I can honestly say, whilst I love all my substack authors in relation to covid, yours is one of the easiest scientific based writings for a layman to comprehend....I always get interested when I see a Jessica Rose article....well done....Happy new year.....God bless....🙏

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Thank you!

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Meryl Nass was interested in a crosspost on words, which was an instigation to finish my draft on this: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/when-words-die-worlds-die. But I think it's yours she should crosspost. It really goes to the heart of how we're being deceived by changing the meaning of words, often to their opposite.

And before I started doing Substack, I had these YT episodes on Bret and Heather:

The Crisis of Meaninglessness: https://youtu.be/Z_llmgrJSLA

The Demonization and Demonization of 'Disinformation': https://youtu.be/9UlgpFoaIJc

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Thank YOU Jessica.

I'm thanking all your thanks so you will know how thankful I am for your presence on this earth.❤

Ps: when you began your tobogganing story, I thought it was going to end with "and that's how I first learned how to stand up on a surf board... " 😉

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I am in the same club. Jessica is a special person. I love her scientific work which has enriched my understanding but even more important is her natural love of others that comes out in her writing in so many ways. We are blessed.

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I completely agree. I still can’t figure out many of the detailed charts, but Jessica always summarizes in a clear and understandable way for a person like me--who usually shuts down when trying to understand “science.”

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Doc, what the frak are "P" numbers? How does one read them in scientific publications? Or rather, is there some kind of instruction I can find online for reading all sorts of scientific publishing? Can someone do a seminar???

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I was asking the same thing. I learned about statistics at khanacademy.org. It's free lessons for high school level math. Very helpful and you'll understand the P values (and more) if you go thru the lessons. IMHO. Good luck!

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Wowwwwww!!! You rock! I will def delve in. Thank you so much!!

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Ohh - Thank you for that link!

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Congratulations. It’s about time! Thanks for sharing this perfect start to the New Year!

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Thanks for all you do Jessica. And I'm glad that you got the validation we all need.

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I’ve often marveled at the amount of pure effort you put into educating your audience. It’s extremely well-done. You have a wonderful gift for it, and the energy you put into is deeply appreciated. 🙏🏽

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Thank you so much. :)

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And that!.....that.............Dr Jessica Rose, is...........what communication truly IS! It would seem you have exploded your curse of a New Years Day, and I pray that the bonds of deception that have such a hold on the entire world at the hands of the academic and financial elite would also dissolve.

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Here's hoping!

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Here is a better link to the Darkhorse video that has the time stamp correct for the start of the discussion of your paper:


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Believe me, you are VERY much appreciated by those of us reading/listening to your work!

It's a couple of hours after New Year's Day here, but I've been plastering my new years wish around hither and yon, as I suspect that anyone sane would share the sentiments; it's just a bit of doggerel, but the cat seems to approve, as she doesn't want to eat bugs either, just play with them a bit.

While I wrote this for family, being unable to think of anything amusing to say in an email, I meant this wish for all non-Evil humanity and remaining natural Earth life. And I will hold to it as long as I survive/until it becomes reality.

I'll wish you a happy new year, much better than the old,

and wish our wishes all come true and dross turns into gold.

I'll wish for blue and sunny skies to shine upon our days

and hope to see 'the WEFFers' all condemned while at 'the Hague'.

I'll wish for real democracy and human rights respected

Science taking precedence above bizarre invective

All 'the Evils' hunted down by excellent detectives

All while fact comes flooding out, to fortify defences.

I wish us a happy new year, less bitter than the old

Where Life can heal within a world where truth is safely told.


(I also have capped front teeth that were smashed while riding my pony, back in my early teens - they never do seem to be quite the same colour as the rest...)

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Front teeth smashed at 8 years old, flying off my bicycle. I don't recommend turning the handles back and forth, swerving ever closer to the ground, until the ground catches a pedal.

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Thanks for the warning, however belatedly noticed - I'll try to avoid doing that!

