At this point, this letter alone has to be sufficient proof of malice for any objective person evaluating the FDAs performance over the last 3 years. I mean, he is claiming facts that can not be supported with anything but mal intent.

1. Multiple 3rd party labs/researchers found the sv40 enhancer. His response (paraphrased), "There is no sv40 to be found in the vials " But it was found. "Not by us. " Did you try to replicate the tests that found it? "No. So quit lying about it, you bad people."

2. Cancer rates and excess deaths are drastically increased globally, as shown by multiple reputable countries, organizations, etc. His next defense, "If it was in there, we would see increased cancer rates and excess deaths. Since we are not seeing anything like that, we can safely say that it is not in there."

One does not need a medical degree to know that he is blatantly lying.

One does not need a history degree to know how this ends.

Now I gotta grab a shower and go try to bully my way in to a hospital to see a loved one who has had 6 heart attacks in the last 2 days and is now experiencing full blown sepsis. She won't make it through today. I can't even count the number of people I've lost just this year, let alone since 2020. I don't think i have it in me to visit any more dying friends after this. I guess I'll try visiting dying enemies.

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If you have any way of insisting on IV ascorbic acid treatment for your loved one, make as big a stink as you can to get it done. It is the only known cure.

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Yes the Marik Protocol for sepsis. High dose IV Vit C and I believe thiamine.

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Gwyneth put the link (the last one) for this in her comment above.

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Also homeopathic pyrogenium

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I asked the hospital my father in law was in to use it when he got pneumonia. They killed him with Midazolam and morphine.

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We live in a world populated with Demons. I am so sorry.

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The HighWire September 22, '22 episode 286 (https://www.bitchute.com/video/jEdGtGopy3MZ/) interviews Dr. Paul Marik about his cure for sepsis, which is intravenous Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone and Thiamine (dosage given on-screen).

Also, Dr. Ardis gives lots of info for treatment at https://thedrardisshow.com/

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Joy - Thx 4 posting the links - I listened to both shows - excellent info!!!

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I am sorry for all your losses. I have knowledge of several friends of mine that have passed suddenly and more that are going down the dementia/disability path. We live in strange times when everything we see is being denied to exist.

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I am sorry for you and your friend. We experienced much of the same in our small circle of friends. 18 cancer deaths between our two familes. One being my adult children's father in 2022. I feal your pain.

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I’m so sorry. I wonder how many others are experiencing similar losses, yet fail see any connection to the jab.

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I am.

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So sorry

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100% thank you

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At this point, this letter alone has to be sufficient proof of malice for any objective person evaluating the FDAs performance over the last 3 years. No. Since the FDA has been a thing actually

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Dec 17, 2023
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Yep, the Jack Ruby protocol.

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We can make dreams reality.

There always can be justice one way or another. Streets know justice. Let’s find out a little bit more about his work snd living environment.

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I prefer justice through our system. Call me naive if you wish.

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How is the Injustice Dept snd the Fib agency working out for you?

Naive is NOT what u should be called.

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Dec 17, 2023
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Dr. Paul Marik has written - a whole book now, I believe - about nutraceuticals and repurposed drugs that can be used as adjunctive therapies in cancer treatment. (Did you know that Ivermectin has anti-cancer properties?) Perhaps give your grandnephew a copy of Marik's book?

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Name of book? Thanks!

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(Published in 2023)

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Jan 3, 2024
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Maybe get a copy of Marik's book, start reading it yourself, show it to grandnephew and mom? There's a lot more than just Ivermectin in the book and maybe, given the severity of the young man's situation, they'd be more open-minded than usual. The title of Marik's book is "Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer.

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Thank you. I am going to do exactly that.

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Dec 29, 2023
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Will watch this later, but Bill Gates (whose nickname ought to be Gates of Hell, I think) and buddies already did a tabletop rehearsal for a 2025 pandemic of an enterovirus that causes severe illness and particularly targets children. I'm sure the architects of this new pandemic have the needed nasty viruses and variants in development, or already ready to go, in several different level 4 virology labs (redundancy, you know, to make their plan failsafe), and of course the mRNA platform will be used to make another crippling, sterilizing, killing "vaccine." This time the vaccination battle cry won't be "Save Grandma!" - it will be "Save the Children!"

