You are on 🔥🔥🔥 in this post, Jessica.

Thank you for being brave enough to say it—and with brilliance and wit to boot:

Mistakes Were NOT Made


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Great poem Margaret!!!

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Thank you, Marjory! If you haven't yet seen Tess Lawrie's reading, it is required viewing:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

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Thank you so much for sharing Tess Lawrie's reading of Mistakes Were Not Made: An Anthem for Justice. It is so powerful, and I feel very emotional after listening to it. Ever line evoked such sadness and anger in me. We must share these profound words and commit to NEVER letting them get away with it.

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I’m moved to hear you feel that way, Marjory. Thankfully, countless others do as well, as the global response to the video/poem revealed:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: One Poem to Wake the World” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to)

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Margaret, You are an inspiration and your words are very powerful. People are waking up to the truth because of you. Wishing you continued strength in your mission. With Gratitude, Marjory.

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Aww, now you’re going to make *me* cry :-) Thank you, Marjory. It is an honor to have readers like you 🤗

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That poem says it all. Brilliant!

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Excellent summary Dr.Rose. One of the best ! I was ''attacked'' by a 70yo woman the other day in Scotland for saying the jabs don't work and are killing people. She said 'it worked for me' i said how do you know ? I said it worked so well you need to take 3 or more ? Taking no jabs worked for me ! She was crazy, legit crazy and blamed me for her mum dying of COVID in a care home ! You're right about the nervousness in the air. I notice people DO NOT WANT TO TALK about the last 3 years no matter how many facts i present. So as you eluded to the public are primed for 'the next one.'

We're at that time now- SPARTANS........WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION ?

May god help us all !


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So a 70 year old's MOTHER died of COVID, making the mother at minimum age 90, and it's the fault of the unvaccinated. Riiigghht. The vaccines "worked" for her all right--they shut down her brain function.

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I figure around 70 so yes her mother must have been very old, i said hey don't get angry with me get angry with the government. Also said and it's funny how you're acting all big and bold now but as soon as gov tell you to stay at home and wear a mask for 3 years you say nothing !! She threatened me with physical violence. I am 6ft 2 and 16 stone and goto gym 6 days week ! As i said crazy !!

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At that size I hope you self-identify as male!

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Alpha till the death ! :-D

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I gotta admit some of these vax zealots do have the courage of their convictions. Though I suspect that the old fogies just think they can get away with it because no one will hurt them even if they attack first. Maybe respond with "bring it on grandma, if you think I killed your mum then what makes you think I'll stop there?!".

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Oh trust me she tucked her tail and walked off when she realised i was NOT scared one iota ! These are the people that would clap if the unvaxxed were being shot or gassed.

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that is so sad really

These oldsters have been brainwashed, literally the skull emptied out, sucked out the brains and replaced with vanilla pudding.

Dumb as dirt - dumber

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I’m not close to being 70 years old but my dad died, he would be 95 next month. He was in decent health at age 92 when he got the booster shot that, I believe, killed him.

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I'm very sorry to hear that. It is likely that this woman's mother died from the vaccine as well.

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The woman never claimed to be smart... just angry and terrified. My MIL is there. Refuses to see us because she's 3x vaxxed and we aren't. We will kill her if we see her, yet she can go run errands get her hair cut and grocery shop with unmasked strangers... She's broken and not to be fixed.

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that's really sad beyond belief. there's no logic operating; it has to be so frustrating. my sister & family are still 'attending' Catholic mass remotely even though they have gone back to every thing else over two years ago. though not still a Catholic, I was raised one and went to Catholic school, same as my sister and can't help but see it as the ultimate laziness. and how can one claim to be Catholic without receiving Communion? no logic. none at all.

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Funny. She clearly doesn't believe the vaccine protects her then, does she? There's such a total failure of basic logic with these people.

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Yes, there is. I am nearly 73 and see this with most folks over 65. I believe you are partly correct about their being no basic logic but the other part, I believe, has to do with their lack of news from sources other than the captured MSM, the fears created almost daily, and their few friends all chiming in with the same chorus. Add the problem of reduced mental capacity and possibly dementia and it is easier to understand how this demographic is 90%. . . LOST. I still have yet to completely convince my own wife what is really happening. . .

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Modern medicine ... vaccines included and vaccines especially ... destroy the microbiome. Lose the microbiome: lose immune function, lose your mind. Joe Biden has poisoned his ENTIRE electorate. What do we expect from these folks with spike proteins and LNPs in the brain and other delicate places? How will they vote?

Public education that instructs us that health of the microbiome is FUNDAMENTALLY important would help in making choices when authorities want to make bad ones for you. Like COVID vaccines that destroy the bifidobacteria. Chronic immune suppression, repeat infections and eventual disability are likely in your future. Unless, of course, you were among the over-vaccinated millennials in the US who died when the their immune dysfunction got together with the mandated COVID shots. There were 61000 of them in 2021 who traded in their death certificates for group life payouts. These were just the “laptop” millennials ... just the ones with jobs. The “Silent Vietnam War” as termed by Ed Dowd.

How long does it take for spike proteins to form micro-clots in and around the heart in a compromised young person who soaked up the hockey stick proliferation of childhood vaccines? Hmmm. What have we here? Dead microbiome. Junk food diet. Mandated shots. To paraphrase a movie line delivered by Margaret Hamilton, “Not very long, my pretty!”

Latypova links:







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I love Sabine's work - it's VERY important.

