Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

I'll be 71 in a few days (https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/repeated-mrna-covid-jabs-lead-to?). Yesterday morning, while opening Gmail, I was offered the following vaccines by my local hospital staff: - Covid - Influenza - VRS (Virus respiratoire syncytial) The government had never done such a thing before this eternal state of pandemic we're in now. I'm known here for my 'wrong thinking' and for wholeheartedly adhering to anti-vax misinformation theories (no, I just try to stay alive as long as I can), so my Social worker in the senior citizens' program sent me this email: "I think I already know your answer, but I have to ask if you would like vaccines administered at home." We're at a stage where the people paid to look after our well-being hound us with dangerous intentions. Social workers act like the desperate 'kapos' of the former German camps of WWII. That's unfortunate but real.

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Oh Luc, at Seventy years Young . GOOD ON YOU -for sticking to your guns( probably literarily where you live..here at the bottom of the world we are a gun free zone!)

DID YOU KNOW -( medical factoid) that RSV is ONLY a -actually very VERY minor -issue ONLY in infants . It does NOT affect adults AT ALL ( we have immunity from childhood natural infection ... sooo it begs the question WTF have they have started peddling this NOW is beyond me

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As a mother of 3 adult children, I never heard of RSV, this is a new phenomenon to me. My granddaughter whose mother got the shot whilst pregnant and breast fed, had to be hospitalized with RSV when she was about 15 months. I find it stunning that something I’d never heard of raising my own children who didn’t need hospitalized with a lung infection is now a “thing.”

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I said this very thing (that RSV is for babies) to my husband a couple of days ago.

That said, we reared 5 kids, now adults, with nary a mention of RSV.


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exactly.- "....but I have to ask if you would like..." tells you all you need to know.

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My doc and I play that game, too

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Get rid of them. Drs are drug pushers. Paid to jab us with the DePopClotShots'I'm 64 & haven't had one or gone to one since I was in my early 30's & one groped my

breasts for Strep throat." That was the final straw for this girl.

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At every commemoration of the atrocities of WW2, a time when the elderly and invalids were systematically murdered because even then they were perceived as unnecessary ballast ( that was “only” one of the reasons). At every commemoration the so-called 'leaders' said : This Never Again!” But so now it is just happening all over again. But now in a much smarter way. In all these years we were led to believe that it would be something from the distant past, but the Neo Maltusian Eugenists never went away! They have always tried everything in the background but now they have managed to carry out their perversities in a shameless manner, openly. And I have learned that their supranational policies are implemented mainly by the civil service - the layers under a government. The government are merely the visible talking heads. The real work begins below cq behind them. These civil service layers are also simply abused and blackmailed.

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Hi Luc, I'm equally resistant to the Death Shot - in whatever jab the try to hide it in. I've sent emails to the UK NHS telling them to remove me from their vax invitations. they've acknowledged but still these texts keep coming!

I'm now in dispute because I've been bombarding my local medical practice with reems of proof of deaths and injuries caused by the poisonous crap! They are telling me to stop. Currently, I'm telling them I have a civic and moral responsibility to notify my doctors of the proven dangers and damages these 'medicines' cause. I'm not sure my activities will get me anywhere, but it makes me feel good!

Keep up you resistance - I believe we're winning.

Unjabbed Mick (UK). I'm 80 next birthday!

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Social "modern moron slaves" workers are obeying the ORDERS or else no more easy money.

Just like the doctors and nurses and "scientists"...


At least many of those were already culled by the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew jab and that makes me feel a little bit better.

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Jessica, thank you for sharing your information, yes it seems like more shots more deaths, while less vaccinated or non vaccinated had lower death rates. I am shocked that they released any data regarding any deaths. Love your work getting the truth out there.

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it was 'foia-ed' i do believe ...

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Was the Federal Minister Mark Holland? He only started July 26, 2023. I just couldn't figure out if it was him or Jean.

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Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

Love love your tenacity….. thank you for being you, and for keeping your eye on the ball. I have a feeling things are going to start unraveling faster than we think. That’s my hope too. Not great news for those who partook in this experimental scam, but the truth needs to come out .

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Jessica Rose, you are to be congratulated on both your resoucefulness and your courage to present it considering it goes against "the narrative". You are one of the increasing number of people who are (a) now in receipt of THE TRUE FACTS, and (b) among the few with the courage to "tell it like it is".

Well done Jessica Rose.

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it's just the data :)


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Hey Jess, with that oddity you noticed, there's gotta be some sort of counting window issue Doshi and I discussed in the JECP4 articles, which leads to exaggerated effectiveness and safety estimates. I found it in the NSW Health reports, I bet if you dig deep enough you'll find something like "1 jab means 1 jab, being given at least 14 days before a confirmed COVID case". If you took a jab, got COVID after 13 days, and ended up dying from it, holy moly an unjabbed person just died. And so on until a bunch of deaths effectively caused by the jab are blamed on people not being 'fully vaccinated'.

