2M didn't die from the Spanish Flu, the majority dying of pneumonia acquired in the hospitals to which they went hoping for healing. Today the majority of deaths are iatrogenic.
The bigger issue is that in our spoiled society, no one gets enough sun, Big Chem (pharma) is dumping harmful chemicals by the truckload, and the nutrients in our food supply are nowhere near what they were 200 years ago. That and people do not move nearly enough.
The money is in Rockefeller medicine, aka "we've got a pill for that," rather than "here's how to stay well." Put simply the sugar industry isn't interested in telling you how much damage is done by the amounts consumed these days, fast-food companies aren't interested in telling you that you should eat real food (per Jack LaLanne) the tobacco industry doesn't want you to know that cigarettes cause cancer and Pfizer doesn't want you to know that their various pills only treat symptoms and have three pages worth of adverse (not "side") effects.
As always, it's follow the money.
We know that virtually no one with a 25(OH)D above 50ng/mL died from covid. But there isn't enough money in vitamin D to pay for a private jet, and even less once you figure out that just getting out into the sun for an hour or two daily will take care of it. I could go on for hours, but not here and not now. I have blogged on the subject at
Dr. David Martin's Covid Dossier, explains in detail all the reasons Anthony Fauci should spend the rest of his life in jail, or better yet be executed, but Fauci is connected (a "made" man) and Martin isn't. Which is the essence of the problem. Very rich people are making decisions for us that only benefit them. These are the people funding the Palestinian protests and the absurd notion that somehow Israel defending itself is genocide and somehow violates the Geneva Conventions and that CO2 is an existential threat. Anyone who has read the GCs knows how insultingly vapid that is and anyone who passed their science classes in primary school knows that CO2 is essential to life.
The solution is for people to follow you, Chris Masterjohn, Steven Gundry, Joe Mercola, and others, (including me!) who will tell them how to actually improve their health and what things to avoid. I'm 73 and take no pharmaceutical drugs and never have. I haven't been to see a doctor in years, other than to get blood tests of my own choosing and a coronary calcium scan... and the occasional ER visit.
We need to stop feeding the beast that's eating us.
The WHO and the billionaire sociopaths who control it, whose goal is depopulation, are a much bigger threat to mankind than any virus. We have nothing to fear but fear itself, and The WHO and WEF.
That’s what happens when Christians don’t fight back against removing God from every pillar of society! We need to do better! We are the majority and we have to act like Christians who love their creator and want him to direct our path! May God bless us and forgive our sins! He expects us to be courageous.
Be afraid! Nope. Listen to us! Nope. We will save you! Nope. It’s a damn shame that countries don’t all dump the WHO. There are no pandemics. Even though they keep trying to create them with their damned evil bioweapon labs. It’s all a load of crap and propaganda. Whenever someone raises the subject of ‘what if there’s another pandemic that’s even worse?’ I ask them if they were even thinking about such a thing before January 2020. Think about it. Ignore the fearmongering, everyone. Please.
My "one health" goes back to uniting veterinary formula with human use -- when I first chose to use DURAMECTIN® anthelmintic for equines.🦓🦄🐴. The words "choose" and "voluntary self-experimentation" sound of freedom -- while the globalist "one health" doesn't.
Can some of you wealthy medical tech investors fund a safety study clinical trial of several brands of horse paste for our "one health, redneck/deplorables" version of freedom medicine, for us healthy country people who use our animal medications to get through "pandemics" like the 2020 one? If DURAMECTIN® and other brands of veterinary use ivermectin changed the tyranny of the nations, the hospitals and the WHO, before the human versions of ivermectin were repurposed to defend against severe COVID (along with other supplements) -- then give this ivermectin-in veterinary-formulation credit . . . in a safety clinical trial. Not that we doubt its safety, but it is to establish that at least someone studied its repurposed use in humans.
That's the real One Health. Using traditional medicines, herbs, minerals, supplements, amino acids, healing from God (my own father was healed of the disease tuberculosis by God in an astonishing way), and veterinary medicines that work isn't tyrannical or globalist in agenda, but rather inclusive.
