It was made almost impossible to record a death or injury by vaccine as it took an hour to fill out the form and very often it logged out and the whole process had to be re recorded Many Medical workers Doctors did not have the time

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It doesnt matter what is actually logged.TGA just ignore it.And rewrite it.

Both staff members claim the TGA does not overrule the cause of death from health professionals or coroners.

Then admit they do.

Media will not touch this as it “might cause vaxx hesitancy”

Professor Rawler-1.13 "the TGA is not in the practise of overruling the causes of death determined by a coroner or a treating health professional"

Dr Larter-2.34 "we do not overrule the decisions of coroners or the cause of death.

What we do is consider the cause of death using the WHO causality assessment framework

Where a case is being causally linked to vaccination, we did publish those in our weekly reports.And where cases were considered by a vaccine safety investigation group and they were found not to be causally linked they are also published.

(An individual death related to the vaccine determined by a coroner or health practioner is brought in)

4.15 Using the WHO causality assessment framework it has not been assessed as being causally linked which is why it has not been published as one of the 14 deaths associated with the vaccination.


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It's also why during the supposed pandemic, coroner reports and investigations were discouraged and stopped in most cases.😐 Still yet to have many coroner whistleblowers come forward describing the coercion from governments, like the medical regulatory bodies did to Drs, etc.

Also have a look at the WHO framework prior to 2020 and have a look at it now.😉

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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There in lies the problem, they are using the WHO causality framework and not one that was designed and scientifically tested by Australians for Australians. This is what happens when Government abrogate their responsibility to statutory authorities or third parties. The reason they do this is to divest themselves of any risk ownership and liability.

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Yes.we know this.I just wrote it.You are rephrasing everything I just wrote. :)

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Did I? No mention of an Australian Causality framework in your comment, no mention of TGA and government appetite for tolerance and management of residual risk.

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Yes you did..why not just read again what I wrote instead of trying to be "witty"..The ACF was the use of the WHO report I mentioned...do try harder ...

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I read what you wrote the first time, you must be having a bad day, cos your nose has gotten out of joint and now you add nothing of value. Insults are the words of the weak. Epic fail. All the same, you have a really nice day.

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It’s all such a crime against humanity. One aspect that I can never wrap my head around is just how MANY people were complicit in this travesty to allow it to actually happen… is it the majority of the medical industry? What was with the dancing TikTok hospital staff videos during a “pandemic”? What was with all the censorship? How was it aligned across governments, across countries, across major corporations, media, and more? That alignment in fostering (yet hiding) something so diabolical is terrifying… and we all suffer for it, even our precious infants who are are the most vulnerable. It devastates me…

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Elroy - I pray all day, everyday for humanity. I too, can't wrap my head or heart around the evil we are witnessing. This is Spiritual warfare, good vs evil. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves continue to speak TRUTH to medical tyranny. God bless us all ...

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Susan, please read the response to Elroy's post above:


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Trump is responsible for CoVax


That's how effed up this is.

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Well, the orange man doesn’t get a pass, but things aren’t quite what they seem.

First, if the jabs weren’t rolled out, the world would have stayed on lockdown for a LONG time (I’ve heard up to 9 years, and I can confirm corporations were planning for it (mine was)).

Second, there was fraud in what was delivered in the jab products verses what was asked by the government. As Sydney Powell says, “fraud vitiates everything”.

Third, there was more to operation Warp Speed than the public saw. Just look at who coordinated it (as in actually coordinated things) and where it was out of… there sure was a lot of military equipment shuffled around during that time.

Fourth, Trump is playing a role. Think game theory. You’ll see changes in his conduct as things move forward (because it’s time for it; his role is changing).

Lastly, Trump was asked to play this role. I mean, doesn’t it strike you strange that a wealthy real estate developer came out of nowhere to snag the 2016 Republican nomination? And then won the presidency via the electoral college angle? Do you think that happened organically? There is way more to the story (not much happens organically).

All the players in “the game” of politics are sharks. Don’t put your trust in any of them, but don’t be so quick to condemn them either. What’s going down truly is a “game”… a game of thrones.

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Project Predict.


NIH coronavirus vaccine patents ‘02 via UNC CH w Ralph Baric.

Metabiota 2014 contracts w US BTRP in UKR. Labs confirmed by VN under oath.

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👆 Boom! Spot on… and much more beyond that!

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And they always find excuses for Trump and they become more and more absurd excuses as the evidence of what he refuses to discuss and has done becomes absolutely clear.

