Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Redefinition in science is so dangerous, eliminating standards and casting confusion and instability on objective reality from past, present and on into the future. Thank you for standing firm on truth and objective reality, keep standing firm.

My neighbor has a saying, it drives him nuts when propsed solutions are inane, his phrase is "what good is it if you cut the foot to fit the shoe?"

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

The number of young healthy Canadian doctors dead is close to the worldwide number of moneypox deaths, and while one is a global emergency the other is less than a blip on the radar.


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"The number of young healthy Canadian doctors dead "

See? This is where you are wrong; once they took the shot, the "healthy" bit is no longer true.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Alarming to me that working age people are hit hardest by AEs, which exactly mirrors the Death and Disability Insurance claims through employers. Terrifying.

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Thanks for this article. I'm in BC and am fighting my work vaccination policy through the Labour Board and the BC Human Rights Tribunal. Can you believe they still haven't dropped the jab mandates? We have a young frontline work force which I am proud to stand up for. Your analysis and your training has been invaluable to our fight...and your sharp, witty writing is keeping me laughing through the insanity. Much love and respect from here in Canada.

PS. F*ck Twitter for banning you for posting the truth.

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Jessica, can you please bring us up-to-date on the story from Feb this year that linked DNA sequence in C19 with Moderna patent that predated the start of panedmic in 2021?

It may be outside your usual range of posting. If so, who would you trust to get the truth about this?

Thank you very, very, very mucho for all that you have been working on and sharing with us.





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I will when I can. :)

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Thanks my love,

Blessing Sister.

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Thank you Jessica Rose from the bottom of my heart. For not the courage of the few as yourself, Steve Kirsch, Naomi Wolf and countless others the genocide inflicted by the cartel will be culling the masses in groves.

As much as the pain we are witnessing, and if you're vaxxed are experiencing, we should see the blessing in the truth being revealed.

1) The FDA and the CDC are the same.

2) The WHO is run by a known terrorist.

3) Big Pharma controls the major media, news, entertainment, sports etc.

4) The government, sans a few brave ones, is the enemy of the people.

5) WEF does not have our best interest in their business plan.

6) Allopathic medicine is just an arm of Pharma.

What we do as individuals first and a society last will dictate our future.

One need only educate themselves on how to live a healthy life (it's the 21st century after all and we have the info at our fingertips) implement it and up to 90% of all the diseases will in fact mysteriously disappear.

We can live in fear or in love.

Choose wisely.

God bless you all.

A riddle for the seeker.

(1974) How did your first born die Lynn Marie ? SIDS

(2022) What happened to your eldest daughter Jennifer ? SADS

Perhaps some riddles will never be answered and quite possibly because nobody looks.

Or maybe many have found the answer but the truth has never seen the light of day

(see 'censorship' in the Merriam-Webster dictionary....oh wait they may have changed the definition), but like all truths it will never go away.

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'One need only educate themselves on how to live a healthy life (it's the 21st century after all and we have the info at our fingertips) implement it and up to 90% of all the diseases will in fact mysteriously disappear.'

You'll get no argument from me. I changed my lifestyle 12 years ago and have not had a single cold and, at age 68, I'm back to my high school weight.

However, educating oneself is not as easy as it sounds. Just as we've seen with allopathic medicine, the entire scientific, media, and government apparatus surrounding healthy lifestyle recommendations is in thrall to economic interests.

Having been reading nutrition science for the last 12 years I was already familiar with a lot of the statistical hanky-panky deployed in what passes for "science" a lot of the time, such as using relative risk to create the perception of an effect where none exists.

As an example, here's an excellent talk by Dr. Zoe Harcombe. You don't even need to watch the video – just read the description. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzX1QTSSw88

By the way, this applies to the pet food Industry also. When I was a kid it was very uncommon for someone's dog or cat to be fat and cancerous.

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Thanks for the reply and the info.

Well okay, you appear to have indeed educated yourself as did I.

My journey, into modern western medicine which I must admit started when I wanted to learn more of my younger brothers mental health troubles when a government doctor diagnosed him with schizophrenia. This was in the late 80's well before the internet. I went to the library along with buying books on mental health and had an awakening into the techniques along with treatments used for controlling it. It sure as hell wasn't to cure the problems. My deplorable observation was the treatments did much more harm than good. His name was Robert by the way and he died of Aids in 1994.

My sister Lynn-Marie whom just passed on March 11, (Vaxx related I'll never know) was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in the mid 90's and that's when I discovered the relationship between Pharma and the CDC with the approval of saccharin. Sadly she worshipped Pharma for the remainder of her years and kept going to Pharma to save her from the multitude of ills.

My brother Guy just had heart by-pass in the last year and has placed his faith in the cabal as well.

Myself I actually didn't change my lifestyle until 2011 when I quit smoking.

It was shortly after when I started researching the benefits of healthy living that I implemented the changes that I am enjoying today. The first big influence on me was the research of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and his book- 'Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

The Revolutionary, scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure'.

By the way I turn 65 one week from today and I feel healthier than when I was in my early 40's.

By the way there is much information I haven't included because it would take many hours to type it all up.

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Yes, exactly. You reinforce my point which is that "educating" oneself requires motivation, dedication, and a lot of time. In my case my motivation was being diagnosed with a rare supposed autoimmune neuropathy.

Many people don't have the motivation, time, inclination, or skills to do the same, which is why they follow the official recommendations.

