In Australia, it "feels" as if it has all gone quiet, so I get a shock when a hear a personal story of some continued or new extreme injustice. We are just not noticing it as much, but it is all still bubbling away under the surface. Thankyou for your continued vigilance.

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Calm before the storm, methinks...

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As Gandalf said to Pippin: ‘The chessboard is set...It is the final gasp before the plunge’. Or something to that effect.

That’s the way I see it.

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Eye of the hurricane IMO. They've already told us what they intend to do, and it's all gone fairly swimmingly so far, with expected hiccups.

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Oh yes, agreed. Hidden in plain sight. They are creeping up on us in all sorts of ways, but particularly 5G. I don't think 5G or covid if there is such a thing, or even the vaxx, were designed to kill us, just enslave us, and those who died (and will continue to die for a few years yet), are simply collateral damage, and potentially a bonus.

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Sure looks like the Deagle projections for 75% cull by 2026 could be happening. Hope they're wrong.

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The Deagle projections are terrifying. Just looked it up

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Latest update. Worth hearing

Jeff & James Karolak - The Deagel Projections. Deagle was the undersecretary of the Airforce under Clinton. His collated documents first emerged in 2013

Updated On 12-22-22 - The State Of Things https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_122222_hr3.mp3

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Thank you, I will give a listen tomorrow. The deeper you go into the truth, the crazier it seems.

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Thanks! Very interesting indeed.

FYI - Rense

is on a list of “conspiracy theorists” connected to DS. The website is isgp-studies.com/ & the author is Joel van der Reijden. Just so you know, I have been labeled the same since November of 1963.

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Thank you for this, the plan makes total sense. I appreciate you sharing it.

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Yes, I never did find the source of those projections, but they had serious depopulation for Australia - and I suspect most of the massively vaxxed countries.

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Deagle was the undersecretary of the Airforce under Clinton. His collated documents first emerged in 2013

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Thanks for this. I recall delving into it all years back, and whilst the original web pages had disappeared, there were archived copies floating around to be found if you dug deeply enough. At the time it was impossible to speculate how the numbers could drop that way. Now we know.

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Yep. Rense.com says it was US intelligence ops ( Deathbed confession sort of thing). Numbers seem to match vax rollout though.

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Unless there is a massive die-off in the U.S., the numbers will not match. The original forecast was for some 100 mln remaining by 2025 - imagine some 200 mln Americans meeting their Maker in the next two years. Due to the agitation the projection had created amongst those who read it, the figure was subsequently made to be predicated on the expectation of a nuclear war. Strange, for there were no such corresponding drops in the populations of Russia and/or Germany, as if the nuclear war took place on the U.S. territory exclusively (i.e., no exchange as such, indicating either a successful pre-emptive strike, or a civil war involving nuclear weapons).

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Link for Deagle ? tu

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You need to listen to the show to see how it was scrubbed and then key content went "dark web". What remains has all sorts of anomalies which he analyzes on the same show link I posted

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Where is this headed? The directionality is certain; the energy behind it is identical:

“By order of the Reichsführer-SS, residency without possession of an ID card is punishable by death”. - R. Heydrich 11-39

Heydrich implemented the Schutzhaft - “Protective Custody” - imprisonment without judicial proceedings before finding his groove with the formation of the Einsatzgruppen- roving death squads.

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Heydrich was a nasty piece of work, from his youth onwards. He also became the target of a successful assassination. History is a great teacher.

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Yes history is a great teacher: Heydrich's well-merited death changed nothing, except for him personally.

The system he served simply went on.....

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They have just authorised the fifth booster here. With the narrative alternating between recommendations those vulnerable and everyone over 18 to get it. I feel that our media is so controlled now there is no discourse.

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Then they don't understand what inoculation is for.

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Unbelievable. Stockholm syndrome

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Those who haven't questioned it until now will never question it. They will pad out and get their next shot no matter what, which means they are seriously likely to die. But they are getting many of the rest of us with 5G installations, which attack the vagus nerve and send the body into some kind of electrical storm that shuts down all the organs dependent on the vagus nerve.


