I also couldn't believe it when I read the headlines.
Then- I remembered this simple truth: I could only "not believe it" within the context of an internal model of the world whereby I trusted these institutions, professionals & Govts. ie: my old world view of what I believed the governing bodies of our democratic bodies were ...
For me, the last 2 years has included the systematic demise of my internal model, or codified belief systems of what I believed our society, professional bodies and institutions and Govts are & the underlying universal principles guiding them. ie: the collapse of that illusion & trust.
Because I am a trained scientist, it actually took this full direct frontal assault on science and the hard core science part of my mind, to fully catalyze the collapse of all those other illusory belief systems & trust. I'm 58. I've benefited greatly from our old freedoms. It's ingrained in me. Deeply.
That's been a brutal process. A real grieving & letting go of what I thought everything was. I would not wish it on anyone, yet, it will ultimately be necessary for many, many more if we are to exit this. IMHO, there's another tough truth: We don't get out of this, unless we ALL get out of this....
The mind cannot hold 2 conflicting beliefs without remaining stuck and causing massive anxiety throughout the entire nervous system & body. At some point, you've got to choose one of them to move forward. My hope is that more people are choosing one of them....Perhaps that's why population anxiety is cranked up to max these days... People have a sense that something is deeply wrong. And it is. It's becoming more materially obvious in our everyday lives and it's growing daily now.
There's only so long people can ignore it.
It takes a lot of guts to let go of deeply programmed beliefs and unconditional trust in what you thought were framework institutions and trustworthy professional classes in your life. Because if they can't be trusted & all this time they were something else, then what does that mean?
It means we must accept self-responsibility & all start using our brains for more than a hat rack. And, when you've been numbed out in false comfort all this time .. that's a massive leap.
Unfortunately, the longer it takes, the higher the cost to innocent people ... who didn't have the club to the head " THIS IS BLATANT BULLSHIT" moment the second the math and science didn't add up with the spin ( like Dec 2019- March 2020) .
You can't see what you can't see.
Most people haven't been able to " see" it because of 1) programmed blind trust & faith in the talking heads 2) censorship of the science & it's awesome voices 3) overwhelm of fear, uncertainty, grief and utter engineered confusion 4) fear & avoidance of math and science ... thus anything related to it ( I'll argue that that has been part of the agenda too ...fully engrained in our education system to shrink critical thought, innovation, self agency...etc)
When I see it that way, I find myself more empathetic & compassionate in this shit show, because in that frame, people are actually waking up extremely fast, being ultra brave. In that, I also find myself even more resolute in the courage to speak up, speak out and live free, even as tyranny closes in. Courage & freedom are contagious. They are internal states that extend outwards.
The inner changes are starting to radiate outwards for more and more people.
So, I salute you all - and especially you, Jessica.
We are all becoming Truckers - thanks to you & everyone else breaking trail on this.
The human convoy will get there.
In the meantime, keep chopping wood and carrying water with a smile and wink.
Thanks for your grit, fight and pushback Jessica.
I'm in the bad girl corner on all my social media channels & even within my family...although less so now. Sadly, the AEs are showing up now, and I'm getting lots of calls. I'm sure many other " dissidents" are now too.
Courage, Voyageur! Keep on keeping on ...& ....thank you!
This really resonates with me. I, too, have difficulty accepting that this could be real because part of me still clings to the old illusion that govt agencies have our best interest at heart. The only way to make sense of every govt directive is to see it through the lens of corruption. Only then do their actions make sense. But to do that is terrifying.
I hear you. It's a process. Be kind to yourself. We are going through massive change as a society and individually....every single one of us in different ways.
This "in between" space for society and individually is the hardest. Peak Anxiety. Know that you're surrounded by mighty companions. Everyone is in the process of reactivating their awesome minds and brains and hearts. Yay!
As you look around you, you can see that things are collapsing...almost everything except what's truly true and real. Things like the human spirit, love, truth....
As we all move towards transparency, truth, authenticity, radical forgiveness in ourselves and society ... things will get better and better in every way.
We also need more God. As God goes it makes way for evil. People lose the ability to not so "evil" the way we once might have. It is very scary and we have been going down that "slippery slope " a long time.
I notice the same. All the people I follow on substack , etc. like Jessica all have the same thing in common: integrity and the desire for truth. What a stark contrast from the “experts” in the media. And I had the same experience where I started to question the “experts” intuitively but then doubted myself; who the hell am I to think I know more than actual scientists? But then I stumbled upon Jessica and all the other highly credentialed professionals who were having the exact same questions… (but with answers! Smart, science-y answers!) and I realized that I should trust my gut.
“The only way to make sense of every govt directive is to see it through the lens of corruption.”
I wish it were only that Jane, but I can’t believe that is the case.
This is so much more than ‘standard’ corruption, although it definitely includes it. This is coordinated between and within governmental and societal institutions on a global level, and it’s quite obviously been planned in great detail for quite some time.