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"Modern medicine ... vaccines included and vaccines especially ... destroy the microbiome." Same as modern agriculture using glyphosate, or the latest 'Apeel' coating of produce that stops produce from decomposting in store and decomposting ( = digesting) in your gut. It shows you just how unintelligent the parasites are. They believe in the pseudoscience of eugenics (genetics) and fail to see that without our microbiome, human life is not possible. Humans have less genes than a sea cucumber. Our microbiome is responsible for many of our gene expressions. Epigenetics. The arrogant, ignorant parasites think they create workers, but they are creating dead humans. We are literally losing our human functions when the diversity of microbiome is reduced. Just look at the links between reduced biodiversity of the microbiome and Alzheimer's, Parkinson, Autism, MS, Diabetes, Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, Arthritis, etc., etc. Btw. also consider how their 5G and weaponized frequencies are affecting our microbiome!

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I agree with you 100% on all counts with the exception that ‘they’ don’t know what they’re doing with regard to our microbiome. As my daughter says about this stuff, ‘it’s a feature - not a bug’.

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Leading contributor to those diseases is too little sun exposure. We are tropical hailess apes who live in great numbers outside our preferred habitat. This has lead to low vit D and messed up micrbiome due to not enough near red infrared. Watch and listen to Dr. Roger Seheult's presentations on the topic and read the posts at grassrootshealth.net

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The simple explanation is that we all have a BRAS (broad range antibody spectrum) as a defense that attacks any invaders of our body. The first fake jab weakened that BRAS and made anyone who took it susceptible to many diseases and ailments. The mRNA technology is not safe and even hurts our immunity mechanisms.

I will stick with what God gave me and others can make their own choices.

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Well I am a 69yr old Scottish woman and I agree with you that the injections cause injury and in some cases death. I have also never taken a covid injection and survived nicely. We must never submit to the hysteria and irrational fear of others. Well done for for not staying silent we need more people like you in Scotland.

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Thanks. If you want to follow the Scottish data check out my twitter. There are a handful of us trying to get the facts out.


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Thank you, I will.

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Biologyphenom yes I know how you feel Any rational escapes these people they had to find a person to blame and you were that person.

I had a scenario with my brother-in-law passed away from pancreas cancer during the pandemic he was undergoing chemo treatment my other brother-in-law was hosting a party since everyone’s was locked up for so long at his house last minute he knew I wasn’t wasn’t vaccinated of course but two days before the party it became a concern of his

he said my brother-in-law his brother was going to be there and he’s worried about them and there other immune compromised people going to be at the party at the house , I put his fear at rest and told him I respectively will stay home and understood his fears but I did not understand why he was having a gathering at his house but not just family but friends now that at this time the kids were going too and vaccination was not available at the time for the kids ,I was only one unvaccinated adult so I couldn’t go , I had no animosity towards him I did explain to him I had my own concerns but this is the idiocy of people not understanding or bother looking into an issue and at the risk of getting his brother sick they felt they were safe because they got the vaccine , there were a couple of my in-laws that vilified my position on FB for not getting vaccinated , at first I didn’t say nothing until the mandates came that’s when I pushed back with science not talking points and it’s funny those that were so vehemently vocal on Facebook are now suddenly silent they don’t want to admit they were conned that you had a point to make and it’s like you never said anything, let’s just forget about it and move on lessons learned after I got the attitude of my freedom of choice ,

remember when you’ve been fooled you make believe it didn’t happened.

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When people attribute the death of a relative to Covid, I'm thinking: "of Covid/with Covid? what protocol was used: Remdesivir? Ventilation? what other medications were given: midazolam, morphine? was any early treatment allowed?" Of course, all I can say out loud is "my condolences" - people won't go there and will cling as if to a life-raft to the HolyNarrative

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The IMF Has Just Unveiled A New Global Currency Known As The “Universal Monetary Unit” That Is Supposed To Revolutionize The World Economy

From Phoenixes to Unicorns...


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I think this is what they desire our future to look like.....


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This is a truly epic summary of the past couple of years Miss Jessica. You have a writing style that is both objective and passionate, a tricky thing to pull off.

I personally feel like the genie has been released from the bottle and there’s no jamming him back in there. I say that not out of apathy but because I look around every day and see the utter lack of awareness that we are fast being carolled to the edge of the abyss. You make the points perfectly. We see the passive acceptance by the majority that the last two years were probably necessary because, well, it was a nasty virus after all. Wasn’t it?

Do this test. Ask your friends, colleagues, neighbours, families, everyone what a CBDC is. Ask them what the Pandemic Treaty is. Even if you don’t ask directly, ask yourself, do they know? Have they even heard about either? Do they care?

If your peer group, outside of those who are awake, is like mine then they are all going to sleepwalk into an irreversible tyranny and they are going to drag us with them.

Numbers matter but even if we are the majority, and we would absolutely be if we were all awake, we are nothing without communication and coordination. The wholly captured and controlled MSM effectively siloes all of us who can see the reality unfolding.

We have personally taken every possible step we can to achieve independence from state interference and avoid dependence on state support. But I know that in a society with CBDCs, fake climate crises and supranational authority to declare a pandemic on a whim we are kidding ourselves if we think we can continue to live outside of the dystopia.

Keep up the tremendous work Jessica and ignore my terrible negativity. Stay strong.

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It's not negativity: it's realism and I LOVE IT.

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I'm surrounded at work by people who RAN for the jab as quickly as possible, even one colleague who did not want to wait for boosters, instead got two jabs each of pfizer AND moderna. The overwhelming majority bought and still believe the narrative and while they were getting covid for the third and fourth time, echoed the media programmed response of "thank God for the "vaccines" otherwise it would have been way worse." How convenient that ALL of a sudden, when the public was realizing that "hey, the Enporor has no clothes" i.e the shots don't work, all of a sudden there were celebs and influencers popping up on ads - even Obummer - giving the injected and mind numbed their next piece of narrative dogma to regurgitate. The great majority are ensnared by the narrative, stuck fast to its threads like a fly trapped in a spider's web. I have only seen a precious few wake up, the rest still respond with uncomfortable silence, dismissal and accusatory anger. You mention testing your neighbors and friends to see if they know what the pandemic treaty or CBDC is. I'm still back in 2021 wondering why doctors don't seem to understand non-neutralizing antibodies, why antibodies developed through natural infection provide much stronger protection, how immunity is weakened by the overwhelming presence of continuously generated antibodies seeking a virus with spike proteins that no longer exist, how jab generated spike proteins damage the endothelium, cross brain blood barrier, settle in various organs and wreak havoc in multitudes of ways, and most importantly, why the entire medical world isn't up in arms over the horrifying rise in heart issues, strokes, and neurological issues in young populations which never should have had to worry about such things. Why aren't the great majority of doctors and nurses absolutely screaming about sudden deaths, excess mortality, and grotesque huge fibrin clots?

