I absolutely believe that the civil unrest in the UK is the design they plan to use in the US as well. They were counting on the Trump hit succeeding and then with possibly another provocation, (I think they would've hit Joe then and made it appear retaliatory from the right) maybe another false flag for good measure, probably a racially motivated one targeting black or brown civilians to really justify coming down hard. They'd declare martial law and begin rounding up all of the right starting with the high profile personalities who have a platform and audience they regularly draw, they'd have to control the narrative immediately. Then the deepstate would be in the drivers seat, no real challenger for the white house and a clear excuse to postpone the election

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Exactly my feeling too. Because of the way the wars are going, and the impending financial crash, they need to accelerate "the great reset" stuff fast, fast. They fully expected the hit succeeding, absolute chaos following, need to have total martial law, lockdowns. And once there was an antifa style militia installed in every neighborhood, and guns confiscated, they could run a new (bird flu?) pandemic. Livestock could be killed off and food supply controlled.

See recent video with Peter Hotez saying military and police will need to be employed next time to deal with "anti-vaxxers" and their anti-science aggression. https://rumble.com/v59kygy-bill-gates-and-who-call-for-military-to-round-up-those-reusing-mrna-vaccine.html

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Exactly. (If you need desperately to laugh to keep from crying, here's my recent take on the despicable P-Ho: https://jennasside.rocks/p/the-deadly-rise-of-science)

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Yeah I read that the other day and had to look the guy up bc I hadn't heard of him before. That sort of thing is unbelievable, I just hope the moment it goes to actual round ups 100+ million Americans stand up and say no the fuck you don't! Bc that is what they fear and what they cannot defeat.

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Well, from recent happenings, I can tell you that will probably not happen..standing up.

527 people I have asked to date. Are you ready to march on Washington with me.

6 answered.

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I am not holding my breath. If we haven't done so by now, there really is something amiss. America is too fat and chronically ill to waddle a mile down the street and we are going full gorilla? I think not.

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Hotezes are just puppets! In America we have civilian leadership that a military junta! Also much of the lower military may be hesitant to kill citizens. I was a enlisted man formerly. The military is not a monolithic instrument like these foolish people think it is. The whole construct of America is not built on that. again I say people will have to get off the couch.

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I agree that most of our military wouldn't be willing to be turned on the people but a UN "peacekeeping " force would as well as a military of immigrants who are given amnesty In exchange which is proposed by politicians and is in bills working there way through now. Also most military will follow "legal" orders. The laws have made it very legal to arrest, detain, and imprison civilians without any crime being committed or any charges filed indefinitely. That's what is incredibly sinister. With FEMA camps spread nationwide it's all ready. The stage is set. We are one instant from 0.

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I understand your premise. However, the amount of legal and more important illegal guns in America are a compelling wild card that the UN peacekeepers are not ready for! This will be knock down dragged out stale mate. Most of this stuff is not well thought through. There is offense and defense. The military will be in for a lot of action. That is why the taking down of the 2nd amendment in USA has been put forth my the shadow interests puppets.

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UN peacekeepers is a phrase that is straight from OUR OPPRESSORS.

When you use their language, the puppet masters love it.


These distraction ARE ORCHESTRATED by the Puppet Masters. When they are done using them as pawns, they will focus their attention back on them after sweeping the chess board.

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I agree with you a thousand percent. They are not peacekeepers. Thank you for the check. Words are the whole thing. I always go back to etymology. This is a war of words and definitions! Lilly thank you for the responses. These interests are going all in around the clock. 24/7. Thank you for the inspirational thought stream. cheers

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Thank you for going down that thought stream. USA is the fight. These interests have to implode america. Hence all of the social engineering

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RE: bird flu...... More and more birds are dropping dead out the skies so that obviously needs a cover story. The 'experts are baffled' line is wearing thin....


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How do you imagine them confiscating our guns?.

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Where is the original video?

This is much less credible with the inept commentary attached.

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Yes. And since they have no soul, and can stop the supply chain, march in with their armies guns loaded and take the country.

Also their ultimate goal is salvation by the world bank digital gulag currency. As its checkmate for slavery.

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The scripts are being played out right in front of our faces! martial law is already happening! Will martial law apply to the illegals? This is all targeted at the citizen!

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Yes. Or some variation.

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Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

My thoughts are that "the west " is being collapsed by internal and external players.

