You have made an important statement here: "Among non-Star Trek things best left unexplored are gene therapies dressed up as vaccines in the hands of maniacs.".....
I read that important statement, and then wondered: "How do we 'best leave unexplored' the 'gene therapies dressed up as vaccines in the hands of maniacs' when they are building factories globally (eg, in my Australia) to churn out more of these? Don't we have to name them as the transfections that they are, educate people about the failed history of transfection (apart from the research lab in which animals transfected must be sacrificed soon afterward lest the effect of transfection be destroyed by the animal's immune system)? Calling out the contamination and other flaws in the Covid jabs might just leave the maniacs some wiggle room to claim they've "cleaned them up now" so the factories can keep lubricated for the mythological next pandemic, no?
This is exactly why some part of the Fermi Paradox may be the most central point - that if advanced civilizations existed elsewhere or before us, there is a likelihood that they reached a certain point in their technological advancement where they inevitably destroyed themselves, and that would be in large part thanks to scientific hubris.
It seems we have reached that. point of progression to “destroying ourselves”. Our societies seem to be evolving in reverse. Eating bugs instead of meat, chemicals disguised as medicine to solve diseases, no more fossil fuels, etc.
re: "Some things are best unexplored and it takes a very strong-minded person to not only understand this about themself, but to act on it - especially when everyone around them is pushing them to go ahead and explore." yes, this is true. At the same time, when we ask to "explore" the dangers of vaccines, we must stick with:
"Some things MUST BE explored ... - especially when everyone around them is actively avoiding the conversation."
I don't know how or why or from where, dear Jessica, but you have the wisdom of sages. Almost each and every paragraphs of this piece demonstrated that. I know you're deeply loved and respected in this community, and you so deserve that. So many things to admire, but most of all I admire the way you navigate through difficulties and frustrations with so much grace. It's like all the challenges only serve to make you better, and I have been citing you as an example to others for a while now because I've seen a number of others in this movement turn bitter. Obviously better is better than bitter!
Your words are inspiring and I can relate to your message. You're setting an example for us in your unique quirky way. Being the brave one as well as knowing your limits. Being yourself. It's just what we need in this battle.
Not familiar w/ any Star Trek other than the 60s version but my vote for a show that taught lessons about human nature would be the 1960s Twilight Zone series.
i personally hate the episodes where the counsellor has a bad feeling about something or someone but cannot say why so everyone ignores her. surely their 25th century science would have put some parameters on the utility of the empathic ability?
"The modified mRNA-LNP platform got normalized through the process of playing out the COVIDrama. That shouldn’t have been allowed to happen. At this point in time, I believe that admittance of the known harms associated with/caused by these products would not only result in the prevention of the loss of a great deal of public support, but end up in the gain of massive amounts of respect en masse aimed toward anyone willing to publicly admit that it was a mistake to allow these experimental injections to be inserted into millions of Americans.
There is so much power in being humble enough to admit to making a mistake. "
It's likely everyone here remembers Margaret Anna Alice "Mistakes Were Not Made" there's a Tess Laurie reading that was viral.. it's brilliant and worth listening multiple times so the reality penetrates.. it was murder & lies, both continue.
Nobody with any virology or vaccinology or bench biology experience should have let the decades old bench tool of TRANSFECTION to be rolled out as a human medicine or kept silent as rebranding commodity products as experimental vaccines was echoed in every media platform. From 1999 Biotech death of Jesse Gelsinger it was KNOWN novel proteins even to repair fatal genetic flaw will trigger auto-immune response EVERY transplant patient has but rather than a single organ the entire body is a toxic cell factory.
Now in year five of this psyop and criminal medical experiment there is no way to claim lies and murder were mistakes and silence anything but profound ignorance, cowardice or fraud.
Well said Pamela. Maybe some are silent because they know how dangerous the maniacs are when you get in the way of their billion-dollar-pandemic-industry plans? Just a thought...not a recommendation...
“ There is a way out of the current mess that we are in, and we will find it, but I would hope that we could minimize the damages along the way. A lot of lives have been destroyed over the past four years. I feel it and see it every day. Most empathetic people do. It is in our best interest to look to do what’s best for as many people as possible in order to even conceive of winning the battle between good and evil, and this is surely the task at hand.
Evil wears many masks, and is a treacherous trickster. Sometimes, it appears as a shiny magical lure that leads down paths that appear to be wondrous and progressive. Money, fame, ‘power’. Lures.
We must show up to battle, see with more than our eyes, and dare to be bold enough not to wander - guided by hubris - into uncharted territory especially in the realm of genetics.
