
This is an incredible piece of writing. The science that you have outlined here is incredibly concerning and incredibly important. You did an excellent job of making very complex concepts accessible to the public. There is no question in my mind that this is more than enough to justify a worldwide moratorium on the modRNA shots and to launch disciplinary investigations into why Pfizer duped health regulatory agencies and why these regulatory agencies failed to do their basic homework in terms of quality control on behalf of the public they are supposed to serve.

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Can't wait to see you Dr. Bridle on another panel talking about this and more implications from the contamination. That recent conversation with you, Kevin McKernan, Chris Martenson and Steve Kirsch was outstanding. Do it again with Jessica and a few others, keep that line of discussion going.

Substack, X Spaces, recorded conversations between scientists and scholars and interested parties on various platforms go way beyond the stale science recorded in journals. A real treat to see all of you do your thinking out loud. All the best to you from a big fan!

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For true science we must go to the scientists not the scientologists.

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She brought it to us laymen (me) in terms we can digest! Amazing and BRILLIANT!

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Indeed, wonderfully crafted explanations. Makes me wonder how much MORE science do we have to parade before our tormentors before they say "uncle"? Are there no arbiters for truth or is truth an outdated subject? Time is a'wastin' and we are sure the bad boys are up to more no-good. I'd say that if, if, we had something called a functional Congress, we'd be far down the road to solutions for getting out of bogus operations like WHO, CDC, CIA, etc etc. Instead, we have to reinvent the wheel thrice daily to supposedly gain points with the globalistas?

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The summary of the problem -

We are dying, our enemies are not. They're not even afraid of us.

Unless those facts are reversed, there will be no solution.

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This is SOOO right! But this is overlooked. Take for instance Dr. Bridle's comment which garnered 126 "likes." Its main point is the complaint and question (so often reiterated) "why these regulatory agencies failed to do their basic homework in terms of quality control on behalf of the public they are supposed to serve." It is SUCH an old hat, still readily distinguishable, but terribly used and worn out! The number of likes speaks volumes about the dumbed down masses, all of whom SHOULD be in a fit of rage....killing rage....especially those who read and take part in a forum like this one! The general population (about half now) have their blue pill as an excuse, but we who are in the know, have none. And the perps depend on this to see them through their continued plays using weapons of mass destruction.

They'll get theirs someday, but tomorrow isn't soon enough for me.


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the following is the meat of one of my comments on this topic

the bracketed parts are additions to what I posted.

We've endured massive fraud, economic chaos, larceny, reckless homicide, manslaughter and mindslaughter through Covid "remedies". The assault even marches through the womb.[and the Genome]

Saints would riot if they'd been through what we've been through!

[Were practically living through a continuous film loop of the attack on Pearl Harbor, but nobody's declaring war]

[since the Women's March on Washington,]

...the last 2 uprisings of consequence were over racism and an election. Important, but not equivalent.

Something's been taken from us. I've never investigated chemtrails but something has been done to us to cause our unprecedented, unacceptable complacency. I don't know if we've ingested something through food, air, water, or [personal care products]. I don't know if subliminal suggestions have been used.

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Back in Sacramento, Ca, a friend took his house AC filter out and took a snippet from it to be analyzed at a place called California Laboratory Services. Cost: about 75 usd for analyzing it with the intent to discern three specific chemicals. Since it was reported that Aluminum, Barium, and Strontium were among the chemtrail components, Robert had those three in particular tested for quantity. Results were: (In that order) 1000, 26, and 7.6 respectively. The "reporting LIMIT" for the same (respectively) is as follows: 20, 1.0, and 5.0!

So the chemtrail fear (regarding the air we breathe) is substantiated.

Is there any need to elaborate on the likes of Monsanto Corp., and those competing in the industry regarding the fiendishly immoral, harmful practices and mindset they employ and pawn off as "good"?

So, the "food" we consume is tainted. Is it any accident that it is packaged and promoted as something healthy, and tasty?

Water purity? You MUST be joking! I forgot how many chemicals are present in some degree in city water, but it's like hundreds! Are "SOME" chemicals safe to consume in small amounts?

So, best to us a bonified filter!

Personal "care" products: Well, our skin is our largest organ, and respires as do floral leaves. So, it is logical to assume that chemicals can be absorbed through the skin. This is widely known, but reassured by "concerned' oversight Govt. Agencies that there is nothing to see here, no worries.