I think Gates, Bourla, Fauci, Tedros, Baric, and all their buddies should be put in solitary confinement until they spill the beans with every last detail of their pandemics-of-the-future plans. Meanwhile every level 3 and 4 biolab on the planet should be dismantled and all their viruses, bacteria, prions, parasites, whatevers should be destroyed with exquisite care.

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Thank you so much.

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Yes. These 2 stacks have potentially life saving information. I believe the second jab killed my sister who was in cancer treatment. Wish I had known about this treatment before 2020.

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Thank you so much.

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Fenbendazole / Tippens protocol may work. Oncology is poison or slash and burn. God Bless your grand nephew.

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Thank you so much.

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My ex-wife had two shots and developed breast cancer. I had read about the ‘Throphoblastic Theory of Cancer’, which points to the enzyme chymotrypsin that plays a mayor role during pregnancy. She is taking Wobenzym N, a German enzyme product that contains chymotrypsin. She only took it one tablet a day but should have taken six per day. It has been a year since she started taking it after operation, radiation, and chemotherapy. Her blood showed elevated levels of protein and now she is taken six tablets per day.

Her mom had chronic leukemia and she survived it for almost 30 years. She took the Wobenzym N.


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Dr Kelley's enzymes were much stronger... unfortunately it has changed hands and someone out of, I believe Reno, is having them manufactured... whether it is the same reliable product or not, I do not know.

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You mean Dr. Donald Kelley! I read his book, based on that I suggested my ex-mother-in-law to take the Wobenzym N! Yes, Dr. Kelley cured himself from pancreatic cancer using digestive enzymes, he read about Dr. John Beard’s theory of cancer.

My brother died from the consequences of a bladder cancer operation. His cancer was triggered by a traumatic emotional shock, picture perfect, sadly, after Dr. Geerd Hamer’s theory of cancer. I believe that Dr. Hamer is right about the emotional trigger and the ‘survival programs’ that we inherited from the animal kingdom but then it takes its course according to Dr. John Beard’s Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer. According to Dr. Hamer, the central nervous system creates the cancer, so it will shut down the production of the pancreatic enzymes, otherwise the tumor couldn’t grow, just like the trophoblast during pregnancy. So one can intervene by supplementing these enzymes to give the patient time to deal with the emotional trauma. Once the trauma has been overcome, the body will stop the cancer producing process.

However, there are of course cancer producing chemicals and also radiation. And those mRNA shots. Those won’t need an emotional trauma. I wonder if these shots just accelerate an already existing cancer process or whether that is simply a poisoning effect. Still, the enzymes should help. Cancer cells are weak in that respect.

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Im dealing with extreme trauma currently. Could you please give me a few of the best links ir books to protocols to either prevent cancers ( i know alot of them but would like yours ) or heal cancers Im about to go on a month long Essiac tea protocol. TIA!

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My doctorate is in physics, not medicine. I am interested in natural health and since my dad died early of stomach cancer, therefore this subject always interested me. My dad may have died from sleeping on a ‘noxious zone’, which a dowser found a couple years after his passing when my mom had the dowser check her bedroom. This made me interested in dowsing, too, and I have discovered many amazing things. There are many stories...

As I posted in my comments here, I feel that an emotional shock can trigger cancer as discovered by Dr. Geerd Hamer and I saw that happening to my elder brother. Sometimes it seems easier to cut of your hand or leg than dealing with an emotional issue, which resides in your brain and consciousness and you rather not think about it or deal with it. The physical side of the cancer is controlled by the central nervous system. A friend of mine, a doctor familiar with Dr. Hamer’s theory, treated his patients with a low dose of Phenytoin or also known as Dilantin. Coincidentally, we both read Jack Dreyfus’ book ‘A Remarkable Medicine Has Been Overlooked’. Dreyfus suffered from a sudden onset of depression and through his own research found that Dilantin would act like a ‘switch’. When he took it, his depression were gone. Dilantin is not habit forming but as soon as he would stop using it, his depression would return. It is an epilepsy drug and it seems to work on depression by raising the firing threshold of neurons slightly but enough to block depression at a much lower dosage. My doctor friend used it in his cancer patients so that the threshold of the emotional trigger would be raised and his patients would go into the healing phase, which according to Dr. Hamer has to be carefully monitored, and then recover from cancer, presumably, since I don’t know how successful that treatment was. I should have asked him...

