OMG Jessica, this made me cry. My own daughter ended up taking two Pfizer shots because living life as a 28 year old in California without them had become too challenging. She couldn’t tell me she’d done this for two months afterwards. I know she and her husband (also jabbed as per the directive of the US Coast Guard for whom he serves) want children so I pray daily they will be okay and that will be an attainable goal when they’re ready. My son, age 24 saw through the insanity right away, and did not succumb to any injections but his fiancé had three (!) as she was mandated as a medical student. I try every day not to sob my eyes out over these crimes against humanity. I am no linger certain what planet I am living on. Not to mention my ever-growing list of multiply-jabbed friends and relatives suffering with bizarre and catastrophic medical issues. What the hell is happening???

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Among my circle of friends: One diagnosed with diabetes and very soon after, with aggressive pancreatic cancer. Another had a mild stroke (she's around 50) and has been monitored for heart problems. Another friend's dad started having bizarre mental problems, which he'd never had before, for which the doctors have no answers. Another developed severe asthma. Another friend told me a 58 year old guy she knows collapsed and died while on a cruise to Alaska. Perhaps the most devastating to me is a 40-something year old wife and mother, serving with her family as a missionary in a foreign country, but presently in the US seeking medical treatment. Now she is experiencing debilitating pain, has undergone multiple tests, PT, and still has no diagnosis. She can only sit for a few minutes at a time, which means she cannot tolerate the flight to return to her home. She is now being tested to see if she has an autoimmune disorder. If this doesn't improve, it will radically affect whether or not the family's ministry can continue. I'm like you, I am nearly in despair at times because people are so blinded. Example: A young woman who had severe problems after having the gardasil jab. She wants to be a nurse, so when she finally improved enough to begin her training, she got the covid jab. Only my faith in Christ keeps me going.

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The "bizarre mental prolems" you refer to happened during the trials. I believe it was 2 people in the jabbed group whp developed such severe mental disturbance/psychosis that they killed themselves.

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Unbelievable that these toxic jabs are still being promoted. The man I referred to had to be hospitalized for several weeks, I believe, and is still not totally back to normal.

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The daughter of one of my best friends who had a well-managed depression for over ten years, double vaccinated (teacher) went into mania where no medication helped nor 20 shock treatments, committed suicide because she could not tolerate the psychosis she was living through. My son with well-treated schizophrenia for decades had 5 hospitalizations in 2023 when his usual was every 4 years when he tried to go off the meds. He had a very demanding and well-paid job which he had to leave because his anxiety was so debilitating. He now gets monthly injections and has a constant leg tremor. All my four children are jabbed and boosted. My daughter in law has turbo breast cancer at 50 years of age. She talked my son into getting jabbed!! I live in Canada.

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My niece, a dyed in the wool progressive, was vaccinated (sic) before and then during her pregnancy. The baby was born appropriately 5 months early (at barely 1 pound) and has so many problems I cry inside every time I see her. My brother knows it was the jab but no one can ever say anything to his daughter (my niece).

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Yes. Same experience here. A friend who was a super healthy athlete, suddenly acquired severe psychosis after c19 shots and boosters. Doctors scratching their heads. Why would such a healthy young(40s) person suddenly become severely psychotic? Unprecedented! But no one mentions the jabs. Sad.

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I'm a cancelled doctor from Ontario. Among my patients and their friends who did take the injections (and most were coerced), many developed side effects.... including: myocarditis (seen in both the middle aged, and in male teens), loss of speech for a few days, facial twitching, severe shingles, and one 56 year old person, in "very good health", was found dead in bed 24 hours later.

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"Only my faith in Christ keeps me going."

He is fighting for you in the heavenly realms together with all His beautiful angels seen and unseen, including you of course.

Here is something which may help keep you going, the truth about Covid 19 and the vaccines. Please note I do use humour as necessary and I am not PC. But then Jesus was not PC.


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Thank goodness

So tired of holier than thou.

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Christ is another LIE!

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But that is one person's opinion....yours and you are entitled to it. You will not say that at the moment you die.

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It is not opinion it is fact. Opinions are brainwashing!

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Thank you. That was the point. It was your opinion. And surely not fact. I am not brainwashed. Do you believe in dinosaurs? I do. There are bones that indicate they existed. There are also proofs of the reality of God and His SON Jesus. And the Romans who crucified Him. And Pontius Pilot. And Herod. I dare say you are brainwashed, not me. I have proof and you do not have anything to counter it.

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How did you come by your handle? It suggests you are an oxymoron. Anyway, I will be here a short while as I have some work for a client near here but I will answer any query or argument you make later.

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Have her look into DMSO and MSM, both products of the pulp and paper industry and natural. They are Gods gift or one of Gods gifts for pain control.

Can never hurt to try the Master Mineral Solution from Jim Humble as well.

Not together though but there are protocols that utilize DMSO with MMS.

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I have been using ‘MMS’, which is chlorine dioxide, for 15 years. One activated drop, diluted with a small amount of water, put on mosquito bites gives immediate relief and stops the swelling, I did this during my Japan trip. Coming back a couple of days ago, I caught a respiratory virus probably from the long flight. I am using MMS and already feel better. There is a great website with a large number of testimonials, I posted there about the recovery from arthritis with two stiff fingers of the caretaker of my mom. Gone after five days!


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Where is a trustworthy source to buy MMS?

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I buy it from KV Lab in Florida. I use the hydrochloric acid activator, I works faster.


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Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?

Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted


Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.


More fakery from the wizards

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government


Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







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I am sorry for your heartbreak. You are not alone.

I have a friend who has 5 children, 4 boys and 1 girl. They are all adults now. This friend did not vaccinate any of her kids at all ever. They were completely pristine with no adulteration from pharma. How proud she was of herself with this challenge to buck the system and produce 5 healthy kids that were untainted by Pharma. All healthy adults and thriving.