As for "subliminal suggestions" being used, one need only look toward Walt Disney Productions. Parents ought rightly to cringe with disdain over the covert nature of such things employed, not to mention the OVERT themes used in the making of "children's" movies.

So yes, my friend. We are under attack from EVERY conceivable angle. You didn't mention Govt, or Higher Learning Facilities' effects upon society. Nor was the "medical establishment" mentioned, which we here at this point, all realize is controlled. Media is but another one, and of course, we should include the powerful arm of the armed forces. They are all infiltrated.

If a person TRULY wishes to locate the source behind all of this, he need only investigate the "Extreme Oath of the Society of Jesus" (Jesuit secret society). Your journey can begin there, and can likely end with it just as abruptly, for it unveils their game plan to finally control the world's population through coercion, corruption, infiltration, control, and finally persecution of those who are not willing to compromise their faith in God by such things as these. Come hell, or high water.

This is "war" that we are engaged in. A spiritual war indeed. It is called Armageddon; the battle for mankind's souls, individually as well as collectively. It is ramping up in its intensity as time goes on. Learn of it and learn of the ONLY way to reach heaven, in spite of what happens here on earth these dark days. Trust that the God who Created us loves us greatly, and has a message of warning (Rev. 14:6-12) for the masses to obey, or be left to the destructive forces upon His Return the Second time. Only two classes will exist; there is no middle ground to claim. Why trust the lying, cheating, entities, when God's Hand is extended to us all?

I hope for the best decision to be made by every reader here.


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I'm aware of nearly all that you mentioned, but none of it will be rectified under complacency. Urgent, broad and deep testing must be done to see what we've ingested already. Then expedited investigation and development of diet, supplements and concoctions to neutralize the debilitating substances.

Dogs Ag and Health need to be wagged by this tail.

In my lifetime I have not seen such impotence against even a fraction of such pervasive attacks and crimes. Enough people know the evidence for a full-blown revolution. Where's the visceral response?

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Nah, it’s not just the Jesuits, they are only one of many cults/secret societies working on this thing. There is at least one layer above them

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You can't use truth and logic on a liar!

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And that's the elephantic question AND answer, that very few seem able to not only digest, but actually say the quiet part out loud....

They knew. They know. They don't care.😐

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getnoisy #getlocalised

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This. Same with the wars.

I had something like a little hole in my neck - was told it was nothing by VA Derm (2007) ignored it for years - just cleaned it out periodically. Then when I was cleaning it (i have to check - 2019?) realized there was a thready mesh that I could snag and pull out - tiny threads stretched quite a bit - very strong - but then snapped if I kept pulling. Finer than hair, barely visible. They lined the small hole I had thought was just an enlarged pore. As I pulled them bit by bit the hole became huge and deep. It did not bleed.

I thought it was a type of nest or cocoon. The docs thought I was nuts. My derm tried to biopsy it out. She missed part and a derm surgeon cut out the rest. Labs said they saw nothing...but the surgeon saw a thread- and he had another patient with the same stuff.

Before this my dad became very ill - clinical trial for his cancer, nursing home, hospice - its a long involved story but hospice said he had scabies. We began itching. This was 2014. I don’t think we had scabies - multiple treatments didn’t work. Three of us went to different doctors, derms, specialists. They labelled us nuts. I started searching online. There are whole communities online saying same.

Across the world.

More later

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Them agencies ain’t there to regulate. That much is clear.

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Speaking of those agencies, "supposed to serve."

The FDA just passed on serving pretty much anything or anyone. From the link:

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is refusing to recall the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, promoting the view that the inclusion of a previously-undisclosed DNA sequence that leaves behind fragments is not of concern."


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How does anyone still believe that the regulatory agencies failed to do their basic homework, when it was their intention to unleash death upon millions of people?

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Come on Bridle. You know full well there is proprietary information redacted from ingrefients. Everything being "discovered" is meant to be there, and meant to be in all vaccines. The mRNA backbone. As someone like yourself, who has developed vaccines, you would know full well what is going on here. Why are you so disengenuious?


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Not sure comments by Bryam "my mRNA is better than your mRNA" Bridle have an ounce of value. If this audience would like to broaden their understanding of what is really going on, tune in here...