We might not win, but we’re gonna fight their narrow minds.
The future’s ours”
I concur completely, never truer sentiments and words shared… the future is ours and we must never ever forget or give up our quest to hold responsible those who orchestrated and benefitted from for example .. the Scamdemic, yet there exists many other episodes we have collectively experienced, some just recently, that demand we embark on a quest to find the truth as ought apply.
We live in strange times, an upside down, inverted world, a world of unmitigated chaos, more so given some of the recent events we have been subjected to… such as the Balloon, Drones, the two recent events in Vegas and New Orleans whereby it rightly can be said as has been said by some, “it feels that we are being played, that we are a part of a massive psyop, up is down, black is white, down is up, exposed as we are to the obtuse, as many of the people we ought be able to rely on for truthful disclosure and insights, all seem to obfuscate, drip feeding information to us comprised when examined more closely and rigorously as just being so patently non sensical, of not making sense leaves one believing this psyop we are living has been ratcheted up a few levels up from the psyop that we were first exposed to and experienced under the recent Covid debacle.
Hence, the use of the word Evil to describe such dilettante behaviour is a great and just moniker to describe apparent nascent behaviour and an agenda to deflect and confuse as we not only confusion abounds but equally discord from what to us is reality, that which we are living and experiencing, in the process such, creating and contributing to the chaos we feel around us, many feeling and noting a feeling of helplessness, as if we are as opined above…. merely being toyed with, played with and that is what I define as pure evil.
Pray we get to the truth of all that is and has happened including the truth behind the fraud that was J6, 9/11, Oaklahoma Fed Building take down… UHC Exec Shooting, Drones, Balloons, Vegas, New Orleans, Trump assassination attempts, JFK assassination, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, there is so much we don’t know, that we’ve been given tid bits of, just enough but never enough… and though some of the issue’s aforementioned have resulted in scraps of detail provided, detail provided it seems is always insufficient to fully slam the door shut on the issue, as a result similar limited information feedback applicable recent events we have learned of leave many feeling they are being psychologically toyed with.
Because of this liberal abuse of our mindset, it is incumbent upon each of us to do all we can to apply the disinfectant of truth to the diet of darkness we are being forced fed…I for one believe in truth being and becoming self evident, always starting as a trickle before morphing as typically occasions, into a torrent, taking on is invariably it does a life force of its own… we must all keep challenging and searching for truth when it is apparent we are being misled, lied unto especially by government and those who hold positions of privilege, of power and of real authority… who know truth but refuse to share such, doing so is not only crass and outmoded behaviour but is purposeful creating ambiguity, a red flag… never ever to be accepted, just saying.
Excellent article and hindsight. Maybe there is a way out under the new Administration and hopefully the nation learns from it all. Nothing worse than repeating this kind of history. All these killer vaccines should be banned globally. As well as assaulting our atmosphere to modify the weather for evil or dumping toxins to harness or eliminate the beautiful sun
Sorry, not finished: In other words, “I don’t know what I don’t know”. Then am I not obligated to discover what I don’t know? Especially, that which I do not know about ideas that have very consequential outcomes, like the Covid shots and the mRNA platform. So, I am passionate about pursuing the withdrawal of the mRNA platform because I know the plans are to greatly increase the use of this deadly and injurious platform.
I was surprised to get a "like"- amazed you took time. I am a fan and I am going to humbly ask for your expertise and a little more of your valuable r(ightly protected) time. I am writing a mRNA paper calling for the withdrawal of the Covid "vax". The target audience is a naive public who should not be shamed because they only know the pharma narrative. Is it possible you (or a colleague) would provide advice? Text 512-922-5256 to continue the conversation. I haven't seen much like it and, perhaps it has a chance to be helpful in some way. Bart Bratcher
You have made an important statement here: "Among non-Star Trek things best left unexplored are gene therapies dressed up as vaccines in the hands of maniacs.".....
I read that important statement, and then wondered: "How do we 'best leave unexplored' the 'gene therapies dressed up as vaccines in the hands of maniacs' when they are building factories globally (eg, in my Australia) to churn out more of these? Don't we have to name them as the transfections that they are, educate people about the failed history of transfection (apart from the research lab in which animals transfected must be sacrificed soon afterward lest the effect of transfection be destroyed by the animal's immune system)? Calling out the contamination and other flaws in the Covid jabs might just leave the maniacs some wiggle room to claim they've "cleaned them up now" so the factories can keep lubricated for the mythological next pandemic, no?
THE TOTAL PHARMA CAPTURE OF SOCIETY MAPPED AND PLANED. This is deliberate, ensuring there is no accountability for big pharma and those in public health leadership roles, including politicians.