The pushers pushed and now her daughter is triple vaxxed with an experimental gene therapy. The first vaccine she has ever taken in 24 years of life. My friend is crushed. Her boys stayed clear, but her daughter, who went to 4 years of liberal college knew better than her mom and followed the pushers. I feel sick for my friend knowing all she went through to keep her kids safe from Pharma, but when they are adults, its out of your hands.

Personally, my 24 year old son is awake to the BS and is steering clear. I did have to ask him a million times and a million times he said, he was seeing on social that people were being injured and he had no interest. I am grateful for that.

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Something I believe to be true about parenting: when children are old enough you have to involve them in decisions and allow them to "earn" their beliefs.

How to do this? Well, when my kids are old enough I will involve them in the decision of whether to get the HPV vaccines. We will look at evidence of how trials were conducted, the evidence of adverse events, whether epidemiological evidence shows that the shots have been effective effective, overall risks of HPV infection, whether there are other methods to prevent HPV infection, what treatment options exist to address HPV infections, and whether the shots negate the needs for those treatment options.

I conducted the above anaysis myself after I was injured by my Gardasil series, so of course I will not force these shots on my kids. But as my kids grow up they need to learn how to make slow, analytical, and solidly reasoned decisions against an onslaught of propaganda campaigns comprised of half-truths and institutional bias. My kids will then understand WHY I will not force them to take the shots not just my final decision devoid of context. Earning beliefs makes them stick and gives you lessons to carry with you throughout life.

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I so wish I had done that with my kids, they were never vaccinated as children, but got the clot shot for their jobs. In hindsight I should have educated them as to why they weren't vaccinated. I will show your comment to a young friend whose little ones are not vaccinated, so she can follow your advice.

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You can do all the things with your kids (and you should), but in the end, they are independent persons with the right and responsibility to make decisions for themselves. When I was having babies, someone told me that, “Parents take too much credit and too much blame.” That has resonated with me for many years. As my kiddos are moving into adulthood, I see the truth of it.

I just sent my oldest off to college. She had to apply for a vaccine exemption, as she is mostly unvaxxed. We did some research together and I shared my concerns and why I made the decisions I did over her life. Do you know what? She came to some different conclusions than I did. She drew a hard line at shots that were developed with fetal tissue, but she’s willing to consider others. It made me writhe a bit inside, but it’s her choice to make.

I keep talking to and praying for her and her sisters, and praying for my future grandchildren. I wish there was a magical formula for making them make the choices I think are best, but there isn’t. Huh, I guess that’s a good thing. If my parents had had that magical formula, my kids would never have been unvaxxed homeschoolers. 😉

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Well done to your son, and his strong convictions....my adult kids 25, and 24 also steered clear from the injections, as did I....they are in the minority though...so many of these young people took the bait! Or are being forced to...criminal insanity!

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My son got jabbed because he believed his ex-wife would deny him access to his children otherwise. Of course, they have been jabbed as well, at ages 10 and 14.

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How very, very awful and heart-breaking for both him and you. Using children as levers of coercion is despicable (amongst the many other despicable actions)

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I totally understand your angst as I am in the same position with both my adult children, around same age, having two shots, one actually previously recovered from the illness and at first said no need now. Neither had to have them for work reasons but one to travel, a trip to Australia, and maybe peer pressure with the other one. I also have friends with new weird symptoms from tremors, diabetes, to fatigue to weeks of diarrhea, (I always have to look up that word on how to spell), eye problems, joint problems etc. I recently read about Dr Aseem Malhotra, Consultant Cardiologist in UK who in October last year didn't think mRNA jabs were responsible for increased heart conditions but in January he retracted this as he had seen a study which clearly showed inflammation. His remark on Twitter at 4 am was he couldn't sleep and "My God, what have we done"? I also read just the other day on a substack about a Japanese Cardiologist who said that people who had already had a stroke from jabs and put on Heparin to thin blood was actually producing clots in jabbed and giving severe heart problems. He said boosters should be stopped. This relates to another person I know who had a lung clot in April, then was ill with Covid and after that had heart blockages and was operated on a few weeks ago. Someone pointed out how ironic that 50 or so deaths from Mon(k)eypox makes headline news around the world yet all these tens of thousands of deaths and injuries get no mention whatsoever. They are very clever how they are managing to avoid people knowing the truth. I am finding it even more difficult to warn people as they don't want to hear any of this. Maybe they do know? Maybe they know but realise it's been done to them and they can't undo so they would rather just ignore everything? I don't know.

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Yes, so maddening to see what is reported, and what is hidden. I think we are beginning to see a second wave of ill effects which are far enough out from the time of vaccination that people will not connect it to that. It's very sad to me. I think you're right that some people cannot face what may have been done to them. It must feel as though there is a ticking time bomb in your body, if you've received these shots.

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At the church I used to go to (I stopped going because I cannot stand them being agents of the state and so willing to not only believe lies, but to promote them even now) when the Pfizer documents came out no-one was interested because "we've decided not to talk about it anymore because it causes contention"

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I attend a large church where the Bible is faithfully taught. I believe there are a lot of members who have awakened to the covid/vaccine scam, but not because any of our leaders spoke out about it. I believe one of our pastors is vaccine injured. After being sick and out of work twice, the last time for several months, he cut back his hours and is working part-time. One of our elders teaches a Bible class. I was told he recommended the booster to his class and explained away the severe vaccine injury of one of our missionaries by saying such injuries are rare. I approached him and offered to lend him Dr. Peter McCullough's book, but he declined. He said it is too divisive and he didn't want to get involved. It seemed to me he'd already gotten involved. My respect level for him has decreased dramatically. Now that it looks like Biden might try to force mandates again, I am already thinking that, should our church ever require masks, I will not be in attendance.