The globalist version of One Health is being corrupted by futurists/technocrats who are arrogant about their medical viewpoints and knowledge. It used to be a slightly different vision here: "One Health: From Concept to Practice" and here is how it looked:
" . . . in the mid-1960s, the eminent American veterinary epidemiologist, Calvin Schwabe, also recognized that the health of humans, animals and ecosystems are interconnected, which he referred to as 'One Medicine' in his textbook 'Veterinary Medicine and Human Health' (Schwabe 1984)."
There is no such thing as a medical authority. No doctor anywhere on the planet has the right to order anyone to do anything, at all, period, end of story. Doctors provide advice that free people can follow or reject as they see fit. Anything else is tyranny.
Well said, Mark Girard. Look at how many folks say things like, ‘I take this pill/get this test because my doctor says I have to.’
I'm at the point where I no longer participate in Western medicine much at all. No pills, no shots, no x-rays and so on. I am done.
I participate zero. when people ask me if (or usually 'how many times!) I've had covid, I reply: I don't know. I refuse to participate. I had a headache in March of '21. my teens both had conjunctivitis (eye infections) in fall of '22. was it covid? I give not two shits.
Those authorities have shit on my path... I see it. I smell it and I will continue to walk away.
I’m right there with you!
Same Mark.
I have ZERO confidence that doctors who behaved so insanely - adhering to the most absurd rituals like masks that cannot possibly work, or that little 2ft x 2ft perspex screens are going to stop an airborne pathogen, or that natural herd immunity is an urban myth - have the first clue about what they're doing.
The fact that they're so eagerly doling out petrochemicals like candy, so that patients end up on 10 or 15 of these drugs, having no idea of how all those chemicals are interacting with each other (let alone their combined interactive effects on a complex biological system) has me running for the hills.
The very few who DO understand are only rarely found on platforms such as this one.
What you don't know CAN hurt you tremendously, and I see it every single day.
The only silver lining to Covid was that it accelerated my medical knowledge, gave me access to the minds of some brilliant unsung heroes, and gave me an advanced education in what not to do if you want to live a long, healthy life.
Shattering and completely decimating my faith in medicine was ultimately a blessing in disguise.
Amen. Sadly the propaganda machine was whirring 24/7 to bring sheer panic into every home. It caused schisms in families, communities and all throughout society. They didn’t want to simply stick everyone, they WANTED it to hurt. They wanted to twist it and the whole bloody world.
Excellent article. The crazy thing to me is the otherwise seemingly intelligent ppl who still don’t want to know the truth. The whole thing has cratered any trust I had in the medical system. I’m awake now and pretty pissed off.
Right on! and well written to boot......thank you.
You don't even need the word medical there. There is no such thing as existential authority granted to humans. There are only people who wield power over others to varying degrees (all of us essentially, like it or not) and people who have expertise. Unfortunately, the word 'authority' is too commonly used to inherently grant power to those who have 'expertise' (or the claim of that).
People only have have power over us if we grant it to them.
Did the people whose bodies are found in stacks of burning tires on the roadside in Nigeria grant power to those who placed them there and lit them on fire?
Did the teacher who was attacked by the behemoth, angry that she took away his little e-toy, grant power to that "child"?
Did 6 million men, women, and children who were roasted in the ovens of Germany and Poland grant power to the ones who ushered them in?
Did the 65 million babies aborted in the US give power to their mothers to kill them?
Did Ted Bundy's victims grant their own power to their killer?
Do the victims of human trafficking grant power to their abductors?
I beg to differ with your statement. Power can absolutely be exercised over another without that power being granted. As it is and was, and so shall it ever be.
Rust - I meant that we need to refuse to comply re: injections, masks, closures, social distancing, etc. No other way to stop this evil nonsense, IMO.
AND are still paying for it, Ma'am.
Yes, I am aware. It’s horrible what they’ve done to us.
Good points, with "can" being the operative word, here. Some power is given away, in most cases due to deception by the receiving party, and some power is taken by force. We are seeing the collapse of the deception so we will soon see more of the force. These filthy power grabbers will stop at nothing to stay on top.