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What do you want him to discuss exactly? Mosybppl still have their heads in the sand. All it took for their awareness to dissipate was one Luigi and some drones.

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How can you in good consciousness write this type stuff?

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He exalts himself on the jab project regularly and recently. Doesn't he care at all as his true believers march for their fourth, fifth and more? My consciousness isn't good, it is in top condition. I check my facts, truth on the ground and ego regularly. Anyone putting the blinders on now should self examine tout suite.

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"One aspect that I can never wrap my head around is just how MANY people were complicit in this travesty to allow it to actually happen."

Almost every governor went along with the scam including republican governors which I thought strange since they routinely spout that they are for freedom and yet they removed our freedoms to go to church or play outside while liquor stores and casinos stayed open. Why people didn’t rise up over that nonsense is beyond me.

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Absolutely! Corruption is rampant (which is why executive order 13818 declares exactly that, and lays out what they’re doing about it, and is currently active and renewed by the current administration)!

Did you notice that (early on in Covid) there were several leaders in Africa who refused to purchase the jabs? And each one was either assassinated or had an attempted assassination, and in each case those countries finally capitulated and bought in.

That level of worldwide influence, corruption, and control is deeply terrifying. No political party is immune to it. What kind of a power structure can facilitate that?!?

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Yes I remember this clearly. Remember how all major companies and corporations forced their employees to take the jab or lose their job. We can also understand why natural immunity was not accepted has a reason for not taking the jab.

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In my opinion, only a Satanic power would be one to do that, or to be ABLE to do it. WE have an "adversary" which, at this point in time, most folks have little understanding of his motive, his modes of operation, and his will to defend his position as "ruler of this world." His day is coming, but not until we all get a good dowsing of evil and thereby given a choice to make. Either we face persecution for the cause of God, or we are allowed to exist without it, for a space. Those who make the right choice will be given Grace toward Repentance and subsequently Redemption, but those who persist in the protecting of "self" will be eliminated and consumed in the final process of Judgement of this world by Christ Himself.


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It was well planned in advance and I guess to use common lingo: " There are many rabbit it holes to go down."

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How would they know it was a scale?

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I once couldn't fathom the evil beyond greed that

sustains this years-long catastrophe, but consider:

1 ) Vague public understanding of vaccines

from Spanish flu-over 100 years ago.

Little to no public knowledge of epidemiology.

2 ) Poor understanding of vaccines (& epidemiology) by those

who prescribe and administer them.

3 ) Covid Cartel spending focused on existing

lines of authority,mostly private, but including

NON- ELECTED heads of government agencies, and

boards, and licensing entities. (People who could

order others without spending money.)

No spending that would be subject to campaigns,

voters, agency interpretations, politics or vetoes.

4 ) DARPA may have used some of those

magic disappearing dollars from the 6 years of audits

in a row the Pentagon couldn't reconcile.

5 ) It doesn't get talked about much but it

wouldn't be hard to imagine that Eugenishits

are helping wherever they can.

6 ) 50 years ago public protests over lesser

crimes and injustices led to violence, riots and deaths

We are inexplicably COMPLACENT about

recent crimes and circumstances.

Those tinfoil-hat stories about chem trails

turned out to be real. It would be interesting

to test air, water, food, cleansing

and grooming products!


Not a complete list, but it puts the magnitude in perspective.

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Excellent points, Marty! It’s all quite unbelievable. What you wrote made me think of a recent discussion I heard where people from other countries are much more aware of what is happening in the world (which is why they protest en masse), and they all say that “Americans are asleep”… and we have been! I was for a big portion of my life (more confused by what was happening than anything); I’m uncomfortably awake at this point… and if I’m awake, then I know so many more people are, too, just like yourself.

Again, great points you call out!

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Because of the campaign to undermine the USA from within, since from without is not feasible. The "dumbing down" of the States has been successful and anyone denying it has their heads in the sand. Respectfully speaking, as a Christian aught to.

Your question has a history to be uncovered in order to fully grasp its depth.


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Elroy, my brother,

We're all brothers and sisters so that should not alarm you. In reading your comment, my heart goes out to you, but also to those who your post most likely describes others' sentiments as well. I always try to comment for that purpose in a way that will help those curious, to understand the "whys, wherefores, who and what" the agenda truly is, and how it has been created, implemented, and successfully fomented in the ways that we all can attest to.