Of course we have to keep working to inform the willfully blind. Will they wake up to issues of global control when they failed the test of medical autonomy while swallowing lies and deception from institutions we used to trust?

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It’s the same story repeated everywhere. A kind of psychological barrier is raised to prevent uncomfortable reality from troubling those who accepted the state narrative over the last three years and might now subconsciously begin to consider their decisions. There’s an analogy here with the Kübler-Ross model of grief where denial is still driving the thought processes. People who did not succumb to the propaganda back in early 2020 struggle to understand how those who did still hang onto a belief in the ‘safe and effective’ mantra.

To take just one example, an acquaintance, a real person I know relatively well. A woman in her mid-fifties, university educated to PhD level in a science subject and a good academic job, two teenage daughters.

All three of them have been fully jabbed (I refuse to use the word ‘vaccinated’) including boosters and flu shots. She still insists on wearing a mask on an aeroplane even if it isn’t mandated. She and her daughters have all had recurring incidents of respiratory problems since the shots. She and her daughters all claim to have tested positive for Covid several times since the shots. She knows that I have refused to take the shots and wholly reject the entire narrative and she knows that since January 2020 when I had what I thought at the time was a bad case of flu I have not even had a cold.

That is some outstanding cognitive dissonance right there. If notionally well educated and intelligent people can deny the overwhelming evidence right in front of them when it comes to their health, and that of their loved ones, how is it ever going to be possible to motivate them to take a stand against seemingly benign issues apparently far removed from their everyday existence?

Ordinary people generally have little knowledge or interest in international bodies like the WHO or central banks. A general apathy and ambivalence towards bureaucracy and an inclination to believe in the benevolence of government means zero engagement in what is very soon going to be an irreversible milestone. A totalitarian event horizon is on our doorstep and the sleepwalking majority still have their foot lazily resting on the gas pedal.

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good point about the stages of grief. we can only hope that the later stages will come forth in the public at large

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Pretty darn good! Thank you.

They want to divide us and subject us to all kinds of "emergencies."

For me, the big thing that's happening now is RFK Jr's campaign for president, which he'll very likely win unless people wake up (we'll slowly see acceptance of "mistakes were made" so then maybe RFK isn't such nutcase after all; the left will forgive him because after all, climate is the big issue.) RFK Jr is a climate fanatic, and if you think there's no such thing as "unwarranted government emergency powers," wait until the man who wants to save the world from global catastrophe gets in. https://www.amazon.com/Climate-Crisis-Causing-Fighting-Reverse/dp/1510760563/ref=sr_1_2?crid=29K3NP6REFWZN&keywords=RFK+Jr+climate&qid=1681648209&sprefix=rfk+jr+climate%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-2 That's published in 2020, folks.

Kennedy is a dangerous climate fanatic and WILL use every government power to stop a non-existent crisis, the very crisis that underlies the WEF agenda and necessitates a one-world-government "for the greater good." Yet look how supposedly aware, enlightened people (on our side!) are lapping this up like the man will be the Savior of the Free World.

So now we get further division of the movement with people like Malone and Nass and Midwestern Doctor championing the new messiah, and others of us asking, "what in holy God's name is going on with this?"

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He’s pro “gun control” too. That is a contemptible euphemism, “gun control.” Anyone who thinks disarming decent people will make them safe is delusional. Violent criminals don’t obey the laws. So how will passing more laws stop them? Our 2nd amendment might be the only reason why we weren’t shuffled into “quarantine camps” but Australians and Chinese citizens were.

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Andrew Klavan made an interesting point about 2A on the Megyn Kelly podcast last week. He said the right are engaging in the wrong arguments re 2A...

He said that the left is arguing that there would be less gun violence if the state removed all weapons. The right tries to rebut that with various types of arguments, but would be better off conceding that it's almost certainly true - if you take away hundreds of millions of guns, probably shootings would drop, yes.

But the reason there is a 2nd Amendment in the Constitution is to ensure the citizenry have the ability to keep their *government* from going tyrannical, and respond to rectify that situation if they do. So that's the framing of the issue we should be pushing for. Some of the left-wing arguments may be true, but are irrelevant.

He's quite right I think. The Republic cannot maintain it's integrity without the ability to keep govt power in check (2A; the backstop/safety valve). All the other points are downstream arguments; this one is the *central matter*.

So, it would be helpful to articulate that arguing to amend or abolish 2A actually means arguing to overhaul America and turn it into something other than the Republic it was founded to be. It's therefore an argument as radical as seeking to declare America a communist country, or a dictatorship. It's in essence an argument for binning the entirety of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as these things require the safety valves of 1 and 2A in order to be upheld. Very often the right allow the left to set the parameters of the conversation, and then try to bicker ineffectively within those. It would make more sense to zoom out to the big picture, and put forth these parameters, drawing the left's arguments into this battlefield and seeking to let the public hear these 'high level' arguments, and aired on fairer terms?

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The argument that guns are responsible for deaths is similar to the argument that cars are responsible for deaths.

However, the solution proposed is never banning cars.

The banning of guns does however, make you defenceless in your own home both from criminals and government.

The lefties seem to like that.