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We moved to this little town in a remote part of Australia (away from Victoria where it was completely insane). It was a big decision, prayerfully made, because we were averse to ceding ground to tyrants. However, I have family in this state (not this town) that I was cut off from. Before doing so, we talked repeatedly to one of the ministers here and we were on the same page re Biblical understanding (the nature of God, our relationships, marriage etc as Victorian government is very anti-Christ). I was very honest with the minister, holding nothing back. I talked to him about our not wearing masks, about my concern re vaccination (it hadn't yet rolled out in Australia and the injuries and deaths were already documented and indisputable from observing UK, US, Canada, Israel). He is now triple v'd - he made the decision because he couldn't make pastoral care visits to the aged care home here without it. [Personally, I believe that if he had chosen not to V there would have been a way for those visits to be made, but that's just my opinion that God finds a way]. He has been very sick repeatedly as has his wife (not sure why she took them). He has also been exhibiting signs of dementia and he has only just turned 60.

I was very honest about our not wearing masks and he told me that the church was advised about that and that everything was ok. He also told me that people were looking fwd to us arriving and praying for us. Well as my husband said, "some people prayed, and some people just had their eyes shut". The hostility from parts of the church when we first arrived was palpable and distressing. I believe we were told what he wished was trued and not what was ACTUALLY true. Still, God brought us here and here we are. The minister did hold services outside, and did keep the church open, and did push back when there were segregation mandates. Other churches in town just rejected their non-V members. There has been no repentance for this egregious denial of the gospel which should be free for ALL. I signed the Ezekiel Declaration.

Coming from Victoria, I had already had my heart broken many times over in the past decade, due to "Christian" refusal to contend for the faith (marriage etc). The fault lines within the churches are so similar to the legalism of the Pharisees versus the outspoken disciples. My main thing is not about "culture wars" (the stated reason for not standing up, because we must be "winsome" - which is not Biblical) but that this is adherence to a CULT. The occult nature of it all sickened me very early on...but there seems to be little spiritual discernment amongst most. And it's so hard to talk about, because it sounds so condescending and judgmental to make that statement. However, I can no longer fellowship on an in-church basis, because the refusal to see or hear and to follow along with such evident lies would lead me in to mental illness and spiritual breakdown.

All my life I was "churched", and so have my children been. We all must have heard/read the history of Daniel in the lion's den and in the furnace literally hundreds of times. It's astounded me that the knee has been bent to a massive and grotesque idol, and it didn't even need to be prefaced by horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, or pipes!

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That is a heartbreaking story. I feel alienated from some family members, but not from our closest family. I feel somewhat traumatized by the litany of people in the US who wished us dead and said we should not receive medical care. This morning I read Romans 8:37, which says we are more than conquerors. We're going to be okay, because we belong to Jesus. God bless you.

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May God bless you! I feel sure that we do not have to find God in church if there are restrictions such as having an injection, on going there! One thing I am so glad I learned was the Sabbath is important to God. The seventh day is the day God hallowed and sanctified and wants to spend at rest with us. Sunday is fine for worship but it is not the Sabbath! I truly love the Sabbath even though I cannot get out to be with others, I spend it at home and with God.

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since the va**ine changes your DNA, so changes the code put in everyone of your cells by our Creator...basically you are now GMO human...hmmm who do you belong to?...normally GMO products belong to the person who owns the patent...so no longer a child of God...sad hey?

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what church was that?....I have not attended my place of worship because one elder said that the unvaxxinated were putting him and his wife at risk..."fine bro, have no fear I shall stay home then"

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My Austin, TX daughter is jabbed and boosted and suffering all kinds of endocrine problems. Not the least of which is a pituitary tumor. And her boys 13 and 18 are jabbed as well. I worry so much about them.

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We have to take deep slow breaths, try to stop living in the future or in the past (where I was trapped) because the reality is we only have the now. Eckhart Tolle has written about The Power of Now. He also has several YT videos. It's not easy as my mind keeps telling me to prepare for "that call" however this puts us in a stressful/fearful situation which is one of their objectives. We are not alone, just feels like it sometimes. However the trap is also the internet, social media and we need to put it aside. Before all of this, people actually telephoned and had real conversation and now you just get or send a message which can be ignored or simply deleted. I hope your daughter gets her health back soon.

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Dear Sherry

Hello from UK. My wife and I have not, nor will ever, have the shots.

I did however have immuno-therapy in 2020 for alleged cancer until I realised I had been misdiagnosed. My pituitary gland and thyroid levels are out of sync and I now consider I had equivalent of 9 vaccines in as many months.

I had however been boosting my vitamin D, the true pandemic due to increased indoor living and working away from the sun.

I am still here seeking to clear toxins from system (largely neuro-toxins).

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Interesting, your comment about dangers of treating shot clots with Heparin. My daughter took the J&J shot back in 2021 (much to my dismay) and just recently (Aug, 2024) developed the brain clots (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST)). I found a joint statement from CDC and FDA from April 2021 about the dangers of treating these brain clots with heparin (as would be be the normal treatment for this type of brain clot): https://apnews.com/press-release/pr-newswire/joint-cdc-and-fda-statement-on-johnson-johnson-covid-19-vaccine-561bd901bd02aeb7fbf7935b7db3e481. I was mad as hell when she took the stupid shot, and now I'm vindicated about the risks - much to my dismay! I'm mad as hell, with nowhere to go with my anger. People (even my spouse) still won't accept that these jabs are doing damage.

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Yes, Mon'eypox as someone rightly called it, another scam to drive the herd to exterminate themselves.


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"For then shall be great tribulation. such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:21 KJV)

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That tribulation may very well not be the jab my friend but the coming magnetic pole reversal. Its imminent imho.