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Yes I agree. Everyone in my immediate family is immunised. Some because they genuinely believed they had no choice and deeply regret it now. Others because they did and still believe it necessary. One of the necessary ones is my eldest child which cuts me to the quick. For someone I raised to be a critical thinker, she is anything but. I am terrified I will loose my entire family.

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I'm in your same boat, in Canada though.

Heartbreaking situation. We did what we could.

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

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Yes, we must take comfort in that.

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I am also terrified that I will lose my whole family.

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If it's any consolation, I think the narrative is about to flip as the jabbed go from smug to stupid so fast it makes their heads spin

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I sincerely hope so!

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I’m thinking Biden might not be as gone mentally as he has led us to believe.

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Quite possibly. However he is as demented as his actions show.

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There’s no doubt whatsoever!

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Feb 10, 2023
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Unreal. You'd think snoop would have talked some sense into Marfa

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Yes, it was like that in Canada for a time too. Now they are ramping things up again with the Feds demanding the provinces share our health data with them via a digital system. Canada has also been partnering with WEF for some time (and Norway) as a test site for the Digital ID. In other words, we are ground zero. Canada has always had an inferiority problem. I guess Justine wanted us to be first at something (insert eye roll). This spell corrected to eye ball at first, but I caught it. Nonetheless, this was my morning giggle...

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Yes, Obama type WEF policies everywhere. They wont stop until stopped. This is one way to red pill those sincere folk you know that never get anything outside of legacy media and the controlled tech.https://jessicar.substack.com/p/the-relevance-of-underimmunization/comment/12675983

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Thanks, I'll check it out...

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Except the news of H1N5 that they already prepped as gain of function back 10 years ago

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Please keep it coming, i'm hoping the tendrils of truth that come from you, Peter Mc, Joseph Mercola, etc. will act like capillaries and feed larger and larger avenues of awareness so that people will start to see the insanity that is going on. Thank you once again for the time effort and energy that you are putting into this, it's nice to be on the right side of history, and you definitely are!

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I found this to be a very effective red pill article for friends, including academics that never see more than the MSM or legacy media. Red pill one here, and a host of subjects get re-examined...


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When I read that first paragraph I went ice cold. This is precisely what we are warning about and which in my experience many people just don't want to know. A PHD longstanding retired teacher friend of mine again recently berated me for sending her the link to the Vera Sharav film. " You know I believe in the Covid vaccine, so why did you send it?" It seems to be taboo to challenge the Covid narrative, almost in the same way it is (justifiably) taboo to tackle someone's particular religion. So that supports the view that we are dealing with "Scientism". Yet me must keep circulating information

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This was written for and succeeded with liberal friends I know who only listened to NPR, BBC, the MSM. The reason it works is because it starts slow, and then attacks the gist of every issue with indisputable facts backed by thousands of PHD researches, and international data sets, and then it explains the politics behind the actions, in the leaders own words. Red pill anyone with any sincerity left on Climate Change, and you open their mind to a host of questions reexamined, which is exactly what happened to two academic friends I sent this to, as well as several others less formally educated. Try it and see.


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One has to wonder how many FBI employees are jabbed. I am one teacher that was not, and will never be injected with an experimental, and what we now know is a toxic drug. FBI be dammed..they would have to kill me first before I would comply with their nonsense. Real, true, and ethical teachers have to band together, and say NO to all of this BS:....All of them. No job is worth losing your health over. NYC needs a wake up call badly. I was there in December, and so many are still donning masks, on mass. At some point, you have to leave the sheeple to baaaa, baaaa their life away. I will fight for the children...they truly need our support. Adults need to start acting like adults. Vomit inducing indeed!

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Try living here.. NYC is the most creative, competitive PR talent in the world with nearly every inch of space in public view hawking something to the millions of eyes that pass by. The covid mask and jab campaigns have been relentless our subways still have ads to say masks aren't mandated but strongly encouraged.