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Whoopsies Were NOT Made ;-)

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criminal negligence at best

democidal intent at worst

no good outcome either way

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And serrapeptase is Kryptonite to silk thread

as it is to biofilm.. the stuff that makes antibiotic resistance possible.. pathogens ... parasites... cysts.. polyps are pockets of bacteria shielded by biofilm.. fine strands of fibrin...like a force shield..all man made to help the demise of mankind ...ivermectin and serrapeptase.. dissolve biofilm so the immune system can do its trash emptying...joining the dots yet?

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It’s a soft cull….not everyone got the same juice .

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You might be right.. but consider this.. there are three types of fall out... 1st within 15 days... 2nd within6 months... 3rd within 30 months.. people who took the shot early in 2021..are now getting added to the “suddenly” group of 2023... EVERYONE needs to take nattokinase or serrapeptase.. these dissolve fibrin.. the spiders web that grows around all your organs courtesy of the DOD..because the jury is still out.. and micro clotting does not reveal itself on X-rays or MIR.. play safe ... or be sorry.

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Yes Jomico , there’s layers to this onion . For the life of me , it’s confusing. I tried to separate the various people I saw in the hospital for various conditions and it got more confusing with the timing of their jab . I’m watching this one pregnant girl in the office who got jabbed 3 times before this pregnancy and another jab at 24 weeks . Some jabbed and can’t get pregnant. Yet someone else has a second trimester loss .. it’s not always the same .

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This analysis by Craig Paardekooper might explain why everyone’s reaction is so different:


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As does Girardot's bolus theory...

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That link is eyeopening

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You need to consider placebo - about half? The rest is a probability count. The more, the merrier.

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It's 'toxic batch roulette' meant to space out the deaths so that the injection won't look so obvious as the culprit. The more 'boosters' the more chances of getting a bad batch and a 'random' sudden death.

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Did she have that second trimester loss?

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No she’s still pregnant 🤰🏻

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🙏🙏🙏 when I was in nursing school back in the 80s, they even told us to stay away from taking a Tylenol during pregnancy… all of this is completely mind boggling to me… 😞😞😢🙏🙏

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Our volume of obstetrical patients is down about 20%

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God in heaven please protect her and her child.

They are pushing the vax, actually quite a few vax versions on newborns...

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I would add fulvic acid and lumbrokinase to that protocol.

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Yes lumbrokinase is 30x more potent than nattokinase.. .. those on any blood thinner needs to tread carefully.. but those recovering from PE or DVT should consider that proteolytic enzymes clear clots faster than apixaban 1 month as opposed to 6... because they dissolve fibrin... most doctors only know what their pharmacist tells them.

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While he recommends these things to break down "spike protein", even Dr. Peter McCollough has said the combination of curcumin, bromelian and nattokinase are as effective as ivermectin.

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Kind of... ivermectin is an antiparasitic .. and there lies the clue... kinases break down proteins... so spike proteins need kinases... parasites from engineered vaccines need ivermectin.... fibroids are scar tissue formed through the inflammation and surgical injury pathway...they need kinases... parasites form cysts and polyps.. which can turn cancerous.. they need ivermectin/fenbendazole and sugar restriction blood sugar control.... restriction of glutamine (glioblastomas/prostate feed off glutamine)via tocotrienol therapy...p53 downregulation dna repair pathways need mitophagy/autophagy... see its a minefield to cross back over to undo what some buffoon in a white coat created.

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ivermectin has other beneficial effects and should be part of every protocol. Turns out that having ivermectin in your system causes the death of mosquitos that bite you. Undoubtedly one of the mechanisms useful where malaria is endemic. Which may soon be large swaths of subtropical USA where Gates deployed the frankenskeeters. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/the-cure-for-frankenmosquitos-malaria

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Nov 5, 2023Edited
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Jomico, in your opinion is Lumbrokinase as good as nattokinase or serrapeptase..?

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Sorry, I see your answer below.

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Just to clarify ..bear in mind the unit measure of each dose... FU SPU LU

Lumbrokinase(earth worms) the most potent

Nattokinase (Soy) Medium potency

Serapeptase ( lowest potency) but also the biofilm remover.. great for systemic inflammatory or long term infection that do not respond to antibiotics/steroids.