There is a load of info to sort through, but once on the trail, the scent can, like a good hound, be followed without diversion. Diversionary tactics will be certainly applied in hopes to remain in the shadows, but Truth has its supporting entities as well! We HAVE a God!

Just FYI: If you look into the secret societies, you will quickly discover their Pagan ancestry and that many of which even overtly admit their "leader" to be Lucifer himself! This should open the eyes of anyone searching. The leading, controlling "society" is that of the Roman System of religion, called (believe it or not) "The Society of Jesus." But it is a military organization hell-bent on restoring the Catholic power as it was in the Dark Ages. Below that organization, the others like the Freemasons can be found with associated agendas which are in subservient positions of the top of the "pyramid". This may seem all too crazy for the minds of the normal people, but take a step back and see for yourself. Look into all that you can, in order to ascertain their modes of operation, and how EVERY enterprise and government in the world has been infiltrated by these chameleons for the wicked pursuit of full control of the hearts and minds of mankind. Satan, of course is actually at the TOP of the pyramid (ie. the all seeing eye of Lucifer".) Check out the rear of the US Dollar.

That should keep you busy for a few years at least! Happy discovery!

Yours in the Redeemer, Jesus Christ,


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Oh my… Ray, my brother in Christ, you are awake and aware! You’re touching on many of the deeper topics I’ve been researching for the past many years, and you are so correct that when you follow the trail and dig, you find they all go back to the same epicenter: Satanic worship and agendas.

All the history of names like Adam Weishaupt, Alister Crowley, Jack Parsons, and on and on… one can follow civilizations from the Khazarians back to Sumerians…. It all leads back to Baal, Baphomet, and ultimately Satan. So sad.

Yes, it is truly infiltration… and each time I see it, it reminds of the biblical parable of the wheat and the tares, and how the tares are infiltrated within the wheat, yet they can’t be pulled out, but upon harvest time, the tares will be dealt with.

Back in 2017, I had something unethical purposely done to me in the workplace (high-level corporate type environment), and the executives who did it to me are what I’ve come to learn are what’s called “affably evil”… I didn’t see it coming, and it was a massive betrayal of trust. It was so wrong and hit so deep that it was the catalyst to waking me up to what’s really happening in the world… and when I dug deeper to learn more (based on what I found), I realized what happened to me was actually superficial in comparison to what others have been subjected to. Ooof, there’s evil out there WAY worse than what I encountered. Again, so sad.

I’ve come to grips with acknowledging the corruption and criminal behavior as a reality in our world, but in my journey, I also came across the deeper truth of what they’ve done to our little ones… I can’t get past that. I also found it’s way closer to home than I ever thought possible. It’s in my workplace. A renowned CEO had art pieces on his office wall from the “The Meat Show” collection from artist Mark Ryden… it’s wicked stuff (if you know what it represents, then you truly are informed), and this CEO had it right front-and-center in his executive workplace office. His “obscure” office art has been highly publicized in magazines and articles as “quirky”. It’s not quirky, it’s representative, and it’s displayed publicly to show fealty to those who control the show… plus it turns out many famous people also have “The Meat Show” art displayed front and center on their Instagram and other high-visibility realms. Last year actress Jamie Lee Curtis got caught with similar art in her home. It’s everywhere within the rich and famous. Sad and terrifying.

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Brother Elroy,

Have a look at this presentation. It should clear a few things up.


In the Truth of God,


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That is a great listen (thanks for the link!)… it’s difficult to come to grips with how deceptive and infiltrating “they” are. I think I heard a statement in there of ‘only God can confront and challenge Satan’, and that resonated with me in that the devil and his minions are SO crafty, SO deceptive, manipulative, and twisted that we humans can’t compete within their game. The only chance we have is to “put on the armor of God”, “be as sly as a serpent and harmless as a dove”, stay on His “narrow path”, “be in the world and not of the world”, and lastly “be the salt”. I’ve come to the understanding that since we are all born sinners, we are hedonistic by nature, and we have to stop and listen and reflect to be able to wake up and hear His calling, I realize that once we do, our role is to be one of God’s salty little recovering-sinners working to spread His light. It sounds weird putting it that way, but once you stand in God’s light, you understand. I can attest, it’s a strange transformation (at least it was for me).

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Wonderful remarks, Brother Elroy!

