"Low cost-effectiveness (~$200,000 CAD per hospitalization prevented), and administrative issues may have impacted the program."

"...assumed effectiveness of Palivizumab at 30%..."

Is that newspeak for modelled assumption which failed?

At $200K a baby..

So for every 10 babies they achieve "assumed effectiveness" for 3.

Which means 10 babies times $200K is $2 Million

For an "assumed effectiveness" for 3.

Wow..nothing to see here folks..

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Sound like you guys need some of Elon Musk's DOGE treatment.

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No, they just need an Inspector General's report that identified the perceived problem, which is what Musk did for SS. There is no problem just BS. 8 mins audio https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct5trj?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile

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Mike, Great Salient Points “newspeak” be damned! News reporting left is long ago!

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Feb 23Edited

Seems to be a very "1984" style of approach to heath care decisions. It would be nice to know if these interventions were actually safe and beneficial. I'm now 82, (COVID) unvaccinated and have never been sick with even a cold since the onset of the "pandemic." As far as I know I'm not included in any statistics.

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I’m just 68 do 5K runs with my nieces and nephew try to be health minded my body not a health nut I do like my coffee I like my IPAs and time to time I binge on cake goodies overall though I’m in good shape for my age never got vaccinated except for when I was a child that was not in my control and probably a little was known about back then so I can’t blame my parents, but since I’m 68 we had two or three not the 72 to 80 they have now planned for the kids that’s incredible Sick that they do that , kids nowadays are pincushions for these freaking vaccines.

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I'm with you! 10 years younger but no experimental gene therapy shots or others. Took care of others who did get sick after shots...I still got nothing, not even a cold. It's called a robust immune system from clean diet, regular exercise, sleep and avoiding anything dictated by government through decepetive MSM narrative.

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You can cast it as sinister now, but this is exactly the mechanisms, incentives, and results that YOU advocate, as a terminal BELIEVER in 'public health' (socialized medicine).

The female and feminized mind thinks the tyranny of the big government mommy is a good thing in principle, she just disagrees with THIS, or THAT decision by 'mommy'.

The bile rises again so I must end here.

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Socialized medicine does not preclude informed consent and good medical practices based on sound research. The problem is a lack of transparency and accountability ( and this applies across all of government). Pooling costs for medical facilities still saves everyone individually a lot of money.

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Bingo. Sounds wonderful, everybody gets care. Then the money runs out and the gov't offs you. O Canada!

It's inevitable when you create that kind of power, you'll attract control freaks who know what's best for you. Likely 70% of us are closet nahtzees (cf. Original Sin). They will control you from cradle to grave. You will go along or you will get nothing. No knee operation. No Fruit Loops, no menthol cigs.

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Make Nuremberg Great Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It’s amazing how bad our health system is nowadays I always had issues with it decades ago, but it’s such a charlatan process now that it’s it’s almost laughable. If it wasn’t so serious can’t even get a doctor to give a regular vitamin D check level in my blood, I talk to many people who have recently gone to doctors for RSV flu like symptoms Covid whatever they have but they do have symptoms and they do have congestion. They are definitely sick. I could hear and see the symptoms at worksick. I can’t get a straight answer from anybody they act like they don’t wanna seem stupid so when I ask

for vitamin D3 level? Oh yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s normal. I said what is the amount no one knows they lie because doctors don’t check for vitamin D level a simple tool to use to see if your immunity needs help . Doctors won’t test for this even when asked, but they have no problem pushing the vaccine in which they don’t read the product insert to see what the hell is in it the goddamn thing they are injecting into people these cookie-cutter physicians, and nurses that they put out there nowadays

I’ll knowI’m not the sharpest tool in the toolbox, but I do know how to learn about something that I don’t know about through long processes of reading over and over again and challenging things. It’s so sad with only a high school education I know more about immunology biology, and vaccinations and overall health than any nurse or doctor that I have been talking to for the past four years to me that’s fucking crazy . We pay these people money to help us to take care of us and keep us healthy

People stop signing over your body sovereignty rights to practitioners that just see you as a dollar $$

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Eric- TELL them to test it OR you will find a doctor that will. There are labs that will run all sorts of tests for you without doctor involvement. Nice guys finish last.

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Back when I was still a Fauci fan - Early scare, Pre- injection - went for a routine checkup. Inside the hospital, the temperatures check line was closed. My doctor told me my D3 level was high, and he wanted me to stop supplementing for 3 months. Did so, with puzzlement but no effects. I didn't ask for numbers or explanation.