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Could you repost this on Dr. Malones Substack. Or do you mind if I post ( and repost) your poem on malones site and elsewhere? What A LOVELY POEM

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Happy new year. I lost half a tooth as a kid doing something daring. My parents couldn’t afford to get me a crown. So I learned to make a slight smile without showing all my teeth. Though I eventually got a crown, I still have a strange smile. 🫤

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I got what was called a 'cap'. It lasted like 25 years!

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I got a cheap cap that was pretty ugly when I was around 16. Then I got a crown when I was around 30. It has lasted several decades. But now my dentist says the clock has run out. I get unreal crown tomorrow! By the way, I really like what you do and have been sharing it. I hope more subscribers come your way. Have a fantastic 2023.

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Deserved praise. Congratulations!

One of the problems I've noticed is that so few Americans have any science background and of the ones that do most have been blinded by their politics. Most people are totally intimidated by looking at anything remotely resembling a scientific paper, meanwhile Covididiots mocked anyone attempting to do so, which is a sad commentary on the mockers.

Personally I'm not well enough versed in the field required to really understand your work or Midwestern Doctor's, but I can get a general sense of the methodology and process and read the abstracts. Quite honestly I'm far more interested in the conclusions and meaning in practical terms, and I do think it's important to look at the science and not just get someone else's opinions.

Especially seeing some of the critiques of the methodology used in the vaccine research has been shocking. I believe it was the BMJ that published one a couple of years ago that was very interesting. Don't have the link anymore.

I remember in the early days of 2020 I did some internet research and found some old scientific papers from 5 or 10 years ago that gave a lot of warnings about MRNA vaccines.

Anyway, thanks for your work and hope you get more recognition for it.

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Regarding your statement: "Quite honestly I'm far more interested in the conclusions and meaning in practical terms, and I do think it's important to look at the science and not just get someone else's opinions."

My approach is very similar. I don't want to become an expert in all of these fields. But I DO want to be able to understand enough of the basics to: 1) judge whether a potential information source actually knows the topic, 2) judge whether that source is always logical in manner of thinking and trustworthy in presenting the data and 3) understand when different sources are coming up with the same conclusion. It's a bonus if they come up with that conclusion after approaching from different directions.

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One thing I've found vital is reading examinations of the methodology and protocols used in the official "research".

So for example they announced the vaccine was safe for pregnant women, yet the research did not include pregnant women because it was considered unethical!!!!

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What I would really love is for a working group of three or four substack researchers to systematically go through all the vaccine research. I strongly suspect they will find endless examples of methodology and protocols that were basically designed to make sure the vaccine looked good.

In short

Fraud, deliberately

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Get "Turtles all the Way Down", edited by Mary Holland, ISBN 978-965-598-146-9 to get a complete picture documented and cited of the fraud that's been perpetrated by 'science' for 100 years now. Or "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins ISBN 978-1-911417-00-2...or "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crimes" by Peter Gotzsche ISBN978-1-84619-844-7....I'm a biologist and went on a DEEEEP dive about 12 years ago....holy sh*t, as we say in the vernacular....

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Science is broken.

Ego, intellectual conservativism, financial corruption.

So much pretend junk science.

People say trust the Science the way they used to say Trust Jesus.

Real honest Science is to be found here on Substack, not in the medical industry, academic industry or government.

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Yes, I love these substack scientists with all my heart!!!

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Great idea.

Use of relative risk, rather than absolute risk, is a prime example of this. I have seen this used repeatedly to justify certain horrors. We have seen the use of mice trials to justify human injections. We have seen doctored placebos used to disguise damage done by test substances.

As a physicist, with some knowledge of statistics, I am out of my lane and depth in many of these papers. I can often see, however, where scientific method is being abused.

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If REAL legislators ever control power in Congress, one of the first things they should do is to force rule changes in all Gov't agencies that require ethical statistical design and analysis -- REAL placebos replacing all fake placebos being just one. (ie. Absolute risk replacing relative risk [new vaccine compared to Saline solution, not another vax])

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When it comes to science, particularly complex, contested, cutting edge and highly 'controversial' science with such momentous importance to society and the health and well-being of individuals, communication is literally everything. Very few people are gifted with the ability to communicate complex science to the general public, along with an absolutely necessary sense of humour. You're one of them. Happy New Year to you. Long may you keep speaking the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth.