There’s certainly a PsyOp component to it and, tragically, it’s been working better than most of us would have thought possible. The ‘corruption’ label might cover much of what we are experiencing, if the definition includes corruption of the soul/spirit as that is clearly the case on a human level. But a line has been crossed into the territory of ‘Evil’.
Behind it all, I believe there is literally a demonic element inspiring and directing the strategy and tactics. It is probably the case that most people are unwilling to go that far - for now. And I’m pretty confident that, for those who do see it in those terms, what we’re witnessing is even more challenging, or terrifying - unless they know and trust; believe and have faith in, the God of the Bible.
It is only through the lens of the Bible that all of this truly ‘makes sense’ - but it is nonetheless utterly and heartbreakingly tragic. For those who believe God’s Word, courage and consolation is found in the knowledge that, ‘He that is in you, is greater than he that is in the world’; the certainty that this evil may flourish for awhile, but will be defeated in the End, and finally, that the promises of God will all (Old and New Testament) be completely and literally fulfilled.
In the meantime, we are to use the gifts we’ve been given, to fulfill the tasks before us to the best of our ability, trusting in God to guide, empower, and protect us - come what may…
I am 100% with you on this. You can go back in Isiah and see what God did to the people that didn't follow the plan he layed out for them. It speaks about the same in Psalms 80. This is literally a repeat of history. People want to push God to the back burner, he becomes less important, we allow things in our society that become more and more perverse and detrimental to our spirit. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that in the end God wins.
That is definitely true; I didn’t mean to imply otherwise…
I didn’t mention it before, but I’d add that, in the case of many formerly highly regarded ‘key influencers’, only blackmail of the highest order can account for their compliance.
Now, think for a moment about what type of blackmail could produce this much compliance, across so many institutions, globally, for this long. It can’t be drug use, prostitution, bribes, or marital infidelities with the opposite, or same, sexes; those are all passé, with many instances of the perpetrators continued success. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I believe there’s only one form of blackmail left that is (almost) universally condemned; that would be tantamount to ‘death’ for the rich and powerful, if fully exposed; pedophilia.
While such a ‘honey trap’ could be set up in virtually any country, it would be far more likely to be the case in China - for many reasons. And that’s exactly where the movers and shakers from all US institutions (including military) have been going to carry out joint training, attend conferences, conduct business, carry out political or diplomatic affairs, etc., for the last few decades. It would have been extremely easy to set up many such people for a ‘sting’; then wait until the right time to exercise its power.
Regardless, the people behind all this are Machiavellian to the core. If exposed and held accountable, this is a life and death matter to many. And, in the interest of self-preservation, nothing is off limits or out of bounds to them, even if it means burning down and destroying everything else.
I did exactly that and went through just that same process, 15 yrs ago, when my son was dx with autism and I was introduced to the world of govt agencies who knew better but cared more about the career advancement and $$$ that came to them from putting pharma before fellow human beings. the whole covid debacle is 100x's worse and part of me, even though I left the matrix long ago, can't wrap my head around those that STILL call devoted and intelligent parents like me, 'conspiracy theorist' or other such crap. they cling to their illusion no matter what proof is right in their faces.
I also have a child (she’s 13) who is not neurotypical. Technically it’s not autism but her mannerisms are exactly the same as someone on the spectrum, and the more intense end of it. All her friends have autism or developmental disabilities and so I have heard over the years many moms talk about vaccines as the culprit or at least a contributing factor- and I honestly thought it was probably the moms trying to find a reason-any reason- to understand why this happened. I simply believed what the cdc, etc told me. And now- i don’t know what to believe, but that’s a huge step up from blindly believing the establishment. At least I know that I don’t know.
You should watch the movie Vaxxed. It's a fantastic documentary and I think many of your questions and the questions of the people you know could be answered through that. It's not "conspiracy theory", they have the receipts to back up what is being said. My daughter has ADHD, at least that is what the Dr's call it. I don't feel like that is what it is. I feel like all these labels are a clever way for vaccine reactions to be hidden. I can't remember when ADHD became a thing but it was after the rollout of dozens of vaccines. It is extremely sad. Had I known my kids never would have had a single shot. I think one thing that bothers me most is they give Hep B shots to babies. I of course allowed it because it was what you did. HepB is a sexually transmitted disease. You can also get it from sharing needles. I don't think a newborn has to worry about either of those things.
Thank you for your input. I’m just starting my journey of waking up. Watched a short clip with Dr. Andrew Wakefield yesterday and something he said really resonated with me: you can tell intuitively who is honest by simply listening to them and reacting viscerally. So true. We are led to believe that these “conspiracy theorist antivaxxers” are fringe lunatics, and so I never gave them a second thought. I don’t know what I believe (yet) about vaccines in general because I haven’t done the necessary research. Because I was brainwashed into thinking only quacks question vaccines. As of right now, my children will not be receiving any more until I’ve done the research I should have done all along.