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Neither of the 2 parties want to acknowledge the role of mind altering drugs in gun violence that would end their income from the patent medicine pushers.

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But the lefties do want to ban cars to save the climate.

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At this point it is not cars, it is the total thermodynamic footprint if all humans. The WEF leaders want to get our numbers down to about 800 million which Earth could handle. We are in the positive feedback part of global warming. We entered it over 30 years ago. They are too late.

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We must go beyond "just having guns". We must expand and fortify States Rights, Nullification of unconstitutional federal overreach laws and expansion of heavily-armed state defense forces/militias.

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>>We must go beyond "just having guns"

We all know that it will come down to this. Sooner or later, we're going to have to use them for the 2nd Amendment's "intended purpose" - rectifying the current state of our Government's over-arching tyranny. How long do we wait? How much worse do we let it get? Those are the real questions.

I don't claim to have the answers. But I will observe that the longer one lets a gangrenous wound fester, the larger the body part will be that will have to be amputated for the patient to continue living. And once it gets past a certain point, you can't cut off enough and the entire system is so poisoned that the patient will die with no recourse. How much more do we want to have to cut off? We're getting mighty damn close to the systemic failure point too....

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Concerned Conservatives must step up locally and become leaders and organizers. NO one is coming to, " save us."

We MUST get involved with local, city AND state-level politics. The large Democrat-controlled cities are lost, but we can save and maintain the suburbs and rural areas. If you read history then you know armed conflict is inevitable. Authoritarian Global-Marxist /Socialists will never rest until they completely dominate everyone else. Keeping your head down and maintaining a, " low profile" will NOT protect you. What can you do? Start with like-minded family, friends, and neighbors. Have every member of your group read, " Resistance to Tyranny " by Col Joseph Martino. Good luck!

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Another benefit of reframing the 2A argument is that people may notice that we actually have a tyrannical government right now that we may need to keep in check with our guns. And I’m not saying we should be violent. Just us having guns will keep them from treating us like the other 5 eye countries treated their citizens after they disarmed them.

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Cheers. Aussie over here. I’m gonna lynch ‘‘em with fly spray.

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Could throw redbacks at them? 😆🕷

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hahahha i love you guys. we have camel spiders.

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Yes! We could make red back bombs. And stab them with long handled forks 😂

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Yes, good call. 💯

And get the tongs, grab some shrimp off the barbie, and poke 'em with the pointy bits!

And breed an army of Tassie Devils to fight on behalf of the resistance [careful handling those!]

These are all genius ideas. I'm starting to think that Australia 🇦🇺 might just be the nation to lead the fightback 😉

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That is such a great idea. Those pointy bits hurt!

I will wear dish washing gloves handling the tassies.

We can also slap them with thongs and cricket bats

And if i sing the National Anthem loudly they will likely die standing up. I am tone deaf!

Thankyou for the laughs. Funny


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I don't mind saying, I just bought a second gun yesterday. We live in a different world now. As the rule of law diminishes, one's insistence on personal freedom must become more forceful.

NOTE to any paid turncoats who may be monitoring this conversation. Just ask and I will be happy to elaborate.

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Good, Now practice... practice... practice. And find neighbors of a like mind as well.

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And if we allow ourselves to be disarmed, then we deserve the loss of sovereignty and subsequent slavery coming by way of the new WHO global pandemic authority.

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If Biden signs the new WHO treaty then Texas should leave the union again. It should be easier this time. The Union now has a woke, jabbed army led by Biden and Lloyd Austin instead of Lincoln and Grant. And most of its weapons were left in Afghanistan or sent to the corrupt Zelensky cabal.

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RFK Jr is a great choice for Prez! He ticks all the boxes. Ex druggie - all the hip, young thangs will think he's a "way cool" grand daddy-o! Multiple marriages - that'll ease the consciences of those who trashed their "till death do we part" vows. Ditching your wife can't be too bad if Bobby Jr did it. Right? One of his sons went to fight in Ukraine for Ukraine - that's some great virtue-signalling-by-proxy! He's against the vaxx - that draws in a diverse crowd from the religious right to the defiant anti-establishment left. "Environmental warrior" - step right up and join the party, liberals! Deep Hollywood associations - surely vapid, starstruck fans will be impressed? Yes, Bobby is a man-for-many-seasons.

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"Kennedy is a dangerous climate fanatic and WILL use every government power to stop a non-existent crisis, the very crisis that underlies the WEF agenda and necessitates a one-world-government "for the greater good.""

I think you're jumping to a conclusion. I don't agree with RFK JR on climate change narrative either, but there is nothing about him that suggests 'fanatic' to me. And importantly, just as everyone else who's paying attention, has begun to grasp the extent of Psyops over the last three years, I would suggest Kennedy is more than capable of stepping back and wondering if he was snookered by the CC data and will likely moderate his position. He knows better than most how the vaxx narrative data has been manipulated, and now, post covid, I can't imagine he isn't questioning his earlier assumptions. Time will tell.

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So you think that once president, RFK Jr won't use every power he has to save the planet?

The man is a climate fanatic. He's spoken of censoring or even jailing climate dissenters. OK, so then we get a new "Alien and Sedition Act" because we're at war and people who turn against our great country and its climate war are treasonous? He wouldn't do that? Yet he's expressed sentiments of silencing dangerous climate dissenters before.

The climate scam is obvious. It makes the Covid scam look like a walk in the park. Yet this perceptive, intelligent man doesn't get it, and published a book in 2020 warning us of the great crisis that he of course will solve as president?

I see this as a perfect set-up. The right will vote for him because he'll clean things up, and the left because he'll save the planet (and by then we'll all understand that "mistakes were made" and RFK Jr was pretty much right about the vaccine.)

