Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

There was a live mic incident in canada where the two top health officials were thumbing through the stack of papers in front of them and one says I never read this stuff I just say what they tell me to say They just didn’t care

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I have a few versions of that here somewhere, that was way back in 2020 sometime, I believe...

At the time, I was saying that it would be very good to know who was writing their scripts, or who was behind the people writing these scripts.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Mitt Romney was told to take “the fall” in the second obama* debate, essentially installing Obama...

...his CIA “handler”, Cofer Black (another “retired” Intelligence agent) was awarded with Hunter’s Million dollar Burisma gig and established even more American Ruling Intelligence State control of Ukrainian Bioweapon “prevention” Laboratories

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Mitt, John McCain, and the Bushes prefered Hillary to Trump..

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Yes Mark, They all did, the Deep Staters, they do not want anyone that thinks and acts on their own accord, and that was not immersed in the Deep State. Trump was dangerous to them and they though they had it rigged for Hillary until the last moment. Something went wrong for them. Probably one of the Dominion changing machine operators in Serbia. He probably either fell asleep at the wheel or was murdered before he could hack in the algorithm! 😳

Delicate business rigging elections.

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Hillary PROMOTED Trump as an easy win alternative to the NeoCons, and he was in all likelihood a broken clock of a failed puppet. I'm not saying there isn't fierce competition to end up as the man or woman who gets to peddle their legislative access pen, but it gets weeded out at the primary level.

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They enriched his cofers with black money.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you Dr. Jessica. You are such a kindred spirit. Yes, we must unite and operate from our heart. It is easy to be angry all the time but what help does it do? Beat them at their sick game by loving and standing up for our rights knowing we don't answer to them. You've just passed the torch, let's all take turns carrying it forward. Love to all.

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Beautifully said. “We must unite and operate from our heart”- if we all took that approach, the powers that wish to be wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

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my sentiments exactly. thank you Jess for expressing so well what some of us are feeling.

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“Chairwoman equine-teeth...”


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HoHoHo’s handler has to be Satan himself 👿?

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God is the ultimate handler, not Satan. Satan is just a tool God allows amok when we fall away from Him.

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Important reminder!!!

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

We know Elvis was controlled by Col. Parker, and Cassius Clay was controlled by Elijah Muhammed.

I am happy being controlled by Novax Djokovic and Jessica Rose, which is far better than being controlled by satanic psychopaths like Bill, Klaus, Foucho, Blinken, Nuland, Austin, Brandon, Hillary, Obongo, Castreau, Ardern, and Blair. At least Novax and Jess don't want to jab me and cull me.

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I don't control anyone.

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No you don't. You are the scientist "Joe Friday" collecting and providing us with the objective facts we sorely need. You have my sincere gratitude.

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Are you sure? Many of the comments on this sub border or actually crossover into sycophancy. I like the science. This post not so much because everything you wrote about is more than obvious for any who thinks for themselves. Tupac? Ha I’m 72 and I have listened to his poetry for a long time. He’s just the tip of a huge iceberg of insight into oppression. Science, molecular biology, chemistry….. good stuff.

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Maybe we just really resonate with what Jessica was relating, and appreciate her ability to sum up what we’re all thinking so eloquently and succinctly. And even if we look up to her...so what? She’s pretty cool 😎

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You want sycophancy, read Malone's stack.

Everyone that's anyone has sycophants.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Could Hard-to Handle Jessica be your new monicker?

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Isn't moniker another name for handle? As in "what's your handle?" She may have to rename her substack to "Unhandleable Jessica". At any rate, Jessica handled the handler topic quite well.

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Love it!!!

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Right on the money Jessica!

Thank you

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The division tactics muddy the water and confuse issues. Thank you great article

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

How awesome was that, Lady! Dear Jessica, (Dr.) Wow! There are more good people in the world than sneaky manipulators. Good people don't think in crafty ways naturally like the base types and so they are easy prey. There is a way for good people not to be handled. Oh, but it's so hard for one to read and study HIStory. Having that special protection only ONE can provide means we must actually care, and put some effort in for Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding. Far easier to appease tyrants and put chains (mandates, codes, orders, etc.) on, play the suckupism game, and hope for the favor of the dEvil doomed? The human age is ending. It was created with purpose. A bigger lie and handler then anything ever before is at the door. The "birth pangs" of this age as it prepares for the next are increasing. The weirdness, the icky in the air can be touched like mist more than just sensed in spirit.

There is no lasting human solution. That isn't the purpose of human creation. Why not know what is?

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For those interested in learning more check out Brenda Weltner on YouTube.


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Thanks for the link (UKC are a treasure). I've just sent it to my husband, who is an out-of-hours GP in Scotland. He won't click on it (he hasn't clicked on a single link I've sent him in 20 months) but I pasted in the overall death stats and pointed out that only 60% of his colleagues took the booster that landed him in hospital in December 21, to be followed up by a cardiologist for 8 months (it was one week post jab, and neither he nor, more disgracefully, the cardio will acknowledge any connection, even though I told her most emphatically). He's not taking any more, thank goodness, but won't admit to why not. When you see the psychology close up, it's gobsmacking. He hasn't jabbed anyone, since he's in an acute service, so I don't know why he is psychologically incapable of acknowledging what's happening, but he is.

You should have seen the state of them during the 'pandemic' - going through dozens of plastic pinnies and wearing masks and goggles that scared elderly, confused people they were visiting, because they looked as if they'd arrived from an alien spaceship - even he said that. And all for a bad cold.

