Statistics Canada and released data regarding provisional deaths and excess mortality
Q-2741 document in Library of Parliament - released September 16, 2024
Update: We got denominator data and you’ll be shocked at the result. Please refer here for denominators.
The chart below shows adjusted death rates per million uninjected and triple injected people. Wow. Would you look at that. It’s the same trend that we saw for the absolute counts as shown a little lower in this article.
Please refer to the Q-2741 [Statistics Canada and released data regarding provisional deaths and excess mortality] by Mrs. Wagantall (Yorkton—Melville), penned May 29, 2024. The released information is pretty interesting.
In Canada, members of Parliament can ask a question of the Minister of a particular department in a form called an Order Paper Question (OPQ), whereby the the Minister must respond within a certain timeline. Below is a screenshot of the first page of the official document stored by the Library of the Canadian Parliament.
Pertaining to Statistics Canada’s provisional deaths and excess mortality data, the Federal Minister of Health for the Government of Canada confirms the following in this May 29, 2024 OPQ:
Based on “Cases following vaccination” reports on the COVID-19 epidemiology update web page from June 10 to August 28, 2022, weekly COVID-19 deaths were as follows:
• Between June 13-27, 2022, the average number of weekly deaths reported was 23.3 among unvaccinated cases, 1 among not yet protected cases, 8.3 among partially vaccinated cases, 73.3 among fully vaccinated cases, and 144 among fully vaccinated cases with an additional dose.
• Between July 4-18, 2022, the average number of weekly deaths reported was 13 among unvaccinated cases, 23.5 among fully vaccinated cases, 63 among fully vaccinated cases with one additional dose, and 20 among fully vaccinated with two or more additional doses.
• Between July 25 – August 29, 2022, the average number of weekly deaths reported was 28.7 among unvaccinated cases, 7 among cases with primary series completed, 109.3 among cases with primary series completed and one additional dose, 46.3 among cases with primary series completed and two or more additional doses.
(h) Across all weeks in the time period of interest, the number of deaths were highest among those with a primary series and 1 additional dose.
I find it odd that different language is used to describe 2 doses. For example, from June 13-27, 2022, two doses are referred to as “fully vaccinated” whereby for July 25-August 29, 2022, two doses are referred to as “primary series” having been “completed”, ie: “primary series completed”. I have seen this kind of word salad that potentiates confounding before, and besides being inconsistent and annoying, it might even be considered intentionally misleading.
Here’s a chart I made showing the number of deaths reported by Statistics Canada in the context of uninjected individuals (0 doses) and triple injected individuals (3 doses) as per the June 13-27, 2022, July 4-18, 2022 and July 25-August 29, 2022 Statistics Canada data.
Take home message: the data shows that more COVID-19 shots means more death. Granted, we need denominators.
Remember this study and chart from Cleveland?1

It seems the Canadian data may back-up what we already know to be true about the increased incidence of COVID-19 in the COVID-19 shot context, likely leading to more deaths.
We have since requested the denominators for this data as the Federal Minister tried to downplay the significance of the absolute count findings by saying that these are “crude numbers and do not account for the number of people in each vaccination status category”.
True dat and fair enuf.
But… show us the denominators. I have 100% confidence that when we get those numbers, it will confirm what the absolute counts reveal - that more COVID-19 shots are associated with more death. There is a cumulative negative effect in terms of physiological injuries associated with these shots, and they have also been documented to have what we call negative efficacy. This is likely due to IgG4 subclass shift and tolerance induction: people are far more likely to succumb to ill-effects with increasing shot number due to the tolerizing effects. You can read more that in this recent publication entitled: “Repeated COVID-19 mRNA vaccination results in IgG4 class switching and decreased NK cell activation by S1-specific antibodies in older adults” published on September 14, 2024 in Immunity & Ageing.2
Nabin K Shrestha, Patrick C Burke, Amy S Nowacki, James F Simon, Amanda Hagen, Steven M Gordon, Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Bivalent Vaccine, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2023, ofad209,
Gelderloos, A.T., Verheul, M.K., Middelhof, I. et al. Repeated COVID-19 mRNA vaccination results in IgG4 class switching and decreased NK cell activation by S1-specific antibodies in older adults. Immun Ageing 21, 63 (2024).
I'll be 71 in a few days ( Yesterday morning, while opening Gmail, I was offered the following vaccines by my local hospital staff: - Covid - Influenza - VRS (Virus respiratoire syncytial) The government had never done such a thing before this eternal state of pandemic we're in now. I'm known here for my 'wrong thinking' and for wholeheartedly adhering to anti-vax misinformation theories (no, I just try to stay alive as long as I can), so my Social worker in the senior citizens' program sent me this email: "I think I already know your answer, but I have to ask if you would like vaccines administered at home." We're at a stage where the people paid to look after our well-being hound us with dangerous intentions. Social workers act like the desperate 'kapos' of the former German camps of WWII. That's unfortunate but real.
Jessica, thank you for sharing your information, yes it seems like more shots more deaths, while less vaccinated or non vaccinated had lower death rates. I am shocked that they released any data regarding any deaths. Love your work getting the truth out there.