Check out vaxxed they don't just talk, they give you the place you can look it up. My kids had all shots until HPV (they received 1.) I didn't want them to have it but I caved. I am not that person. My daughter had a mild (thank God) reaction. Non of us had the c19 shots. Never been PCR tested and only wore a mask a handful of times. This is a war that is between good and evil. I am not sure who is currently winning. However, I do know who wins in the end. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!
Yes Jane. So true. Most of the people I know can’t imagine govt causing harm to the public. I can’t tell you how many times people have said these words to me, “ You don’t actually believe the govt would cause harm on purpose, do you? Why would they do that?” This is what they say when I tell them I will never take their jabs because I don’t trust or believe Big pharma/govt care about the public’s health/wellbeing.
I said this too at one time. I guess if you yourself don’t wish to harm people, you assume other people think like you. After 9/11 when it became legal for the govt to spy on you (I guess they were always spying, now it’s just legal) I actually told my husband, who was horrified, that I didn’t care because surely the govt was just trying to catch the bad guys and I had nothing to hide. Now I can’t believe I was that naive. I also can’t believe my husband willingly stayed married to such a moron.
I too was a “moron” Jane! 😉 I had no idea many years ago about a lot of the things I now know and understand. At the time, I could not understand my boyfriend. Shamefully, I blamed it on HIS politics. This experience taught me so much. It’s why I can’t get angry at those folks who don’t see it. Yes it’s frustrating, but now I just remind myself ~ I must meet people where they are now and be respectful.
Cheers to you and your husband. True love prevails!
I need more patience. I only recently woke up to all the BS and I’m like “why can’t these idiots see what’s right in their face?!” Meanwhile it took me decades… ha
I have the same problem. I woke up during the primaries of the 2016 election. I realized that things weren't what they seemed. No matter what anyone thought of Trump he is rhe reason I opened my eyes.
You are not a moron. It's so important for us all to forgive ourselves. At some point in your lives, many of your loved ones who may have cancelled, humiliated or mocked you may want your forgiveness too ....yet it all starts with you forgiving yourself.
What has been done is orchestrated, co-ordinated and powerful. The assault in human minds is massive. It put masses of people under hypnosis - through which they carve their path. They used every neurological programming hack in the book.
I truly think that we're in this pivot space now of utter confusion where people know something isn't right ..... That's the tipping point. There are a lot of people who are going to need a alot of love & forgiveness ..and we need those people to find the courage to keep going and push back now.
What has happened would have been extremely challenging for most trusting, good people to see through quickly, unless they were already primed to question everything or could spot the math and science crimes immediately.
I can't tell you how many times I was asked, "why would they..." everytime I said money. Now I think it's much worse then that. They want power and control. It's all the same Communist playbook. People would rather not see it so they don't have to do anything about it.
I thank you for articulating what you have here. it needed to be said in such a way. I will only add that the next and imperative step is coming to terms with---and carrying it foremost in your daily life---that this quandary we 'suddenly find' ourselves in is in actuality a concerted effort of long time planning and coming by a certain element within our Western society; much of it under the supervision of faceless powerful people whose tricks of subtlety include reinforcing of the many levels of propaganda they have employed across perhaps six generations now, beginning in the 1920s.
It is most certainly emanating from these combined families of exceptional wealth, their elitism is their guiding principle and how to sustain it is their goal. Their vanguard is their control over post WW II 'intelligence' agencies, all of whom are employed primarily in satisfying the wants of this über class who operate far from the public eye.
This is no accidental confluence of random events, this MUST be understood!
Dr. Sun says he put his neck on the line, just like Joseph Mengele. Let's hope that one day he he will be hung by his neck until dead, along with Fauci and Gates and Trudeau and Macron and Adern and Boris Johnson, and we'll see if God has mercy on their souls.
I agree this is reprehensible, and Sun should face the full brunt of the law for putting these helpless beings at risk of death and injury. All victims should undergo free immune panel testing, d-dimer tests, and ongoing monitoring to determine if they have suffered long-term damage from his psychopathic virtue-injecting.
“then so should all medical doctors be in case of harm due to prescription of IVM or medical exemptions”
Agreed, only I don’t know of a single instance of harm caused by proper administration of these life-saving medications.
Last night I had a dream that Duke Kahanamoku held a heroes surfing contest. The contestants lined up on the beach included Tess Lawrie, Judy Mikovits, Sherry Tenpenny, Joseph Mercola, Mike Adams, Robert Malone, Dr. McCullough, Stephanie Seneff, Geert Vanden Bossche, Sucharit Bhakdi, Reiner Fuellmich, Ryan Cole, Bobby Kennedy, Ilana Rachel Daniel, Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr Hodgkinson, Dr. Vernon Coleman, etc, etc. As we waited suddenly a big wave crested on which we could see the legendary Duke surfing in on his longboard, and standing on his shoulders was Jessica Rose! When they came ashore the Duke said some words of appreciation for all the heroes and then he fired his starting pistol. It was glorious afternoon with big waves and everyone surfed well. Then the Duke announced that the winner in first place was Jessica Rose. While accepting a beautiful Kahala shirt from the Duke, Jessica said, "If I have seen farther it's because I stood on the shoulders of giants." Then the Duke announced the winner of the swimsuit competition, and Jessica won that too! Runners up were Ilana Daniel and Tess Lawrie. As the sun set everyone enjoyed a pig roast and a live concert by the Beachboys. Then my cat woke me from my slumbers.
