This is one of the emails I received the other day. I get hundreds daily, and I am hearing you all.
This particular note spoke loudly to me and this lovely person gave me permission to share her words.

“Dear Jessica,
I have been following your work for some time now. I thank God for you and your truth telling during this dark day of medical experimentation.
I'm sending this email to you to add colour to your work analyzing data. I know the trends and the data are vitally important but so are anecdotes and stories.
I have a 3 year old daughter and gave birth to my son in November. He's almost 8 months now and, thank God, very healthy. I live in Fort Warrior.
[JUST FOR CONTEXT] I am unvaccinated (or un-injected is maybe what we should say). I knew I wanted to get pregnant in early 2021 and decided in advance that I wouldn't take the jab based on the precautionary principle. I tend to be more skeptical of doctors and pharma than most -- I favour nutrition and lifestyle interventions first but I know a lot of people feel "safe" going to their doctor for a pill/pharmaceutical that ails them. I kept a lot of my opinions to myself.
Fast forward to my first OB appointment in June of 2021. They were all over me about getting the COVID-19 jab at my appointment. I never brought it up, they did. The nurse practitioner fielding intake questions advised me of the following:
- the vaccine was highly recommended by the College of Obstetrics and Gynecology;
- the vaccine stays in the arm, and generates an immune response through antibodies that will also protect the baby (and do cross the placenta);
- pregnant women are at an especially high ICU risk and there have been bad outcomes;
- I'm at higher risk of infection because I have a child in daycare;
- they don't have "long-term" safety data but they have no reason to believe that the vaccine is unsafe;
- pregnant women have priority on the vaccine.
I am a rule-follower so even though I had made the decision in advance to not take this death jab, it was a rattling appointment. It honestly caused me so much stress throughout the pregnancy because I felt they made it seem like you were doing something wrong if you didn't get this death jab. Every doctors' appointment had me so stressed and worried. You have this guilt about not doing "as the doctor told" and then worrying that if you got COVID and something did happen, they'd all be rolling your eyes and treating you like shit. I gave birth in a mask, but thank God everything went well and my son is healthy.
Since these jabs rolled out, I know of one woman who had a stillbirth a month before her due date. Devastating. I also have a good friend whose baby is having many health problems. Her first baby was born the same time as my first and didn't have any of these problems. I notice too that doctors are not connecting the dots. One of the issues my friend's baby has is a heart murmur. I'm no expert on this but she said to me that the cardiologist told her that up to 1/3rd of babies have murmurs and they just go away on their own. That didn't sound right to me but I don't know. She also said the baby had to go to physio and had a virus (and got COVID). It just seemed like there were so many issues and she never even raised the possibility that it might be related to taking the vax during pregnancy. Another colleague of mine who got the jab and booster while she was breastfeeding said her daughter had green poop for a week after the booster and that she lost her supply. She actually took her baby to Sick Kids and they told her she was basically crazy.
My cousin also didn't get the jab and gave birth around the same time as me. Her baby is doing good. Got Covid at 2 months old and recovered faster than my cousin's whole family who got it at the same time. Seems to fit the trend in the data.
I have so much rage and anger over this because I was so close to putting my baby at risk because of intense pressure from the OB office and from the mandates they rolled out at my work. I was able to get an "accommodation" because I started the job in March and had been working entirely from home and was about to take a leave. But it was gross listening to the head of HR at my job talking about the news related to "pregnant people" (ugh) and how vulnerable they were as she condescendingly implied that I was a moron for not doing more to protect my son.
Babies are being maimed; harmed. Women are being gaslighted. Breastmilk, which is literally medicine for a growing baby, is contaminated and causing harm because of these disastrous injections. This is evil. My heart is breaking every day. Every time I breastfeed my son with my milk I am so emotional. I want more kids but I'm terrified of the medical system. They doctors are in on this crime and are deliberately ignoring obvious data. I don't even want to take my son back to the doctors for anything. It feels like going to a crime scene. I think of all the women I know who got this shot but want kids one day. They don't even know what they're in for and for their sake I hope I'm wrong, but damn.
I still don't get the feeling people are waking up in Fort Warrior. I have a few friends who are aware, but they oppose all vaccines (and the more I read, so do I) so they were already for sure never going to get this experimental one. It feels really repressive here. People want to forget the medical tyranny and apartheid rolled out in the fall and pretend like we can just move on from the darkness.
I don't know where things will go from here, but I'm so very grateful for your courage. I also appreciate the way you explain scientific findings in interviews. It's really helpful.
Sending you so much love, mental, physical and spiritual health as you do this work. I am sure it's so taxing to comb through these tragedies, but you are performing a vital human service.”
In gratitude, I stand. With mighty power.
OMG Jessica, this made me cry. My own daughter ended up taking two Pfizer shots because living life as a 28 year old in California without them had become too challenging. She couldn’t tell me she’d done this for two months afterwards. I know she and her husband (also jabbed as per the directive of the US Coast Guard for whom he serves) want children so I pray daily they will be okay and that will be an attainable goal when they’re ready. My son, age 24 saw through the insanity right away, and did not succumb to any injections but his fiancé had three (!) as she was mandated as a medical student. I try every day not to sob my eyes out over these crimes against humanity. I am no linger certain what planet I am living on. Not to mention my ever-growing list of multiply-jabbed friends and relatives suffering with bizarre and catastrophic medical issues. What the hell is happening???
One more person that hopefully understands that blindly following sociopathic idiots is never a wise course. History repeats over & over and there is nothing new under the sun. We must bring to justice every person that pushed this genocide.