"This is getting embarrassing for the WHO, me thinks"

Nothing is embarrassing for shameless demon-lizard-people - me thinks.

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They have no sense of shame any more.

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They don't believe believe it themselves; they just push an agenda...

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This is the WHO's method to coerce Africa into the mire they escaped with the COVID-19 assault.

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Monkey pox is on the rise? More apparent is the inept and mentally whacked UN that is a useless malingering moron potpourri of idiots like Tedros. Bulldoze the UN into the East River to eliminate another danger to Justice and Freedom and save wasted money.

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Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think about them. :)

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And a coincidence Bavarian Nordic A/S vaccine maker jumped 50% yesterday on the market I wonder if it’s a financial incentive and WHO has shares in said stock 🤔

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I have a problem. I keep trying to find some rational explanation for the kinds of things coming our way. But there is no rational explanation. There's no rationality to any of it. We're dealing with people for whom truth is simply whatever they want it to be. Reality is whatever they "feel" it is. There is no longer a common understanding of the world upon which to base discussions with these people. So here's my question: If we can't reason with people who are inflicting tyranny ... if we can't appeal to logic, common sense, moral values (or most likely even voting) ... how do we rid ourselves of this poisonous, psychopathic ruling class? To me, the answer is right there in the Declaration of Independence. Do whatever we must. It's our DUTY.

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it's a great question. it will come from the WILL of the PEOPLE

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That's right, but the will of the people is useless unless imposed upon the governing.

Once your statistical proofs are verified, edict enforcers should be "reverse arrested" for acting under color of authority.

(as if WHO had any)

This should be done (by mob if necessary) in any and every location, building or vehicle where these false enforcements occur or originate.

Institutional Justice is largely AWOL. Until we meet force with force, we will remain the losers.

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The ruling lizard people will do anything, say anything, violate any sacred principle, to retain their wealth and power. They will strengthen their resolve as needed and "fight to the death". This they have made clear. To them, extreme privilege is everything. Here is the question, then: How shall we defeat such a group if we are not willing to do the same in order to retain our freedoms? To us, freedom is absolutely essential. Is it not?

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Movements are afoot.

I've only been able to take a cursory look at them but these 2 are significant.

The links I've provided may only work in Firefox. I'm using MS Edge while I restore my (default browser) Firefox.

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Bailiwick News - Substack

Delves deeply into the history & timeline of the laws leading to this mess. Has remedial plans and legal strategies.

This site has been on my 'Dig deeper' list for some time.

It is guided by religious principles, but does not seem to impose them on the reader.

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Reinette Senum's Foghorn Express - Substack

Reinette Senum was an on-the-ground aid worker at Hurricane Katrina's Ground Zero, & has shocking inside stories of how that was both manipulated and bungled by the Military/Red Cross/FEMA hydra, both there and at other disasters, including the Lahaina fires.

Featured on-the-scene video clips of Lahaina villagers, firefighters etc., many live. A very suspicious and ugly event.

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I just recently learned of her involvement in a 4-issue movement including an anti-geoengineering project (spraying of "chemtrails"). Below is the link to her substack's 'Inaugural' coverage of the movement's launch and strategies.

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Other plans are brewing.

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In other news JAMA Online publishes its dismissal of VAERS researchers.

KH Jamieson et al; doi:10:1001/jama.2024.1757

We may have seen this previously but it is still popping up on my email feed.

At least the 3rd comment indicated some understanding. I routinely had my commentary purged for "not meeting our community standards." [Please reveal your criteria for diagnosis of "laboratory-confirmed Covid." 2020-2021 and I got the point as a slow learner.]

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Whenever I hear / read "not meeting our community standards." I think the writer was far exceeding their community standards.

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Just another WHO plandemic to inject those infamous Bill Gates nanobots into unsuspecting humans.

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Hi Jessica,

"WHO knows, at this point"

I can easily tell you, without even doing anymore research, that the data shown by the WHO are fake. They are not real world data. It looks like the kind of garbage "data" college dropout B. Gates and his planted head of the WHO would fabricate. I have studied (Ph.D.) these types of data my whole life so can easily see the fake signals. They are faked to make money selling deadly poisons they call drugs. Why bring this up now, when the majority of "confirmed cases" happened more than two years ago? That fact in itself means fake. They are falsely trying to create a pandemic to give the WHO fake power today because more money is more important to them than anything else. Remember, they created and hid the C19 and vax bioweapons that only kill. Some World Heath Org!

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i agree with you

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The worst illness facing health is WHO Pox.

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People who are sick enough to want the power to control our lives are sick enough to want to rub their power in our faces.

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Yes shamefully embarrassing reminds me of some people I know habitual liars

The only differences is money behind these lies as well as series Health risks

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Unacceptable! If you keep putting things in Real context and embarrassing Big Pharma you are never going to get on the Board of Fizzer or Muderna or any other Poison Jab manufacturers! You have been spoiling their Propaganda for over 4 years now! You are a Real pain in the Ass to those fine corporations!!! Thank God!

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Thanks Jessica. A little bit of clown world to go with my morning coffee. Perhaps the WHO should change their name to the CLO Chicken Little Organization. 'We've reported when the The skies fall since 1917'

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Have not seen a movie in years, but there was one where an outbreak of something in Africa was scary threat. Volunteers in Hazmat suits working under tents in the jungle. So they MOAB’ed everybody (volunteers included). Propaganda message: folks in coats are GOATs … super-duper-know-what-they-are-doing. At the end some poor creature trying to escape the level 10 animal testing gof c.c. had to navigate a motion unrolled laser system that could zap rats, mice, Roger Rabbit and monkeys. Wait … it was some guy trying to get out. Did they get him? Don’t recall.

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You think right...once again Jessica and I think the same.

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