O yes, it's twoo, it's twoo! But maybe it was a daydream. And Jan and Dean sang "Ride the Wild Surf" after the Beachboys set. So glad you enjoyed my dream.
I forgot to mention that Kosher meals were available at the pig roast, and that Dr. Roger Hodkinson won the good sportsmanship award and that Dr. Vernon Coleman (the old man in a chair) was awarded the prize for Congeniality(vernoncoleman.org)
The saddest part of all this is the only place we will read this information is on substack. The number of people who do not know anything about the scamdemic is staggering. MSM has been so heavily bought by big pharma and certain globalists, that the main stream population has no idea what is taking place. The frustration of not being able to discuss the damages of lockdowns, masking and the dangerous experimental biologicals with anyone I know is depressing at times. I must keep reminding myself “no judging, stay compassionate”.
There are so many things wrong with this. The worst is that they are conflating off label medication prescriptions, which is perfectly valid (for meds like ivermectin and yet has been banned!!), with injecting an experimental gene therapy into children!!! And Dr. Sun said most of the parents were doctors! This is so unbelievable I cannot even stand it.
EMERGENCY Use Authorization. Where's the fire? I mean, besides the grain silos and meat packing plants? By WHAT authority does the FDA have to declare an EMERGENCY? When Omicron is far milder than Delta, the majority of the population has immunity, thru natural immunity or enough shots to cause them to slosh as they walk? And what is the risk to children, let alone under the age of 5? Zero? This dachsund... I mean Doc Sun... is just another mindless troll, only worse because he is damaging his patients in the name of some unproven assertion of safety & efficacy, not claimed even by those who have been pushing those assertions down to age 5. He's a useful idiot with a medical license. And he's committing assault and, possibly, murder.
I know, it's all been said/asked before. And there is an agenda, whether the WEF's, the Pharm industry, the WHO, the head monster at the NIAID, or any combination of the above. They appear not to feel the need to justify ANY further attacks on our health and well-being. They are ahead of schedule and giddy with excitement and sense of purpose and we will own nothing and be happy (i.e. dead) and they will run it all. So they think.
They want to eliminate Title 42, so there obviously isn't an emergency! However, it isn't politically expedient to let go of all those "useful" emergency powers.
You may have noticed, emergency powers the gov't awards to itself in an emergency are never surrendered. And the limited creativity of bureaucrats is fully expended in arrogating new powers and declaring new emergencies.
non emergency powers arent surrendered either LOL. bureaucrats never stop building little empires, which is why government needs to be dismantled every few decades (and im not a right winger)
So, more dog & pony shows on 6-14 and 6-15 to provide justification/cover for rubber-stamping EUA modifications/amendments to jab children. Just as reprehensible as Dr. Sun...
Interesting read and comments at the bad cattitude substack:
FDA Official In Charge Of Evaluating New Drugs Hospitalized For ‘Mental Disorder’
we have a rich history of this- parents being fined and going to prison in order to protect their children from being injured and killed by vaccines in Leicester in 1885, with the original and worst vac for smallpox . we think we have progressed but we haven't , lets hope the tide turns against the medical profession and the law again https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense?s=w
I read somewhere (cannot recall source sorry) that Asians in California were vaxed at much higher percentages than other groups. Anecdotally I can say that Asian coworkers are vaxing their children at a higher rate than other groups. And they’re vocal about it, too.
Where the hell do these 'doctors' come off, making their own decision on this 'vaccination'? "This is probably the worst thing I have seen"- that's a very good label for these 'incidents'.
Aside from the fact you can't sue the pharm companies, what about suing these 'doctors'? For what, I don't know, but I'm sure that there are SOME visible injuries, but even if NOT, you cannot allow this in a supposedly law abiding society.
How much did he get paid for each injection? Your kid's rights to good health over my bank account seems to give the same result a little too often. There cannot be enough risk.
I also couldn't believe it when I read the headlines.
Then- I remembered this simple truth: I could only "not believe it" within the context of an internal model of the world whereby I trusted these institutions, professionals & Govts. ie: my old world view of what I believed the governing bodies of our democratic bodies were ...
For me, the last 2 years has included the systematic demise of my internal model, or codified belief systems of what I believed our society, professional bodies and institutions and Govts are & the underlying universal principles guiding them. ie: the collapse of that illusion & trust.
Because I am a trained scientist, it actually took this full direct frontal assault on science and the hard core science part of my mind, to fully catalyze the collapse of all those other illusory belief systems & trust. I'm 58. I've benefited greatly from our old freedoms. It's ingrained in me. Deeply.