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2 years ago my intuition keep saying reread the story book "How To Eat Fried Worms." Not kidding. I rely on my intuition. The recommendations I made 3 years ago are still the protocols being used today : )

PS I'm an organic gardener and all my earthworms are gone this year and last year too. No earthworms on the sidewalks after the rain, anywhere, wth? I'm very upset about it.

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What a post, Jessica!

From spider butts and whoopsies to multiple unanswered questions that taunt us with imagined answers.

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In answer to your 2 open questions

First q, yes

Second q, no


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Everyone is free to choose whatever treatment plan they wish.. problem for me is the doctor is not offering you options... and is not admitting anything to help you make an informed choice.. so you alone have to answer your own questions and hope you make the right choice...be well.

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Oh, I was answering Jessica's open questions in the post? Maybe I've posted in the wrong thread or something

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It is not as easy to procure ivermectin in certain countries... thanks to the FDA ....but proteases are sold on eBay and Amazon without restrictions.. most people are aware of ivermectin.. but really it is of limited value if you are micro clotting.. or dealing with any clots as a result of being vaccinated.. you need something to work at dissolving fibrin.. I do not think ivermectin can do this as effectively... but as a spike protein reducer .. sure.

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I suggest eating fresh papaya (papain) and pineapple (bromelain). Start slow and then work your way up. You'll need extra toilet paper btw, lol : )

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Out of curiosity, you didn't include ivermectin in your everyone take one suggestion, any particular reason? Sincere question.

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Perhaps they want to give the appearance of a soft cull.

Given shedding is rampant, I suspect the cull is far, far away from soft.

Remember their stated goal is to get the world population down to around 500 million. Nothing soft about that agenda.

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Francis Lynch … true …Some fast , some slow … the ending the same … maybe I picked a wrong term . Different types of maiming over time and Different types of deaths over time . It is a Bioweapon no matter how you look at it.

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Young people (vexed with jab and boosted?) suddenly coming down with rare cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. It is a highly aggressive form of cancer that develops from mesenchymal cells that have failed to fully differentiate into myocytes of skeletal muscle. Cells of the tumor are identified as rhabdomyoblasts. Note where it most commonly is found? Although RMS can arise anywhere in the body, it's more likely to start in the:

Head and neck area

Urinary system, such as the bladder

Reproductive system, such as the vagina, uterus and testes

Arms and legs

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every infection or transfection (injection) got some form of the spike protein, and some still make it months and years later, and we know that the ivermectin and enzymes destroy the spike. While we may each be a unique case, due to how we contacted the spike, and our own genetic interactions with it, the ivy n enzymes appear to help all.

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Brandon, exactly. I do believe which lots went where was both deliberate and tracked methodically.

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Nov 5, 2023Edited
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Recently there’s been two publications that show that Cistus is 100% effective for all current mutations of covid and according to the Chinese literature Covid survives in the tissues of the throat for years after the first bout of Covid.

Many people who experience “Oh my God I have covid again for the sixth time”

It’s not a new type of covid that you got, very rarely, it’s the old covid that was lingering in your throat and you’ve dismantled that mother bed, fortress that the bugs have built there, which when your immune system is down they reinfect you.

You can take the mother load down with Cistus.

It protects itself with BIOFILMS Cistus Incanus is a potent BIOFILM breaker also propolis.

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Same here, but by chance I had some honey and got much better....

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Chlorine dioxide will penetrate biofilms. Zeta Aid will strengthen the blood’s Zeta Potential and thus charge up blood particles, including biofilm-producing bacteria, and due to the electrostatic repulsion, bacteria may not form biofilms in blood vessels, thereby preventing heart disease.


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Cl02 is a donator... it carries a spare oxygen molecule.. and because all diseases are positively charged .. will accept a negative ion from chlorine dioxide.. what a beautiful magic bullet system .. furthermore .. basking in the sea.. or standing on wet grass dissipates positive ions.. and leaves the body negatively charged.. we are negatively charged creatures in health.. what infuriates me is when you are ill you are kept in a bed unable to “ground” this prolongs illness..

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There’s another old substance worth looking into, especially when someone is suffering from mitochondrial dysfunction due to the toxic jabs — Methylene Blue.

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Add EDTA and C60 ..

