I know two people who are elderly who are being tested like pin cushions for odd blood problems... and yet fit this syndrome!!! But it is NOT being diagnosed in Toronto as such. Aspects fit other more common diagnoses that (mis) guide treatments, even when they aren’t working well.

WHAT medical practitioner or specialist should and DOES even know about this syndrome in someone NOT a baby?

Misdiagnoses of people over 65 in Canada, leading to fast multi system failure is just another reason to say, but they are elderly... not expected to live, they had... high blood pressure in one case, and arthritis in the other. Yet, they were energetic and mobile until booster shot 3/4.

Meantime, Canadian doctors are going missing in action. Boosted out of work, if not life. I am sorry for their dogmatic idiocy: their loss is also a human disaster. Meantime, the largest province in Canada, has made a theoretical $1.6 billion budget surplus in the last year by NOT delivering medical care that was budgeted. In-home seniors and mental health, (‘community’) services have been stopped (despite program announcements to the contrary).

You know who has the proper data? Big pharma can purchase detailed population medical and prescription data from the provincial government.

Academics have been corrupted by discovery dollars from the US military budget. Doctors are driven by the next $500/hour steady work doing the same old without learning or adapting (if they survive their own practice).

And people are dying from undiagnosed spikopathy.

Once world leaders in genuine health care (including prevention) against the commercialized American specialized biomedicine, Canadians have succumbed and, sadly suckered. Our government paid care follows American standards. Yet, Americans made this.

So how do we up the expertise, medical diagnosis of countermeasure countermeasures to deliver services that have some potential for practical humane benefit?

Our doctors consent are uninformed so promote iatrogenic harm.

We need to all take care.

Thank you for your great reporting.

I have ideas about what can be done to rally proper care. Let me know if you /anyone cares to collaborate.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

No words….

"Meantime, the largest province in Canada, has made a theoretical $1.6 billion budget surplus in the last year by NOT delivering medical care that was budgeted. In-home seniors and mental health, (‘community’) services have been stopped (despite program announcements to the contrary)."

I wonder what the budget surplus in the UK is after they gave so many seniors midazlpram and other sedatives that ended their lives? How many countries followed that protocol? I still can’t wrap my mind around this level of evil and yet here it is in plain view.

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Stop spamming me with this crap. And every site on substack. Why you haven’t been banned yet is beyond me.

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Great comment Leslie. New sub.

The madness continues in BC.

Then we have THIS idiot on every channel, droning on, (masked), drumming her new Fear Porn beat.


(She took off the damned n95 when she left the stage.)

Calgon, take me AWAY.

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Thank you for all of that. Does Dr. Tam put the mask on in her car or walking on the street where there are others?

Sorry to wonder: Does the dear medical guru wake up sometimes in the night in a sweat and find that her mask has slipped off, only to go back to sleep chanting, "but I have a job someone else will do anyways if I don't, I have a good job, I have a good job"....zzzzz.

Can you hear someone snore when they wear an n95 mask? Now consider a mask with an eye 'mask' to keep the doctor in the dark. It raises an age-old Canadian questions about Covid policy: Does a vaccinated person fall in the crowd when there is no MD there to diagnose them? The friendly CDC scientists say "NO" because their shot approval meeting this week described how finding few bad effects when testing mice, monkeys and using their "clinical" RCT considering 100 humans by looking for 7 days compared to the prior 3 weeks.

Makes us want to say "huh, eh?" Most irksome perhaps in Canada is that none of these so-called Canadian leaders or UBC scientists and investors are 1000 days into this profitable disaster and have yet to say "Sorry". We've lost our cultural distinction to an American-made bioweapon and toxic countermeasures.

Don't get me wrong... I make no negative assumptions about you being unapologetic in BC, let alone someone who might use Calgon.


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"Can you hear someone snore when they wear an n95 mask?"


I heard her breathing in that clip...

Do the math: how long have Calgon commercials been off the air? (I haven't had access to an actual tub since 2005 anyway...)

Things stick in my mind and refuse to exit. Things I can't unsee or unhear, no matter what, like seeing and hearing Tam in that mask...

I can still sing the lyrics to the Flintstones and the Beverly Hillbillies theme songs from bygone days. They float around in my head too, do it's not all gloom and doom scrolling through that rolladex.

And there you have it. 😉

Cheers from BC. Gotta go move the sprinklers.

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How about "Patti Duke" song?

"Green Acres"?

"Petticoat Junction"

I am unfortunately too jaded at this point to think that there were actual "innocent" times.

But boy those early to mid 60s elicit something.

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Oh, for sure, still know the Green Acres song.

Think I might have been too young for Petticoat Junction and the Patty Duke show though. (Or we didn't have a TV?)

I can still hum the theme from "My 3 Sons", and "I Dream of Jeanie" and at some point, many years after Flintstones was off the air, looked up the actual lyrics.

I was too young to know what "Modern Stone Age Family" meant, so was singing something completely different!

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Oh, yes, My Three Sons and Jeanie.

The Jetsons, too.

To this day the Alfred Hitchcock hour theme songs sends chills up the spine. As does Twighlight Zone. It was such fun being so scared.