What's funniest to me is that majority of folks in masks fall into two main groups... the old and very frail looking and the young, under 30 woke hipster types w colored hair, pierced & tatted bodies or uptown designer ripped jeans & bespoke suits that look two sizes too small.

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I'm wondering if it is only NY??

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Is there an alternative national organization of teachers?

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The Dept of Education is Federal.

Another three-letter alphabet agency that needs to be gone.

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God YES. Absolutely...needs to be gone and never replaced.

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All such national 3 letter agencies must be abolished, at least decentralized. DC is Mordor on the Potomac. This is where they honed their skills they now apply in every field...


Red pill a sincere liberal friend on climate change, and you open the door to a host of issues. This works.

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I loved that...can I use it? Morder on the Potomac!! So great.

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I dont know..but maybe itsctime to create an wlternative

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I wonder how many of the new 50 thousand plus IRS agents are boosted. I bet all.

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Isn't flagging a violation of ERISA, Dept of Labor or something?? Especially without explicit disclosure to the employee? I'd love to see a multi billion class action lawsuit.

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Two reasons why I don't donate blood now: 1 - They'll ask you if you're vaccinated upon donation, but won't disclose it to the recipient. 2 - I worry that they'll either ask me if I'm vaccinated, or determine it from my blood sample. I shouldn't have to rely on religious exemptions. The law is already clear that I don't have to take an experimental drug. When I don't have fully informed consent, that makes it doubly so.

The fact the government is playing a role in this and making you unemployable makes them fertile ground for lawsuits. If for no other reason than the takings clause, because they've taken my future earnings. And beginning from the moment it happens, I'm an impacted individual and have standing.

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This video came out recently, and it's easy to understand and pass on to people who can't be bothered to read anything beyond the TV programming guide on their TV


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Feb 10, 2023Edited
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Agreed! And we should not need religious or any other exemptions for ANYTHING to begin with. I respect people's choice to practice whatever spiritual path they choose, but I have never cottoned to "religious exemption". To me that is discriminatory. What about atheists? What about people who do not wish to divulge their religious beliefs?

I never understood legal religious exemptions in a secular country.

My simple "no" is and should be enough.

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My neighbors don't want to hear a word of anything that challenges their mainstream narrative, and they've made that very clear to me over the last two years. Even my husband is asleep. It's like living in the Twilight Zone, truly.

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My condolences. Be gentle with family, they are precious. However don't give up on family easily. What may be the way is to find a lever that pivots on a topic or principle that they hold dear and find the clearest irrefutable proof of a failure in that area. Male fertility, myocarditis in males (mostly the younger) rack your brain, find the one thing that matters and prove it is being destroyed.

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Twilight Zone is accurate.

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The more I hear the more it reinforces what Vera Sharav and the others have warned about in the series 'Never Again is Now Global' - history certainly does seem to be repeating itself and far too many are unaware. There is a famous photo of a crowd in 1936 saluting their allegiance to the Nazi Party except one lone man who stands with his arms firmly crossed in refusal. Later that same year Jewish teachers were banned from working in state schools. I don't know what percentage were awake last time but you are 100% spot on Jessica when you say 'shake up someone’s foundation today by letting them know that this IS HAPPENING NOW' It could not be more urgent

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This is a very important point you make Jessica that many don't appreciate the gravity of;

"4. are based on not one, but two entirely novel (to humans at mass scale in context of viral pathogen) technologies that utilize the introduction of the coding template of foreign genetic material from a pathogen by lipid nanoparticle carriers with known toxicity profiles."

There are many parallels between the way we deal with change control and risk of unintended consequences in semiconductor fabs (my background) and the way we should deal with the same in therapeutic technologies. Chip manufacturing is highly complex, with hundreds of interacting steps.. so many that all interactions can never be fully mapped out. Our immune systems are even more complex. Unless it's a drop dead emergency, we never make two big changes at once for the obvious reason that it's very difficult after the fact to deconvolute the cause of any unintended consequences.