Some get lucky and stumble on something that works. As we can see by the epidemic of chronic disease, most don't.

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"see 'censorship' in the Merriam-Webster dictionary....oh wait they may have changed the definition)"

Deja vu ~ it's 1984 all over again!

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Yes, yes indeed. I moved to California that year and much to my dismay I've been in the proverbial pot. Well the water is now an astounding 211 degrees.

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This jus came into my inbox after I posted here.

Exhibit A) Just listen for one minute starting at the 2:00 mark.


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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Perhaps these doctors are dying of the terrible guilt they feel for their active roles in genocide.

A jabbed friend of mine died suddenly last seek while swimming. And on Friday night one of Ireland's great hurlers died suddenly while playing a game. He was only 24 and had miocarditis and shingles last year.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I don't know if anyone on here has heard this recording but it is gut wrenching. A mom got her son jabbed without the Dads knowledge. Within days he is diagnosed with myocarditis. https://rumble.com/v1f076n-father-whose-son-developed-myocarditis-gets-pharmacists-to-admit-theyre-omi.html

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God Bless you, you are doing his work, "fighting the good fight.." Thank you, thank you, thank you! P.S. Be assured that there are many, many of us who use your thoughtful and reliable analyses to help fight the fight in our communities.

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I have a question about section #2, the Manitoba data. On your second chart you very understandably split the "unvaccinated" group into "uninjected" and "single dose". That's excellent because of course it's the first thing one wonders about. If someone's going to suffer an adverse event shortly after being injected, lumping them into the same group as the completely uninjected makes no sense whatever.

What I don't understand is why this clarification affected the green "fully vaccinated" and blue "booster" bars. What am I missing, please?

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It didn't. I just plotted on the same scale. :) They didn't. Which I also have a problem with.

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You were 100% correct! Sorry about that and thank you so much for spotting it! Bloody excel. I hate it.

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Thank you, I thought I was being exceptionally dense. The updated chart makes a lot more sense.

Excel: concur.

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No no! You were bang on correct! I get boogly-eyed from staring at my screen and make mistakes sometimes! Thank you for being so astute!

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This evil has no bounds. Sometimes I read your stuff and all I can think is "what world is this?" How can someone (many) allow this to continue? How is someone's job more important then the lives of people? These people will be judged by God if not on earth.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Incredible job Jess. Keep up your TERRIFIC work….. 💪💪💪

This is strong corroborating evidence that VAERS’ flashing DANGER SIGNALS since December 1, 2020 are REAL, despite the medical industrial complex attempting to neutralize it. In fact the 20 plus other completely independent sources corroborating VAERS are WORSE. This is consistent with the world there’s expert Albert Benavides proving that there’s is purposeful suppression, minimization and throttling of VAERS by numerous tactics with many deaths and adverse events hidden. JAT

James A Thorp MD

Board Certified ObGyn

Board Certified Maternal Fetal Medicine

Thorp KE, Thorp MM, Thorp EM, Thorp JA. COVID-19 & Disaster Capitalism – Part I. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):159-178. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.medethics.22071901

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Great summary of why we are where we are globally in medicine. I look forward to part 2 and 3.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Awesome work. Thank you. Well back in the late 1960s I smoked some weed. Yes it is a gateway drug. At least for me, a gateway to opening my eyes to see how much lying the government does to suppress what it doesn't like. I didn't like weed that much. So don't smoke it. But the experience really opened my eyes and enhanced my skepticism.

What really shocked me is in the early 1970s I found out that the only acceptable cure for Cancer in the US was Chemo, Surgery or Radiation. Folks who might suggest anything else were jailed or severely talked to. That means from that time on One self censors. Along with the Vietnam War, the War on Drugs and the War on Cancer, it became clear to me that the US government, corporate agriculture and pharma ARE ENEMY # UNO. The only ones profiting from all this misery. No cure for the cancer, drugs and we lost in Vietnam.

With that experience I have kept my head down and mouth shut. I really appreciate your guts. I grew up in the era of Abraham, Martin and John and his brother Bobby. The good die young. Keep your head down. https://youtu.be/a5hFMy4pTrs

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The concealment of the data underlying this fact is the most maddening: "The actual ‘uninjected’ group most likely have close to zero hospitalizations, ICU visits or deaths."

Wouldn't "proof" of this fact change everything?

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

think again.

how many persons remained uninjected during april 2022?

how many persons were injected for the first time between march 17th and april 30th 2022?

in comparison to those that were uninjected and remained uninjected during that period it must have been quite few.

on average the death between march 17th and april 30th had a 30 day risk of dying in april within 13 of injection.

of those 30 days some 13 days would have been counted as being uninjected.

all in all the number of persons that have died during april while having being injected for the first time less than 13 days before the date of death can only have been quite small.

for it to have substantially influenced the total number of deaths marked as unvaccinated, the death rate of those first time injected must have been extremely high.

without raw numbers it is very hard to draw conclusions...

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Good questions.

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Yes. Not many first time vaxxed at the moment.

But I don't trust their statistics at all. How hard would it be to bribe and threaten or even put a plant into the position of final number cruncher. They could just change the numbers. The Ed Snowden story showed us that employees who know there is corruption and lying in their department won't speak up for fear of the terrible consequences.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This is a very important message from Dr Robert Malone. Share this https://rumble.com/v1ejeq7-dr.-robert-malone-statement.html

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