So there is on one hand the emotional trauma and the trauma ‘content’ defines the type of ‘survival program’ that is triggered in the brain, according to Dr. Hamer’s ‘German New Medicine‘. The physical manifestation of the cancer is tightly linked to the type of trauma that has been experienced. I knew about the Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer already, and I concluded that in order for the body to produce a cancer (which according to Dr. Hamer was supposed to help the ‘animal’ in a life threatening situation) it has to shut down the pancreatic production of chymotrypsin.

So it is:

Traumatic shock -> brain relay activated -> biological ‘survival program’ execution-> shutting down chymotrypsin production -> cancer growth

Intervention can be done by

1) Psychotherapy but the therapist has to know about Dr. Hamer’s theory

2) Well, yes, dealing with the trauma, resolving the situation

3) Use of Dilantin in combination with 1) & 2)

4) Supplementing with Chymotrypsin to counter the central nervous system’s attempt to grow the cancer, thus giving the patient more time to do 1) & 2)

This is my understanding as a medical lay person but using my scientific mind to make sense of it all.

You should be able to find information on the internet on these topics. I have Dr. Hamer’s books but these are in German.

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Trauma treatment: eftuniverse.com

Emotional Freedom Techniques

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Reno? I live in Reno! What is the name of the company or a URL? If the product has more chymotrypsin, that would be really great to know!

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Thank you so much!

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Me too. Positivity is everything x

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Horrible - take care and stay strong

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So sorry for your troubles. It is a terrible thing to see so many people suffering from this awful human experiment.

We can hope that the world wakes up at large to the problems which created our current situation & pulls together to correct them & help to heal the sick & the injured.

I also hope & pray that "Karma" comes very swiftly for all those involved in creating this dark time.

Many prayers for your grand nephew & all those needing

healing at this time!


And May God Bless us all.

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Geraldine- ❤️💔

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They take their commitment to public safety so seriously, that they rolled out a completely different product on an unsuspecting Public, to what they tested in their clinical trials.

They take their commitment to public safety so seriously, that they lied and told pregnant women their shots were safe, despite never being tested in pregnancy.

They take their commitment to public safety so seriously, that they told everyone to just mix and match different brands and modalities, despite never having tested for interactions.

They take their commitment to public safety so seriously, that they didn't tell the Public they had actually recorded 1223 serious-as-a-heart attack adverse events, not just “a headache and a sore red arm”.

In fact they were SO committed to this commitment, they fought the Courts to keep the data buried for 75 years.

Then took their commitment to public safety even more seriously, by hiding the fact that the shot never stayed in the arm, but within hours travelled to every organ (and vaccine in your heart or your brain is a VERY bad idea).

They took their commitment to public safety so seriously, that they even hired General Dynamic to catalogue the avalanche of expected adverse events, telling them that up to 1,000 reports a day with half classed as 'serious', were anticipated, and that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase). They had to reassess, refinance, and expand and upgrade their resources, 4 different times because the sheer volume swamped initial estimates.

Eventually - so committed were they - that they started fudging, burying, misclassifying and throttling their own VAERS database, lest the Public see just how safe & effective, and stunning & brave their kill shot was.

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At this point in the game, the only response to these liars is “DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL”!

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Officials will never willingly own up. They will continue to deny and deny any wrongdoing or any issue. This kind of denial also finds its way into folks who are still masking, testing and getting shots. Heck, I recently overheard a discussion amongst colleagues where one said they should get a booster because covid was making the rounds again and they were still very "pro-vaccine" despite the fact that the 3rd shot they got caused terrible lymph node swelling.

It's unfortunate that so many people even at this point have done zero reading on immunology and won't listen to their own body.