If I may: It's been written that without the Holy Spirit's attendance, it is impossible to obtain that "change of heart" which I trust you are alluding to. Our hearts are naturally evil and wicked, selfish and single-minded. We all need to ask of the H.S. to attend our needs in that respect, and change our "stony hearts" into hearts of flesh; being kind, soft, subdued, patient, forbearing, obedient, respectful, loving, etc... , looking outwardly to our brothers and sisters in Christ, instead of inward to our selves. And yes, for sure, the transformation is a "strange one." We are to be a "spectacle" to the world.

Somehow, it would be helpful to learn how many among the readers here are gaining any insight by what they read. That would be very interesting in my opinion. "Divine Connections" and "Scriptures Illustrator" on YouTube are relatively new productions. The two are so very similar! In fact I would have to assume they share the same maker. But why would they be separate?

The presentations of both are, so far, straight up. They depict amazing graphics, so real-looking, it's mind boggling to consider that they could be digital!

Anyway, pointing to YouTube, it would seem that folks would find that far more comfortable and educational, than reading over posts like ours here.

But I for one am grateful to read your words, Elroy. It's good to know you, and if we are graced to remain in the "Lamb's Book of Life," then we'll have been blessed and gifted to become better acquainted more fully in the future.

Thank you for your friendship here and now, however.

Yours in the Battle for souls,


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Brother Elroy!

Yes you're right on point yourself~!

I have not known of the "meat" pics display, but am not shocked or dismayed by anything of that nature. Some "diva" made an appearance on TV some time ago wearing a dress made of pure meat. Remember that? I suppose it has a link to what you have made mention of.

Christians continue to look for Justice in this world-wide "sandbox" of Satan's, where "stuff" is buried that does not smell nice. You must have noticed in this forum, that 90% of the commenters are put off by what they've learned and experienced in these past four years. They all want justice. Who doesn't? Many suggest means to acquire it, but fail to note that it is an untenable goal when the very systems involved are fully corrupt. You found that out. So have I. It's unsettling for sure, but that corresponds with how much a person has uncovered Truth.

When a person considers how evil the practice of sacrificing children to "Molech," was, and then sees how the modern med system does it on a broad scale, it will open eyes to who really dominates things of this wicked world. But Satan is restricted to a degree. He can do so much more if allowed. (see the book of Job).

As for "lady" Justice, we all will have to wait for Jesus to come for the final act of obtaining righteous Judgement. But the seven last plagues will perform their task on the wicked throng previous to the Event. That's some justice, but there's more to come for them.

I pray that I will be among those protected by God during that tumultuous time. Thank you for your brotherhood and straight comments!

Stay prayed up always!

Yours in the King of kings.


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I can tell by your words that you, too, have personally bumped up against the evil of this world, and you are correct in that one won’t see it until they push up against it. Although, I didn’t encroach on the evil, rather it came after me because I created something it wanted (I created a highly successful consumer product you could readily search up if I told you what it was; “they” wanted the credit and reward for it, and they came after me to get it… and they got it). I can share testimony that I knew nothing of how to handle/deal/address any of it, so I prayed and (as cliche as it sounds) asked Jesus to “take the wheel”. In so, He did, and I found myself confronting “them” and what “they” did in ways I never thought I would or could. In the end, I didn’t “win”, but I sure shined a light (His light) on their evil and it crippled their ability.

With that, I agree that we can never eradicate the evil from this world, but I can testify that we (serving as “salt” of the Lord) can most definitely mitigate the evil around us. Bonding together in Christ, we can push back and spread His light.

Yes, God is clearly restraining and curtailing the ability of evil in this word, and at this point in my life, I sure have the sense God is asking people to go to battle against the evil in His name. One can only be successful if they “put on the armor of God”.

For me, it’s been quite uncomfortable, stressful, and left me a bit traumatized, but I have felt His call to me (from inside) to keep getting in the fight and mitigate the evil when I encounter it., and I will follow His lead.

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Brother E!

Wow. Thank you kindly for sharing that insight with yours truly! I'd like to know of that product or service you speak of which "they" desired to obtain from you without pay. If you would, contact me at beastbadger@yahoo.com and we can write privately there about stuff like that. I'm extremely interested in the promotion of ideas and products. And I'd like to bounce a few off you for fun. We don't really have a lot of spare "probationary" time to mess around with "worldly" endeavors, but if we would think constructively, we can (with the H.S.'s guidance) bring things with a divine intention together with things of a more temporal leaning. (Ministry of a sort, if you will.)

