What's going to be the 'thing' that the globalists and bankers use to try to impose 'lockdowns' next?
My opinion on the intentions of the non-elites...
It seems clear that the globalists and bankers (from hereon to be referred to as non-elites) will soon be imposing their “pandemic preparedness” schemes on the public again. Having pushed that ‘virus epidemic’ “pandemic” envelope a little too far the last time around, what would they possibly be able to dangle like that proverbial carrot in front of our faces that would be effective as a tool to convince us that we need to be locked up again?
Think: war and more precisely, civil wars. It seems very clear from the chaos and madness happening in the UK and Ireland right now that the illegal immigrant male youths ‘residing’ all over the cities and countryside are very much meant to be there for a planned retaliation against culture. Sorry, I see what I see. Prove me wrong.
All they need is a signal. This could comprise many things: fooling the people into burning actual refugee refuges, incitement from a public figure, or a few children potentially being ear-marked for rape or murder.
17 million people (so far) witnessed statements like: “I guarantee, you will regret taking part in this disorder”, recently in an address via Twitter from the Prime Minister Starter in a ‘full address’ to the nation. Can you elaborate on that please, Mr. PM? This was in reference to the people of the UK taking any action against the madness of the clear impositions on life and safety that the people of UK (and Ireland) are facing now. It’s interesting that he uses the word ‘thuggery’ to describe the response from the people of the UK to this absolute existential crisis imposed on them.
Who will regret what now?
There is something brewing in the East as well.

And we all know what’s happening in Canada, right? They’re even looking for ways to ‘regularize’ illegals. Is that even a word? Are its pronouns: not-a-word/made-up-shit/promotion-of-downfall?

And in the US?
If this is a refugee ‘thing’, where are all of the women and children?
Between October 2019 and June 2024, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported just under 11 million border encounters nationwide. That’s roughly equivalent to the current population of North Carolina, the ninth most populous state.1
Listen non-elites, I don’t think you thought this through, and I don’t entirely blame you for that because I understand that you all have no experience with real life. But here’s some advice, if I may. I would highly recommend not promoting any idea contrary to the idea that civil war, or war of any kind, is bad. For everyone. For everything. It won’t save the petro-dollar; it will just end up in the certain destruction of beautiful things, people and actual progress.
People have demonstrated throughout the ages an indomitable ability to learn and to course-correct, and they will do so again. It’s in our natures not only to destroy, but to build.
So non-elites, drop the hubris, and join reality. People are tired of this and want something better. You’d all be happier too. World domination is probably not all it’s cracked to be and you’d likely end up bored, sitting on a golden throne stroking your own ego.
Venice.ai generated this image for me.
I absolutely believe that the civil unrest in the UK is the design they plan to use in the US as well. They were counting on the Trump hit succeeding and then with possibly another provocation, (I think they would've hit Joe then and made it appear retaliatory from the right) maybe another false flag for good measure, probably a racially motivated one targeting black or brown civilians to really justify coming down hard. They'd declare martial law and begin rounding up all of the right starting with the high profile personalities who have a platform and audience they regularly draw, they'd have to control the narrative immediately. Then the deepstate would be in the drivers seat, no real challenger for the white house and a clear excuse to postpone the election
My thoughts are that "the west " is being collapsed by internal and external players.
It's going to get very messy and Keir Starmer has great plans for those in the UK, the daily beagle has written an excellent article "Keir Starmers Tyranny"
They will use the (manufactured🤔) unreset to excelerate the building of the digital prison camp ,face recognition, digital ID etc etc.
5G is being sold on higher speeds but it's real need is with mass surveillance and all that goes with it.
They want to run the country with AI and all our NHS data will be made available to anyone who pays.
Tony Blair and his institute are very keen on this and is the real (unelected) prime minister behind Starmer.
I really cannot overstate how much 💩 were in and we can't vote our way out of it👍