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I, too, thought this 14-day "unvaccinated but jabbed" category was the epitome of statistical bullshit (i.e. CRIME). It would be phenomenal to go back and re-categorize these "jabbed but 'unvaccinated" and discover the true outcomes (SAEs) including a Covid(ie.PCR diagnosis--within the 14 day window at the very least. I doubt this could ever happen as the data has been so hidden, forbidden and/or corrupted from the outset.

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Moreover, the long-term SAEs and effects were eloquently articulated by the likes of Dolores Cahill, Judy Mikovits, and Geert vanden Bosche -- often before the vaccine was ever released because of the havoc it was SURE to unleash upon our collective immune systems. I am talking turbo-cancers, heart, neuro, reproductive disorders and of course DEATH. So not only the 14 day window BUT the 2 decade window.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

Christiane Northrup, Sherri Tenpenny, RFK Jr, Mike Adams, Dr. Mercola, Sucharit Bhakdi, Del Bigtree, Luc Montagnier, Andy Wakefield, Dr. Vernon Coleman, and Mike Yeadon were also warning us how dangerous these jabs were back in 2020, months before the jabs came out. They are all heroes.

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You are absolutely correct and I followed everyone of them on and off since the very beginning -- especially of the pre-vaccine debate. I singled out Cahill, Mikovits and vandenbossche because they were absolutely adamant and relentless in their predictions of both immediate, short-term (2-5 yrs) and longterm damage to the immune system and eloquently elaborated the reasons for this very early on. I generally respect the work of everyone of those you have mentioned and the dozens more to boot. Thank you. I did not mean to slight any of these wonderful contributors to global health. I might mention Paul Thomas MD and James Lyons-Weiler for their combined effort on shildhood (non Mrna) vaccines as this blew open wide for me the infinite depths of corruption of the medical research establishment across time. The Fauci AZT murder inc was yet another one for whom both Mikovits (and indirectly Luc Montagnier) opened my eyes.

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Any family with a vaccine injured child (canaries in the coal mine) knew to be hyper wary against any of these injectables that promise immunity against infections—no matter which specific pathogens or which specific technology!!!!!’

We know that basically these injections are the harvest of a “v acc ine CULT”

The cult is a multilevel marketing campaign that uses deceptive twisted partial data to convince the unwitting end users they are somehow akin to neanderthals because they want the a basic right to informed consent — which is impossible without proper testing. And we know there has never been proper testing from the very outset of the injection program. This safe and effective fable has been building for decades a true tragedy. You don’t need a nuclear explosion to destroy an entire country. A mask poisoning will do the trick.

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Indeed, have you read the JECP4 medical journal articles? I note that there are counting window issues for safety too, such as being way too short. Faksova et al showed a ton of concerning effects and they only looked at 42 days post-jab. What happened to looking for years, and, you know, forever? Took 7 decades to figure out pholcodine wasn't safe...

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"If you took a jab, got COVID after 13 days", since the mere fact of being inject with the toxic spew also causes a PCR kit label of "COVID" (if done correctly!) it seems that the rules set by the planners of OPERATION COVIDIUS excelled in the planning.

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Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

One of the things that I found particularly telling, but that seems rarely mentioned, was the fact that as each age group was added in to the COVID shot program, so was the addition of an increase in highly varied - and too-often previously rare - cases of dysfunction/disorders/disease/death, often happening quite soon after injections.

Speaking as One Who Knows Nothing, I found this to be quite striking and thought it seemed to be a strong indicator of a strong relation between the gene jabs and the appearance of these unprecedented rates of such issues. Didn't anyone else?

As far as I recall, kids rarely had heart issues and never used to have strokes or multi-organ inflammation, either...

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You are Right on the Money Dorothy !!! In more ways than one.

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Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

Do you think that the Minister is/was sophisticated enough to understand that the numbers are blatantly misleading as supplied? I have no doubt (well, hardly any) that the functionary who supplied the answer had intended to obscure the per capita statistics.

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Good question, rjt. I am surprised that they released this data at all. It would not have happened here in Australia, which has maintained many of the attributes of the police state from which it sprang two centuries ago. I wonder if the Minister actually understood the implications of the data - I mean, my experience with many (or probably most) politicians in Australia is that they are scientifically illiterate and thus would not be able to pick up on the nuances of a report like this unless it was spoon fed to them. There is a possibility (admittedly small) that the Canadian public servant who signed off on the report might have understood that it may have gone over the head of the responsible politicians and facilitated its release in order to light the fuse on a sort of bureaucratic petard to avenge the societal damage that they (the politicians) have wrought over the last four years. Just surmising…

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I am about to read Norman Fenton’s book “ Fighting Goliath “ about the skewed stats. He is a statistician. It’s just awful that we can’t trust our government or health agencies any longer so are forced to try and educate ourselves as best we can on what the independent scientists are trying to tell us.