Tyranny is coming in through the back door of medical necessity, and since global warming is a health emergency, all "necessary" actions can be unleashed to flatten the curve for three years, or for thirty years. RFK Jr has given zero indication as of yet that he's for anything but the global climate crisis requiring urgent action.

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its HIGHLY unlikely that RFK jr will even get on the dem ballot, let alone win so your narrow minded panic is pretty irrelevant. 90% of the die-hard left will NEVER vote for him. no. matter. what.

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Perhaps you haven't noticed that Newsweek recently ran a piece by Dr. Atlas telling us that so much of Covid was lies? Can't you see a movement that might unfold wherein slowly the left sees that RFK Jr was right about Fauci and the vaccines after all (mistakes were made) and his climate stance trumps all?

I do not have narrow-minded panic. I have a desire for freedom, and freedom requires vigilance, and vigilance requires imagination. That is, the imagination to foresee what MIGHT happen if we're not careful.

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I intentionally don't pay attention to mainstream media because its been a psyop for many years already. (but am aware of the tiny cracks in the narrative. they're tiny and the true believers will not be swayed.)

and no sorry, having been following RFK jr for many years, through his activism for the autism community (and taking hit after hit even though he has no 'skin in the game') I do not and cannot see the unfolding of any movement where he will all of a sudden be accepted by any mainstream liberals. not ever. he is WAY too dangerous to their power games.

I think its obvious that HE has an intense desire for freedom and defending the Constitution, regardless of his views on climate. I can't see him EVER promoting a climate 'agenda' that infringes on our basic freedoms. he has said over & over for years, that corporate polluters and corporate corruption is the #1 enemy of our democracy.

we can agree to disagree on science, because that's what science is all about but those positions are only a fraction of one's system of beliefs.

its perfectly okay and even desirable to have vigilance and imagination; I was just pointing out the unlikeliness of RFK doing any more than using the platform to get more truthful information in the public sphere. that's literally ALL that will be accomplished.

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And is climate catastrophe "truthful information"?

RFK Jr has expressed belief that climate dissenters should be silenced, even jailed.

If RFK Jr had to take drastic measures to save the planet, you don't believe he would take them even if it meant surveillance of citizens for three years-- or three decades-- to monitor carbon consumption and flatten the curve? To save the very planet for future generations and all life on earth?

Obviously, I don't trust climate fanatics.

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Except the narrow minded far left are dying, becoming ill and disabled. As are their friends and family and colleagues. There is still time to get their attention.

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You are very naive (or disingenuous), to believe that voting (i.e. honest voting) has anything to do with implementing a narrative.

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And if Bobby looks like he might get the nomination the CIA will take him out. They are grooming a MAGA patsy right now to blame his assassination on. And then Biden will appoint Hunter and Hillary and Inspector Clouseau to head up the commission to investigate the murder.

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the autism community has feared for his safety for years now. we've always worried that it was Big Pharma that will take him out. so add more to the list of 'suspects'.

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The goal with the left pushing someone who notes that "mistakes were made" about the "vaccine" (but does nothing to change it for the future) is so the people don't have any issue they can rally behind. No cause of their own. No symbols of their own. Any "leader" of the people is selected so as to pay weak lip service to some causes, and yield to the system when one more step in the implementation of neofeudalism is taken.

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Plenty of time for Bobby to come up with causes. Draining the swamp would work well for installation of a one world government.

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The first and second laws if thermodynamics were inspired by the observation in the early 1800s that there is not as much difference between surface temperature between day and night on Earth as the moon. It was noted that the atmosphere acted as the glass of a greenhouse to keep the surface warmer at night than it would otherwise be. In 1856, Eunice Foote demonstrated that CO2 and water vapor were the main greenhouse gases. She then postulated that if we continued to burn fossil fuels, coal then, we would eventually warm Earth enough to cause crop failure and mass starvation and a reduction in our numbers.

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Yes, but what if all these postulates are wrong?

Why does the atmosphere retain heat? Is it because of radiative effects or it it merely because of mass, since anything that has mass can be warmed? Is the greenhouse effects mainly due to the mass of the atmosphere? This mass causes 14.7 psi of pressure at the surface, which doesn't seem like a lot until we consider that it translates to 2,117 pounds/square foot, which is huge. Nikolov and Zeller looked at planetary atmospheres and determined that atmospheric pressure and distance from sun determined surface temperature, without regard for atmospheric content.

The atmosphere does NOT act like the glass of a greenhouse, which inhibits convection.

We have have thousands, if not tens of thousands, of sets of balloon data starting from around 1965 or so, for weather balloons launched at the same time twice each day from all over the world. This data is graphically displayed in "skew-T diagrams" that show pressure/temperature relationships, among other things. The pressure/temperature relationships are graphed as lapse rates on these diagrams, and although CO2 should be distorting the lapse rate, particularly in the tropical troposphere, it is not.

If you wonder why climate alarmists always use models and never balloon data to sound the alarm, this is why.

I've written several essays dealing with balloon data and hope to expand this. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/global-warming

Radiative effects happen but they're overwhelmed by pressure effects.

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Kennedy is very aware of the threat posed by the "military-pharma-intelligence cloud of the global technocrats." (Abstract) of: PLANNED SURVEILLANCE AND CONTROL BY GLOBAL TECHNOCRATS: A BIG PICTURE LOOK AT THE CURRENT PANDEMIC BENIFICIARIES, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 1 (2), January, 2021 P. 143. This document is authored by the Children's Health Defense Team headed by Kennedy.

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Yes. People still covet for a hero. And still believe two party politics is anything but a distraction. I don’t know how corrupted the legal system is, I am open to all avenues of resistance proposed, but my personal opinion is the system is rigged by the corrupt honchos and we are wasting time in there.

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So this is why I believe that the fight has not to so much to do with government corruption-- which is vast and a nearly insurmountable job to fix-- but simply to ensure that the government has as little control over our lives as possible.