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Yes, the elect are indeed deceived. If be elect we mean those elected to congress, and those in charge of vaccine policies. I think Jessica wrote a post about attending a vaccine conference for thousands of doctors and pharmaceutical representatives. They nearly all were unaware of recent evidence showing that vaccines are neither safe nor effective. Although some wanted a debate, the moderator wouldn't let any information questioning vaccines be presented.

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That is awful but sadly not surprising.

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My son, also in the Coast Guard is resisting the jab. The CG lawsuits were finally filed after CG commanded the unvaccinated to be discharged. I pray for the insanity to end well for our servicemen.

On another note, I am told that many CG members thought the jab was "FDA

approved". Pissed off is an understatement.

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Lies, lies, lies! I am angry also at the way our military has been treated. Months back we got into a hotel elevator with a young serviceman. I told I was sorry about what is happening and said I knew it is difficult time for them. He thanked me and agreed. Sad.

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I have been ostracized because I did not get the vaccine. I suffer from asthma and you can just imagine the intense pressure especially from my specialist that I endured.

I have so many friends that have had covid-19 even after being double boosted and double vaccinated. I am sick to my stomach hearing all these vaccinated injuries.

I stuck to my belief 😪 no vaccines for me. God Watch help and support those who are suffering 🙏 AMEN

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We know without a doubt that we did the right thing in refusing the shots. Our community is growing larger. Perhaps the friends we lost will be replaced by new friends with whom we agree. If not, we can still depend on Jesus. He will never leave or forsake those who trust in him. Be encouraged.

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Amen friend.

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My friend was forced into them by her own daughter as she was forbidden to see her grandkids otherwise. As it was almost 12 months with lockdowns since she hadd seen them, she reluctantly got the initial two. Since then, she had terrible gastro problems, developed a tremor in one hand, resurgence of childhood asthma requiring inhalers and is still fighting bronchitis infection since Christmas. She knows the jabs have affected her immune system.

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Very sorry to hear that. I do say to people that the basics for healing are boosting vitamins D and C, C is particularly good for helping with removing toxins as it is an anti-oxidant.

So many do not realise how low their vitamin D can be, many have been at zero including a friend my wife and I met the other day.

My wife said vitamin C helped her hay fever so I would anticipate it would help asthma too.

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You are bang on about Gods nhutrients and especially vitamin d. I learned very early on in 2020 that all who were sick of dying were dangerously low in vitamin d. At that point I went on a world wide tour of social media spreading this information.

Strangely enough more people who did not know me at all listened to me and yet my close family would not. My oldest son did but my you8ngest gave in because of his wife who had thyroid cancer and beaten it.

I worry every day for them but they now listen to me and I have them taking high dose vitamin d.

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Good news! I was given a cancer diagnosis via NHS in 2020. It was in my parotid behind the thyroid. I now know since Sept that year it was sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning.


I hope your family make the most of natural sunlight as this is best (and free!). The sun of God for vitamin D and the Son of God for Life.

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Don't forget though friend God gave us the ability to get D from many sources, your doctor is not one of them though, you do not want vitamin d2 but you do want vitamin d3 though your mileage varies because vitamins are by and large not regulated.

I now have a 7 year supply from BioTechpharmacal based out of California.

Congrats on winning your battle friend.

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You might like this as well. Before winter my wife and I take 50,000iu for upwards of 7 days and sometimes longer to get ready for our northern winter.


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Thank you for that. I have taken 195,000iu over 17 days myself to see how it might affect me, but I have seen others say the same as you. I am well aware that what we are told by mainstream medics is very poor.

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Im serious when i say this : NOTHING, including my beautiful grandchikdrens absence could compel me to take the death shots. Luckily my adult kids were vaxx injured by one shot. Tbey knew never to touch a vaccine. Ever.

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Just terrible!!!

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Good for you for being strong in the face of immense pressure. I think so many of us have PTSD after the vaxx horrors. Mine is over my 24 yr old son, worrying about him and all this grotesque BS.

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A takeover of our planet. It makes more sense than anything else....the humans are being killed and sterilized and injected with substances the "elite" believe will make them controlable.

Other humans are infected with whatever makes these heinous acts possible.... Sociopathy, Psychopathy, Narcissism, fear, Nhilism, Emotional Plague.


(My California daughter also. The fear for her health is constant)

We are inside Revelations, it seems to me.

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We most certainly are. Strictly Revelation prophecy started from when it was written, and has applied in various ways so as to be relevant to each generation in some way, but has now reached its climax in this bizarre way we experience now.

I have found something interesting in scripture which I mention in my Palm Sunday post on substack today.

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God guides me period, not organized religion and while I believe we are absolutely in biblical times I take many things with a grain of salt and why you might ask, well because humans were involved in putting the words on paper and humans lie and manipulate.

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Its truly horrify but in the end we all had a choice, sure not good choices, I lost my job of 28 years and not over the jab but getting tested. Early on I knew something was wrong and a few months later I knew the full scope and knew that one can never give in to tyranny.

It maybe was not clear 3 years ago but it should be clear to people now that we are living in biblical times. I don't mean organized religion either as I do not subscribe to that human controlled construct. One does not need a church to be close to God.

Far too many have lost their way and instead of trusting in God they trust in man and science both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system.

People never gave God a chance to do His work for them. When I got put on unpaid leave I had no idea what was going to happen but my faith never waivered once that God would look after me and my wife.

4 months after being put on unpaid leave I had a new life and a few months after that a new job and altogether a whole new life thats better in every way to my previous life with my old job of 28 years.

Trust me I have a big heart and care greatly and have helped people as best as I can for the last 3 years by talking about vitamin d and many other things like directing people to places where they can attempt to detox.

But in the end people made their choices and they chose many things over God.