To see the likes of one Kamaltoe J. Harris run for president of the US is way, way beyond the pale. To vote for this pathogen speaks to the dream world so many Americans live in. Yet, the other candidates are often not much better. We get to vote for Loser #1 or Loser #2, like, what's the diff? We are totally decadent and thanks to the commies in our midst, we are seeing our demise as we speak. Government wants to kill us off, our corruption knows no limits. And, like Jessica readily admits and substantiates, humanity acting inhumane towards humanity is perhaps the greatest nail in the coffin of our civilization. Jess, you're a nonpareil, thanks for all. Let the Force be with you.
" We are seeing the collapse of the deception so we will soon see more of the force." Yes, absolutely.
That is exactly what has happened in the US and subsequently globally.
The CONSTITUTION granted a limited about of powers to the courts.
The rest remain with the people. But as you all have seen or noticed they bat will and continuously drive over us (The People).
Words are IMPORTANT. They do not change willy nilly overnight night despite what some think.
Only we (The People) can stand TF up (I been standing up all my life, but I do understand that it is uncomfortable, but not nearly as uncomfortable as you wearing a lithium mining jumpsuit from Davos. I will NOT BE ACCLIMATING.
Yes, quite true, although as has been the case so many times in the past, once again this tyranny appears through the medical system, from Socrates drinking hemlock for rockin the boat to the woman in the bible who gave everything to doctors only to bleed more to founding father Dr. Ben Rush arguing for medical freedom in Constitution / Bill of rights to Hitler's exaggeration of the threats of typhus and so on. No wonder they need a slogan like "First do no harm". It boggles my mind how so many people trust them when even before the new gas chamber type thing got going were already one of if not the leading cause of death.
Hubris infects the medical profession. Watch Turfseer’s music video MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY DISEASE.
Ever read a scholarly research paper analysis and interject it into a discussion with your physician and notice that said practitioner often panics and tries to erect a blockade against your questions? Very often the patient is often silently denigrated as the doctor loses the narrative. Fact is, in this day of medicine by algorithm is a reality and "they " don't know how to answer your questions and they likewise resent your uppity attitude. After all, we should all bow down to the neon Gods we made, right?
Thank you Jessica for the excellent analysis and for keeping track of all the mysteriously altered, deleted and memory- holed definitions of what used to be marginally interesting subjects (for non-epidemiologists) like pandemics. Important addition to this comes fromRFK Jr’s new book: “pandemic preparedness” is code for “biowarfare research.”
I love and respect the work you’ve done but I can condense this article to this:
There was never a public health emergency pandemic caused by the Sars-cov2 virus. The only public health emergency was caused by the governments, media, and corporations of the world.
Why so many keep stubbornly debating this inarguable truth is beyond my comprehension. I would even argue that with millions of humans crisscrossing the planet every day, sharing their germs, viruses and biomes with every populace in every country on this floating rock, deadly pandemics are probably not possible anyway. But that’s another debate.😊
because it wastes people's time. that's why these petty arguments over word meaning exist. it's another tactic.
Oh, so it’s ok for the WHO to call all harmless flu and corona viruses pandemics now? And to not challenge it even though governments are shutting down the whole world because of it? Come on Jessica. I’m not a disinformation agent, just a carpenter from Ky asking questions that shouldn’t be so hard to answer. Discussing the truth isn’t a tactic to waste people’s time. That deflection is getting really tired. If more of you would accept the fact there was no public health emergency caused by covid instead of repeatedly calling it a time wasting tactic of division by the bad guys, all the other debates melt away AND we might prevent the next fake pandemic. It’s so simple and the data is crystal clear, which makes it so perplexing you, Malone, McCullough and others refuse to admit it. I get it from McCullough. He’s selling pandemic preparedness product. And Malone is a slime ball trying to hide his role in killing millions. But you?
Whoa. Malone did some of the original research on m/RNA decades ago. That doesn’t conflate to gain of function efforts that Fauci funded through the Wuhan lab. It’s not legal here so that R&D was farmed out to places where it was. The work on the m/RNA was left because it didn’t seem to be a viable avenue for the safe use in treating anything.