Restore individual self-determination within the broad confines of the law. We've seen how "we're from the government and we're here to help" is a very, very slippery slope and we need to just say no. We'll fix whatever it is ourselves; thanks anyhow.

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And this is what the cdbc’s are all about. Ensuring we have to depend on the Government. I totally agree re self determination though I sense it will need to be collaborative with our community. Putting all inter biases aside like Jessica suggests. The global agenda has been planned since 1913. And the individualism of people from family life etc is part of their alienation tactics. But they have also fostered a mass dependency and I utterly agree to cut ties with the Government wherever we can. Understanding how informed their psy op has been. From cultivating addiction ( on purpose), to big pharma to internet and mobile phones to grocery shopping to pensions etc etc

We can do our best AND I think a collaborative uprising is required

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Thanks for sharing ideas with me. I was listening 🙏☺️

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I am a fan of his but he will not win. They will kill him if he gets any traction

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No they won't. They can't. The world is watching. They can't have lightning strike twice.

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I respectfully disagree as that would provide lots of clickbait! The world is useless right now. The media would love to report that another Kennedy was killed. The anti-vaxxer candidate got killed by an "activist protester" is a perfect headline. The government kills all the time and makes it look like an accident or due to excess crime. I fully expect them to threaten him to stop his campaign or face the consequences.

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I respectfully disagree. It has struck twice. JFK and RFK. And Junior will be next in line. It will be covered up and lied about again.

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Lightning strike twice? JFK in Nov ‘63, MLK in April, ‘68, and RFK Jr’s dad Bobby exactly 2 months later. Lightning struck thrice.

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If the Deep State could kill Epstein in prison and blow up the Nord Stream pipeline nearly 300 feet below the surface of the Baltic Sea, they will find a way to remove Bobby. The CIA is grooming a MAGA patsy to blame the assassination on. Hunter and Hillary will head up the commission to investigate.

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BTW, Jessica, thanks for a great summary article. It’s much appreciated as well as all you have been doing.

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If RFK, Jr is controlled opposition, and I think he is, who knows how he is being controlled? The perpetrators running this massive operation are flexible, and most certainly there are Plans A-Z, depending on how events unfold. He could be the introducer of the NWO, or he could be murdered, if necessary.

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uh, have you read his book about Fauci?

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They will happily blame on Trump supporters, and flood the airwaves with this phony accusation forever. The fact Bobby is a democrat and a Kennedy means nothing to that pack of psychopaths. The end justifies the means.

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Why would they want to take him out when he supports a key pillar of the Great Reset?

Bait and switch: OK, pandemic thing didn't work out so well but the climate gig is the mother of all emergencies. Everyone will be cheering: hurrah, hurrah we're cleaning up pharma! Sadly, in 2026 we get bombarded with 24/7 media coverage of the climate emergency (sound familiar? Meanwhile pharma and CDC, FDA had only superficial reforms, business goes on pretty much as usual) and everyone is on board the "do something now" train and RFK Jr will "do something now" to flatten the curve temporarily, for three years or more.

I have no doubt that RFK Jr is a good man. But if he believes in climate catastrophe, he can be useful to those whose wish a new world order whose moral logic is based on climate catastrophe. And why does he believe that nonsense, anyhow?

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Or even thrice.

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CIA is still withholding 515 documents in full and more than 14000 pages partially redacted. They have gotten away with it every time.

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Three times.

And...you'd be surprised.

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I wish I shared your optimism

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Why on earth wouldn't they want him to win?

He's perfect. Clean up all the bad pharma people, reform CDC, and meanwhile the EPA and IPCC are given free reign to sell us the "real" science. Out goes medical tyranny, in comes planetary tyranny: they track and trace all of us (out of necessity to stop bad carbon emissions) and we end up with a collectivist "stay safe" government. Curiously, pharma will still be OK because "a warming world is leading to more pathogens" (!) and the stuff they have to spray into the sky to block the sun is making people sick. But the EPA will deny all of it! And RFK Jr is OK with it because, well, we have to save the planet, don't we?

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Wrong about him approving of geoengineering: have you not listened to his interview with Dane Wigington of geoengineering watch? https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/rfkjr/episodes/Are-Chemtrails-Real--with-Dane-Wigington-e1vlp7j

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Regardless, belief in climate catastrophe leads to all sorts of dangerous necessities.

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I smell the set up already

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It was to be expected that controlled opposition would be inserted into the medical freedom movement. The tendency of people to let others do their thinking for them, then blindly follow the latest “hero” is what makes it easy to divert the partially political aware into the next dead end, or worse yet, ambush.

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“Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him.” – Albert Pike, 33 Degree Mason

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I can't disagree with anything you say. But, optimistically, I can offer this. "They" are not immortal. And if immortality were achievable, it wouldn't be them that discover how to attain it. This means they will all eventually die and, looking at most of them, sooner, rather than later. So, our greatest concern should be who comes next? What putrid spawn of these so-called "elites" is set up to continue their abhorrent plans? And how can we prepare our own progeny to best deal with it? I'm thinking of my children more than myself.

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I am sorry to dispute your excellent demographic knowledge, but the WEF trainees are not elderly and appear positioned to continue and complete the programme.

See the RWMaloneMD Substack from April 10 to access the current list.

The somewhat concealed players are more worrisome, as I see the visible WEF/UN/WHO figures as a curtain or smokescreen in front of the real masters.

Do you follow any life-extension research? Recall that it cost $3 billion to analyze Craig Venter's genome, but you could have yours done for $1000 now. I haven't heard much about cryopreservation lately, but it is an example of those with money trying anything for a chance at prolongation. The ultimate goal is not "prolongation" but "rejuvenation" and may be why the planetary population needs to be reduced to half a billion. If the present hidden masters can just stay a bit ahead of the research they may not all die off.