It's going to get very messy and Keir Starmer has great plans for those in the UK, the daily beagle has written an excellent article "Keir Starmers Tyranny"

They will use the (manufactured🤔) unreset to excelerate the building of the digital prison camp ,face recognition, digital ID etc etc.

5G is being sold on higher speeds but it's real need is with mass surveillance and all that goes with it.

They want to run the country with AI and all our NHS data will be made available to anyone who pays.

Tony Blair and his institute are very keen on this and is the real (unelected) prime minister behind Starmer.

I really cannot overstate how much 💩 were in and we can't vote our way out of it👍

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We as a people have to stop using there verbiage!!! What is the west?? Say the country! These interest are attempting to lead a ideological war take down. What is the west I say again? The prison was structured during covid! Didn't people stay home in there prison aka their home! Now folks are working from home! Now you are totally locked down beholden to technology. People have to realize this is a game theory time we are in. These interest are playing the citizens!!

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The west is the culture of civilization. From Egypt, Babylon, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, British, American, UN Global Government. . It is the history of the empires up to now....I think people use the term in this context bc the attack is not on one front or one nation. It is on the civilization. It is on humanity.

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Thanks for your explanation.

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No worries, thanks for giving a shit lol.

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Thank you🤝

Have spent alot of time reading documents and listening to speeches to support what I say.🍻

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When I said the west I knew what you said. It is that terminology is now everywhere. All of the podcasters and indie press. It is as if everyone is programmed to speak a certain language. language for me is code! Look forward to more of analysis.

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Oh well this is true, we are programmed lol...unfortunately not all of it is deflected....but I have more issue with the mantras of ideology without an underlying understanding of and respect to reality. That is woke ideology for example. It is a self hate or self absorption philosophy. Or a cunning deceptive one that picks the pockets of well meaning fools and plans on murdering them after it drains there bank accts. It uses words and takes them over like "equity" mocking the wage slave class by telling them they are the sum of their financial value. It mocks its adherents when it "re- imagines"....bc Imagine is all that is done. It means self sacrifice for you when it talks of "sustainable" so that it may sustain itself. Diverse means divided so that you may be conquered.

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Helena Blavatsky said the last WW will be a war of semantics.

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You hit the ball out of the park. All of this terminology is real heavy! Your analysis I can agree on. I find it all offensive. When I see those words I immediately go oh boy this is a soldier for the movement I want no part of. The woke thing I am baffled about. Never dialed into. The whole woke terminology I saw in the hip hop community and then a years later I saw it being utilized by politicians. I was like ..... huh? Yeah the equity thing is disgusting. Just making fun of the people that are following it. When I see that word sustainable I immediately click off. I know what that means. Many thanks for wonderful response.

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Well thank you, I too am bothered by the bastardization of language and the framing of this alternate reality that it constructs . It's a deception and an intentional one. The drivers of the con or those responsible for it understand that but most of the victims of it have not a clue. It's a lie, it's a fabrication, it's a magicians hat or a house of cards. It's is without substance, it's just a shadow cast by lucifers flame.

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What is the west?

The UK and its past and present colonies is a good place to start along with the EU prison state.

The UK from the reading I have done is central to the C19 scamdemic and it wanted to position itself at the centre of the forth industrial revolution.

This would make our King (read Terra Carta) the WEF and the city state of London and global corp(se)orations very happy.

Tony Blair institute is also a major player and Blair the unelected priminister will rule for life via NGOs contracts.

He always wanted to be a God and in the brave new world of AI this will be the ultimate goal and they get to rule of there hybrid ,non human patentened species.

They get ownership of the stock and get to figure out what works.

The UK was the first to approve the novel gene therapy products and trial them on the population.

China interesting to note did not use them on it's own people and I suspect this was done in a pre arranged deal.

Must of made for an interesting chat🤝👍

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T0ny Bl@ir is 71, looks older TICK TOCK

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Thanks for the shout out Steve!

(The article Steve refers to can be found here: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/keir-starmers-tyranny)

Yes, we can't vote our way out of this. I'm hoping once people accept this paradigm, we can start discussing what options there are on the table. I think there needs to be a deep discussion on what can be done - giving up isn't an option.

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Enjoy and appreciate your content🤝 Change never comes easy and it will have to get very messy for it to happen but happen it must.

