The amount of work you accomplish is amazing. I can't grasp every piece of it but I do get the point.🌹

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'Tis truly singular talent of our plucky heroine Jessica, this ability to make digestible for us layfolk all these astounding complexities of our molecular biology 💖

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Amazing commentary on this topic, Jessica! My sister-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2017. She took two jabs and has progressed faster in her disease than I have seen clinically. (I’m an NP who used to work in specialized Geriatrics). Since leaving my job, (involuntarily) my colleagues have seen more Prion disease in the last 2 years than I ever saw in my whole career!! This explains ALOT!

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yes unfortunately...

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Now, the real question is revealed. How do we mitigate the damage / reverse the damage? caused by prions?

This is (I know) science fiction, but that is the world we live in. We have a sci-fi mission ahead of us. And even more complicated, we have to try not to lose our humanity in the process. It's like legendary-mode difficulty.

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I think these designers would like to make all of us mad, we read and see the results and can't seem to do much about it. We experience that sadness about it, seeing the damage, all the jobs lost and the forced vaccination by definition just to keep some jobs, the madness acting as reality and the hope many lost to survive in this madness... it is enough to make all of us lose hope some.. times. What really gets to me is how cut of from reality these willing "damaged" vaccinees became. Many are physically damaged, but even the ones that seem fine has that overpowering protective attitude towards the vaxx as being the best thing they did. And how willing they are to blame only long covid as the culprit when vaxxed.

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cognitive dissonance is terrible even when you didn't gamble your life on the outcome.

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Prevention will be more successful than attempts at remediation, given current knowledge.

Take your nattokinase!

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Well . . . if true, this is going to make it harder to convince the vaccine impaired that they are vaccine impaired.

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By this mechanism anyway...

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Their last words will still be "it would have been much worse".

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Now I know what fusogenic means. Thank you.

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You're welcome!

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What do you think, Jessica, are we looking at a real-world Zombie Apocalypse in the making? This is the most plausible Zombie origin story I’ve ever encountered.


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Might as well use the "Z" word, but to have this happen to our fellow humans? It must be science fiction.

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Holy shit!

I'm gonna need more bullets

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Exactly what I was wondering MAA. Not good!

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CDC had a zombie page up in 2020 which I showed some shocked students in the summer who had drunk the koolaid and had gotten injected. I think the page has been removed since then because I can't find it easily now (and I am not going to waste time looking for it now...) They knew.

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Oh yes! This came up in the comments of an Igor post recently, and a couple of commenters shared these creepy links:




Here are a couple of chilling quotes I found in the PDF:

• “The CDC is working with local health departments on a vaccine. Until then... Bunker down and don’t go outside unless you have to!”

• “CDC shipped out its first supply of vaccines against this novel virus that has been ravaging the nation. The first round should reach safe zones as early as this evening…”

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Thank you!

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My 92 year old dad wigged out and had to be taken to the hospital. They had to call the police to restrain him. HE WAS 92 YEARS OLD!!!!

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😿 That is an impressive display of strength!

My step-father went through something similar when he went on hospice care. He was hallucinating from the drugs and kept trying to get up, but he was too wobbly to stand so kept falling and wound up bruised and bleeding. He was still incredibly strong, though, and the nurse and my mom couldn’t restrain him, so my husband and I had to come over and hold him down. It was horrible to see him that way, but we couldn’t help laughing when he said, “Damn you!” to us because we kept preventing him from getting up and doing whatever it was he felt he must do.

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Zombie apocalypse sounds way more fun than how this is shaping up. This is going to be like listening to “Everywhere At The End of Time” on auto-repeat.

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I actually found that a profound listening experience, but it became increasingly unbearable toward the end, appropriately mirroring the degradation of consciousness and memory as experienced by Alzheimer's patients.

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It is unbearable. I lived through it with my mom.

By the time she died of COPD, it was a relief.