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Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica is the absolute real deal…a veritable Every(Wo)man. Being a polymath, academic, surfer chic AND a rapper… The later which she showcased awesomely at the Counter WHO protest this year -I wish she would Release that rap..Set it FREE to the Whole workd -maybe with pictures ( of the injured and the many protests standing up against tyranny for medical transparency).

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She is a brainiac sassy ass conservative woman. Loving her is easier than anything all of us have ever said and done. The other conservative gals here are prime as well.

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Ohhhh.....I have NEVER put her in any left right camp...I see her as a pure apolitical Truth Teller

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I can accept that but since she is honest and intellectually robust, ya just gotta know that it would not be possible for her to be a LIEBERAL on any count.

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Labeling people exclusively for their (often presumed) politcal views is the very thing that divides us -- playing right into the hands of the muppet masters. It may surprise some of you that leftists, atheists, agnostics, gays, muslims etc *CAN* and often ARE against such horrific evils such as Data lies, scamdemics, child grooming, transgender child mutilation, BSL laboratories around the world, war, genocide etc. The left-right paradigm/ignorance/obfuscation is killing US ALL. No honest person of ANY stripe can deny these evils but lets put the blame where it belongs: The mil-indust blackrock cabal of titans for whom no blade of grass or chunk of DNA is beyond their acquisitive purview.

For example I am not a Trump supporter but have dug deeply into the election(S) frauds and the vote was definitely stolen.. It is only our superficial beliefs that blind us.. Just DIG DEEP. That said Jessica has been fabu. Since very early on.. Love her and do not care about her political views. She is honest and courageous...

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I recognize political correctness, lieberalism, wokism, and dialectic secular humanism as religions, all reproduced from the same root evil and all from and of the other. Politics has two main elements in its existence, either good or bad, and thus LIEberalism embodying the democraps recently showed us all that it is about. The fools wasted tax dollars on illegal fake migrants including in the ranks terrorists, pedophiles, sex traffickers, murderers, rapists, etc and thus being a political demoCRAP one must also be many unacceptable things.

Dead bodies in trees, rotting in the sun, buried alive victims added to the stench, includes children and the theft/waste of money by myorkASS, biDUMB, ovomit and their selfish ASSministrations is the result of being in the demoCRAP fold.

Things, activities and people are either good or bad and we clearly see that being a demoCRAP is bad, unless of course the theft and waste is attributable to Republicans. Political affiliation matters. It speaks loud and clear to the character of the person.

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Any democrat, socialist, republican, communist, atheist, christian who refuses to dig deep allows themselves to be duped. That said, the average *working* person has no time to delve deeply as they ALL (races, colors, creed, genders, national origin etc.) are too busy trying to figure out how to keep their families alive. While I laugh at the deluded democrats (many of whom are HIGHLY educated) I cry for the divisions that they all sow. This is BIOCIDE and all of humanity is the target. If elected, Will Trump do Operation Warp Speed II for disease X (mpox, avian flu, ebola, dengue, or whatever disease du jour ???

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You are correct and like Dr J and the women here, she or they are not just pretty faces. Nor are many others here and this is a conservative site desecrated de temps en temps by leftist loons. You are correct of course and that is a big reason I hate the CYSTem with a passion because bureauCRAP deeks all day have 8 paid hours to piss around, harass people like me and at break trimes suck farts out of dead seagulls.

So a man with four children comes home and he is tired and wants time with his own. BureauCRAPS and the damned CYSTem knows that. IN a dispute with the MOE a witchabitch LIEberal accused me of being violent as this is how they always try to put people on the defensive.

I took her letter, and went to two police agencies to hand deliver a response, calling the liar a liar and daring her to take me to court. I exposed her as that, and her field officer of being incompetent. I placed the letter online.

One of the officers that had investigated me told me she was going to get the thing to meet with me but it never happened because she knew she was a liar and she knew I was right. The officer never succeeded in getting the bureauCRAP to meet with me.

This is a big reason people do not fight but my letter to her exposed and slammed her even asking her how she could suck and blow at the same time and referring to her as the domineering matrix of the XXX.

If you notice, pigs and bureauCRAPS do NOT know how to deal with someone who fights back because few do. And most just go along to get along. My longest fight was 11 years and I won by sheer perseverance and moving the opposition to a checkmate on the board of life with a file I had kept all those years and used to catch them in lies.