"Giving up isn't an option". totally agree🤝🍻🏁

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well said and well explained! I tip my hat sir!

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

I agree. If a government brings in illegals - gives them housing, benefits, money etc and also allows them to vote whilst denying native populations a voice in what is happening and whilst native populations are stuggling to find homes and feed themselves then that governement definitely want the natives, particularly working classes, to rise up and it is happening all across the West.

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It's a planned collapse of western society, Blair and his sidekick Starmer are very keen on this in the 🇬🇧🤝

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Yes that is exactly the plan - sounds like you are in the UK - me too.

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Their ultimate goal is slavery under their world bank digital gulag currency. It’s checkmate for slavery.

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people we are alreaDY in slavery! People are waiting for the slavery to take affect? Then it is to late! The populace must snap out of there stupor! The apparatus are all in place to activate the tools for overt slavery. It is already cover slavery

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'helping the migrants' (read: illegals) is literally the ONLY actual statement of policy that I have heard uttered out of Ms Comma-la, the newly elevated queen of liberal. nothing but lame platitudes in hastily produced TV commercials contain any reference to real citizens of the US.

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The native populations will have to stop being being so docile! If you are a taxpayer you are paying for your own demise! Folks have to realize this is a dirty game. We will have to get dirty. These elected officials in cahoots with the bureaucrats have no respect for the citizenry by there actions. When will folks wake up??? What are people waiting for?

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My money is on Alien Invasion. Call my bookie!

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Or alien invasion, with global WHO announcement that the aliens carry diseases that only mrna Disease X ramped up vaccines can protect against. Or a suitcase nuke that the MSM hyperbolizes as worldwide radiation that causes turbocharged cancer so you need an mrna cancer vaccine. I watched a youtube on Baba Vanga, who was a seer, whose predictions, like Nostradamus, have been distorted and twisted to fit some agenda, and apparently she did predict that cancer would be cured, so some pharma stooge made the video in order to link her visions to the new just ever so miraculous mrna cancer vaccine. So their shamelessness is beyond grandiose.

This was a fine substack by Ms. Rose, as it is true, even if each evil psychopathic oligarch or CEO or secret society/mafia human trafficker or drug cartel scum gets their own 15 minute city with harems and armies enslaved and eating mealworms and drinking maggot milk, it will never satisfy them. They are insatiable as what they are trying to control is the leaking of their own humanity into their psyche. Murderers in prison dream of being heroes on white horses.

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i doubt it. <:

but I am sure that they have war gamed every single one of these ideas no matter how crazy

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Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

Dear Dr Jessica Rose, I agree with the premise - we are sitting in the UK with a newly elected administration telling the majority that we are 'far right', that we 'can be arrested without cause' and 'we'll be sorry'. It is astounding. Gas lighting.

This is from a Prime Minister who was previously head of the Crown Prosecution Service, directly responsible for discouraging authorities from prosecuting those involved in the mass rape of under age girls - and some boys as well.

Meanwhile Ofcom are throwing their weight around even more (censorship).

Two tier policing, two tier justice, limitation of freedom and maximum taxation.

Living hell.

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I would not be surprised to see a home grown terror group similar to Sin Fein sprouting up soon. They only have themselves to blame.

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Most of the public don't have a pseudo religious / crime based reason to do what Sinn Fein et al get up to. However, suppression of the masses is not wise.

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maybe its would be part of the plan... idk

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Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

For the love of Pete…people please have extra water, food, cash, if you can gold/silver. If/when this really sets off it will be best to hunker down and not have to go anywhere. Have your supplies on hand. No need to panic, just know there are only 3 days worth of food at any given time in the stores. That will evaporate almost immediately. Try to have what you need so you don’t have to engage with any of this violence, and if it comes to your door? Well, FAFO.

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advice I have taken seriously since the beginning of the convid.

emphasis on preparedness and defense. now till the end of the year, will be the most dangerous time in generations.

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They won't declare another health emergency the next time. They are planning on declaring martial law -- the objective of every totalitarian regime. Immediately before or after the declaration, the Internet will go down. I suspect that the Crowd Strike outage had been planned as part of a wider outage after Trump's assassination. (He's a puppet, but even more useful as a martyr, they think.) They went ahead and ran that as an exercise to get us used to the idea of huge sections of our communications systems failing. I'm just speculating, of course, but there's not much else we can do, except plant a garden and get some chickens.