Mitochondrial disfunction..is poor sluggish mitochondria damaged o by r misfolding proteins.(hmm! Spike proteins seem to do this!)helped by mitophagy using urolithin A which comes from pomegranate juice or plants high in ellagic acid.. so if you are bed bound and unable to exercise.. try drinking Pom juice.. this will clear old mitochondria and allow new to form.. the energy part comes from magnesium binding to ATP... the last piece of the jigsaw is Astaxanthin.. food for mitochondria if your gut microbiome is poor.. then Astaxanthin will speed up repair to DNA too.

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So many wonderful suggestions from all the people here. Love it : ).

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thank you for sharing this- this hits like an clear epiphany for me. I have been dealing with biofilm and exploring what is effective at cutting through. I will add that I have found ph is critical- and from the spidersilk production "pipeline" process one can see ph modulation is very much a part of the process there.

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Well dammit, get in your time machine & go back to early 2021.

Tell all the activists (others weren't even listening yet) those clearly understood

words that cut through all the ignorance and bullshit!

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Actually this started well before 2000 you cannot get patents on things that grow out of the ground or zoonotic in nature.. like virus transmission from animals to humane.. but you can get a patent for lab made concoctions.. cue Bill Gates and his two patents 2015/16 at pirbright.. named as coronavirus patents.. that’s three full years before the pandemic.. not a wet market in china.. then follow the electronic breadcrumbs.. 2009 .. Peter Dansak.. 2004 Ralph Baric.. all funded by our favourite Dr Death .. Fauci...all I am saying is this has been planned since 9/11... and patent lawyers like David Martin have shown us this to be true..travel back in time and bump off the parents of Bill Gates might have changed the trajectory.. but let’s face it.. man has tried playing God with the humane genome for far longer than that.. using money from taxes to snuff said taxpayers...and will continue to do so... with or without a tardis.

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Speaking of Dr. Martin, here he is at the EU with his covid walk through the corridors of time back to the late 1960's for the origins of this vax induced cull.


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WOW! I’m amazed at the science! Well done on the deep dive. I recall the first interview with Dr. Ryan Cole and the Epoch Times, Jan Jekielek the fibrous clots they were seeing on autopsy were not regular blood clotting mechanisms at play, but proteins causing the fibrous clots that don’t respond to normal anticoagulants which they couldn’t explain. Could what you’ve described in your substack be the mechanism?

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Could be.

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They lie they cheat they steal

They decept, inject, and kill

Defense systems fail,

Shattered families wail

And yet still acclaim

The genocide game

Meanwhile mankind dies

From mindless blindness

& pride

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Well said, TT. You’re quickly becoming my new favorite poet/lyricist. Edgar Allen Poe tips his hat from the grave.

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Thank you, that's very kind Susan =)

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It sound more like Bob Dylan than Poe to me. It scans like "It's All Right Ma."

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Wait, wait. Does it mean that spiders produce threads to communicate, invite each other to make some fun and continue their species, basically making the life better for them with every inch of the thing spawn? While we, the most advanced and the most intelligent animal in all universes, pay $$ billions to highly regulating regulatory agencies to transfer said monies to a few of us to secretly produce same thread to secretly kill our own? If that’s the case, we should terminate all education of all stages right away. We don’t need it. Apparently all forms of this so called education makes us the most stupid underdeveloped organism possible. I hope I am wrong.

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hahaha yes! they use threads to entice!

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That puts reincarnation upside down. Like being born a human is sort of downgrading from truly amazing wisdom of all other organisms, including bacteria or daphnias. Now it's clear understand why they put so much effort and unlimited funding into building more and more inefficient useless rockets - to escape from here.

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there is no escape from the internal demons that drive them.

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Their personal demons whisper in their ear.

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How do the black widows kill their mates? With clot shots?

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They bite off their heads...it's pretty intense. And yes, they eat the decapitated heads.

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Thanks. Do they poison them first before biting? Do the males ever manage to escape?

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This is what I have seen (video only). No poison, his girl is a stone killer.

The female is a good deal larger than the male, and once they have entered into intercourse, she reaches down, and bites off his head. One bite usually does it. They remain in an embrace for a bit, she usually sets his corpse aside as a snack for a bit later.

My understanding is that only on very rare occasions do the fellows escape, sadly none did in the films I saw. My knowledge is based on David Attenborough videos.