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And now we know the rapid ones have carcinogens in them...and Lord only knows what else! In Texas companies were saying okay if you don't take bax you'll have to pay before every set to be tested. I told people if you don't believe 1. There's something more nefarious tests can do. Or 2.They'll get so expensive you'll agree to be vax'd. Then you're dumber than a box of rocks and good luck! Now we also know spike protein shedding from idiot vax'd is harming us! I know because my homeopathic MD said my blood looks as though I'm vax'd and my bodies immune system is way down from trying to fight it off. It's caused severe inflammation. I will add part is because I don't process/break down protein. I've known this for years, but thought enzymes to help your body break it down caused your body not to do it alone. Doctor said it's the exact opposite, but could take me 2-5 years on these enzymes to heal. I was also extremely stressed out and losing alot of weight due to my DOUBLE VAX'D AND ALL ALLOWED BOOSTERED father-in-law was in the VA hospital...long horrible story. He died and we all knew it was the vaxs and an anesthesiologist and several nurses agreed! Stress can kill your immune system quick. God didn't intend for us to worry. (Yes I'm working on giving ut to Him and NOT picking it back up before I leave His feet.) I am also on Protease. It's like a pac man that goes around eating the protein. I'm on Ivermectin for at least a year he said. I'm about 2 months in and I am seeing definite changes.

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I feel also like crying. Or screaming out in anger! How is it that people like Noam Chomsky can consider these vaccines no more threatening than using a seat belt, and that unvaccinated people deserve to be locked up (permanently quarantined) for not doing "our civic duty" to protect our communities. Does no one know that these vaccines protect no one? That there is no protection from transmission? That transmission was never tested in the vaccine trials? Recently Chicago was forced through a lawsuit to reinstate city employees who lost their jobs by refusing to be vaccinated. They were reinstated with back pay. Two of my pro vaccine friends were outraged! How could these "deadbeats" (nurses, police officers, firemen) be rewarded for failing to carry out their job requirements?!! And causing tax payers to reward them for shirking! When they put their communities at risk and helped prevent herd immunity by spreading infection!

I was amazed. Censorship is so effective. My friends haven't yet realized that vaccines don't prevent transmission, even though CDC admitted it's true. They don't want to hear anything that would threaten their delusional safety.

I don't consider vaccine part of any job requirement. The job of a fireman (or firewoman) is to put out fires. Getting vaccinated is irrelevant to job performance. My tax dollars are financing the production and administration of mRNA vaccines. I can also get outraged that government finances things I don't like.

I didn't speak out because one friend threatened she would never read another email and completely cancel me if I ever mentioned anything to do with vaccines again. I have a soft spot for my long time (10 years!) internet buddies. But it occurred to me that getting continual denunciations isn't pleasant.

I think I will ask her if she wants my friendship. If she doesn't, then I guess I can let it go. We exchange cat videos. I sent her a picture of Calvin dressed up like princess Lea sporting a hat with two round balls mimicking her hair do, playing the Star Wars theme in the back ground.

https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr0uFk8tfj7/ She wrote back "The cat looks miserable" I pointed out he wasn't struggling. Cats can resist handling if they dislike it.

My friend is intolerable of any difference of opinion. Recently she sent me a link showing that NYC (where I live) is completely overrun with rats, smelly garbage, and trash leaks into the street and is a source of disease and infection (just like the unvaccinated).

I showed her a beautiful photo of the cherry trees in my local park. I live in Queens where there are beautiful trees and lilacs scenting the air. It does not smell at all. We have trash only on Thursday nights. She stated she is so disgusted by NYC (and me by association?) that she could never stand living here. I gently try to hint that the world is not black and white, but has shades of green and also flowers. It seems she cannot hear it.

But she was/is so smart. We are both computer nerds and studied functional programming and Python together. We both had similar ideas about writing and testing programs. We both liked working out. We both liked cooking and food. We had long phone calls and emails.

But now we are both older and disabled. Her health is completely shot. She's a heavy smoker, though, and refuses to stop since she figures she's close to death anyway. I'm so sad for her. She's too tired to program or work out. She lost weight from an operation and had such a toxic reaction to antibiotics that she can't gain it back. She basically lives on cigarettes, coca cola, and processed foods. HATES vitamin C (my go to supplement) My heart aches for everybody--even the vaccinated. I figure her bad mood is related to sickness and lack of money. Nobody "deserves" to suffer!

P.S. I got through to her! She sent me a smiley face and said it's good Calvin doesn't have to be stuck as Lea. Nor does he have to be stuck with a vaccine, either. :)

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Your friend soundstoxic

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What is happening is WW3, but not as people expected. It is the Nazis again, plus Marxists/communists who came out of Germany originally.


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Goes back thousands of years, real history will tell you how all leaders chosen by them, wars instigated by them, and they always fund both sides too. US set up Bolshevics and Hitler with help from City of London.

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Prophecy is jumping off the pages of God's word and it will all be fulfilled...

The Perilous times he warned us about are upon the land. In a nutshell,....John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 14:6....Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (His tomb is empty) Time is short,l. Revelation 13 & 14

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Depopulation. Covid kills. Ventilators kill. The jabs both kill AND compromise reproductive organs.

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((( Amy )))

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The truth is ...... we don 't know what is going on because we ARE the experiment. We don't know when the experiment ends or when or how the next phase will begin.

Its all a crap shoot Free advice abd worth eery penny get your act together. Eat real food . Get outside and move everyday

Learn homeopathy and find holistic health care folks who teach you . No one is coming with a magic shot or bean to save you

. Flccc.net . Children's health defense.com

Dr pierre Cory Dr Paul Merik

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I have been reading of numerous ways to clean out the spike proteins that are shedding onto the ‘unvaxxed’ and also to detox the self assembly tubules (maybe from the ‘geoengineering’) that are getting their energy from our red blood cells making us tired. Still trying to work out which companies to trust. High doses of Vitamin C (1000mg 2x daily) Vitamin D (also higher than FDA usually says) Zinc, then what about zeolite, DMSO, MSM, NAC or Dr McCullough’s protocol?