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Exactly well remember the Klaus Schwab clip, "pay insufficient attention to the threat of a major global cyber attack"

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Totally on point Jessica, ASIO in Australia 'suddenly' raising the terror level out of seemingly no where is highly questionable...

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It’s hard to be one ahead of The elitist the people who have the power with hidden agendas first we have to figure out their agenda then counter it it’s like playing Risk without knowing the rules a up hill battle. But one that needs to be undertaken ……

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The populace has to decide will they play defense or offense? Playing defense will not work.

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Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

Human nature hasn't changed. People may say things like "I won't get any more injections" but when you threaten their paycheck they fold like a cheap lawn chair.


The government will pass a law and the bureaucracy will mindlessly enforce it. The cops will once again become goons because "It's the law (and I'll lose my paycheck if I don't)" and the medical whores will say the same thing as they inject you.

Humans are very "fear based". They yield to the "greatest fear" facing them. They are so afraid of losing a paycheck that they will go along with anything they are told to do. So all that is needed is to present them with a greater fear, like death, and they snap back to their senses and refuse orders.

This is NOT advocating violence. This is reporting what already has happened in our world, namely Austria. The resistance in Austria used Irishman Michael Collins tactics very effectively and the government backed down.

1) Attack infrastructure as it's everywhere and can't be defended.

2) Go after the locals going along with it not the higher up people.

Number 1 is sabotage and any business or group going along has bad things happen to them until they stop. With drones the possibility for mischief is huge. For example things that used to require a ladder can now be done from a 1/4 mile away.

Number 2 sounds backwards but it isn't. The higher ups are too well protected and even if you could get to one it might feel good, but they're just going to be eulogized and replaced with another flunky. Nothing will change. The locals going along with it (doctors, nurses, police enforcers) are all unprotected and the old "Kill a few and word will spread" appears to work very well.

In Austria a lady doctor committed suicide after being doxxed and hounded. The press tried to paint it as a sob story but she was an idiot. She openly advocated forced injection and offered her clinic's services to do it. The important point about the whole sordid affair was that everyone going along with it at the clinic was also fair game. They stopped going to work, clinic had to close, doctor couldn't handle the pressure and killed herself, nobody else wanted to be next.

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Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

The left hand fingers on the AI-generated elite dunce king photo are quite small and disfigured. The elite dunce king likely has other small and disfigured appendages...

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I've been out and about in the UK these past few days and seen nothing going down. What I did learn is that the killer was previously on BBC television as a kid. What's going on there? Was he recruited to kill?

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I came across a quote recently that appears apt & timely now. "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." (Sun Tzu, whoever that may have been).

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Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

V For Vendetta. The resistance always goes underground.

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Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

Civil War is inevitable. Destruction and rebirth "unburdened" by elites.

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Aug 5Liked by Jessica Rose

Stupid decisions made by stupid leftist lunatic leaders have consequences for fools responsible for the election of trash like ovomit, bidumb, turdo, merkel, macron, etc. Electing enemies of Freedom and Justice has and will always create immense and intense situations as the current morass in a world run amok.

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Apparently this is all from turning away from God (so turn to God for the solution is implied here).

It describes the destruction of a civilization. First you turn away from the wisdom and guidance of the pages of the bible. So this produces a sexual revolution.

If this doesn’t turn your stomach and your heart back? You next get a gender revolution.

And if this doesn’t break your heart and you keep going on our own path? We then end up where I believe we are now. Where everything is crazy. Even to the point where right is even taught as wrong. And wrong? As right.

God bless and Praise God!

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The left lieberals have engineered their own destruction. Islam importees will eventually outbreed the rest of us and they will take over in the near future. Abortionists, homosexuals, alcoholics, adulterers etc will be stoned.

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While this happens, according to a Bible scholar friend, he tells me things will heat up and conflicts with the Jewish/Moslem elements will morph into the revealing who the "Beast" will be and the "mark" will be imposed. I am told that the seven years of tribulation will follow but will be shortened and then the rule of Jesus Christ occurs when He rules with NO MERCY. His enemies will all be destroyed.

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The idea that there's a left or right in capitalist neo-feudalism is a grave mistake. It's mixture of leftist language and fascist action seems to be purposefully designed to keep many of us fighting amongst ourselves along old left/right divisions when, in reality, they have been dead for decades.

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spot on

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