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"and that’s not ok with me."

And now there are two. Keep going, and I upgraded to "PAID SUBSCRIBER" to help.

I am the father to a vaccine injured 25 year old son, so I am on a related journey - to build a purposeful life for my son and his damaged friends.

I was fortunate to have one lecture at Cornell with Carl Sagan, and he was the master of science communication. I do get lost at times in your "science", and your explanation here was very helpful. I leave you with Sagan's quote that best says where we are:

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

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great quote, love it! scratches the same itch as Twain's famous: its easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled.

(hugs to you from a mom of 18 yr old son, injured from vax plus lead & mercury poisoning. WAY too many are on our journey.)

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Love you Jessica! I lost a tooth too!

I love to read your articles.

I think Vaccines are implicated in SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)...maybe that’s why they chose ‘SADS’ for adults too...

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Viera Scheibner's research on SIDS implicated vaccination very clearly...although I think in many cases, the cause of death is the combination of the stress-induced breathing pattern she describes *and* heavier-than-air toxic gases produced by molds growing in flame-retardant-treated mattresses.

Hans Selye's "nonspecific stress response" -- which Scheibner cites -- is relevant to death from the COVID-19 spikeshots. If you understand the "critical days" for crisis and death, you can spot them in the timing of many spikeshot adverse events and deaths within the first four weeks after an injection. In fact, the Day 7 crises show clearly in some of Jessica Rose's early (April 2021) graphs of major spikeshot adverse events reported in VAERS.

Unfortunately, Scheibner's excellent book "Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System" appears to be out of print, but last I knew, she still had a website with some briefer writings. She is (or at least ought to be) the Grande Dame of truth about vaccination, in my opinion. Jessica Rose deserves the title of Grande Dame of truth about COVID-19 spikeshot adverse effects.

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👍 And Igor Chudov suggests a SIDS-vaccine linkage in this Substack:

Florida "Vaccine Hesitancy" REDUCED Infant Mortality in 2021


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as I recall SIDS is covered in Turtles All the Way Down, and you are probably correct in your belief. . . I would have to go back and read it over again!

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Love the way you writer! You are creating well informed opinioned awaked people that can decide and act consciously against both the deseas and the creator of this dessas. Have a wonderful day Jessy. Marco from italy

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My brother and I engaged in horseplay on a continuous basis. One day we were clowning around swatting each other with towels. That session ended abruptly when he ducked mouth-first into the edge of the sink. I’m not sure he ever got over it.

I love your work, Jessica, even though much of it is still over my head. I’m learning.

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Bret and Heather were the gateway into my beginning to understand what the hell is going on. They confirmed I was right in being sceptical of the official narrative but I never expected this long, dark journey to completely destroy my faith and belief in most of the institutions of Western life.

Jessica, your endless work not only informs Doctors and intellectuals but you also explains things in terms that mere simpletons like myself can get to grips with.

I don't know how you find the time to do what you do but the world is a better place because of it.

Love and respect from the UK.

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I posted this last night - Happy Birthday 2023!

Hi everyone, I’d be interested to hear what you think about my thoughts as follows: l agree that in this world of ours, the forces seem to be stacked against “the good” however, I am not entirely convinced that the ‘End’ here on earth, is what it’s all about anyway, (I.e. why we were put on this earth). I think that perhaps the reason that God put us here on earth, was to give each one of us, the opportunity to choose ‘Good’ as often as we can, and that in doing so we enrich the Content of our own souls. Maybe that’s what matters most. We’d like to think that our efforts will change the world for the better, and perhaps they will, but maybe it’s the enrichment of our own souls that is the thing that matters the most, and that in genuinely trying to improve the world we do just that, enrich our own soul’s. And the interesting thing about that is that is the one and only thing that we have complete control over.! Pretty cool if you think about it.” Lv you all, for fighting the good fight, and striving to be speakers of ‘Good’ of the ‘truth’. Wishing you all an absolutely wonderful new year!

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This is the truth!! We are here to help and love each other ... it’s the ultimate balance. Keep spreading the word.

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