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“I am no longer certain what planet I am living on.” I hear you. I feel the same. I presented staff at the school/church where I work with a lot of information on the sham “science” at the beginning of this con. I got copies of Richard Fleming’s work, Sucharit Bhakdi’s book, Dr. Michael Palmer’s work, Susan Humphries, etc. I used to determine the overhead rate for sponsored research and I was in and out of labs, often suited up like an astronaut (no exaggeration), sprayed with chemicals in anterooms on the way in and out (BSL labs) and I had a feeling this was headed nowhere good. Most did not listen. Only a few read the books I provided to back my words up. Many have had embolisms, are generally ill, some have died. I feel so bad especially for the children where I work…I no longer recognize this world, either, so I feel for you. Hang in there.

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One more person that hopefully understands that blindly following sociopathic idiots is never a wise course. History repeats over & over and there is nothing new under the sun. We must bring to justice every person that pushed this genocide.

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The powers that be bank on people have short term memories of the horrors they inflict on people.

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History is littered with powers that be who bet wrong. Evil begets ones own destruction and there are no exceptions.

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Jess you and this young mother are brave souls. I admire you both. I am so disturbed with the killing and maiming of my moms & babies I care for in my practice.

#ABOG #SMFM #AMA #ACOG #ABP #AAP #FSMB #ABMS 🩸🩸🩸💀💀💀⚔️⚔️⚔️🛑🛑🛑

You breached your responsibilities to patients and physicians. You lied to the American people, to the hospital systems and to care providers in this country. You will be judged very harshly by God but hopefully before then by the American people and by the criminal justice system. It was incumbent upon you to do your own due diligence and protect the patients, not hurt them

You succumbed to the false narrative and you must be compromised in someway. Pfizers own data showed their vaccine was associated with 1223 deaths in the first 90 days of rollout and immeasurable harm to pregnant women. You are liars and should be held accountable for killing and maiming thousands of people. Shame on you bastards.

James A Thorp MD

BOARD CERTIFIED ObGyn & Maternal Fetal Medicine

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Hi, Dr Thorp. I've seen you around the internet speaking out against this tyranny. Thank you! I'm curious, given you are an ObGyn, if you've seen any unvaxxed women experience the same or similar menstrual disruptions, presumably by being around vaxxed people. I ask because I believe I experienced this.

When my husband got his first Moderna shot, I started having monstrous cramps within a few days. I haven't felt a cramp that intense in 25 years. These cramps plus banging on my ovaries went on for days and never fully let up. Then, he got his second shot knowing that I thought it was affecting me. The cramps intensified again and persisted intermittently for a few months. My period went from 6 days long to 3 days long and hasn't returned to normal. To this day, my husband still doesn't believe it's possible, even after showing him all the evidence I've found. I'm starting to think I would have an easier time convincing him that I'd been abducted by aliens than I'm having just getting him to consider the possibily that a nano-scale biological agent can transfer from one body to another

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Indeed I have Andrea. Below I have referenced our MyCycleStory.com manuscript published in the Gazette of Medical Sciences in April 2022. A significant affect of menstrual abnormalities occurred in nonvaxed patients that came in close proximity to the vaxed. We think this is due to spike protein shedding…. Our next manuscript will be published SOON focusing on this EXACT issue. Tiffany Parotto is our lead author and spokesperson. She is an ANAZING young brilliant leader….

Parotto T, Thorp JA, Hooker B,

Mills PJ, Newman J, Murphy L, et al. COVID-19 and the surge

in Decidual Cast Shedding. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 107- 117.


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Oh! Well, it's a small world. I am among the respondents to My Cycle Story. I'm looking forward to the next report. As for the decidual cast report, I'm thinking of putting it in a folder along with all other relevant information, plus the notes I've kept on a calendar related to all of the strange symptoms I've been experiencing throughout this roll-out. Then, I'm going to take the plunge and bring the issue up with my doctor who is currently referring me out to specialists. I've expressed to him I feel like a headcase bringing all of these random and seemingly disconnected issues up with him - told him it could be psychosomatic - but he rebuffed me like a true doctor not wanting to jump to that conclusion. So, maybe he's open to what I think may be the culprit. Spike.

Starting within the month between my husband's 1st and 2nd dose, I developed tenderness around my right eye socket. It felt like the remnant, almost-healed pain of a black eye, but the tenderness persisted for about 4 months. Then, I started getting intense headaches, particularly on the right side of my head. My eyeball would hurt from time to time. Now this year, a few months after finally getting the virus, my right eye will randomly get the sensation of a lit cigarette touching the surface. Thankfully, it only lasts a second or two. Most recently though, is the new syptom of full-blown pain of the eyeball and what feels like pain of the back wall of the eye socket.

Simultaneous with the progression of the eye issue, is an issue with my right ear. It started as a strange feeling that was always there. It just felt "off". Sometimes, I would get stabbing pain. Last summer, my hearing went out for a few seconds or perhaps it was fluid shifting in there. That was alarming. Last fall, while talking on the phone, I noticed my right ear was now sensative to sound waves. I put my earbuds on and switched to blutooth and the pain stopped. Fast forward to now, my ear aches still but is accompanied by deep inner itch and sound from my ear bud brings pain all of a sudden.

An ear specialist is in order, along with a cardiologist (for the chest pain started when my house got spiked) , a urologist, a gynocologist, and an opthamologist. I might need a neurologist, as well, because I twitch and get hot and cold sensations on random parts of my skin. Occasionally, it feels like a knife penetrating from skin to bone. I used to be a perfectly healthy 40-something.

This might be too much information, but this is for the sake of the persuit of truth. I initially thought to distance myself from my husband, but didn't have the heart. I sure wrestled with that one and ultimately I decided to go all in with this expiriment of sorts and become a case study for at least myself. I did not shun intimacy. If all of these symptoms I'm having are due to the spike protein, it might be because I got a "good" dose. And on that note, I don't mean to disparage my husband in telling the story here. If these shots are as horrible as they seem, it's down right diabolical. It's so bad, it's hard for many to accept.