That's been a brutal process. A real grieving & letting go of what I thought everything was. I would not wish it on anyone, yet, it will ultimately be necessary for many, many more if we are to exit this. IMHO, there's another tough truth: We don't get out of this, unless we ALL get out of this....
The mind cannot hold 2 conflicting beliefs without remaining stuck and causing massive anxiety throughout the entire nervous system & body. At some point, you've got to choose one of them to move forward. My hope is that more people are choosing one of them....Perhaps that's why population anxiety is cranked up to max these days... People have a sense that something is deeply wrong. And it is. It's becoming more materially obvious in our everyday lives and it's growing daily now.
There's only so long people can ignore it.
It takes a lot of guts to let go of deeply programmed beliefs and unconditional trust in what you thought were framework institutions and trustworthy professional classes in your life. Because if they can't be trusted & all this time they were something else, then what does that mean?
It means we must accept self-responsibility & all start using our brains for more than a hat rack. And, when you've been numbed out in false comfort all this time .. that's a massive leap.
Unfortunately, the longer it takes, the higher the cost to innocent people ... who didn't have the club to the head " THIS IS BLATANT BULLSHIT" moment the second the math and science didn't add up with the spin ( like Dec 2019- March 2020) .
You can't see what you can't see.
Most people haven't been able to " see" it because of 1) programmed blind trust & faith in the talking heads 2) censorship of the science & it's awesome voices 3) overwhelm of fear, uncertainty, grief and utter engineered confusion 4) fear & avoidance of math and science ... thus anything related to it ( I'll argue that that has been part of the agenda too ...fully engrained in our education system to shrink critical thought, innovation, self agency...etc)
When I see it that way, I find myself more empathetic & compassionate in this shit show, because in that frame, people are actually waking up extremely fast, being ultra brave. In that, I also find myself even more resolute in the courage to speak up, speak out and live free, even as tyranny closes in. Courage & freedom are contagious. They are internal states that extend outwards.
The inner changes are starting to radiate outwards for more and more people.
So, I salute you all - and especially you, Jessica.
We are all becoming Truckers - thanks to you & everyone else breaking trail on this.
The human convoy will get there.
In the meantime, keep chopping wood and carrying water with a smile and wink.
Thanks for your grit, fight and pushback Jessica.
I'm in the bad girl corner on all my social media channels & even within my family...although less so now. Sadly, the AEs are showing up now, and I'm getting lots of calls. I'm sure many other " dissidents" are now too.
Courage, Voyageur! Keep on keeping on ...& ....thank you!
This really resonates with me. I, too, have difficulty accepting that this could be real because part of me still clings to the old illusion that govt agencies have our best interest at heart. The only way to make sense of every govt directive is to see it through the lens of corruption. Only then do their actions make sense. But to do that is terrifying.
I hear you. It's a process. Be kind to yourself. We are going through massive change as a society and individually....every single one of us in different ways.
This "in between" space for society and individually is the hardest. Peak Anxiety. Know that you're surrounded by mighty companions. Everyone is in the process of reactivating their awesome minds and brains and hearts. Yay!
As you look around you, you can see that things are collapsing...almost everything except what's truly true and real. Things like the human spirit, love, truth....
As we all move towards transparency, truth, authenticity, radical forgiveness in ourselves and society ... things will get better and better in every way.
Be well!
We also need more God. As God goes it makes way for evil. People lose the ability to not so "evil" the way we once might have. It is very scary and we have been going down that "slippery slope " a long time.
I notice the same. All the people I follow on substack , etc. like Jessica all have the same thing in common: integrity and the desire for truth. What a stark contrast from the “experts” in the media. And I had the same experience where I started to question the “experts” intuitively but then doubted myself; who the hell am I to think I know more than actual scientists? But then I stumbled upon Jessica and all the other highly credentialed professionals who were having the exact same questions… (but with answers! Smart, science-y answers!) and I realized that I should trust my gut.
“The only way to make sense of every govt directive is to see it through the lens of corruption.”
I wish it were only that Jane, but I can’t believe that is the case.
This is so much more than ‘standard’ corruption, although it definitely includes it. This is coordinated between and within governmental and societal institutions on a global level, and it’s quite obviously been planned in great detail for quite some time.
There’s certainly a PsyOp component to it and, tragically, it’s been working better than most of us would have thought possible. The ‘corruption’ label might cover much of what we are experiencing, if the definition includes corruption of the soul/spirit as that is clearly the case on a human level. But a line has been crossed into the territory of ‘Evil’.
Behind it all, I believe there is literally a demonic element inspiring and directing the strategy and tactics. It is probably the case that most people are unwilling to go that far - for now. And I’m pretty confident that, for those who do see it in those terms, what we’re witnessing is even more challenging, or terrifying - unless they know and trust; believe and have faith in, the God of the Bible.
It is only through the lens of the Bible that all of this truly ‘makes sense’ - but it is nonetheless utterly and heartbreakingly tragic. For those who believe God’s Word, courage and consolation is found in the knowledge that, ‘He that is in you, is greater than he that is in the world’; the certainty that this evil may flourish for awhile, but will be defeated in the End, and finally, that the promises of God will all (Old and New Testament) be completely and literally fulfilled.