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Scottish Heart Disease Statistics


💔💉''in the 45 - 64 age group, the incidence rate has increased significantly in the year 2021/22 especially for males''

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Thanks - just read it. Maybe I'll print it off. I think my husband thinks the GMC will somehow find out if he clicks on non-official covid links. :-) Talking of which, I recall that the GMC were included in the list of knaves in Mike Yeadon's and John O'Looney's petition to the ICC in The Hague for crimes against humanity - which will go nowhere, of course, as that august body is as corrupt as all the others.

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Thanks for that Sheila. I have so many people locally here injured by the jabs eg- 40 yo's with heart attacks and they survive and go back for more jabs ! A local marathon runner ended up with clots in calf dose-1 i advised him no more but goes back for doses 2+3 ends up with myocarditis and then a pacemker fitted + inoperable arthlesclerosis BOTH legs now. He is disabled and unemployed. I could go on. See my GETTR page for more on Scottish stats - https://gettr.com/user/biologyphenom

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Thanks for the link, bp. Re your friends, that is insane.

Last year, a friend in England who was my bestie all through school and was the fittest person I've ever known, died of a catastrophic heart attack. In the same tiny group of friends and their families there were five heart attacks, four of them fatal, after the jabs (4 fatal after the booster). My multi-jabbed sister-in-law (64 or 65 and still working in IT) has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. And my brother and brother in law were both hospitalised last year with serious infections - brother in law initially thought to have blood clots on his lungs. And no dots joined - brother in law and sister in law both got angry and told me to stop talking about it 14 months ago when hubby collapsed after his booster (I'd warned him but he wouldn't listen. I'm surrounded by deniers - it gets very lonely! And I'm double jabbed from before I knew what was going on, as if there wasn't enough to worry about. :-)

Thanks anyway - will bookmark your gettr for Scottish stats. No point in sending them to Nippy, though - she's an evidence-free zone.

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Just had a look at your stats, bp. Could the Edinburgh Uni study be rigged? The UK government was claiming only about 5k adults in the UK were totally unvaxxed, but Professor Norman Fenton demonstrated from the ONS figs that almost 19 million adults weren't vaxxed at all. If the Edinburgh study is right, that means Scotland is waaaaaay more vaxxed than England.

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I said 5k about when I obviously mean 5 million! They were trying to make the unvaxxed look like a marginal group (the figure was cited in that appalling propaganda programme the BBC put out with unvaxxed people in a house being patronised by a dodgy doctor). 18.9 million, on the other hand, must be at least a third of the adult population.

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Yes of course it could be rigged although my real world experience does indicate the majority are jabbed in Scotland at least once ! Many did not go back for other doses due to adverse reactions. Prof Fenton is amazing !

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Does this imply that no healthcare worker received the shots?

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Good point. 60% healthcare workers refused any winter boosters for 2022. However i do KNOW from people that work in the NHS they were completing the paperwork to say they were jabbed but were not. How common was this i have no idea ! https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/publichealthscotland/viz/Flu_Covid_Vaccinations/Overview

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Is UK Column kind of like Substack in the UK?

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It grew from a newsletter put through people's doors in Plymouth in 2004 and is now a proper online news service. They have heaps of info. on all sorts of nefarious developments over a couple of decades that have brought us to where we are.

https://www.ukcolumn.org/ Free to use, but if you join you get 'extra time' after the main news and access to the chatbox when watching the news live. Lots of series of investigations in the drop-down menu. So not a competitor to Substack, but really worth watching and watched from all over the world now.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for those insights. I think 'modus operans' should be 'modus operandus' or operandi though, because it's not a participle, but a gerund.

Please apologize, I can't help it. In fact, I would've become a paid subscriber to do this, if comments were deactivated. :D I was gonna say a word or two about my latin teacher, but I get scared just thinking about him.

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Operandi is the genitive, I believe; as in 'of operation'.

I once used 'ad feminam' as a phrase, as the victim was a woman. Someone tried to mansplain me, with 'ad hominem', apparently without knowing Latin is a gendered language. My Latin teachers were more amiable than my English teachers. I fear all are now mortui...

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Yes it's the genitive singular of the gerund (which is the same as the plural to take this one step further).

That teacher Mr. Riedell is long dead as well. I went to his funeral. Only teacher I was ever scared of. Only reason I still know these things. The best.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Over Here, a handler is British Secret Service slang for someone controlling a double agent (?)

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023


Yeah, same here.

Also the more handlers you have, the richer and " more important " you are of course.

Mike Tyson has dozens ( mostly to keep him out of trouble, which is hard - like B.Clinton ) so funny to see Mike T at the MB Dealership at Tysons Corner, Va. ( no relationship ) buying a new 12 cyl with a dozen or more handlers. He test drove from the back seat of course. He barely gets a say in anything anymore, typical when the handlers completely take over the the subject. Howard Hughes comes to mind in his last years.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Re Spice gals, I have a friend with arthritis whose email used to be CreakySpice@etc.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Hmm...I'll resist the urge to post on this subject for now...

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

"Pulling yourself out of your own funks" - I have a lovely little way to do this. I just look around for things I'm grateful for, and say to myself, or to my dogs if they're around, things like "I'm grateful that the grass in my lawn is a lovely fresh green, and bushy. I'm grateful for the birds that eat the suet in my bird feeder. I'm grateful that I have such a good wheelbarrow." and sometimes "big things" like "I'm grateful I got to be married to a wonderful man for 25 years. I'm grateful my best friend is doing ok even though she's gotten three spikeshots. I'm grateful my mother died peacefully with a loving friend holding her hand."

Once upon a time (true story), on the summit of a beautiful mountain, I learned that the secret to happiness is to be unconditionally grateful for the good things you have, and have had, in your life. ("Unconditionally" means your gratitude has no if's, and's, or but's attached.)

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