That was "fun scairy". As opposed to today's "real scairy".

Thanks for the memories!

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When germ theory dies its own horrid death and is replaced by terrain theory, we can start to actualize what health really means. Unless we start to envision what really causes "disease", we can start to advance humanity. I'm going to purchase the Baileys' book on terrain theory and I'm certain I will love the book. And, don't forget John Swigart. Ol' John was nothing if not rude, crude, or well meaning. He proved a number of things, one of which is "there's always a faster gun". Here we sit, waiting and worrying for one of us to find a magic theorem of science that will allow us to stop, be amazed, and then come forth with the real definition of health. We've long had the answer, but it was held by thousands of individuals and coalescing these bits and pieces was simply not easy. If you want to be shocked and insulted, read about FDA's certification of medicines that are flat out littered with diabolical side effects that patent lawyers have smoothed over with purty yet misleading verbal gaffes that are not accidental but fully devious and intended. Iatrogenesis costs us 200k people a year in this country alone. And we never think that absurdly low standards for medicaments are the reason for such numbers of deaths and injuries. Shame.

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I am interested to see your referenced writing.

And maybe I am wrong, but infer ideas about terrain may be more appropriately about interconnected life including things and beings in context. I wonder about Salutogenic findings describing general and specific resources for health and being. Perhaps (?) things that can lead us to understanding we too are terrain, diverse, varied and variable, complex life with the capacity to adapt through to the last breath.

That is of course, unless somebody in a white coat has their polished shoe on our throat or gloved finger on that deadly spot, assuming we are not yet overwhelmed by the shots or someone shedding their spikes on us. Feels like shame with a touch of horror.

Side reflection: When I was young, my friends and I used to imagine kissing that amazing kid in our ‘class’ we liked so much. In contrast, many thought -- in maybe infantile ways -- that the other kid who the bullies bothered, was someone with yucky germs… never to be kissed.

Now? I wonder about healthy people shedding spikes, and the dire effects of mass exosomes everywhere from the water supply to the local hospital where (despite air cleaning systems and sanitizers) there was yet another ‘outbreak’ of COVID in the urgent care wing where everyone is double vaxxed and boosted.

Do people divide us to seek safe terrain? Can’t just kiss a person we like anymore? Beware the differently abled, colored, dressed, gendered or political preference? Is it even safe to go home and kiss the other kid's dog on the head, or pat the dear and adoring cat? Oh dear, how safe we felt on a couch sharing organic popcorn watching Night Of the Living Dead on an ancient couch.

No, wait. Maybe it was just a dream. Time to turn off Fox and CNN, and forget about the boosterism on CBC.

Healthy terrain... perchance to dream?... Of loving life, our world and someone tomorrow.

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Shill along with me, I'm on my way to a star.....

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica, your output of important digs into these matters amazes me. You also make much of it reasonably easy for me to understand. Thanks you.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

The more we learn the more horrible it looks. Thanks to the truth warriors like Jessica.

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Thank you for this. This was one of the diagnosis given to my husband after contracting COVID last August. He is not vaccinated. I immediately said no way on this diagnosis, but I suspected his lymphatic swelling (only in his head and neck) was likely a reactivated EBV infection since he had mono as a teen. he had the series of symptoms that is associated (night fevers, spleen/liver acute pain, lymph swelling) the swelling never resolved after the initial fever episodes. His recent diagnosis of Rosai Dorfman disease is likely right on and of course they are prescribing steroids. he has been suffering from this issue for a year and two biopsies, a lymph removal and pathological examination, has ruled out cancer. he is now taking a protocol I formulated of several things to combat the EBV, so hopefully this will resolve soon and he can breathe through is nose and taste food again. this issue is not talked about enough and even the virus reactivates dormant viruses including cytomegalovirus, and other herpes simplexes. ~S

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My EBV got reactivated too after my bout with Covid. Look into low dose naltrexone. It helps tremendously with inflammation. My never before elevated HSCrp went from to 4.2 to under 1 in 6 weeks.

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Naltrexone will be an absolute last resort. Now that we know what to target, I will be using herbs and nutritional support. I'm a clinical herbalist and am wincing as it is the use of steroids, which is their answer for everything. IMO one reason cancer rates are so high (and exponentially higher since the mRNAs). pharma medicines are basically poison. : /

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LDN is also anti cancer. It’s not a steroid. My naturopath says EVERYONE should take it. She calls it Vitamin N 😊If herbs helps your inflammation that’s great. They did not help mine or send my EBV into remission as shown in bloodwork. The LDN did.

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I know naltrexone isn't a steroid....I was referring to what my husband is taking now in context of my original post.

Everyone?? I think your naturopath is wrong...sorry. There isn't something everyone should take. That seems contrary to personalized medicine and a holistic perspective. Naltrexone is still synthetic and like all pharma meds, a potential toxin and a danger to the organ systems. I prefer a truly natural approach.

Perhaps you weren't targeting with the proper herbs and supplements.


