Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

There was a live mic incident in canada where the two top health officials were thumbing through the stack of papers in front of them and one says I never read this stuff I just say what they tell me to say They just didn’t care

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Mitt Romney was told to take “the fall” in the second obama* debate, essentially installing Obama...

...his CIA “handler”, Cofer Black (another “retired” Intelligence agent) was awarded with Hunter’s Million dollar Burisma gig and established even more American Ruling Intelligence State control of Ukrainian Bioweapon “prevention” Laboratories

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you Dr. Jessica. You are such a kindred spirit. Yes, we must unite and operate from our heart. It is easy to be angry all the time but what help does it do? Beat them at their sick game by loving and standing up for our rights knowing we don't answer to them. You've just passed the torch, let's all take turns carrying it forward. Love to all.

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“Chairwoman equine-teeth...”


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HoHoHo’s handler has to be Satan himself 👿?

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

We know Elvis was controlled by Col. Parker, and Cassius Clay was controlled by Elijah Muhammed.

I am happy being controlled by Novax Djokovic and Jessica Rose, which is far better than being controlled by satanic psychopaths like Bill, Klaus, Foucho, Blinken, Nuland, Austin, Brandon, Hillary, Obongo, Castreau, Ardern, and Blair. At least Novax and Jess don't want to jab me and cull me.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Could Hard-to Handle Jessica be your new monicker?

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Right on the money Jessica!

Thank you

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The division tactics muddy the water and confuse issues. Thank you great article

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

How awesome was that, Lady! Dear Jessica, (Dr.) Wow! There are more good people in the world than sneaky manipulators. Good people don't think in crafty ways naturally like the base types and so they are easy prey. There is a way for good people not to be handled. Oh, but it's so hard for one to read and study HIStory. Having that special protection only ONE can provide means we must actually care, and put some effort in for Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding. Far easier to appease tyrants and put chains (mandates, codes, orders, etc.) on, play the suckupism game, and hope for the favor of the dEvil doomed? The human age is ending. It was created with purpose. A bigger lie and handler then anything ever before is at the door. The "birth pangs" of this age as it prepares for the next are increasing. The weirdness, the icky in the air can be touched like mist more than just sensed in spirit.

There is no lasting human solution. That isn't the purpose of human creation. Why not know what is?

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for those insights. I think 'modus operans' should be 'modus operandus' or operandi though, because it's not a participle, but a gerund.

Please apologize, I can't help it. In fact, I would've become a paid subscriber to do this, if comments were deactivated. :D I was gonna say a word or two about my latin teacher, but I get scared just thinking about him.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Over Here, a handler is British Secret Service slang for someone controlling a double agent (?)

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Re Spice gals, I have a friend with arthritis whose email used to be CreakySpice@etc.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Hmm...I'll resist the urge to post on this subject for now...

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

"Pulling yourself out of your own funks" - I have a lovely little way to do this. I just look around for things I'm grateful for, and say to myself, or to my dogs if they're around, things like "I'm grateful that the grass in my lawn is a lovely fresh green, and bushy. I'm grateful for the birds that eat the suet in my bird feeder. I'm grateful that I have such a good wheelbarrow." and sometimes "big things" like "I'm grateful I got to be married to a wonderful man for 25 years. I'm grateful my best friend is doing ok even though she's gotten three spikeshots. I'm grateful my mother died peacefully with a loving friend holding her hand."

Once upon a time (true story), on the summit of a beautiful mountain, I learned that the secret to happiness is to be unconditionally grateful for the good things you have, and have had, in your life. ("Unconditionally" means your gratitude has no if's, and's, or but's attached.)

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