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Fascinating. If more of the males escaped they might warn their fellows so they could take precautions. But since almost all die there is no one to warn them. And the females and the media dismiss the rare warnings as conspiracy theories.

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Public education was corrupted long ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trqsGYlQZ1A

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I thought you were going to say and humans use the inter webs.....

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Please don't insult stupid people like that - at least stupidity allows a little room for grace.

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I love your beautiful mind, Jessica.

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I was waiting for you to make a connection to the white fibrous "clots" found while embalming.

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I was thinking about this as well.

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So.... what is a beautiful, sacred world to some of us is a mad scientist playground for others. Science without a soul or a conscience is truly terrifying.

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Science without compassion or empathy.. is like comparing a neurosurgeon with a butcher.

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How did it become so devoid of compassion? I think it was done systemically. Dispassionate science separated out empathy in the name of making it impartial. I remember taking issue with aspects of this in my 20s, when my then boyfriend was in medical school. My mother at the time had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, so I was seeing his training and her treatment simultaneously. It was eye-opening. And even in acupuncture/Chinese medicine school (which I decided to attend after that awakening), I found the emotional distancing troubling. I understand the importance of boundary-setting, but healing resonance is a thing, an important and miraculous thing, and it’s been removed from medicine and replaced with protocol.

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Maybe it was when abortion became legal. Dehuminize a human being in the womb by calling it a lump of tissue.

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US medicine went from being nonprofit to profit in the late 70's. When it happened, the patient became prey and here we are.

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I think it happens naturally. As far as I'm concerned, the spirit of science is the spirit of lucifer, the light bearer. The light of rationality, same as lucifer can be a beautiful angel, it can also be a narcissistic endeavor that falls in love with its machinations and dares try to correct the hand of God. Therein lies the sin of hubris.

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More on that, trying to ease suffering, in my eyes is not sin, wondering at the mechanisms of creation and trying to understand is even divine.

Trying to 'improve' humankind, genetic engineering, geoengineering is sin, as far as I care to elucidate.

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Jessica, are you familiar with the work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea? What you describe seems to dovetail with her discoveries. https://substack.com/@anamihalceamdphd

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I wish you had been my professor! You explain complex ideas so eloquently. Thank you for writing and sharing for all of us to ponder. You are a gem 💎

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WHO & FDA guidelines exist to prevent biological whoopsies like inclusion of .... maybe at one time, but now it’s all about the money, kickbacks, and royalties. FDA needs a complete cleansing starting with the top officials. WHO needs defunded and USA needs to exit from this corrupt organization.

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Geez Jessica, I was only kidding when I said back in 2020 that the darn jab could give you a tail for all I knew.

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With great power comes great responsibility.

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Yet the powers that be... that imposed this genetic coding shot onto so many people... show they are completely irresponsible with that power.

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We think the power should be used for the public good, while they have only private profit and power in mind.

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Great job Jessica. Fascinating!

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Sorry, grammar police here. The title should use the form "woven" not "weaved".


"If you are describing threads stitched together into fabric, choose woven.

If you are describing the motion of someone as they zigzag back and forth, use weaved."

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I love that you made this comment but I like weaved better. Even if it's not correct, it's kind of like a Jessica-ism.

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It is certainly descriptive of the entire plandemonium project, and the current planetary zeitgeist. So many family and friends cocooned on the spider's web, and the few trying to find a way to free them.

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Oh what a web we weave when at first we try to deceive..

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I think "weaved" was used so that the original literary phrase that is cited (with its meaning), will be recognized. With "woven" the reference would be lost. See: https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-does-the-following-quote-from-shakespeare-41139

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Perhaps, but I certainly didn't have any difficulty recognizing the quote or its meaning.

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I would not have dreamt of insinuating that! Especially as you appear to me like an English teacher!

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I am definitely not an English teacher:) I just grew up with parents who were exceptionally well-read, bi and tri-lingual and didn't hesitate to correct us.

Possibly a bit of an obsession on my part, however, I do so appreciate well-written, well-spoken languages.

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I am glad you pointed that out. I hesitated because you never know how people will react. But I think Jessica would be okay with this.

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Grammar concerns are like painting the Titanic on the way down.

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LOL! Touche!

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