Jessica, thank you very much for looking after women's health. This statistical approach is much needed and these publications are NOT a waste of time. Someone will notice and eventually the wrongdoers will be held to account.

If your article changes one young woman's mind it was worth it -- and I am sure that it accomplishes much more than that.

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:) thanks Igor

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Last Friday my I was told of three separate miscarriages. All of the ladies were vaxed and in their 20s.

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Fauci didn't even study this because he thinks there is "no biological plausibility". This term has been used to justify various adverse events.

From Dec. 18, 2020 at a CNN Town Hall:

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My question about the coronavirus vaccine is if the vaccine will affect male fertility. My wife and I will be trying to have a baby next year. And we were wondering if it would affect male fertility or if it would cause any harm to my wife or the baby if she were to become pregnant.

DON LEMON: Doctor?

ANTHONY FAUCI: Yes, there -- yes, there is absolutely no biological reason at all that the vaccine and the mechanism whereby it works should have any impact or any negative effect at all on fertility.

LEMON: Is that something they even looked at, at the trials? Is that part of the...

FAUCI: No, that's not. That's not part of the trial.

But you have to have a biological plausibility that it might have something to do with facility. I mean, we do a lot of different animal studies. Nothing comes up that would even make you suspect that it would have a problem with fertility.


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Dr Fauci delivers pure lies. It was a crime and it still is a crime.

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What an even-handed, honest assessment of these data! Of course that approach is no stranger in these parts, but it is encouraging to know that there are others who are likeminded and skilled at such analyses.

So what on earth was going on in May and Jun in the Rambam hospital??? Does this happen to correlate with the vaccine rollout for, say, people in their 20’s or 30’s? These data are so valuable because they actually have vaccine status as part of the dataset. I think all of the other (non-VAERS, we’ll I guess we know the vaccine status there too,right? 🙂) accounts I’ve heard about of increased pregnancy issues did not have vaccine status data to go with them.

Jessica, the use of FOIAs here prompts me to ask again about FOIA’s WRT your ‘hot lot’ work, which I continue to think has the potential for an out-of-the-park grand slam. Would having accurate lot size data allow you to complete your ‘hot’ lot analyses? If so, is that data being sought by someone? If not, somebody ought to be pounding on the doors of CHD and ICAN asking for their help. You shouldn’t have to be the one to do it either. Your analysis skills are too valuable for you to be running around doing other things. Or maybe you already have it all under control and I should just sit down and shut up. Please advise. 🙂

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i have nothing under control, but you made me laugh so thanks :)

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Your honest transparency makes me laugh too, so thank you for returning the favor! It’s ironic because this is all so very serious and getting worse here in the U.S. with the DHS/ MDM=domestic terrorism thing. But in spite of that, or maybe actually BECAUSE of that, laughing is so needed for coping. Just like crying, as has been discussed in a previous series of comments.

Although I think I tried too hard to make someone laugh once and it really backfired. 😬 Oh well, go big or go home, right?!

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hahahaha exactly

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Just curious - why were abortions included in the data, especially if they were elective? Were these physician recommended abortions? Perhaps this is a coding issue and they cannot be separated. At any rate, I would be interested in seeing the numbers if abortions could be excluded. Thanks for reporting this!

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Exactly. Because of the politicization of the pandemic and vaccines, the socialists/leftists are more likely to get the jabs but also more likely to have abortions than the religious people who are against them.

Religious anti-covid-vax people will use the "my body, my choice" slogan without seeing the irony of their anti-choice position on abortions.

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Is Israel also using the dishonest slight of hand and counting vaccinated as only those 14 days after their last jab? This would dramatically skew the already disconcerting numbers.

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Jessica, Today is the last day I’m allowed on site here at NASA because I’m refusing both the jabs & newly mandated testing. Deets here: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/spontaneous-abortion-urf-in-department/comment/4941398

and here


I’m putting together a few things to post on the door of my ‘Wittenberg’ XRD Lab for my colleagues to contemplate while I’m in indefinite ‘telecommuting exile’. A centerpiece is going to be the graphics from the Moderna pub appendix that you discussed in your ‘I don't know what to say...’ article from 2 Feb.

But I have a question. On 1st graphic (fig S2), I seem to see 18 deaths in each arm of the study.

Placebo: 3+15

Vax: 2+16

But Fig S26 shows 16 each. Am I missing something or are Moderna’s arithmetic skills as bad as CCDH’s (Dis Doz)? FYI, I’m planning on including QR codes for weblinks to the paper, the supplemental data, and your article.

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Jessica, as usual an incredible deep dive. This is terrifying. I hope it is not too late for all the young women who have been brainwashed into not 1 not 2 but 3 jabs. Thank you.

Different topic but so important to freeeeeeeedom! Can you please send the following fantastic substack to the truckers? They should all know that they are making history. Already they know. But this might give them extra hope on those sub-freezing nights! Thanks again.


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