Malone had nothing to do with the plandemic. He was censored for voicing concern over using it in vaccines and smeared in every way by a complicit media. The same media that was all too happy to pour on the panic if it made Trump look bad. The same media that spread the actual disinformation and STILL is repeating the lies they told then along with new ones. The politicization of health concerns or treatments is an abomination. The fact that thousands of Americans still refuse to acknowledge that were duped is bad enough but there are doctors who are still claiming that COVID killed millions of ppl world wide when the facts just don’t support this narrative. When those in charge finally stop the gaslighting then maybe some ppl who’ve been skeptical about the claims (and evidence) that they were lied to will eventually wake up. Hopefully our next admin won’t go right back to cow-towing to the WHO. They were really gearing up to initiate the next plandemic too. There may well be a real super-flu coming down the pike here soon but that’s hardly something we, or any nation, should turn over the control of our country for. In the end one of the safest and most effective treatments for COVID remains ivermectin but because Trump suggested this it was fully discredited which is a shame. The whole of the medical community should feel ashamed at how they put so many ppl at risk and still lie about the safety of the vaccines. Maybe there was real integrity in our government, the medical community and even some in the pharmaceutical industry 60+ yrs ago but that ship clearly sailed.
THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Watch Turfseer’s music video.
I love the warning in the upper left corner telling us to consult the CDC for the latest information on if that's even still a thing. Just another example of the controlled narrative that they want to keep us believing.
Give it up. Game over so will some one please just unplug this?
I think the whole COVID episode has been a test run for compliance.
I’ve heard that from others but there remains a growing sector of now awake people who will be far less likely to cooperate. When a leading (3rd) cause of death is medical mistakes it’s hard to take the medical community seriously.
There’s still hope with ppl like JR, the mid western doctor and I see it’s not popular but Malone and McCullough, all the signers of the Barrington declaration and a few others who remain in contempt of the establishment.
I thank you Jessica Rose for refusing to align with the scandemic establishment.
Clearly there are plenty of other big concerns regarding the future and it looks dubious. I hope the next couple generations can resist the Borg. God help them.
Well done. I like it!
I really admire how you can go from molecular modeling geek to political firebrand in a wink. And the idea / image of the WHO getting disassembled is most delightful.
thank you!
Renaissance woman!
I agree, a keen intelligence, educated in real science, and real politic. I am hoping Jessie will comment on this article and study...
The "pandemic" which worries the owners is "Modern Humans". The owners run an Apex-Predator ecosystem, so their "hammer" is killing-some-folks.
"We" look like 8 billion nails.
They need to keep this quiet, because we would most-likely lose our rationality and react violently against their well-considered plans to cull half of us gradually, so as to not upset the economy too much.
Got some better ideas?
The best I can come up with is praying for guidance each day, being a friend and growing vegetables.
My ‘better idea’ is to ignore it all, and NOT COMPLY.
I don't comply, but I pay attention to emerging threats.
Your "better idea" is perfect. My wife and I practiced that.
When there’s a lack of diverse actions, the world is at greater risk of succumbing to the mistakes of one action. In true pandemics of unknown origins, wouldn’t we need a diverse set of medicines, methods, and/or treatments? It doesn’t make sense that everyone be forced to behave in the exact same way and to take the exact same treatments. Also, what about mental health? That doesn’t seem to mean much to the global elites.
Exactly. Every person every region has unique needs. What occurred was the early stages of totalitarianism.
Orchestrated by the WEF wanna-be global tyrants. They might get that chance if the truths and real data isn’t plastered all over everything. This conversation isn’t over and we shouldn’t let it go quietly into the night. They don’t get to shrug this off and go right back to business as usual.
What you've said is obvious and logical, but unfortunately it could not be possible if you want Emergency Use Authorisation and zero liability for your experimental toxic gene product. Hopefully more people know better now to counter such insanity in future.
It’s not “my experimental gene product” and I never advocated for this insanity. I am jab-free. I have been questioning them well before covid. I have tried to educate my friends, family, and anyone who would listen on social media (before and during covid). I’ve been disowned by many and called crazy because of it. When my FB account started to grow, they took it from me because I refused to give the company my phone number. I showed up to my state capitol to protest the lockdowns (learned firsthand that the government (local, state, and federal) are corrupt and don’t function the way we were taught. I do not take or trust any “modern” medicine and I try to support my health as best I can with food, water, exercise, sunshine etc. Even though “the powers that be” have made it extremely difficult.