Thank you very much, Dr. Thorp. The work you and your collegues are doing is invaluable! Looking forward to following this scientific journey with you all.

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I have two friends - deeply in love with their husbands, "Love of my life" who told their husbands, if they got the thamn dings, they would have to leave. End of marriage! (my friends' husbands stayed with their wives, so no shots) Whoa! My husband took 2, and I had some weird sensations but seems to have cleared with IVM & pine needle. By the second, I had my herbal apothacary up to snuff, and made him drink pine needle too - we both did better with his second.

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You are one courageous, wonderful and long suffering wife.

I really don't know how to commend your sacrifice in the face of obvious and ongoing difficulty. Only eternity can reward your sacrifice and wilful laying down of your health for another. It's simply commendable.

Am assuming your hubby is completely fine and hasn't suffered any AEs or illness. If so, how diabolic are these shots indeed. I mean how can he ever believe you?

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Stepping22, thank you for such kind words. It really is a comfort.

While it may seem all noble on the surface, you might think otherwise if you were a fly on the wall. Haha! Sometimes I blow my top over this issue while he remains rather calm. But, truly, what I want more than anything in this world is for people to wake up. I think it is that deep desire that causes me to get ahead of myself with impatience. I've learned that what is going on is so diabolical it's just too much for people to believe, even if you point out the evidence repeatedly. Prayers might be more useful.

My husband felt perfectly fine except for a little fever after his second one. Thankfully, he only got the primary series. His mom (who lives with us) has had at least 3 doses. I don't dare ask or talk to her at all about this. Thankfully, she is fine, too.

Bless you!

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You might like to read this post by A Midwestern Doctor, It has dozens of anecdotes from people affected by shedding as well as things you can do to counteract it https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/unraveling-the-mystery-of-mrna-vaccine

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I informed my hisband that among otver things , hed bever sleep in my bed again if he got injected. My heakth is more important than our sex life.

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A friend of mine told her husband he could go and live with his mother if he had any jabs. He did not have any and has now woken up. Thank goodness.

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I saw patients with severe and prolonged menorrhagia.

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Unfortunately doctor far too many have lost their way, far too many trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system.

Guess who has not been let down.

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Bless you for standing against lies. death, and destruction. God sees you.

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Jul 18, 2022
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It was the hospital systems making profit from doing it ! I mean his heart seems like it's in the right place, but c'mon !

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My friend had the same experience with her pregnancy. Every medical professional she interacted with, from doctors, nurses, pa's and nutritionists goaded, guilted, shamed and coerced her into getting jabbed. She was as relentless in her refusal as they were in their insistence. This pregnancy was something she wanted very dearly and there was no way their fear mongering would sway her.

Unfortunately she also had to contend with the painful disapproval of some family members and friends, who chose to shun her over her failure to vaccinate. Thankfully her husband stood with her throughout and they are the overjoyed new parents of a 5 month old healthy baby boy.

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I was at a winery in March 2021. My sister was with me. The person doing our wine tasting pregnant. 8 months. Her first. Then she says she is getting the vaccine that week. I just about came out of my chair. I started to protest but everyone with me was vaccinated and gave me the shut up look. I was so sad for that young mom to be when I left. I wonder how she is. How the baby is. I was sick that pregnant women were taking these experimental shots!! Where did common sense go???

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I wouldhave spoken up i dont give arats ass about idiots

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On the plus side - later in the pregnancy is better than earlier.

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Prior to all the nonsense of the last 3 years: The same categories have for a very long time given "the spiel" at every medical appointment that abortion is available at any stage if desired. Lots of pressure to "get tested" to see if there are problems with the baby. Even after repeatedly and from the very first appointment stating clearly that the baby is greatly wanted and no point being tested for anything as abortion is not an option. "No one will think badly of you if you change your mind." It was very stressful indeed. There have always been coercive medical personnel and they are just continuing to be true to type.

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I wasn't aware of this Karrie, but in light of the past three years, we shouldn't be surprised.

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Jul 18, 2022
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He was born on Valentine's Day and they named him Hart.

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Thank you for posting this and for continuing to focus on the individual, street-level impact of this horror. We are all (every last one of us) made in God's image, every life is precious. And Joseph Carroll is so right, there is nothing new under the sun. On the back-9 of my life, the book Ecclesiastes has become a favorite resource. Keep fighting Jessica.

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Tears come to my eyes reading this. After my daughter had MIS-C, we were attacked at every appointment for over a year, and she had to go back all the time. I tell people I’m more traumatized by the doctors than I am when she was fighting for her life, and that was hell. But I really don’t have many to talk to, as most are going with the status quo and would think I’m crazy. I’m angry, sad, but thankful for all the brave ones out there doing the work of facing the truth. Thank you for this forum and all the data!

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My brother's granddaughter had mis-c and was in and out of hospital about a week. What is crazy is that brother is vax'd along with his wife, 2 at home children, and a married child and her husband whose child was sick. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM got COVID and passed it onto the child. He is still supporting the jab says "mis-c almost killed by grandchild" but he does not understand that it did not protect them nor would have protected her. They can't think logically.

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I’m so sorry. We all got delta before vaccines, Jan of 2021. Mis-c in Feb. 2021. We never got the Covid vax, even though we were harassed at every follow up visit.

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She should have more children! Just find a way for at home births, avoid hospitals, pediatricians and all jabs. With the coming population bomb we will need all the children we can get to save humanity.

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Here in Oz, even the Midwives were told they had to take (especially if they wanted to practice in hospitals). I know a few who are offering "pureblood births" but they are in the minority.