In the meantime, we are to use the gifts we’ve been given, to fulfill the tasks before us to the best of our ability, trusting in God to guide, empower, and protect us - come what may…
I am 100% with you on this. You can go back in Isiah and see what God did to the people that didn't follow the plan he layed out for them. It speaks about the same in Psalms 80. This is literally a repeat of history. People want to push God to the back burner, he becomes less important, we allow things in our society that become more and more perverse and detrimental to our spirit. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that in the end God wins.
That is definitely true; I didn’t mean to imply otherwise…
I didn’t mention it before, but I’d add that, in the case of many formerly highly regarded ‘key influencers’, only blackmail of the highest order can account for their compliance.
Now, think for a moment about what type of blackmail could produce this much compliance, across so many institutions, globally, for this long. It can’t be drug use, prostitution, bribes, or marital infidelities with the opposite, or same, sexes; those are all passé, with many instances of the perpetrators continued success. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I believe there’s only one form of blackmail left that is (almost) universally condemned; that would be tantamount to ‘death’ for the rich and powerful, if fully exposed; pedophilia.
While such a ‘honey trap’ could be set up in virtually any country, it would be far more likely to be the case in China - for many reasons. And that’s exactly where the movers and shakers from all US institutions (including military) have been going to carry out joint training, attend conferences, conduct business, carry out political or diplomatic affairs, etc., for the last few decades. It would have been extremely easy to set up many such people for a ‘sting’; then wait until the right time to exercise its power.
Regardless, the people behind all this are Machiavellian to the core. If exposed and held accountable, this is a life and death matter to many. And, in the interest of self-preservation, nothing is off limits or out of bounds to them, even if it means burning down and destroying everything else.
Remember Jeffrey Epstein. And maybe Peter Nygard for Canadian content when considering CCP honey trappers.
I always wonder what the hook is for the WEF Young Global Leaders, the Schwab Youth. As there are many women, maybe just promises of power?
I did exactly that and went through just that same process, 15 yrs ago, when my son was dx with autism and I was introduced to the world of govt agencies who knew better but cared more about the career advancement and $$$ that came to them from putting pharma before fellow human beings. the whole covid debacle is 100x's worse and part of me, even though I left the matrix long ago, can't wrap my head around those that STILL call devoted and intelligent parents like me, 'conspiracy theorist' or other such crap. they cling to their illusion no matter what proof is right in their faces.
I also have a child (she’s 13) who is not neurotypical. Technically it’s not autism but her mannerisms are exactly the same as someone on the spectrum, and the more intense end of it. All her friends have autism or developmental disabilities and so I have heard over the years many moms talk about vaccines as the culprit or at least a contributing factor- and I honestly thought it was probably the moms trying to find a reason-any reason- to understand why this happened. I simply believed what the cdc, etc told me. And now- i don’t know what to believe, but that’s a huge step up from blindly believing the establishment. At least I know that I don’t know.
You should watch the movie Vaxxed. It's a fantastic documentary and I think many of your questions and the questions of the people you know could be answered through that. It's not "conspiracy theory", they have the receipts to back up what is being said. My daughter has ADHD, at least that is what the Dr's call it. I don't feel like that is what it is. I feel like all these labels are a clever way for vaccine reactions to be hidden. I can't remember when ADHD became a thing but it was after the rollout of dozens of vaccines. It is extremely sad. Had I known my kids never would have had a single shot. I think one thing that bothers me most is they give Hep B shots to babies. I of course allowed it because it was what you did. HepB is a sexually transmitted disease. You can also get it from sharing needles. I don't think a newborn has to worry about either of those things.
Thank you for your input. I’m just starting my journey of waking up. Watched a short clip with Dr. Andrew Wakefield yesterday and something he said really resonated with me: you can tell intuitively who is honest by simply listening to them and reacting viscerally. So true. We are led to believe that these “conspiracy theorist antivaxxers” are fringe lunatics, and so I never gave them a second thought. I don’t know what I believe (yet) about vaccines in general because I haven’t done the necessary research. Because I was brainwashed into thinking only quacks question vaccines. As of right now, my children will not be receiving any more until I’ve done the research I should have done all along.
Check out vaxxed they don't just talk, they give you the place you can look it up. My kids had all shots until HPV (they received 1.) I didn't want them to have it but I caved. I am not that person. My daughter had a mild (thank God) reaction. Non of us had the c19 shots. Never been PCR tested and only wore a mask a handful of times. This is a war that is between good and evil. I am not sure who is currently winning. However, I do know who wins in the end. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!
Yes Jane. So true. Most of the people I know can’t imagine govt causing harm to the public. I can’t tell you how many times people have said these words to me, “ You don’t actually believe the govt would cause harm on purpose, do you? Why would they do that?” This is what they say when I tell them I will never take their jabs because I don’t trust or believe Big pharma/govt care about the public’s health/wellbeing.