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Yes, I am also convinced that the real masters are still in the shadows. But I take their identity one step farther, based on the globalist obsession with so-called "transhumanism" to achieve "singularity" with... something beyond human.

Contrary to popular understanding, that theory doesn't just rely on chip implants or AI computer bots. The globalists are grooming mankind for ET contact, which they fully expect, and may already have experienced. This is why UFO chatter is resurfacing in respectable circles like the Pentagon.

But again contrary to popular understanding, the ETs they await are not out in space - they are in another dimension, which can be bridged by the human soul. The late Robert Muller, who served for decades as Dep. Sec. Gen. of the UN, was an evangelist for connecting with disembodied spirits (the 'ascended masters') to achieve super-human status - which Muller believed he had already achieved in his lifetime. He spread that teaching to schoolkids via the World Core Curriculum, for which UNESCO gave him a prize.

In short, the "masters" are not human. And they are to be regarded as gods.

Harvard's ET champion, Avi Loeb, drops hints now and then on his blog: "According to Genesis 1:27, God created human beings in its image. The modern caveat is that if interstellar AI gardeners visited us, the credit goes to them."

He looks forward to an "interstellar dating scene" (sic!) which implies mating with these gods.

I'm chagrined to say that Loeb is Israeli. But his Bible knowledge has huge gaps.

Clearly he didn't read Genesis as far as chapter 6 to see that it's been done before... and it didn't end well. But the Pentagon is happily working with him.

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Possibly reread Sir Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End:?

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Good point. Despite his public persona as an atheist, Clarke self-identified as a "crypto-Buddhist" which is code for Theosophist (a pro-Lucifer cult). He demanded that his Royal Air Force dogtags identify him as "pantheist".

So when he called for "the end of all religion," he really meant Judeo-Christian religion, which Theosophy considers its archenemy in the Great Cosmic War.

Clarke was also obsessed with the paranormal and said it was part of his inspiration for Childhood's End.

Put all those pieces together, and it means that his wildly popular tale of what we now call "transhumanist singularity" was an early attempt by Luciferian Theosophy to groom mankind to accept demonic-looking ETs as our 'creators', and accept the doctrine that those beings are "unfairly" described in Christian (and some Jewish) tradition as evil.

Even though the story's end is depressing and -yes- evil, it's got a romantic aura about it that makes fans embrace their own death as a good thing. Theosophy calls it the Luciferian Initiation, which does require mass soul-death. This BTW is why humanity is also being groomed with a romantic view of death as "freedom".

Not surprising that like Theosophist Robert Muller, Clarke received a UNESCO prize for his work.

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Yes, and it won’t end well for them this time either.

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Yes. Me too. That’s the base line. I think this is a conglomerate that will keep replacing itself. Very organised. Much more sinister than what is presented. But again, We are the 99%

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Young Soros is as nasty as daddy.

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The ultimate perpetrators are completely hidden. Gates, Schwab, or probably any public figure are merely front men and women. And they are most certainly all ages.

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watched your excellent presentation at the Canada inquiry and learnt more things. Your cat is amazing, the animals definitely keep us going. Feeding the birds outside my place (mainly magpies as in Australia) has kept me going through these insane years.

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Our relationship with animals is very important. They are our older brothers and sisters and have much to teach if only we would listen. And the magpies, crows and bluejays are very intelligent birds. They think and they remember!

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We evolved into this cul-de-sac and must evolve out. Unless we have kids, keep them healthy and raise them in a viable culture all else is naught.

We are vulnerable when we need something from the establishment. Health documents, travel documents, education, employment... We need to avoid the system of doctors, pediatricians, educators and the lot to the maximum extent possible. Live off the grid, outside the matrix. Preferably in a country so backwards that it isn't a question. Think Nicaragua, Argentina or Moldova.

Take care of our own health, maintain our own strength, and set an example so the next generation does so instinctively.

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"...avoid the system".

I think of OT Daniel a lot lately. Not the dreams, just how he lived. Although he was held captive, he lived free. Although he was offered all the riches if the kingdom, he ate simply and lived humbly. And Although he was thown in w lions he feared not.

I'm not religious, but I do believe that faith needs to help guide us forward.

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Exactly! I raised my first family of three in wealthy Bethesda. The false values destroyed them all. That's why I came here to start over.

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Nice ideas. Not entirely practical for most.

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True enough. I've gone most of the way - homeschooling in Ukraine - and don't find anybody else following in my footsteps.

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Ukraine? In retrospect do you think it might have been better to pick something further away from conflict and huge puppet wars? Obviously this is hard to do...

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I've been here for fifteen years. My wife, her parents and our three kids are Ukrainian. Kind of deep roots.

That said, the war is not that much of a threat, now, here in Kyiv. You will read in my Substack that it was dicey at the beginning of the war but I nonetheless decided to stay. The decision to remain now is pretty easy.

Sweet are the uses of adversity. There is no pressure to get vaccines of any kind. No woke propaganda. No "asylum seekers," turnstile jumpers. Relatively few street people, no bums that I notice. As I note in this review, the drug problem is not out of hand.


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Awesome, I guess the lesson is be flexible and don't ever believe a thing on Legacy Media. Best to you and your family.

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Thanks. It's a pretty interesting story. To me anyhow. You can find it on my substack and my web site.

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Hi Jessica.

Many of us realize the about to explode apocalypse but too many don't. No one else in my family wants to hear it as I think it's just too overwhelming & they'd rather pretend C19 is a real pandemic & "climate change" is real & at a crisis point. Far more people are incapable of thinking than those who can. Here is a look at a couple of gems that Agenda 21 has spawned:




All these activists now in place in the medical, legal & educational fields have been radicalized & are actively seeking to destroy families, civilities & liberties &, especially sanity. They are under the weight & duress of mass psychosis & I don't know any way to yank them back. We are producing a whole generation of mentally ill children, so many of which will now become sterile thanks to the insanity of radical "gender" ideology. Science is largely gone out the window & post sec. education is now dominated by woke ideologies with white men being excluded & white women being "eliminated".

