Yes Robert F Kennedy Jr r don’t wanna be political on this site but yes he’s the first one in decades that I can vote for without holding my nose he’s right on the mark with many of the issues so tired of voting for the lesser of two evils Lesser of the two dummies or lesser of two idiots !

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Loved it! It was as seamless as it could be for the circumstances.

It was bizarre to hear Covid glossed over as if it was an ordinary natural occurrence.

It was refreshing to hear someone talk down carbon capture technology & talk up soil [sequestering] and regenerative ag and forestry.

Much went as I expected, especially T & B bickering and steering off-topic.

Hope it moved a lot of needles. Looking forward to more.

Watch it if you haven't!

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As much trouble as our country is in, the existence of this Kennedy, Biden, Trump debate is a reason to celebrate the culture that made it possible and the people able to get it done.

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If the pseudo-debate has proven anything, is that Kennedy is NOT more qualified to run this country than the other two.

His heroic effort to fight big pharma doesn't make up for his lack of understanding of finance, economics and politics; we wouldn't die from toxic shots, but likely from a nuclear blast...

Not much better!

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i think he'd do a lot of good...

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I paid a months subscription to make this comment. Several months ago I was banned form RFK jr's site Children's Defense. Not for hate speech, profanity, slander, racism, transphobic comments ad nauseum. I pointed out that his passionate handwringing concerning the damage to the unborn child from maternal vaccines was an ethical crisis of huge proportions - yet - he is just as passionate about the same mother's right to dismember, burn with acids or decapitate that same unborn child, throw it in an incinerator and sees no disconnect. After I was banned ,[ permanently ] I repeatedly reached out to Mary Holland, Tommy and whoever else was getting the messages . Not even the courtesy of a reply. Well, why would they. They would have to acknowledge that they are as corrupt as the rest and when you don't like someone pointing out your hypocrisy you make them disappear. Think about this and think hard.

Just prior to this I was also banned from the Mercola site for pointing out some sleazy [and typical] business practices concerning his supplements. The latest news is that Mercola has a guru/channeler who is giving him words from a god and Mercolas's sister 40 years in the business with him is afraid he is going insane. My point? Keep an eye on Kennedy. The mask will slip. It has to.


Also this:


Searching ' founder of the Academy of Divine Knowledge" I got this:


Searching TLS, I got this:

https://www.jasonshurka.com/tls which leads us to UNIFYD - which is the new name for the same people at the Academy of Divine Knowledge.

This is the New Age, occult, Theosophical, One World under the Angel of Light, Luciferian Tyranny.

You decide.

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I never saw anything uglier than the head of Jackass Joe biDUMB.

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I hope so, as you know better than most we are in deep trouble, in fact many think things are great.

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