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Isn’t that the truth! Sadly, it’s the “smart ones” that get to me. All that education and for what? Willful ignorance is a powerful trait in these folks. I’d rather be a “conspiracy theorist” and question everything!

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This is not wilful ignorance, it is greed and power. It is to lord over us peopns.

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By the powers that be, I agree. It’s about control, etc. I was referring to those among us who would rather not know the truth, like those who went along with mandates so they could travel on vacation and could continue their comfortable lives. I know quite a few who continue to believe the narrative because it’s more convenient not to know. They deny everything because it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable.

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It is sad and makes us who see infuriated! We have to move on and get our own houses on order!! The collaspe has started and there will be way less people to ' work' everyday jobs!! What happens is a huge collaspe. Hospitals have jab induced mind injured only employees left. Most anyways.

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The 1223 was actually deaths.

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Thank you for a great post

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Spot On!!

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Exactly and very well put in all its stupidity, one sees clearly how they got their well payed jobs!

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Dr. Marks states that "lower vaccine uptake is contributing to the continued death and serious illness toll of COVID-19." Really? 70% of Americans were "fully vaccinated", so how does he explain this if the so-called vaccine was effective?

The shot is EFFECTIVE at one thing...creating antibodies. Unfortunately the antibodies created from these shots are suboptimal and result in enhanced infection rates, more severe symptoms and UNSAFE autoimmune reactions. Marks will keep pushing the idea that the antibodies will protect people, and if people continue to believe it, they will continue to line up for their sacraments.

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That portion of his letter was perhaps the most disgusting part of all. Sheer propaganda that has not skipped a beat from the start.

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CDC says it's 70%!! We are supposed to believe this? I do not.

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The letter is a great example of the policy employed by the “authorities”. “Authority” has the connotation of being in control of its matters, proper management of affairs, and being knowledgeable about the stuff they are supposed to manage. You can manage things only when you know them in and out.

Now we have a “novel” pathogen, a completely novel “technology” to harness it, a completely new set of consequences (adverse effects - which have not been discussed, managed or addressed so far by anyone from the authorities), a completely new attitude applied broadly to phase out proven medicines in favor of favored new substances, a completely new practice of silencing dissenting voices and depriving dissenting professionals of their licenses, along with simply not listening to those affected by the forcibly administered miracle substance, and topped up with widespread dissemination of incomplete or questionable resource materials about the said substance (advertising, controlled release of “approved” information).

Despite all this, the letter basically says, “Your questions are out of place. We know everything, and everything is right.” By the way, this is exactly the same attitude as many HC workers use daily against their patients.

Does it mean that “We don’t really know what we do but we have to pretend to be perceived (and paid) as experts”?

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GREAT comment. Re: doctors and HCW's supreme knowledge of everything there is to know about everything in the human body;

1. If that were true, get your podiatrist to do your open heart surgery, and

2. I experienced supreme knowledge just last week after mentioning the death of a friend's 37 year old previously-fit son from new onset motor neurone disease, 5 shots, and just 18 months later, with the doctor vehemently exclaiming "bullshit! Absolute bullshit! That is not true. Complete bullshit! Absolute bollocks!".

Anyone would think I'd attacked his sacred cow.

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The root word of vaccine is vacca. Which means cow. It literally is a sacred cow.

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#1 is a gem.

I love "Supreme knowledge". It kind of resonates with the Supreme Leader in Borat's "The Dictator" (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1645170/), a visionary movie on how Orwell could be upgraded. The movie came up in 2012, and now we have proofs of its message on a daily basis. Unbelievable.

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If I think long and hard enough I can see this country become a N.Korea if things don’t change.

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I read somewhere that North Korea and Iran are the only countries left with sound finances (i.e. no foreign banks allowed to operate, thus no fractional reserve scam). If we were to join this truly elite club, hmmm, who knows… regaining the status of a respected country of international importance could be easier.

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its no wonder Iran is cash rich, we give them billions. As for N Korea the way they make money is to starve the people and cash in on intellectual theft like the CCP

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I strongly believe what alt Substack authors write. Many subjects overlap, some appear to be very very up to date with the world at large, but all of them sing in one voice that the mainstream media lie, the government lie, the politicians lie. I now take it for granted.