This has been decades in the making. All our gov't agencies & players have been indoctrinated or, worse, captured by what really goes on relating to "Epstein" activities (& it's not sex). There is still a brief window where we might turn this around but it will have passed us by by year's end. We must forcibly stand up to the boards of education & remove gender & critical race & sexualization from our children. The teachers must not be allowed to refer to parents as "your adults" & your "siblings" instead of brother or sister. We must refuse, en masse, to take any more injections of any kind. We need to be very vocal about the WEF & all our politicians who are members which makes them enemies of our state, while we still have one. The WHO pandemic treaty must be exposed for what it is & stopped. Too many are ignorant about it's existence & true meaning.

Thank you for your essays.


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Oh, the other days I've seen propaganda stating that drinking milk is bad, since an accidental explosion killed 18,000 cows in Texas, so drinking milk is cruelty to cows (!)

I have seen cattle farms. They are made of concrete, with implements of steel (gates, etc). Lots of hoses and water for washing the floors. How does one get an explosion of that magnitude at such a facility? No media mentions that. They treat it as a fact of life.

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Let us please understand that "mass psychosis" is due to propaganda/censorship.

NPR is listened to by all the liberals; I used to listen to it daily so I know a lot about things they say. It's all designed for the one-world agenda. It's massive propaganda and most of the people who listen to it simply can't believe that it's anything less than God's truth. Spoken in soothing tones, too, have you noticed? Cooing at us.

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so right Jim! I too was lulled by the bullshit for years I hate to say..(and it isn't awful to have lost the people, the shows we used to love and counted on for entertainment and knowledge ? I mourn them and my innocence) . It's really embarrassing to see how we were gently massaged into a certain place, a way of thinking , all the while feeling there is something really wrong here but when you mention it, they say what are you talking about ? of course the government is here to help, of course vaxccines don't cause autism, the flu shot is protective,there are no such things as childhood diseases.... all you know is there was no autism and now it's everywhere! one boy in 17 in Canada. teaching how to see, what to think.it started a long time ago but it's escalated.

There is and was no mass psychosis. Malone is part of the controlled opposition and he helped Desmet popularise the concept and added the word 'psychosis '' to the conceot of mass formation during the joe rogan show ,Desmet seemed quite uncomfortable about it. . There was however as you point a massive,massive , massive campaign that still continues to indoctrinate people. Make them feel like shit, guilty, bad, irresponsible if they didn't and don't comply. Everyday I still see young and old wearing their N95 masks as if their lives depended on it. In certain stores , employees are still forced to wear them as an external sign of virtuousness. We are all still very much under the Damocles sword.a Astroke of the corrupt pen by the Motherweffers and here we go again... United non compliance is our only way out and speaking up , speak truth to power, speak truth to bullshit

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Won't go so far as the say Malone is controlled opposition. He's just dead wrong on Breggin and Desmet, and so far blind to the danger of RFK Jr's climate fanaticism.

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“The systematic nature of the conversion will be slight-of-hand - pretty much undetectable, by most. I might even go as far to say, that the masses will ask for it - without even knowing that they are.”


I’ve spent my entire adult life reading and studying social psychology, mostly for self-preservation (I’m odd).

You are a super cool smarty pants, Jessica 🌹 😎

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Thanks Jessica. There's no reason you would remember but in an earlier post I had suggested that you might provide your opinion on what went down. All the theories about mecahnisms of potential cause of AEs are interesting, and we will have time to investigate all that later, but not relevant to the central issues of what went down. To me, the central questions remain:

1. Why did ALL Westren Governments simultaneously abandon their carefully crafted "Pandemic Contingency Plans" which had been prepared over decades and constantly updated in line with the current science?

2. Why are ALL Westen Governments refusing to acknowledge ANY mistakes and insteaf doubling down and gaslighting any dissent?

The obvious fact is that this involved a GREAT degree of Global coordination and, frankly, although I am not yet entirely convinced, I am leaning towards a conclusion that only a Globally coordinated Military operation could have provided this degree of control and coordination.

Until these questions are answered, we will remain in the dark and, as of now, all this could, and likely will, happen all over again in future. irrespective of whether there was a virus or not, whether it was zoonotic or Man-made in a Lab, what the mechanisms of AEs were etc.

Governments will NEVER admit any errors or compplicity. They are still denying JFK, 9/11 etc so why would anyone expect them to come clean on this? They won't - It's waht Governments do.

We have to focus on the key issues and keep pushing and connecting bthe dots. It's the only way forward.

Jessica I admire your work and love what you do, this is in no way intended to criticise your work, which as a scientist I enjoy and greatly value.

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Latypova (Due Diligence and Art) and Watt (Bailiwick News) (Substacks) have confirmed the military operation, and JJ Couey (GigaohmBiological) has a plausible hypothesis about how it was done. A war on many fronts, the "Biosecurity Emergency" is just one of many well thought-out and already legislated prison walls. But fortunately there's no "fat lady" singing yet!

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you have come a long way in three years.

as most of your readers did....

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Great post.

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Thank-you, Jessica. This is an awesome post. I, too have been trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. The more I am finding out, the scarier it is. On a side note, I am a Canadian, who lives in the province of Ontario. I am tired of the secrecy and lies. I am tired of how the people are not told the truth. I am aware legislation is based on UN and WEF objectives. These policies are totally against the people.

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This is why you are deeply appreciated and loved by the medical freedom movement. You get it.

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Jessica... Thanks for this excellent post summarizing the State of the World. You are a true warrior and I am thankful for your voice and your spirit!. Peace and Hope!

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