Awesome post!

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That double ΨGA ΨGA stop codon as "failsafe" doesn't make sense to me. They're in the *same frame*. So a +1 frameshift could actually read AΨG, starting off on a new tangent. Geeze, I stew for days sometimes on software design, trying to avoid "clever" tricks that might blow up on me, and nothing I'm working on lately endangers anyone in the slightest. What were these "geniuses" thinking anyway?

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i love that you brought this up! i am still thinking about it too.

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Tell us more .. you have been sharpest . Thank u .

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I second that. If the slip occurs on the first one, the second one does shit all.

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right! so maybe i didn't understand its purpose

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I would argue you understand its purposes far better than the manufacturers do.

Maybe the second codon was a 'virtue signal' codon used to claim 'well it can't harm you really, look at this additional seatbelt we added'. Except they've added the second seatbelt to a FORD PINTO.

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Thinking "covert assault", perhaps?

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When I was in tech, we would have called that "double fail safe" sloppy coding. We aimed for clean. Sloppy code indicated 2 things- either coder was out of depth/skill and it was a "fingers crossed patch job", workable until it wasn't and then everything broke, to simply get the job done. Or it was intentional and to enable a proposed or "wish list" functionality "work around" until a later date when client had more cash/authorisation to complete.😐😐🤔😉

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We should not do blame-shifting towards "accidental" frame-shifting.

The toxicity was no accident. The spike-protein based injections were toxic by their design. The frame-shifting may prevent the very toxic spike-protein from being produced in the cells. Could even safe some lives. Depending on what alternatives are produced.

A healthy immune system may be able to remove the irregular proteins. They are probably in low doses, because they are produced randomly.

I think old people (with weak immune systems) will have lots of protein garbage in their cells from this frame-shifting. The effect may look similar to degraded DNA, which happens with aging. Intermediate fasting (as advised by FLCCC) may help with both.

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May explain why these COVID gene therapy injections were associated with higher temporal mortality in the elderly.

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'Been noticing alot of thin haired grey heads around lately.

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The ageing process must be accelerated with all the damage.

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So the immune system takes out the garbage until it is overwhelmed. Then lights out.

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it's not that simple if amyloids/prion-like proteins are involved

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It is far more difficult. And certainly needs more research. But based on similar problems, I suspect similar reactions.

I am always amazed what a living body can manage.

Living cells are able to clean themselves. They maintain water balance and all kinds of chemical balances in normal environments. They can also clean themselves. We can see bacteria actually create some kind of poop and expel it from the cell. And bacteria are able to deal with all kinds of toxic environments.

Cells probably make some faulty proteins naturally. So I think that the cells and immune system has some tricks to deal with faulty proteins too. As long they do not stick together like prions or sticky blood clots. The vax spike protein has prion-similar structures. And that is without frame-shifting.

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Wow. Keep this article handy. 3 yrs from now it can be cited as pointing to the reason for novel rates of uncommon diseases

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well, don't like but you are likely correct

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I've been posting the Seneff et al paper since it appeared.

For the life of me I cannot understand why the regulatory authorities appear to have been asleep on this.

Heaven forbid that they may have been corrupted in some way....

Turtles all the Way Down innit.

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Simple. Just accept 'they' want you dead and the global pop 'de populated' to about 500 million, or maybe 1 billion. And guess what ? You and yours are the first to go. "they" won't be sacrificing themselves OR 'their' offspring (parasitical one and all).

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PS Global pop. currently around what, 8.5 billion? That's only 7 billion to go!

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Of course, it was predictable, they spent over 20 years developing and optimizing this product. You don’t launch a product to a market of 8 billion repeat customers, without being certain how it will fare.

Assuming good faith of some in the administrative/regulatory cohort, the product must have been perceived - and certainly was advertised - as a typical mechanism for typical “vaccines”. We will slap you once, twice or three times, and you will become immunized against further slaps.

Nobody openly and clearly emphasized that with every slap you will be taught how to slap yourself 24/7 and that you will be programmed to make this self-slapping an addiction. In fact, not even a whisper. Not even a mention in the then published literature.

They simply exploited a belief that was based on earlier scenarios - which had never been challenged with express demand of proving the entire mechanism.

PS. Jessica, a great article, as always. Thank you.

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I wonder what % of the jabbed will produce folded proteins that result in MS, dementia, and mad cow disease in the next few years, if they don't perish first from blood clots and turbo cancers?

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Or people that had MS already, manageable and dormant, but after the shots ended up on walker's and wheelchairs. I know someone. 54 years old. Terrible.

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My Nhs working friend told me a few weeks ago that there’s been a spike in mad cow cases coming through.

It came up in conversation when she was speaking about her pregnant niece not fairing well in being extremely anemic, they were talking about a transfusion as a last resort due to the rejection risk it comes with.

I told her it was best avoided if possible because of them unable to screen for cjd, said they wouldn’t mention it or that she can’t donate blood afterwards.

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And didn't those Western blots submitted to the EMA just look so clean? Which presumably means that either the Nature paper just published, or the Pfizer #blotgate "Westerns" were fraudulent.

Geez I wonder which of those it was 🤔

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It truly is a mystery rife with coincidences.

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So...Is it possible that ribosomes, the organelle that up to now has been quite reliable in translating real mRNA and turning out the correct protein, has a pretty good gatekeeper function for ignoring or dismantling mRNA that doesn't measure up properly, so that ribosomes won't produce toxic mistakes, and that gatekeeper function has been overridden by modRNA it can't refuse to obey? And once the ribosome starts making these forced mistakes it cannot stop? And could this lead to self destruction of the whole cell?