As Clint Eastwood put it, "A man's got to know his limitations."
"to know your limits and to not endeavor to open certain doors, or rather, to keep certain doors closed." Isnt this the story of Pandora's box?
Also Adam and Eve
PROFOUND Truth, Jaye!
yet, the last thing in Pandora's box was hope.
The warning label on the box should have said what level of danger was within.
This is exactly why some part of the Fermi Paradox may be the most central point - that if advanced civilizations existed elsewhere or before us, there is a likelihood that they reached a certain point in their technological advancement where they inevitably destroyed themselves, and that would be in large part thanks to scientific hubris.
Not scientific....just sheer greed.
could be tragedy of the commons too
That's the theory projected in the cult 50/60s movie Forbidden Planet.
It seems we have reached that. point of progression to “destroying ourselves”. Our societies seem to be evolving in reverse. Eating bugs instead of meat, chemicals disguised as medicine to solve diseases, no more fossil fuels, etc.
Read Timothy Alberino, Birthright. There are and have been other civilizations.
re: "Some things are best unexplored and it takes a very strong-minded person to not only understand this about themself, but to act on it - especially when everyone around them is pushing them to go ahead and explore." yes, this is true. At the same time, when we ask to "explore" the dangers of vaccines, we must stick with:
"Some things MUST BE explored ... - especially when everyone around them is actively avoiding the conversation."
In our house we refer to thoughtless hubris as Gatesian….
I don't know how or why or from where, dear Jessica, but you have the wisdom of sages. Almost each and every paragraphs of this piece demonstrated that. I know you're deeply loved and respected in this community, and you so deserve that. So many things to admire, but most of all I admire the way you navigate through difficulties and frustrations with so much grace. It's like all the challenges only serve to make you better, and I have been citing you as an example to others for a while now because I've seen a number of others in this movement turn bitter. Obviously better is better than bitter!
wow. i am very touched by your words. thank you :)
Your words are inspiring and I can relate to your message. You're setting an example for us in your unique quirky way. Being the brave one as well as knowing your limits. Being yourself. It's just what we need in this battle.
When you step into the ring, you'd better be prepared to fight, or you WILL lose.
"On over-riding hubris"
My time has finally come - muahaha :P!
which horse do you ride for this?
I love the Voyager reference!
I think Star Trek episodes should be shown and discussed in schools.
They provide so many examples of so much and the characters are so relatable.
Not familiar w/ any Star Trek other than the 60s version but my vote for a show that taught lessons about human nature would be the 1960s Twilight Zone series.
mostly agree but maybe not the newest stuff. sadly, its lost its edge. Gene is churning in his urn.
i personally hate the episodes where the counsellor has a bad feeling about something or someone but cannot say why so everyone ignores her. surely their 25th century science would have put some parameters on the utility of the empathic ability?
"The modified mRNA-LNP platform got normalized through the process of playing out the COVIDrama. That shouldn’t have been allowed to happen. At this point in time, I believe that admittance of the known harms associated with/caused by these products would not only result in the prevention of the loss of a great deal of public support, but end up in the gain of massive amounts of respect en masse aimed toward anyone willing to publicly admit that it was a mistake to allow these experimental injections to be inserted into millions of Americans.
There is so much power in being humble enough to admit to making a mistake. "
It's likely everyone here remembers Margaret Anna Alice "Mistakes Were Not Made" there's a Tess Laurie reading that was viral.. it's brilliant and worth listening multiple times so the reality penetrates.. it was murder & lies, both continue.
Nobody with any virology or vaccinology or bench biology experience should have let the decades old bench tool of TRANSFECTION to be rolled out as a human medicine or kept silent as rebranding commodity products as experimental vaccines was echoed in every media platform. From 1999 Biotech death of Jesse Gelsinger it was KNOWN novel proteins even to repair fatal genetic flaw will trigger auto-immune response EVERY transplant patient has but rather than a single organ the entire body is a toxic cell factory.
Now in year five of this psyop and criminal medical experiment there is no way to claim lies and murder were mistakes and silence anything but profound ignorance, cowardice or fraud.
Well said Pamela. Maybe some are silent because they know how dangerous the maniacs are when you get in the way of their billion-dollar-pandemic-industry plans? Just a thought...not a recommendation...
Hi J.R,
As has been so very well written in your post..
“ There is a way out of the current mess that we are in, and we will find it, but I would hope that we could minimize the damages along the way. A lot of lives have been destroyed over the past four years. I feel it and see it every day. Most empathetic people do. It is in our best interest to look to do what’s best for as many people as possible in order to even conceive of winning the battle between good and evil, and this is surely the task at hand.