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It’s worth looking for a speech Putin made round about Christmas time this year . At the end he speaks of apostasy of the west how the politicians and state religions have turned their back on it’s people , he even quotes the 2025 US Deagel Forecast of a 50% population reduction in all western countries by 2025

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Yes the deagel forcast went viral mid 2019 many presumed it was food shortage related , including idiot me .


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The hand gesture he made while talking about the west is a orthodox Christian sign … To turn ones back on God

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Where can you view that video?

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He is not an angel either, being the second country apart from china using biometrics on his people. I was pro putin untill the biometrics, then i realize how can you still trade with ukraine and be in war.. are they then all pupports of this proxy war and do they all wash money. Did they choose zelensky as president due to his ability to actnmm roles. At one stage he seems the reasonable guy, but he and merkel was one of the forst jnr leaders in training at wef.

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You’re very correct , but the good guys attempted a mass depopulation event on its own people , what is 50% of Europe US Canada Australia and New Zealand …. well over a billion

I’ve been listening to this mantra all my life , Putins bad , US Good

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I can tell you, that while in the first probably 3 weeks or so I had the Rona, my brain was compromised in a very strange way. Things seemed exaggerated. Such as, a curb seems higher up than it is, or stepping into a shower seemed like I had to step higher, stairs were unsteady for me, some mild memory impairment, etc. I bombarded myself with a specific set of supplements and it was alleviated finally.

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Interestinggggg... and great!

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how do you know you had "rona"?

have a nice day!

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If you go by the tests I had, and the symptoms, that's what it would be classed as. I did a regular test at first then an antibody test later. That's all assuming the usual narrative.

I had another unusual thing happen prior to the Rona settling in.

I had a catecholamine surge (s) for a few weeks which was frightening, and nothing much frightens me medically. I had with that a BP crisis of 180 plus over 110, and then when I got that down and the surges calmed, I had what I'd describe as most do as a stomach bug/flu, which lasted about a week or so, then the other stuff hit, the brain issues, fatigue, lack of appetite, and so on. I didn't have a lot of lung involvement that I recall, but definitely some. I had periodic coughing fits. But sometimes an hour or hours in between them. Fatigue was the worst symptom I'd say.

And thank you, you have a good one also !

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tests are absolutely useless:


"matching" a positive result to fever, coughing and other symptoms that people experienced throughout history (covid doesn't have any specific symptoms) and convincing yourself you have "covid" doesn't give you a "rona" but rather a narrative which you admitted to yourself.

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You apparently didn't actually read the context in which I wrote that.

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The antibody test is reliable. (Different from the initial diagnostic PCR)

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Sounds like a form of cerebrovascular disease (which would make sense). Did the supplements have anticoagulating properties?

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I used some Nattokinase, but mostly I used a lot of B Complex, high dose Thiamine, Choline in the form of Alpha GPC, Acetyl L Carnitine, and extra Niacin.

It took me 45 days to totally rid myself of everything, but resolved the brain issues around week 4. I had no sense of smell for 9 months. Taste came back around week 3 or 4.

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After I had the Manufactured Bug, I lost all taste and smell for 10 months. It was horrible.

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I wouldn't say my smell is 100%, but about 90%.

It was very strange having zero sense of smell.

I found it odd that my taste came back much quicker.

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Your bio name makes you my hero, Sir Percival Blakeney.

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Every time someone recognizes it, my heart sings. 🙏

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Uh oh.

Your reply makes my heart soar.

This is the closest I've ever come to a clandestine online affair.....

(I'm almost not actually being facetious, that story is our doctrine.)

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Someone said to me they knew they had rona because they felt under water.

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Thank-you, Jessica I enjoy reading your posts. I am continuing to learn, which is a good thing. With your posts and others, I have had a tremendous eye-opening experience. I have been questioning main stream media for awhile, yet I was not at the point of hey something is seriously wrong. This information ceases to make sense. Covid has been that caveat and motivator for me.

I will apologize for the expression. I am going to say WTF is going on? Safety should be first and foremost of vaccines. I guess that is forgotten.

