Love you Jessica! I lost a tooth too!
I love to read your articles.
I think Vaccines are implicated in SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)...maybe that’s why they chose ‘SADS’ for adults too...
Viera Scheibner's research on SIDS implicated vaccination very clearly...although I think in many cases, the cause of death is the combination of the stress-induced breathing pattern she describes *and* heavier-than-air toxic gases produced by molds growing in flame-retardant-treated mattresses.
Hans Selye's "nonspecific stress response" -- which Scheibner cites -- is relevant to death from the COVID-19 spikeshots. If you understand the "critical days" for crisis and death, you can spot them in the timing of many spikeshot adverse events and deaths within the first four weeks after an injection. In fact, the Day 7 crises show clearly in some of Jessica Rose's early (April 2021) graphs of major spikeshot adverse events reported in VAERS.
Unfortunately, Scheibner's excellent book "Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System" appears to be out of print, but last I knew, she still had a website with some briefer writings. She is (or at least ought to be) the Grande Dame of truth about vaccination, in my opinion. Jessica Rose deserves the title of Grande Dame of truth about COVID-19 spikeshot adverse effects.
as I recall SIDS is covered in Turtles All the Way Down, and you are probably correct in your belief. . . I would have to go back and read it over again!
Love you Jessica! I lost a tooth too!
I love to read your articles.
I think Vaccines are implicated in SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)...maybe that’s why they chose ‘SADS’ for adults too...
Viera Scheibner's research on SIDS implicated vaccination very clearly...although I think in many cases, the cause of death is the combination of the stress-induced breathing pattern she describes *and* heavier-than-air toxic gases produced by molds growing in flame-retardant-treated mattresses.
Hans Selye's "nonspecific stress response" -- which Scheibner cites -- is relevant to death from the COVID-19 spikeshots. If you understand the "critical days" for crisis and death, you can spot them in the timing of many spikeshot adverse events and deaths within the first four weeks after an injection. In fact, the Day 7 crises show clearly in some of Jessica Rose's early (April 2021) graphs of major spikeshot adverse events reported in VAERS.
Unfortunately, Scheibner's excellent book "Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System" appears to be out of print, but last I knew, she still had a website with some briefer writings. She is (or at least ought to be) the Grande Dame of truth about vaccination, in my opinion. Jessica Rose deserves the title of Grande Dame of truth about COVID-19 spikeshot adverse effects.
👍 And Igor Chudov suggests a SIDS-vaccine linkage in this Substack:
Florida "Vaccine Hesitancy" REDUCED Infant Mortality in 2021
as I recall SIDS is covered in Turtles All the Way Down, and you are probably correct in your belief. . . I would have to go back and read it over again!