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Nick, I am sure some one else can educate you on this but. If you have a home birth, you are not free and clear of the 'vaccine' schedules or other health laws applied to the child. The birth must be registered, and this puts you on the map. When you start schooling, the child will need the jabs (all of them) to be in order. This is how you get people jabbed. They comply because the child 'must go to school' the child 'needs to socialize in team sports or activities' etc etc. Now, can you homeschool and avoid jabs? Yes, but it is becoming more and more difficult as each state (and the FEDS) make it harder and harder to maintain your right to keep your child unjabbed. Just see Canada to see where the jabbers want to go. Or, Kathy Hochul in NY. Yup, camps for the non jabbed. State taking away the child. It is happening.

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I understand full well the behavior of tyrants like Hochul. Compliance only empowers them. If a parent put their child’s needs to go to school which mandates jabs above their child’s health they will have to live with the consequences which negate any perceived benefit gained.

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A friend of mine how is into natural health had his wife do a home birth. The boy never had any vaccines and the found a Christian church that tolerated the non-vaxxed status. It can be done but it is not easy. It may require moving to another city.

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Yes! Why go to the doctor because you are pregnant. Women have been so scared of being pregnant but this being checked all the time never used to happen in the old days. Also well baby visits are just for jabbing the kids!

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I have no words…. This is a heartbreaking, and infuriating story all at the same time. Much love and courage to all the brave Mommas who are standing strong on the truth and saying “No”. But to all the Mommas who couldn’t stand under that kind of pressure or who just didn’t know, but then figure it out…No Judgement! We are here for you too!! Much Love and Spiritual Strength to all of you!!!

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thanks to both of you, her for her courage to stand against the overwhelming tide of lies and sharing that experience and you for taking the time to read your emails and share with us.

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Dear Jess and your incredibly brave courageous Young mother.

I have always hated attorneys although I am married to a beautiful brilliant lawyer. Lawyers so I thought were on on the lowest part of the totem pole of scumbag professions. Not anymore. I have much more respect for attorneys now than I do physicians. 90% of physicians in North America have taken their bribe paychecks to the bank and worship their money more than their Hippocratic oath. I have no respect for the vast majority of physicians.

#ABOG #SMFM #AMA #ACOG #ABP #AAP #FSMB #ABMS 🩸🩸🩸💀💀💀⚔️⚔️⚔️🛑🛑🛑

You breached your responsibilities to patients and physicians. You lied to the American people, to the hospital systems and to care providers in this country. You will be judged very harshly by God but hopefully before then by the American people and by the criminal justice system. It was incumbent upon you to do your own due diligence and protect the patients, not hurt them

You succumbed to the false narrative and you must be compromised in someway. Pfizers own data showed their vaccine was associated with 1223 deaths in the first 90 days of rollout and immeasurable harm to pregnant women. You are liars and should be held accountable for killing and maiming thousands of people. Shame on you bastards.

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The fear of lawsuits is the only check-restraint on the power of multinational-corporate-governmental-establishmental institutions to totally exploit and sacrifice the interests of the people and the environment for the sake of profit and power. Attorneys lead the way in this existential struggle.

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I'm sure you're right but I have to wonder what has become of Reiner Fuellmich and Vivian Fischer's Grand Jury of Public Opinion investigation. There were lawyers from at least ten nations involved and hundreds of hours of discovery. I fear they've been shut out.

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I think he is still in prison

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Yes and I fear he may remain so much longer than one might hope. They say he's going to trial but I fear the enemies he's made will slow that process to a snail's pace. I don't know anything about German law processes but his being charged with embezzlement seems very petty compared to what his committee was uncovering. It was beginning to look like the greatest crime in human history. The irony of his imprisonment in Germany after calling for a Nuremberg 2.0 is bitter.

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Unfortunately it was probably all a distraction and a money-making exercise.

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Indeed. It seems to be a vicious case of "he said...she said" between them. Still, I wonder where all the records from discovery have gone. David Martin gave a lot of very damning testimony that to my knowledge has never been addressed by anybody from Pharma or State.

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My definition of Doctors: People who Push Pills to Pick up a Paycheck.

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Camilla turned 75 today. Are she and Charles jabbed or did they get the saline shots?

I wonder if Ivana Trump got the jab and if her death will be reported to VAERS? The media has not asked if Ivana was jabbed and boosted. Maybe Jessica will let us know if Ivana shows up in VAERS.

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I too want to know about Ivans. Seems she was very healthy unless they are just not saying. Also strange how the causes of death changed 3 times. First it was cardiac arrest. Then natural causes. Then she fell dune the stairs??? What!

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That's a great letter. And yes, I also pray for you and all the truth tellers and medical Freedom fighters who give us actual data and science to make our decisions from. The anecdotal information confirms and humanizes data. It's also important. Thank you!!!!!

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God bless this mother. She saved her children. I shouldn't say online what I'd like to do to those arrogant know-it-all doctors and nurses.

My mom, now 94, will remind me that Dr. Berk caught my heart murmur and said I'd likely never have a problem. I've never had a problem.

Kids are dying from the jab in the womb and after birth. I just saw John O'Looney, a UK undertaker, describe how the hospitals are shuttling the dead bodies over to the crematorium, half-dozen at a crack. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/uk-hospitals-may-be-covering-up-baby

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The writer touched on this at the very end: another very strange aspect of the past two years is that many are pretending now that this catastrophe hasn’t happened.

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For these moms and their babies we need to keep them in mind as we work to dismantle and replace the evil system we now endure. It is especially to grandparents we look. Evolution favours living longer because of the role we have played in helping younger generations with successful reproduction and with successful living. As a former childbirth and parenting educator I see these roles as paramount in defeating this system of evil. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles will be the champions of this. Establishing structures of freedom and knowledge will help with the survival of those who remain.

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Thank you for sharing a d for your courage.

It’s surreal to be living in these times.

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