BUT WHO HAS THE TIME TO PISS AROUND WITH A CORRUPT CYSTEM? I am told there is no one like you Edward and she was an abused woman who I defended, cherished, protected and fought for literally. What motivates me? SHEER ANGER AND HATE that I channel into action and along with my wins I attribute them to Truth. All I have to do is set Her free and watch her kick ass.

As long as a paltry few fight, there will be no improvement in killing fraud, corruption, etc in the damned CYSTem and the reality of the Law of Entropy that affects humans and inhumans alike, makes things much worse.

But Wisdom and instruction can be found in scriptures and guides one in what he does in any circumstance. Anger, hate and condemnation of evil is approved therein applied to the right scenarios.

Note there can never be truces with the "enemies" of all that is good, one either destroys/exposes them or they use lies to shore up their indefensible positions .

It will always be a battle twixt good and evil to the end.

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Tribute to our rapper debutante:

You, Righteous Sister, got everything fittin'

to slap Smiling Faces that on us been spittin'.

With your Brain's Power / Heart's Insights & Wisdom

We can rebuild the Cruel Streets of Isdom.

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Aside from that, I would briefly and succintly say she has the beans to be POTUS.

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I'd be inclined to agree, but having seen what the office and assassins have done to past holders, I'd be afraid to gamble with "our Treasure".

Also, long before taking office, every bit of her knowledge, talents, virtues, awareness etc. would already be divided and diluted by campaigning, and then preparation for the job's duties,, crises, protocols, media hounding, ad nauseam.

She, along with her followers, may wield more total power to steer presidents, (and others) by not being one.

Yet, we are talking about Dr. Jessica Rose, who likely never found a mold she'd be willing to crawl into.

May synchronicity place her where she belongs.

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Yes, denominator is absolutely important here, but don't they also use the argument that older people are more likely to be jabbed and already more likely to die? Shouldn't you ask for age stratification too?

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i did :)

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But even without the denominators, the numbers show that the mantra of “get the shots and you won’t die of Covid” is pure lies.

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It would be good to have denominate but I don't think really necessary...SAY, if no of unvaxed is 50% then deaths ought be less if jabs worked but, they are far more than 50% of total deaths....if say 40% unvaxed then deaths ought be a bit less say 20% less but they are not, they are multiples less....The fact are they are not giving us the facts so clearly they cannot be trusted!

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“Tru dat and fair nuf”

As for the word salad—it is intended to confusticate and deceive.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

The fact that many v expert Doctors, Scientists & Pathologists et al got sacked & cancelled and had their livelihoods destroyed for questioning the "safety & efficacy" narrative is interesting to me. Talk about "narrative control". Seems a good way to silence medical & science folks if they suspected jabs not safe. Mostly always don't need to look at the figures just look at what they are doing & have done...

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Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

Eldric Vera has the best stats of anyone on this topic.

He is a very talented individual and shows the stats!

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Do you mean Eldric Vero? Any links to his work please, can't find him anywheres?

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Thank you muchly.

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This dance looks kinda familiar.....Fux Trot?

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Clever!! Et le faut trot too.... encore et encore.

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Plus tard, plus tard. Je vais me coucher.

(Or so says Google Translate.) 😁 🙄

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Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

I've said this on several platforms about a certain associate of mine. NO MATTER WHAT I'VE SHOWN HIM (over 4 yrs now) He'll say and I quote "and yet they continue to offer them around the world" He'd also add when I try and mention the likes of WEF and WHO and a global coordinated "effort" to jab the world - he'd say "ya, I can't imagine China and Russia getting on board with that plan." Stuff like that. :(

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FOUR YEARS ...of hoping they might see...or perhaps At Least Question! It feels like an eternity thus Covid Era( error) You HAVE to wonder if the MRNA , the adjuvants, the nano tec has COMPLETELY BLOCKED any independent ability to think(?) Ya Know..like..UM .. 98% effective ( BUT they ALL GOT IT ) ..and Multiple times..you would think they would say ..Its a lemon .( but no,)

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China is offering families $120 baby bonus to encourage women to have children… even as their economy melts down…. So it seems they don’t want to murder their citizens & to replace them with migrants.

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They should have thought about the economy 50 years ago...

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Oct 5Liked by Jessica Rose

So those that died almost immediately after the jab & within 2 weeks after the shot were classed as Covid deaths? Yeah right! What else do we need to know? ...only perhaps, that only they have access to all the the raw data ....& also model it & "frame" all the messaging or what am I missing? Public health indeed!

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That wasn't entirely clear to me. The 'not yet protected' in the first cohort might have been the 'jabbed less than two weeks' group which should never be included in the unvaxxed group.

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