I said this too at one time. I guess if you yourself don’t wish to harm people, you assume other people think like you. After 9/11 when it became legal for the govt to spy on you (I guess they were always spying, now it’s just legal) I actually told my husband, who was horrified, that I didn’t care because surely the govt was just trying to catch the bad guys and I had nothing to hide. Now I can’t believe I was that naive. I also can’t believe my husband willingly stayed married to such a moron.
I too was a “moron” Jane! 😉 I had no idea many years ago about a lot of the things I now know and understand. At the time, I could not understand my boyfriend. Shamefully, I blamed it on HIS politics. This experience taught me so much. It’s why I can’t get angry at those folks who don’t see it. Yes it’s frustrating, but now I just remind myself ~ I must meet people where they are now and be respectful.
Cheers to you and your husband. True love prevails!
I need more patience. I only recently woke up to all the BS and I’m like “why can’t these idiots see what’s right in their face?!” Meanwhile it took me decades… ha
So funny. I understand. Enjoy the ride!
I have the same problem. I woke up during the primaries of the 2016 election. I realized that things weren't what they seemed. No matter what anyone thought of Trump he is rhe reason I opened my eyes.
You are not a moron. It's so important for us all to forgive ourselves. At some point in your lives, many of your loved ones who may have cancelled, humiliated or mocked you may want your forgiveness too ....yet it all starts with you forgiving yourself.
What has been done is orchestrated, co-ordinated and powerful. The assault in human minds is massive. It put masses of people under hypnosis - through which they carve their path. They used every neurological programming hack in the book.
I truly think that we're in this pivot space now of utter confusion where people know something isn't right ..... That's the tipping point. There are a lot of people who are going to need a alot of love & forgiveness ..and we need those people to find the courage to keep going and push back now.
What has happened would have been extremely challenging for most trusting, good people to see through quickly, unless they were already primed to question everything or could spot the math and science crimes immediately.
Give yourself a hug, Have an awesome day!
That was said very well.
I can't tell you how many times I was asked, "why would they..." everytime I said money. Now I think it's much worse then that. They want power and control. It's all the same Communist playbook. People would rather not see it so they don't have to do anything about it.
I thank you for articulating what you have here. it needed to be said in such a way. I will only add that the next and imperative step is coming to terms with---and carrying it foremost in your daily life---that this quandary we 'suddenly find' ourselves in is in actuality a concerted effort of long time planning and coming by a certain element within our Western society; much of it under the supervision of faceless powerful people whose tricks of subtlety include reinforcing of the many levels of propaganda they have employed across perhaps six generations now, beginning in the 1920s.
It is most certainly emanating from these combined families of exceptional wealth, their elitism is their guiding principle and how to sustain it is their goal. Their vanguard is their control over post WW II 'intelligence' agencies, all of whom are employed primarily in satisfying the wants of this über class who operate far from the public eye.
This is no accidental confluence of random events, this MUST be understood!
I agree with you 100%!
I find myself saying, "I can't believe it" and the. I remember this is a new time and anything is possible from these scumbags.
What a great comment!
Dr. Sun says he put his neck on the line, just like Joseph Mengele. Let's hope that one day he he will be hung by his neck until dead, along with Fauci and Gates and Trudeau and Macron and Adern and Boris Johnson, and we'll see if God has mercy on their souls.
He should be injected with the same product he used, continuously until dead.
You are right.
Getting worse by the day.
No one in science or otherwise, at this point, can fathom the health damage this will have done to the young.
The damage will be for life.
Humanity is falling fast!
I agree this is reprehensible, and Sun should face the full brunt of the law for putting these helpless beings at risk of death and injury. All victims should undergo free immune panel testing, d-dimer tests, and ongoing monitoring to determine if they have suffered long-term damage from his psychopathic virtue-injecting.
“then so should all medical doctors be in case of harm due to prescription of IVM or medical exemptions”
Agreed, only I don’t know of a single instance of harm caused by proper administration of these life-saving medications.
i was being litigious. :)
😁 Go get 'em 💪
Last night I had a dream that Duke Kahanamoku held a heroes surfing contest. The contestants lined up on the beach included Tess Lawrie, Judy Mikovits, Sherry Tenpenny, Joseph Mercola, Mike Adams, Robert Malone, Dr. McCullough, Stephanie Seneff, Geert Vanden Bossche, Sucharit Bhakdi, Reiner Fuellmich, Ryan Cole, Bobby Kennedy, Ilana Rachel Daniel, Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr Hodgkinson, Dr. Vernon Coleman, etc, etc. As we waited suddenly a big wave crested on which we could see the legendary Duke surfing in on his longboard, and standing on his shoulders was Jessica Rose! When they came ashore the Duke said some words of appreciation for all the heroes and then he fired his starting pistol. It was glorious afternoon with big waves and everyone surfed well. Then the Duke announced that the winner in first place was Jessica Rose. While accepting a beautiful Kahala shirt from the Duke, Jessica said, "If I have seen farther it's because I stood on the shoulders of giants." Then the Duke announced the winner of the swimsuit competition, and Jessica won that too! Runners up were Ilana Daniel and Tess Lawrie. As the sun set everyone enjoyed a pig roast and a live concert by the Beachboys. Then my cat woke me from my slumbers.
that's not true!!! is it? hahaha BEST DREAM EVERRRRRRR
O yes, it's twoo, it's twoo! But maybe it was a daydream. And Jan and Dean sang "Ride the Wild Surf" after the Beachboys set. So glad you enjoyed my dream.