Mail me with the temporal ideas you had dealt with, or are dealing with, and I'll share what I've been up to as well. After all, we're in this thing together, wearing similar coats of mail, carrying the same banner, and following the same Majestic Leader, (who, by the way has NEVER lost a battle!)

Yours in the fight for souls,


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How very sad that parents felt they should inject babies with an experimental jab!

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Please pray for my grandbaby and all the others whose parents continue to believe they're saving their precious littles when they're harming them.

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Oh God. Just gets worse doesn't it. Thank you for your diligent work.

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thanks for you do; the careful analysis and recording; we certainly can't trust a word the TGA write; their previous head, Skerritt, was it seems an expert on wheat: https://www.reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au/who-is-john/

" for 20 years wrote all his papers on wheat. An expert on wheat is approving vaccines and making decisions on treatment. Before being appointed to the TGA position in 2012, he was deputy secretary of Primary Industries, Victoria. Yes, Agriculture again."

just what they were looking for

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I am sorry to see this, and there are many ways that it could come to be this way, and many underreportings in various other age groups, but I am still just saddened to see this...


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thanks so much for your work and incredible research, Australia vaers information disturbing and I can only imagine the level of corruption and deceit that is uncovered in the next few years regarding this, what is frightening is many are not even willing to acknowledge that something very evil has occurred during the past few years, often I will say to someone that is asleep, --you do realize there are toxins/ poisons in our food , air, water, medicine, how do you think they got there, and I usually get a deer in headlights stare.... also, was that you on the surfboard a few months back.. gorgeous girl on surfboard....if you are ever in NY , look me up for coffee😊😊

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Quoting Michael -

“…what is frightening is many are not even willing to acknowledge that something very evil has occurred during the past few years…”

Yes, evil indeed - and near the top of the list of organisations that have been most complicit in hiding the true nature of the satanic global rollout of these dangerous injectable genetic substances are the people who inhabit the corporate media. These are the people who posture as ‘the experts’ in world affairs and who make their money trading and opining on the misfortune of others – but in the case of the extraordinary scale and depth of injury and death caused by the Covid mRNA genetic injectables, the unworthy creatures of the corporate media have remained completely silent.

All those talking heads on the nightly ‘News’ who so authoritatively describe the drama of what is happening in the world every day have been exposed as the fakes that they always were - shown up by their failure to report the extraordinary rate of death and injury caused by the mRNA injectables. If you want to see an example of how contrived the fake messages routinely pumped out by the corporate media really are, then watch this 60 second video-clip:


Now have a think about what this means. We live in a phoney reality that is effectively constructed for us by what are effectively nicely-dressed paid actors reading prepared scripts from teleprompters – and the majority of people just think it is true!

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Media is no doubt complicit, but there are broader, deeper and older movements which have been orchestrated toward a pre-ordained goal of theirs. It is the Satanic intention to cause the "saints" to falter and give in to the pressures he applies to the societies of the world!


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Hey Jessica, I don’t think you meant to say “infants” in the title?

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Love a bit of compound interest

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- Regarding the use of Reader View in this & Jess's last post.

(Occurs using Gmail inbox and Firefox browser,but likely to be universal)

- Clicking on "inside the minds of" Takes you to that posting's view copy. Clicking on that takes you to the actual posting

- Clicking on the later posting, (The majority.... infants),

takes you to a 'double-header' view copy featuring BOTH posts.

w/ "infants" 1st.

- Click "INFANTS", NOT MINDS to go to the actual 'doubleheader'.

While in the doubleheader,

- clicking Reader View will show you the Infants posting only. When you back out you will be in the doubleheader.

- To use reader view on "inside the minds", you must click that topic 1st, then go in.

When you back out, you will be STUCK in "minds", NOT the doubleheader.

THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN APPARENT, except I was skimming & seeing the same colored bar graph in 2 different places/contexts & backing up out of Reader View wasn't taking me to where I started.

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JR - thank you for ALL you do to keep us informed. GOD's blessing to you always ...

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Keith Richards turns 81 today. How many jabs did he get?

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Keith "Walking Spike Protein Factory" Richards? He's had whatever booster number they're up to over there most likely. He criticized Eric Clapton for being against the shots.

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Hooray for Clapton! The Stones have sympathy for the Devil and will go to their doom.

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How about Ringo, Paul, and Mick? Are they fully jabbed too?

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Doesn't matter. There's something else protecting him. Consider the drugs, the alcohol, the STDs he no doubt contracted over many years, that didn't kill him. He's valuable to something.

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Blood transfusions from babies?

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