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Sadly actually 'self-destruction' of the cell might be the 'best' outcome... even when it happens in the brain or bone marrow or spinal cord or heart or lung or kidney... better to end the nightmare than to let all of nightmares out and open all the cells... cabin in the woods style...

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i know. but then when you start to think about the numbers game... it will all depend on transfection rate, location, etc...

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Yes. It is a lottery that everyone who got a shitshot was entered in, some multiple times. Without their knowledge. I d not think the chances are high that those entered will walk away with absolutely nothing. Thats why I am constantly looking for articles that try to figure out how to diagnose injuries as early as possible. You know probably better than anyone else how diverse the injuries are that can stem from a jab.

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The sheer diversity of the injuries is their smoke-screen.

Even those who are seeing numerous friends and family fall victim, or who do so themselves, aren't connecting the dots.

Rather brilliant in a diabolical way, the perfect crime - particularly when you've bought off the official investigators.

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My goodness, you can’t be doing all this for free!

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This piece is very well put together. You amaze me Jessica and I thank God that we have you (the many others like you) who are smart enough and educated enough to unravel this very complex situation. You seem to be able to explain this to normal humans in a way that is very clear and understandable. Thanks for everything you do.

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I really appreciate this comment. It was my intention. I really want everyone to see what the manufacturers - and all who pushed these 'products' onto innocent people by abusing their good intentions - have done, just to see how insidious it all was, and still is. There is mal-intention here: whether purely for greed or blood lust, it is present.

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Or if it is not merely malice and greed, might Elon Musk's observation about ant-hills be relevant?

Something along the lines of demolishing the ant-hill to build your highway 'doesn't mean that you hate ants, they are just in the way'.

What 'highway' might they be building, heading where, and who is to travel on it?

That they are greedy is understood, and indifferent to any harm caused, but what might they be aiming for? Shortening life expectancy while having complete freedom to experiment on us?

Killing or crippling most of us makes no sense at all.

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So Jessica and all the great people who are tirelessly working on this terrible tragedy we are going through, remind me a of poem I included in a post I did in December 2021. The name of poem is "To Defeat the Beast". Here is part of that poem:

When Satan walks the earth

All that is just and good

Must forge iron swords of truth and justice

To be wielded by ordinary men and women

Whose purity of heart and conviction of soul

Will give them the strength and the courage

To defeat the beast

Jessica and many others are right now forging iron swords of truth and justice.

If you want see the entire post from two years ago. "The Tick Tick Tick of the Vaccine Bomb"


Blessing to everyone in this Christmas Season. May peace be with all of you.

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Merry Christmas. May truth and justice over evil prevail.

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This new platform for "vaccines" was never a good idea. Why would anyone think that programing random cells in random organs to produce a toxic antigenic proteins is a good idea? Did these people sleep through their immunology 101 classes?

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Add self replicating modRNA to the equation... what could go wrong?

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Hi Jessica,

I know you know about this because you were an expert witness who stepped up during these hearings. ❤

For those who don't: here's an interview with Ken Drysdale who was one of 4 Commissioners sworn in to oversee the National Citizen's Inquiry into The Canadian Plandemic Response.

David Freiheit aka Viva Frei (translation: Live Free), an ex pat Canadian dissident currently living Free in Florida, provided testimony during this inquiry as well.

Here's a link to his interview:


The Rumble platform is also Canadian and was recently struck by an 8 hour "outage" however it's up and running now.

FYI: Rumble doesn't cave to take-downs, threats or coercion. Jessica Rose and many of us here on Substack don't cave either.

The NCI attorneys examined witnesses (under oath), in 8 cities across Canada, over 24 days of testimonies.

Thousands of supporting documents were provided to the Inquiry.

It is Ken Drysdale's opinion that the Canadian government and Health Canada obfuscated, propagandized, severely coerced and intimidated its citizens from March of 2020 onward.

Canadian citizens have suffered immense harm from March of 2020 until TODAY.

Most did NOT suffer these damages, and some, like Sheila Lewis, did NOT die due to the "Covid virus" at all, but due to the Canadian government's cruel and unusual RESPONSE to this "crisis".

The NCI Commission recently published its 5,300 page final report and it is blistering hot.

In a nutshell:

The result of this 8 week long self funded citizen led inquiry, in which only a single member of the Canadian government even bothered acknowledging a non-judicial summons to give testimony, and the MSM in Canada in fact IGNORED it:

The Government of Canada is guilty as hell.

But I already knew that.

More's the pity that, other than a few thousand aware souls, most Canadians will never know this inquiry ever took place.

So frickin frustrating and sad. 😢



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" in 3-5 years, those who got the proper dose, will be dead in 3- 5 years"

Dr, Doleres Cahill.

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yes. you know i do think about what she said often.

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Remember that?! I can see her standing at the podium saying that.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, too.

What happened to Cahill? Were the threats so bad she had to stop speaking out?

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In protein engineering I leant a double stop as standard not as fail save. Furthermore you normally learn to block the other 2 frames and then again the main reading frame, just to be on the sure side. Alternatively you can block the other two frames by putting silent stops in the protein area like nature does. They didn't though. They only blocked the first reading frame but not the other two. That's what I have been complaining for 2 years now.

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Dec 12, 2023
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Thank you! This is an amazing explanation. And I totally didn't mention adding stop codons to frameshift junctions! Muchas gracias!

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I did my PhD in protein engineering. To be more precise in directed evolution and gene shuffling methods. If you have questions, you can contact me.

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I need a booster for my IQ. I need to read this to expand my brain.

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don't feel lonely TDoug - I'm hanging on by my fingernails!

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The amazing thing is that after 4 years of reading all of this type of material, I actually get it!!

My eyes glaze over at graphs, but I encourage myself to read the science.

I love listening to Jessica and McKernan, it is a bit more understandable listening than reading.

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