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it's lost to the business and within the business model which is controlled by corporate entities and interested parties - not people. i think humans have been hi-jacked, for lack of a better word

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Jessica, I fully appreciate what you are saying. I think hi-jacked would be the way to explain it. Covid has put a spotlight on big pharma. Yes, for many, they was some awareness of the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on medicine. Yet with Covid, they pumped more money into advertising. That is strange because in North America, they already have large commercial presence. They also have large commercial control in news programming and sporting events.

I also questioned the mass vaccination program and dismissing other remedies. With the type of virus they said it was, this push to vaccination made no sense to me. When it became public the revenue and profits both Pfizer and Moderna made. It happened made more sense.

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I have been across the table from hospital legal counsel negotiating percents if RBRVS.

Outcomes are not mentioned.

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But I totally believe you.

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My brain was working brilliantly pre Covid. Such that I was able to immediately figure out that it was no threat to me (I never added any spike proteins or whatever other junk was in the vials), but that Anthony Fauci et al was the real threat. Segue to now. Now my brain is still working brilliantly, such that I'm able to understand that Climate, along with Covid are competing for the biggest Scams of All Time. That's what I'm talkin' about!


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Maybe this is why Novaxx Djokovic refused the jabs. Hooray for Novaxx!

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Jessica, last year, my youngest daughter suddenly took her life. My wife and I have been struggling to understand why. She was dealing with a bad neurological disorder that no one could identify and provide treatment. I have often wonder if there was any connection from the 2 mRNA she got prior to the night she took her life.

Your article is heightening my suspicion but you really didn't get into specific examples of how the vaccines interfere with the neuro system. Please if possible, explain to me that if there is a possible connection, how am I to know how to recognize it.

I know you have a full plate.

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Val, I'm so sorry for your loss. In addition to Jessica, others have warned about the neurological damage from the Covid jabs. Since the LNPs can cross the blood brain barrier, that means the spike protein can as well.

Dr. Luc Montagnier warned about the brain damage when he said there were seven cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.


Dr. Bart Classen also warned about the risk of prion disease (aka mad cow).



Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory: Covid19 Vaccines and Neurodegnerative Disease. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/stephanie-seneff-covid-vaccines-disease/


Dr. Seneff talks specifically about the spike antibodies and their potential to cause autoimmune disease, and about the reverse transcription and the potential for the spike RNA to become DNA and to become a permanent part of human DNA. All this in the light of Deutenomics and deuterium metabolism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VCdvOD_084

Again, I am so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers and wishing you peace in the days ahead.

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My heart breaks for you.

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So sorry for your loss.

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Last week I had my annual cardiology check up. The nurse who administered my EKG has avoided inoculated and knows who you are. The truth is seeping out. Good luck!

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Does not the Spike Protein cross the blood-brain barrier? That's all I need to know.

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quote from:


Penetration of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein across the Blood-Brain Barrier, as Revealed by a Combination of a Human Cell Culture Model System and Optical Biosensing

"We found that spike protein crossed the human brain endothelial cell barrier effectively."

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Thank you.

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can you provide any papers that prove the existence of such "spike protein"?

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Yes. They showed that early on. Look for old Dr. Paul Alexander stacks, old stacks of Jessica Rose, possibly some videos on Utoob by Dr. Been. (I haven't watched one of his vids in quite awhile and am sketchy on his name.)

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LNPs too.

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One wonders if the authors tested S2P wrt human neurons, but results were censored pre-publication.

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Could be... glad we are wondering.

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We pretty much have to, these days... just as they're destroying our ability to think...

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Mr. Penny , on the subway in NYC, may have been dealing with a variation of this . Triage patients in the emergency department, you will see what’s happening... it will only get worse. Let’s all hope and pray we are not on the receiving end .

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Blood clotting and nerve fusion! This is insane!

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And turbo cancers too and infertility thrown in for free!

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