I forgot to mention that Kosher meals were available at the pig roast, and that Dr. Roger Hodkinson won the good sportsmanship award and that Dr. Vernon Coleman (the old man in a chair) was awarded the prize for Congeniality(vernoncoleman.org)
I forgot that Mike Yeadon and Richard Fleming were also at the Kahanamoku heroes surfing contest, and I'll think of more later.
The saddest part of all this is the only place we will read this information is on substack. The number of people who do not know anything about the scamdemic is staggering. MSM has been so heavily bought by big pharma and certain globalists, that the main stream population has no idea what is taking place. The frustration of not being able to discuss the damages of lockdowns, masking and the dangerous experimental biologicals with anyone I know is depressing at times. I must keep reminding myself “no judging, stay compassionate”.
Yes yes yes!!!!
There are so many things wrong with this. The worst is that they are conflating off label medication prescriptions, which is perfectly valid (for meds like ivermectin and yet has been banned!!), with injecting an experimental gene therapy into children!!! And Dr. Sun said most of the parents were doctors! This is so unbelievable I cannot even stand it.
Here’s the article from behind the wall https://web.archive.org/web/20220527151645/https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2022/05/27/how-hundreds-of-kids-under-five-in-toronto-got-covid-vaccines.html
EMERGENCY Use Authorization. Where's the fire? I mean, besides the grain silos and meat packing plants? By WHAT authority does the FDA have to declare an EMERGENCY? When Omicron is far milder than Delta, the majority of the population has immunity, thru natural immunity or enough shots to cause them to slosh as they walk? And what is the risk to children, let alone under the age of 5? Zero? This dachsund... I mean Doc Sun... is just another mindless troll, only worse because he is damaging his patients in the name of some unproven assertion of safety & efficacy, not claimed even by those who have been pushing those assertions down to age 5. He's a useful idiot with a medical license. And he's committing assault and, possibly, murder.
I know, it's all been said/asked before. And there is an agenda, whether the WEF's, the Pharm industry, the WHO, the head monster at the NIAID, or any combination of the above. They appear not to feel the need to justify ANY further attacks on our health and well-being. They are ahead of schedule and giddy with excitement and sense of purpose and we will own nothing and be happy (i.e. dead) and they will run it all. So they think.
I guess we are in a permanent "state of emergency"...
good point - why hasnt the emergency been cancelled yet?
They want to eliminate Title 42, so there obviously isn't an emergency! However, it isn't politically expedient to let go of all those "useful" emergency powers.
You may have noticed, emergency powers the gov't awards to itself in an emergency are never surrendered. And the limited creativity of bureaucrats is fully expended in arrogating new powers and declaring new emergencies.
non emergency powers arent surrendered either LOL. bureaucrats never stop building little empires, which is why government needs to be dismantled every few decades (and im not a right winger)
He’s assuring repeat customers
So, more dog & pony shows on 6-14 and 6-15 to provide justification/cover for rubber-stamping EUA modifications/amendments to jab children. Just as reprehensible as Dr. Sun...
Interesting read and comments at the bad cattitude substack:
FDA Official In Charge Of Evaluating New Drugs Hospitalized For ‘Mental Disorder’
we have a rich history of this- parents being fined and going to prison in order to protect their children from being injured and killed by vaccines in Leicester in 1885, with the original and worst vac for smallpox . we think we have progressed but we haven't , lets hope the tide turns against the medical profession and the law again https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense?s=w
I read somewhere (cannot recall source sorry) that Asians in California were vaxed at much higher percentages than other groups. Anecdotally I can say that Asian coworkers are vaxing their children at a higher rate than other groups. And they’re vocal about it, too.
All of us need to take our resistance up notch. This campaign of poison injections has to be stopped.
only if you dont think the world is overpopulated with with sheeple ;)
Where the hell do these 'doctors' come off, making their own decision on this 'vaccination'? "This is probably the worst thing I have seen"- that's a very good label for these 'incidents'.
Aside from the fact you can't sue the pharm companies, what about suing these 'doctors'? For what, I don't know, but I'm sure that there are SOME visible injuries, but even if NOT, you cannot allow this in a supposedly law abiding society.
This fries my hide!
How much did he get paid for each injection? Your kid's rights to good health over my bank account seems to give the same result a little too often. There cannot be enough risk.
Thanks, Jessica. Readers in Canada should take the matter up with the police and other relevant authorities.
These people wear hypocrisy as if it were their favorite shirt.