Still, most of my colleagues couldn't see the obvious parallels and went ahead putting their immune systems in harms way.

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Well said. I remember in the early days the German Health minister advised against immunisation in a Pandemic because of the stress known immunisations do to the body. We were already living in a very stressful situation, so they thought it unwise. Then their narrative changed.

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We believe that at least 650,000 lives were lost because of suppression of effective treatments. By all appearances, the government had a plan and wanted to ram it through at any cost, and it did,” says Kennedy. @Indrassingh https://www.firstpost.com/opinion/the-interview-government-vaccine-industry-nexus-compromised-health-security-of-us-citizens-says-robert-f-kennedy-jr-12063392.htmlhttps://t.me/C19ExpertChannel/2512

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If you want to know why and how any group becomes so grossly and completely co-opted, follow the money (and money is power, eh?). Take a look at all the organizations which have piled on to ‘cooperating’ with pushing (enforcing?) the government mandates. Was there monetary consideration provided, was there incentive for various levels of increased ‘uptake’? Here is the link.


Listed there, among all the others: American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association. You will not be able to unsee all the co-opted supposed organizations ‘representing’ workers.

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Yep, the coercion campaign. Should've been called COVID Corps(e).

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Much more accurate.

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The list is definitely an eye opener.

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Yes, the government missed no opportunity. Does anyone know the money paid for such cooperation? Twitter received ‘remibursement’ for the censoring work. Our tax dollars used against us.

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I’m aware. My grievance(s) against the government are too long to list, we’re the target & not the “mission”!

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There is no ‘greater good”. No one can know what the greater good is or what it would take to achieve it. “Greater good” arguments are used by commies to deny individual right to self-determination.

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And sometimes the needs of the few (or the one) outweigh the needs of the many.


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Not surprising. NY State kicked 26,000 'undervaccinated' (regular childhood vax) kids to the curb back in 2019, giving them zero options to attend any public or private school, zero grace period to 'catch up', no public comment period prior to legislation removing the old law allowing religious exemptions, and offering no evidence that any disease had ever spread in schools due to an under or un-immunized child...... They provided a nearly impossible avenue for the kids with vax damaged siblings (probably more than half of the 26K) to get medical exemptions, and moved goalposts changing minimum intervals between shots to maximum intervals for those who started the process in an attempt to keep their right to attend schools their taxes pay for (bait and switch based on zero safety evidence, cramming the entire vax schedule into 60 days for some kids whose parents had no choice but to comply). Teachers and administrators, with few exceptions, treated these families like trash. Many parents tried to warn adults they were next for loss of body autonomy, but they ignored and laughed. What comes around, goes around. Welcome to NY, the fascist state.

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I did not know this. New York sounds worse and worse.

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Wall Street is the heart of the beast no reason to expect we don't have the biggest sell out puppet politicians. As the new worse than Deblasio Mayor Eric Adams showed making Pfizer CEO Bourla NYC man of the year w full ceremony & too few of us protesting.


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this is soooo obnoxious, noncompliance codes for those who refuse to be malleable.

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Underimmunization status is irrelevant; if one still breaths, that person is definitely underimmunized!

Can't catch any disease when you are dead - duh!

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This story is awful. I talk to everyone all the time about what is going on. Regrettably 99+% of the time, the response is indifference. I guess since they are jabbed, they aren't concerned about others. I am the only unjabbed person I know.

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Yup, people really are clueless and have a herd mind that prevents them from having any courage at all to break from the crowd. We’ve been programmed to think “safety” in numbers. It’s pretty scary. In my family it’s 50/50. My liberal friends and family are all jabbed except for one SIL who is extremely into health. My more conservative friends and family are not jabbed. We have ALL gotten the coofid lol but those jabbed and boosted have gotten sick on multiple occasions. There’s no sense in talking to them and I am very thankful I left teaching in 2019 before all this craziness started but am dealing with it on the college level now. Very frustrating.

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Sorry. I have few friends and yet know five.

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