The relevance of "Underimmunization status" - Part Trois
Flagging uninjected teachers to the FBI and what that means
[U]nvaccinated teachers in New York City were flagged with problem codes in their personnel files, and when that occurred “their fingerprints are sent with that flag to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services”. Betsy Combier
Tell me that doesn’t make you want to vomit.

I came across this article today and it just seems to be perfectly in-line with the anticipated ‘problems’ that are on our horizons with regard to state sanctioned oppression, criminalization of health and free choice, and theft of sovereignty. The article was published on February 9, 2023 on a website called ‘Teachers for Choice’ and includes the full transcript of Exhibit 1 of the testimony provided for the Case 1:21-cv-07863-VEC Document 168-1 Filed 06/03/22 - including the affidavit provided by Betsy Combier.
Michael Kane is the author of the article and a Plaintiff in this case.
You can listen to the audio of attorney John Bursch who sourced Cormier during an open court session in New York City.
Betsy Combier is really well-equipped to be providing affidavits in cases like these as you will read in Exhibit 1. Just to set the stage, she is the President and lead of a paralegal consulting business for people who need a partner as they go through the Courts, grievances, or life problems.1 She also holds a degree in Child Psychology from Northwestern University, an MA Certificate from the Johns Hopkins' School for Advanced International Studies where her specialization was the Soviet Military Industrial Complex, an MPS in Interactive Telecommunications from New York University. Perhaps most relevant in this context is that she knows about ‘problem codes’.
"problem codes"- the flag the DOE [Department of Education] puts in the personnel file of employees to indicate that they should not be hired due to unexplained misconduct of some kind.
The following is a screenshot from Exhibit 1 in Case 1:21-cv-07863-VEC where you can see part of the declaration by Combier.
She writes:
When the DOE puts a problem code in the employee's personnel file, it also places a flag on the employee's fingerprints, which is then sent to the national databases at both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the State Division of Criminal Justice Services. I have represented more than 15 DOE employees before the DOE's Office of Personnel Investigation in proceedings in which they requested the removal of their problem codes. The flag has several names such as "problem code," "pr" code, "pc" code, "ineligible," and "no hire/inquiry" code; however, all refer to a salary block, whatever title it is given. I have helped approximately 20 DOE employees get their problem codes removed from their personnel files. I know of many former DOE employees who have problem codes in their personnel files because they declined to be vaccinated in violation of the DOE's mandate and were not granted a religious or medical exemption. The DOE places a problem code on the employee's personnel file immediately upon getting information that the employee did not submit proof of vaccination. As soon as the employee gets the vaccination and submits proof, the code is removed from his or her file.
Combier is experienced in these matters of flagging the uninjected, and getting these flags removed, which is important because if you’re flagged, this could lead to blocked salaries and unemployability. We all know someone who has lost their ability to provide for themselves and/or their families, don’t we, during this COVID nonsense?
In the past, at least on the surface, this kind of treatment was reserved for criminals. What happens if they re-define what being a criminal entails? They would have to redefine some definitions, I guess. Right? If you redefine the definition of criminal as someone who is uninjected, then you are justified in treating them like a criminal, right? But they can’t just change the definition, can they? Well, the definition for ‘vaccine’ has been officially re-defined 3 times for the sake up upholding the COVID mandates so why not the word criminal, as well?
Remember, this is being done because people chose natural immunity (or religious exemptions, or what have you) over being injected with experimental injectable products that
have lamentable safety profiles
are ineffective at preventing transmission
are associated with higher rates of COVID and immune compromisation
are based on not one, but two entirely novel (to humans at mass scale in context of viral pathogen) technologies that utilize the introduction of the coding template of foreign genetic material from a pathogen by lipid nanoparticle carriers with known toxicity profiles.
Remind me again, how is this good for our health? Or sorry, rather, how is the ‘greater good’ being served here? Is the greater good the game board of a handful of psychopaths hell-bent on creating a sick and dependent slave cache? Because if that’s the case, I am not entirely sure that you have the majority vote on that one.
Once again, I am sharing this because, for me, this comes down to people being told the truth and/or learning it for themselves. I don’t think most people are aware that this is happening right under their noses. Too many distractions, yeah?
Please talk about this to your neighbors, the person in line at the supermarket, or to the other parents in the park: shake up someone’s foundation today by letting them know that this IS HAPPENING NOW.
In Australia, it "feels" as if it has all gone quiet, so I get a shock when a hear a personal story of some continued or new extreme injustice. We are just not noticing it as much, but it is all still bubbling away under the surface. Thankyou for your continued vigilance.
Please keep it coming, i'm hoping the tendrils of truth that come from you, Peter Mc, Joseph Mercola, etc. will act like capillaries and feed larger and larger avenues of awareness so that people will start to see the insanity that is going on. Thank you once again for the time effort and energy that you are putting into this, it's nice to be on the right side of history, and you definitely are!