This was before wider knowledge of D3's preventive properties for Covid. However, it was long after a local doctor was making local news for establishing high D3 serum levels for all of one hospital chain's inpatients as a boost to recovery, and general health.

It was probably 2 years later that I learned that D3 level was a consistent indicator of how resistant you were to Covid or its symptoms & damage. Made me wonder how much was known early on..

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Very surprised they checked your all level of vitamin D3. That’s actually good thing 👍 should also check for zinc. That’s something else that was low in a lot of patients that were hospitalized during Covid. vitamin D3‘s is good for overall immunity as well as fighting Covid. I wonder what the level was that doctor said it was too high depending on your age. If you’re older, you don’t produce as much , for younger people supplementation might’ve been too much because he produced more through your skin, I’m not sure what the level is either but I think anywhere from 75 to 100 to maintain overall good health that’s a good thing to go by

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The skeptic in me wonders whether he was working for me or the Cartel.

No numbers, no idea. I should check it out.

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Thank you for being the voice of awareness and intellect and common sense. For tirelessly digging through the muck and mire. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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They say you can't judge a book by its cover. Maybe so. For me, the very sight of Tam and Fauci made me sick. They had evil written all over them. I didn't believe a word they said.

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You were right. I felt the same way. In the early days when fear was very high, alarm bells were ringing, as they started demanding isolation, masking, and injections. When they started to contradict their own policies, setting precedents, and you weren't allowed to question their horrible narrative, well I knew it was a scam.

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Too bad, there weren't more folks like us during that time. Telling me cold symptoms would kill me and mine, even if I was asymptomatic, well, one had to be brain dead or stupid beyond belief to entertain that bullshit.

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I still believe that Tam is a Chinese operative. She was on some WHO committee before and during the global scam as well. Her face reminds me of the goons of Tiananmen Square...ugly and evil.

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He is evil.

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Disgusting . May these people lie in their vomit of wickedness.

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(Choking on it first of course!)

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Less about "Health" than they are about Social and Narrative "Control" - let's be grateful that these emails weren't destroyed or hidden, so that we can all see this evidence of the cruel and involuntary human medical experimentation and Democide, being orchestrated by the diabolical Tam.

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THANK YOU Jessica.

Terry has some 'splainin to do. She should be on the naughty not nice list.



(We KNEW but thank goodness for email trails. Just ask Kash Patel et al.)

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Theresa Tam looks like a voodoo doll. Just missing the needles.

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She should permanently wear the two useless masks she recommended couples to wear during sex. She got it right though...controlling the narrative via plastic, puppet, cupcakes on MSM still has so many moronic Canadians in the grip of fear and lies.

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Reads like the building of a totalitarian control grid with a side of experimenting on populations.

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Ascribe incompetence of a person first before concluding malevolence in matters of mistaken belief or fraud. (You know, the data that resides around three sigma of possibility.)

However, once the conclusion of malevolence is made, trust nothing, verify everything.

Tam’s likely a opportunistic parasite in the matter.

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Jessica, Thank you for your ongoing contributions to standing up to and exposing the banality of evil. Now that phase I human trials for self replicating "replicon" mRNA is underway, I can't help but apply Occam's Razor, and "follow the money":

So many Americans died from COVID, it’s boosting Social Security to the tune of $205 billion


There is also the windfall on estate taxes in the USA and estate capital gains taxes in Canada.

Canada reportedly had about 85% compliance on the jabs. Given the "success" of covid-19 mRNA jabs in reducing US social security and Canadian CPP deficits and liabilities, and increasing US estate taxes and Canadian estate capital gains taxes, I can't help but wonder if the "replicon" jabs are really about making gov'ts solvent again.

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Yes, the date is . . . . Interesting. But just a part of the plan. Reading through this and the first word that comes to mind is ‘herding’. Yep, herding the population. Herding people to a desired outcome, through whatever nefarious means. No need to wage war on a population and lose valuable infrastructure. No, just cull them under the guise of public health.

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The timing on this sure sounds like they are doing Pharma’s bidding rather than looking after the health of Canadians. That first one was even before Covid blindsided the world with a rather benign virus and very outsized reaction to it!

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I believe you are quite right. A late 2021 article criticised the Canadian Liberal government, not for the kinds of things Jessica’s been speaking of, but for reneging on their initial vow to donate surplus vaccine doses to poorer countries. This piece did however talk about how pharma previously couldn’t make inroads into the Liberal party, but that changed when the pandemic hit. Public records apparently revealed that during 2021, lobbying meetings with the Trudeau government jumped by 80 percent.

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And, of course their political donations likely rose by a similar rate!

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