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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Diagnosis of HLH (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6297301/): Meeting 5 out of the following 8 criteria:

* fever

* splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen)

* cytopenias in peripheral blood:

-*- haemoglobin <90 g/L

-*- platelets <100×109/L

-*- neutrophils <1×109/L

* haemophagocytosis in bone marrow, lymph nodes or spleen

* low or absent natural killer cell activity

* ferritin >500 ng/mL

* raised soluble CD25 (IL-2 receptor)

* fasting hypertriglyceridaemia (>3 mmol/L) or hypofibrinogenaemia


The COVID-19 vaccines seem to be able to cause hyperactivations of different systems:

- hyperactivation of macrophages (and T-cells) that engulf normal haematopoietic cells in the bone marrow, liver and spleen -> HLH

- hyperactivation of mast cells -> mast cell activation syndrome

- hyperactivation of plateles (as for example an effect of endotheliitis) -> amyloid fibrin microclots -> thrombosis

- hyperactivation of T follicular helper (Tfh) cells -> increased levels of non-specific antibodies and autoimmune antibodies (see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29739835/)

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

2 in a decade, 169 after these jabs introduced is mind boggling. Sadly, even more rare diseases or syndromes will be found the longer we go. I’m so glad not to be ‘vaccinated’ by this horrible jab. If I would have taken it, I’d be fearful for my health. At 73 I have enough to care about, but at least I can sleep at night knowing some obscure medical issue isn’t causing untold damage. Thank you Jessica for your deep dive into these vaccine injuries and your ability to understand and analyze. Thanks also for sharing this information in a way that we (especially I) can comprehend.

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Oh, god, there must be something going on there. Those are such big big words!!

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I appreciate your words as a way to say NO to this. And I am horrified about the Midazolam use. I am not an MD but hold a certificate in End of Life Care, with a full time practicum in Complex Palliative Care...pre-COVID.

My heart goes out to all those who assume their disease treating MD cares for health. We know there is a problem when MDs in public systems fail to look at the data-based reports in the developed world, showing NO treatment in palliative care (dire 3-6-month prognosis even with cancer) generally beats conventional medical care in terms of actual life span and quality of life. Use of Medazolam... (?) in the final 24 hours(?) after known signs of actual dying.

And I have seen an intensive care specialist hasten death by using increasing doses of morphine, in response to natural sounds the patient’s wife ‘suffered’ hearing, saying she thought her husband was in pain. Yet, some MDs in Canada say they stand against euthanasia and don’t perform it. Nah, they stand only to save people.

IMHO, controllers gaslight and mislead people by first deceiving themselves. At an institutional level, it all has a professional patina of something more putrid than BS.

IF this COVID corruption in civil society is really about eugenics, then should we let people guide family members calmly into WEF sponsored showers on the way out.

Is this economically motivated end-of-life care for people being murdered by corrupt remote king pins and their -our- unwitting loved ones?

Sad. Terrifying. Inhumane.

So we can’t lose our hearts through the anger and loss. We have to pace appropriate care (triage).

And we need to bridge gaps in education and training. Data and theory must meet practicality. Life is more precious than that solid investment in everyone’s retirement or pension plan.

The smartest brits who provided the best tech to their intel service pre911 are being so thoroughly silenced in bogus US law suits... so they remain isolated from public view. The Americans have captured the WHO and made this happen.

We are left crying in the trenches as we see people shattered for no good reason.

💝for you and our loved ones. We need an in-the-field training facility for those willing to work for a tomorrow.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Excellent analysis, and good job on double checking your work! Two occurrences in a decade vs an under-reported 169 since the release of the jab. This absolutely shows the need for investigation and action.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Would people who have latent EBV after 2 cases of it be more likely to have this triggered if they got jabbed? I have been concerned about this if for any reason I was forced to get one of the jabs that are causing so many immune disorders after getting jabbed. I also have a positive reaction to the TB test after being exposed to it when I watched an autopsy and I’m concerned if the jab would activate the virus.

As for this:

'The onset of HLH occurs before the age of one year in approximately 70 percent of cases.'

I’m curious if we will see more babies being diagnosed with HLH if their mom had been jabbed during pregnancy.

Good lord I can’t imagine the mindset of the persons who would deliberately create a virus that has the potential to wipe out humanity. And they are still walking free!

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Fauci Science Sorcery…..Is ice boiling over?

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Yes I’m sure when I figure out what any of this means. 😆

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose



You stated:

"I had mis-spelled ‘Haemophagocytic... I had spelled it Hemophagocytic....I re-did the query using the spelling with the ‘ae’, I found 169 reports."

The following sources (#'s) you cited - 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9 - all used what you stated was the wrong spelling (He) in the descriptions of their reports!!!

Could this be a deliberate tactic to reduce the number of incidents?

Is "Hae" an older spelling of the word, not in common use anymore?

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it could be. but there are 2 spellings...

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My fear is that medical software programmers

may not have known or included both spellings.

If someone enters data with one spelling and the

program only recognizes the other, it could cause

a potentially critical omission.

VAERS records could be seriously undercounting

the cases under such circumstances.

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Indefatigable Jessica Rose.


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