All the information about Iran and North Korea comes from the same mouth: mainstream media, government, politicians. Soooo… if they lie, they must also lie about Iran being bad boys and North Korea being a bad place to live. And about, as you wrote, CCP intellectual theft (I don’t know what it means).

Maybe the big three (mainstream media, government, politicians) lie only about good things (like our economy, employment market, education, loans, healthcare overload) and tell the truth about bad things?

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Sez777 - it’s a cult following ...

You had the audacity to question his sacred cow!

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You did attack his sacred cow (i.e. "The Sacred Miracle Elixir")

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The letter is a lesson in how much propaganda you can fit into two pages of A4. The sad thing is that a man with MD and PhD after his name actually believes his own propaganda.

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It would seem that this Peter Marks is a bought man.

Either that or he doesn't know how to accurately do the biological processes necessary to determine the correct results. Or both.

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Oh, he knows, and is a bought bullshit artist.

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He is bought and paid for many times over.

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I don’t think he believes the propaganda. What I do believe is he is paid well and has sold his soul to the devil. I’m reading the Wuhan Coverup by RFK, Jr. and there are many doctors at well known institutions here who have all contributed to bioterrorism over the years. They knew full well what they were doing and the consequences on even our citizens. The CIA brought over hundreds of scientists and doctors that should have been in the Nuremberg trials, but were used for their knowledge of bioterrorism. These people are true sociopaths. It’s just hard for us to believe it.

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He most likely is very well paid to deliver such a letter, he fools none other than himself, very foolish or very evil, either way he lets the team down....another useless eater to add to the list of disgraceful, arrogant, condescending, corrupt persons in high places.....the exalted will be humbled and the humbled will be exalted 🥹

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This whole debacle makes the FDA look even more incompetent. Hopefully this whole thing is just ignorance and not malice. Doubt we will ever know! Every single time this kind of thing occurs, where non-governmental orgs find what the FDA should, it means another agency needs to be eliminated and rebuilt. How many times has this happened that we don't know about? Lots I suspect. Thanks to people like Dr. Rose we have a chance; a chance to stop this and a chance to stay healthy.

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I think we know now, and have to accept the fact, that it’s wilful, murderous malice, not mere ignorance or incompetence.

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I do so want it to be incompetence but the more people like Dr. Rose look the more it seems you are correct.

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Ive followed all these agencies since 1988 when their DTP shot gave my 4 month old son brain damage. They ALL Know and its with EXTREME malice. They are the epitome of "banality of Evil".

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How horrible for all of you, my heartfelt sympathies :(

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Jane Doe - ❤️💔

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I have no doubt it's malice. The FDA is doing pharma's bidding. Pharma want homeopathic remedies and whole food vitamins and supplements gone and the FDA is working hard to make that happen. Please take a look at Alliance for Natural Health's website for more information. The FDA is a captured regulatory agency.

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Malice. I see no other explanation. They are just pleased the death and destruction is so effectively being hidden right now so they can attempt to cover their tracks-- but not for long. This can’t be hidden for ever. A few guys in a studio walking on a moonscape set you can hide for decades, but people dying and maimed around you on an increasing level only goes so far IMO. The devil runs this planet at this point. He held a job fair and the line of applicants was very long.

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Love the moonscape reference 😆

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NOT ignorance. They know zactly(!) what they were doing.

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Michael - “incompetence” ... hmmm... extremely well paid “incompetence”


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Wonder what they will do when they die? Ask the Creator does He want their blood money?

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Bullshit. Not seeing increased cancer rates!!! Never in my entire life have I known 9 people in a two year span of time with a cancer diagnoses. 5 of them are now dead. Are these people really this inept?? Or is there an other reason? Sometimes I wonder whether there is no way to deal with the chaotic fallout from the citizens of countries around the world if this disaster was ever acknowledged. Best keep quiet about it and fix the problem quietly. I don’t know, this is all so insane. Nobody seems to be connecting the dots. Cancer rates are up everywhere. The Globe and Mail reported the mortality rate for 2023 in Canada is up by 15-20%, but nobody knows why. Autoimmune diseases, heart etc. etc. these people are the most incompetent bozo’s who are in the position of authority to dictate. Yesterday, I had an ultrasound and X-rays of my left hand. There’s a wee mass below my little finger. I’m scared especially after reading about the newest findings. I’m already dealing with a loss of eyesight and speaker loud tinnitus. If, I have to get something removed from my hand, I want the tissue to go to intelligent people. But, nothing is set up for that. I am so over the top angry at our governments ineptitude.