Evil wears many masks, and is a treacherous trickster. Sometimes, it appears as a shiny magical lure that leads down paths that appear to be wondrous and progressive. Money, fame, ‘power’. Lures.
We must show up to battle, see with more than our eyes, and dare to be bold enough not to wander - guided by hubris - into uncharted territory especially in the realm of genetics.
We might not win, but we’re gonna fight their narrow minds.
The future’s ours”
I concur completely, never truer sentiments and words shared… the future is ours and we must never ever forget or give up our quest to hold responsible those who orchestrated and benefitted from for example .. the Scamdemic, yet there exists many other episodes we have collectively experienced, some just recently, that demand we embark on a quest to find the truth as ought apply.
We live in strange times, an upside down, inverted world, a world of unmitigated chaos, more so given some of the recent events we have been subjected to… such as the Balloon, Drones, the two recent events in Vegas and New Orleans whereby it rightly can be said as has been said by some, “it feels that we are being played, that we are a part of a massive psyop, up is down, black is white, down is up, exposed as we are to the obtuse, as many of the people we ought be able to rely on for truthful disclosure and insights, all seem to obfuscate, drip feeding information to us comprised when examined more closely and rigorously as just being so patently non sensical, of not making sense leaves one believing this psyop we are living has been ratcheted up a few levels up from the psyop that we were first exposed to and experienced under the recent Covid debacle.
Hence, the use of the word Evil to describe such dilettante behaviour is a great and just moniker to describe apparent nascent behaviour and an agenda to deflect and confuse as we not only confusion abounds but equally discord from what to us is reality, that which we are living and experiencing, in the process such, creating and contributing to the chaos we feel around us, many feeling and noting a feeling of helplessness, as if we are as opined above…. merely being toyed with, played with and that is what I define as pure evil.
Pray we get to the truth of all that is and has happened including the truth behind the fraud that was J6, 9/11, Oaklahoma Fed Building take down… UHC Exec Shooting, Drones, Balloons, Vegas, New Orleans, Trump assassination attempts, JFK assassination, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, there is so much we don’t know, that we’ve been given tid bits of, just enough but never enough… and though some of the issue’s aforementioned have resulted in scraps of detail provided, detail provided it seems is always insufficient to fully slam the door shut on the issue, as a result similar limited information feedback applicable recent events we have learned of leave many feeling they are being psychologically toyed with.
Because of this liberal abuse of our mindset, it is incumbent upon each of us to do all we can to apply the disinfectant of truth to the diet of darkness we are being forced fed…I for one believe in truth being and becoming self evident, always starting as a trickle before morphing as typically occasions, into a torrent, taking on is invariably it does a life force of its own… we must all keep challenging and searching for truth when it is apparent we are being misled, lied unto especially by government and those who hold positions of privilege, of power and of real authority… who know truth but refuse to share such, doing so is not only crass and outmoded behaviour but is purposeful creating ambiguity, a red flag… never ever to be accepted, just saying.
Kia Kaha from New Zealand
well to be fair, 'we're gonna fight their narrow minds. the future's ours' is a lyric from 'we're gonna fight' by 7 seconds :)
Humility or having humbleness, is an very underrated super power.😉
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Humbleness and humility … these traits are slowly disappearing in the human race , sadly .
Excellent article and hindsight. Maybe there is a way out under the new Administration and hopefully the nation learns from it all. Nothing worse than repeating this kind of history. All these killer vaccines should be banned globally. As well as assaulting our atmosphere to modify the weather for evil or dumping toxins to harness or eliminate the beautiful sun
Thank you for recognizing the dilemma of many. Lecrae sings: “if all you see is what you see, then what you see is not all there is to see…”
Sorry, not finished: In other words, “I don’t know what I don’t know”. Then am I not obligated to discover what I don’t know? Especially, that which I do not know about ideas that have very consequential outcomes, like the Covid shots and the mRNA platform. So, I am passionate about pursuing the withdrawal of the mRNA platform because I know the plans are to greatly increase the use of this deadly and injurious platform.
I was surprised to get a "like"- amazed you took time. I am a fan and I am going to humbly ask for your expertise and a little more of your valuable r(ightly protected) time. I am writing a mRNA paper calling for the withdrawal of the Covid "vax". The target audience is a naive public who should not be shamed because they only know the pharma narrative. Is it possible you (or a colleague) would provide advice? Text 512-922-5256 to continue the conversation. I haven't seen much like it and, perhaps it has a chance to be helpful in some way. Bart Bratcher