My original comment does make sense and is true if the government were really looking to save the most people. The problem is that they lied about everything. The “state of emergency” was originally created to prevent the government from enacting such extreme measures. We also have the laws that came out of the Nuremberg trials that have also been ignored. So you are right, we need a huge overhaul of how we do things (not just with the Emergency Act, but with other things too). I hope this message comes across friendly. I’m not trying to come across as rude.
Ah, I just saw you gave me a "like" too. That went to my spam folder so I didn't see it initially.
We are not different, Julie. I also sometimes preface my words saying I don't mean to sound rude. I was being deliberately somewhat sarcastic about the situation, and it was not directed at you personally. I was actually agreeing with your post, and in fact I "liked" it. Perhaps instead of using the word "you", I should have used "one". But I'm completely on the exact same page as you, and I'm totally disgusted by the deceit that went behind the EUA. I took the sarcastic tone I did because I'd just read an article about how the US DoD were involved in contracting for the vaccines, and therefore the drug companies managed to avoid any great oversight. I apologise if I wasn't clear enough, and my wryness came across badly. Let's keep up the good fight together (as you express yourself extremely clearly and well).
Nope. Not rude, just strong and for good reason. The immunity conferred to the pharmaceutical industry for vaccines needs to be revoked entirely. There’s much that needs revision like ensuring that our own government won’t act against existing law and will be transparent in any decision making, data collection and basis for recommendations. I’d like to think I can rely upon the CDC, the FDA or HHS to provide information that is correct.
We are the carbon they need to reduce, but we need to remain calm and keep moving forward in an orderly line.
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
'...Decentralize everything...'
That is the key.
This was excellent. Nothing further needed,imo.
roger that
I’m supposed to be doing Byram Bridles’s Immunology course today. It will be a late start for me. Firstly, who is Katherine Watt? Reading all that she has is scary enough. When people feel disoriented, there’s usually a not clear reason why. We are all mystified about the lack of response or answers as to why the governments aren’t addressing vaccine injuries or deaths. Last year eyedrops were pulled from the market because of side effects. I believe there were under 100 people affected. So, this article as well as Katherine Witt’s posting seems to answer a lot of questions. Because laws, regulations or amendments have been implemented through the years, does that mean that every administration is impotent to change the direction, amend or change something that looks dangerous to people? Like, is the government really unaware about injuries or deaths or aware but are powerless to do something about it? The us is powerful, but do other countries have to abide by some skulduggery taking place in the States? I’m also again reading Elaine DeWars book “The deadliest pandemic in 100 years.” I read it in 2021 but the same cast of characters keep emerging in Substack and elsewhere so it now has more meaning to me. Everything I read is more unsettling than the last thing I read. I also read a post that in Brook Jackson’s lawsuit that pfizer replied with a motion to dismiss saying that the government has been fine with how the “clinical trials” were conducted. If that’s true, it blows my mind. But. Katherine’s post makes it all perfectly clear. I will need to read all of this a bunch more times. Just another thing not to talk about with people as they think I’ve gone down some conspiracy hole anyway.
Just want to add: everything that gets revealed about what these vaccines contain, I assumed was the smoking gun and it would get addressed. But no, contaminated plasmid DNA isn’t a problem we have learned. The goal posts keep getting moved. What’s up with that?
The real issue with the alleged pandemic is money, and how much corrupt individuals in the alleged healthcare bureaucracy were able to steal. I think most who read you know that, without any intervention at all, fewer people would have died from the made up "covid-19" just as the informed among us know that 2M didn't die from the Spanish Flu, the majority dying of pneumonia acquired in the hospitals to which they went hoping for healing. Today the majority of deaths are iatrogenic.
The bigger issue is that in our spoiled society, no one gets enough sun, Big Chem (pharma) is dumping harmful chemicals by the truckload, and the nutrients in our food supply are nowhere near what they were 200 years ago. That and people do not move nearly enough.
The money is in Rockefeller medicine, aka "we've got a pill for that," rather than "here's how to stay well." Put simply the sugar industry isn't interested in telling you how much damage is done by the amounts consumed these days, fast-food companies aren't interested in telling you that you should eat real food (per Jack LaLanne) the tobacco industry doesn't want you to know that cigarettes cause cancer and Pfizer doesn't want you to know that their various pills only treat symptoms and have three pages worth of adverse (not "side") effects.