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Could it be one of those ganglion cysts that form and go away? I had a large one on my wrist and 2 more on fingers at times. They disappeared in time. Just went away. I never saw a doc about them. They look weird though.

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I’m hoping it’s something simple like a ganglion although I’ve never had one in my long life. Mine is below my little finger on the palm side.

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Look into castor oil. No promises but I’ve been hearing great things about it

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I’ve only been applying it about a week to forearms and hands. I think the sunspots or liver spots on my hands have faded and some bug bite scars (that are suspiciously thicker than they ever used to be) have receded a little bit. It’s still an unknown but giving it a try.

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Bathing your hand in hot ginger infusion might help with a ganglion. Best to use fresh ginger, sliced or cut up; boil for five minutes or so. The bath should be as hot as your skin can comfortably take.

Chinese moxa treatment would be another option.

Not medical advice, just info based on experience. A doctor should recognize a ganglion on sight.

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Use castor oil packs. Also apricot seeds. B17 specifically. Also DMSO and CDS!!

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It gets worse ... Not only fragments of DNA, but self-assembly nanostructures ... Found not only in all sorts of injections produced by the Western farmaceutical companies, but in blood of unvaccinated - which means we get it from our environment (geoingeneering, food and water contamination) and even from the man-made thing presented to us as a "virus".

Russian Study Finds Self Assembly Nanoparticles and Nanofibers: "Self-assembling amyloid-like nanostructures from SARS-CoV-2 S1, S2, RBD and N recombinant proteins": https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003986123003429

For explanation and context, see this article: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/russian-study-finds-self-assembly

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For some reason this is not being discussed

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Nuremberg 2.0 can not happen soon enough.

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In the last paragraph: “lowered vaccine uptake has contributed to the continued death and serious illness toll of of Covid-19.” No comment about the 72% of fully vaccinated people who got Covid19 after the vaccine or the 63% who ended up in the hospital. No comment about the deaths within 48-72 hours including children. Yup, nothing to see here.

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If they get sick, they lose their vax status and have to restart at 0. All vaxxed who get sick are relocated to the unvaxxed column. Especially if they go to the hospital or die.

Too bad for the vaxxed that is only a dishonest policy and not a biological reality.

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You sure talk pretty!

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I'm surprised they fell back on direct lies so quickly. The next step will be to feign surprise and blame someone else. That was previewed in the letter I think as they left open the door that their means of detection did not pick up the SV40 remnants, just like you say. This is a stalling tactic as they can draw out the process of forcing them to admit things bit by bit.

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Since when is "Because we said so" sufficient in cases like this? What the actual hell.

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That's just how the new and improved SCIENCE!™ works. Those with proper credentials speak and the rest of us obey because we couldn't possibly understand anything like the High Priests of SCIENCE!™ do. Anyone claiming to be a scientist who disagrees with the revealed truth is clearly a charlatan or quack,and it takes only a "nuh unh" from anyone with a fancier degree or title to debunk not just their words but the very existence of their education.

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Scott and Jodi - Bingo!

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It might take me fifteen pages to respond to this letter, but the theme would be show me your work. Let’s see your risk/benefit analysis by age group in full detail referencing the original and updated studies provided and not provided by the manufacturers as well as VAERS and V-Safe data and other data provided from other sources. You may be sued corporately and individually for gross negligence.

Please provide all of your quality assurance testing information for each batch.

Please describe and show your work and data for your ongoing safety vigilance since December of 2020 showing VAERS data, V-safe data, and any other data you have gathered independent or from the manufacturers or from foreign safety-monitoring systems.

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yep, sounds good. . . but, knowing me, I would not be asking "please".

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