As always, it's follow the money.
We know that virtually no one with a 25(OH)D above 50ng/mL died from covid. But there isn't enough money in vitamin D to pay for a private jet, and even less once you figure out that just getting out into the sun for an hour or two daily will take care of it. I could go on for hours, but not here and not now. I have blogged on the subject at
Dr. David Martin's Covid Dossier, explains in detail all the reasons Anthony Fauci should spend the rest of his life in jail, or better yet be executed, but Fauci is connected (a "made" man) and Martin isn't. Which is the essence of the problem. Very rich people are making decisions for us that only benefit them. These are the people funding the Palestinian protests and the absurd notion that somehow Israel defending itself is genocide and somehow violates the Geneva Conventions and that CO2 is an existential threat. Anyone who has read the GCs knows how insultingly vapid that is and anyone who passed their science classes in primary school knows that CO2 is essential to life.
The solution is for people to follow you, Chris Masterjohn, Steven Gundry, Joe Mercola, and others, (including me!) who will tell them how to actually improve their health and what things to avoid. I'm 73 and take no pharmaceutical drugs and never have. I haven't been to see a doctor in years, other than to get blood tests of my own choosing and a coronary calcium scan... and the occasional ER visit.
We need to stop feeding the beast that's eating us.
The WHO and the billionaire sociopaths who control it, whose goal is depopulation, are a much bigger threat to mankind than any virus. We have nothing to fear but fear itself, and The WHO and WEF.
Mistakes were NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone..... Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today
How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps
A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano.
...hard to believe that this level of evil exists in our world....
That’s what happens when Christians don’t fight back against removing God from every pillar of society! We need to do better! We are the majority and we have to act like Christians who love their creator and want him to direct our path! May God bless us and forgive our sins! He expects us to be courageous.
Be afraid! Nope. Listen to us! Nope. We will save you! Nope. It’s a damn shame that countries don’t all dump the WHO. There are no pandemics. Even though they keep trying to create them with their damned evil bioweapon labs. It’s all a load of crap and propaganda. Whenever someone raises the subject of ‘what if there’s another pandemic that’s even worse?’ I ask them if they were even thinking about such a thing before January 2020. Think about it. Ignore the fearmongering, everyone. Please.
Shoot your TV!
Great piece, and agree with Mark G's comment.
All that I read and see is control, control, topped with a dollop of more control...
And just how does this end?
My "one health" goes back to uniting veterinary formula with human use -- when I first chose to use DURAMECTIN® anthelmintic for equines.🦓🦄🐴. The words "choose" and "voluntary self-experimentation" sound of freedom -- while the globalist "one health" doesn't.
Can some of you wealthy medical tech investors fund a safety study clinical trial of several brands of horse paste for our "one health, redneck/deplorables" version of freedom medicine, for us healthy country people who use our animal medications to get through "pandemics" like the 2020 one? If DURAMECTIN® and other brands of veterinary use ivermectin changed the tyranny of the nations, the hospitals and the WHO, before the human versions of ivermectin were repurposed to defend against severe COVID (along with other supplements) -- then give this ivermectin-in veterinary-formulation credit . . . in a safety clinical trial. Not that we doubt its safety, but it is to establish that at least someone studied its repurposed use in humans.
That's the real One Health. Using traditional medicines, herbs, minerals, supplements, amino acids, healing from God (my own father was healed of the disease tuberculosis by God in an astonishing way), and veterinary medicines that work isn't tyrannical or globalist in agenda, but rather inclusive.
The globalist version of One Health is being corrupted by futurists/technocrats who are arrogant about their medical viewpoints and knowledge. It used to be a slightly different vision here: "One Health: From Concept to Practice" and here is how it looked:
" . . . in the mid-1960s, the eminent American veterinary epidemiologist, Calvin Schwabe, also recognized that the health of humans, animals and ecosystems are interconnected, which he referred to as 'One Medicine' in his textbook 'Veterinary Medicine and Human Health' (Schwabe 1984)."