Yesterday I spent 3 hours listening to new interviews with Mike Yeadon and Geert Vanden Bossche. This morning I spent another 90 minutes listening to the new interview with Ryan Cole at mercola.com and now Jessica hits me with this. Naomi Wolf is right; we are witnessing a genocide. And the mayor of NYC has issued a jab mandate for all children this fall. And Zev Zelenko has gone to heaven. We need some good news. At least I am not jabbed! Happy 4th!

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happy 4rth of July! fireworks aplenty for nice people.

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Thank you and be safe and well this weekend. Alaska 🇺🇸👍

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It is always best to seek truth, and accept and understand reality,than to seek means of escaping reality. You are to be commended for your quest for truth. Without an understanding of an enemy, defeat of that enemy is impossible. Ignorance of danger leaves us helpless. In the long run it is always impossible to escape truth and reality.

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Mark, thanks for the link, as I haven't been to Mercola's site before.

I can't find the newest Dr Cole interview there though. Is it in plain sight and I'm metaphorically tripping over it?

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Here is the direct link to Dr. Cole’s interview: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zfV6nDzO44Jl/

Eventually, you probably will see it with others on the News page of Dr. Cole’s website at https://www.rcolemd.com/news

(There’s often a lag between interviews and their appearance on Dr. Cole’s News page, but the wait is worthwhile.)

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That's a long video(rabbit hole) but a great one. Two great warriors. Thanks Big E.

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The Ryan Cole interview was on yesterday's mercola.com and should remain there for 48 hours, so watch it before it is removed tonight. Cole has other posts on rcolemd.com

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Right. But I do not see the Cole video there. I understand it should be, I have also become a paying Mercola subscriber. I know Dr Cole's work. I just do not see it, the newest video on Mercola.com.

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go to mercola.com; go down to the 2nd row middle where it says"Pathologist speaks out on covid jab effects". this will be removed tonight. Enjoy a great interview w/ Ryan Cole.

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Mercola is top-notch.

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Dear Dr. Rose,

I didn't understand much of the sciency stuff presented here, but even I can tell it is NOT GOOD. What did STICK with me was:

* 25-44 year olds again getting the blood end of the stick.

* ...it became clear that there is a trend toward the elderly receiving heparin.

My mom was diagnosed in her 70s (I think) with "idiopathic thrombocytopenia" among other amorphous assignments. Sadly, she isn't here on Earth to confirm.

Could heparin adminstration have caused the "idiopathic" part? She was injected with and swallowed so much prescription stuff over the years! If she were still alive, she'd probably be first in line at the funeral home -- er, assisted care home -- for her COVID-19 jab.

Mom's "very thorough" geriatrician had her on so many meds, none of which made her feel better as far as I could tell. My trusting doctors-are-next-to-God Mom died sick and in pain, no doubt due to the great "treatment" and "care" she received. And that was years before the current COVIDera.

Bottom line: This spike protein is a bioweapon 🔪 of unspeakable 🙊 evil 😈. We must stop 🛑 these 🤼 people!

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"Furthermore, shouldn’t the shots be counter-indicated in people with bleeding disorders if in fact the spike S1 protein binds to heparin?"

It might be far more than folks with bleeding disorders since most drugs Rx and over the counter have blood thinning properties. How many elements are amplifying the individual's heparin effect?

We're a family of hemophiliacs & approved list of drugs that do not worsen bleeds is codeine, morphine, Tylenol or antibiotics. Even foods like pineapple promote a bleeding event by further reducing clotting factors... when the kid's black eye from luau was fruit plate not schoolmate. :~)

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I had an idiopathic bleeding disorder as a child. I considered requesting a medical exemption based on that, but just decided to go with a religious exemption. WA governor just tightened the screws again though. People are dying in mass from these injections and the actual disease is killing some too. I'm certain in another year the scales of death by jab vs death by COVID will be so heavily weighted to the jab side that maybe people will start figure it out. Sadly, I think there will be a lot of wet dreams come true for the WEF depopulation tyrants, in the meanwhile. I love your brilliance Jessica, even though I can scarcely comprehend much of it, I thoroughly enjoy reading it. I understand it enough to get the gist. God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you.

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My husband also worries about bleeding issues from the jab, and has managed to resist so far and has not yet lost his job, though they keep threatening. He tried for a religious exemption with his company, because the understanding was that the company would not give any medical exemptions short of documented history of prior IMMEDIATE adverse reaction to a vaccine.

He's had a very serious bleed, and has a (probably congenital) anomaly in some of the veins that drains the blood out of his brain through his cerebellum, and well as high blood pressure issues, so the jab would likely be a death sentence. He has determined that he WILL NOT take the jab short of armed persons overwhelming him, physical subduing him, and raping his veins with it.

I hope you will not submit to the toxic jab, ever!

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That's called courage! I'm in the same camp. You can't intimidate me to take a dangerous jab for a cold! Now I distrust the medical community so much I can't imagine taking any vaccine or newer medication for any reason. For Pete's sake. God bless and keep you!!

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Then we are in good company! I'm so glad you are aware and courageous!

It's so sad, but I have gotten to the point where I simply don't have trust in the medical professions that I formerly had. The ones not getting rich off the evil, are either entirely in denial, or terrified of losing their credentials, I think.

May God bless you and yours, and keep you safe!

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So you pinned it down I see. 👍

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I actually think so.

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Speaking about the J&J shot causing blood clots:

“The standard way you would think about treating clots is with the anti-coagulant heparin. That would be contra-indicated in this case because heparin could actually make things worse.” — April 18, 2021. Anthony Fauci. Meet The Press.

Starts at 8:15 here: https://youtu.be/qrUBL4TNSMU

Fauci was well aware of all this, and surely knew it wasn’t just with J&J.

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No drug reactions investigated in the clinical trials but most elderly people might be on Heparin and so this could be a reason why there were increases in deaths in care homes as the vaccines were rolled out?

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Most elderly people are NOT on heparin. Heparin is an amazing drug, but it is restricted to injection as a route (whether IV or SC) and takes serious monitoring. It is an inpatient kind of medication. Having said that, lots of elderly folks are on anticoagulation of some sort, but not heparin driven.

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Yes. Heparin's mechanism and effects are very different from warfarin's and the like. They are not interchangeable.

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PINE NEEDLE  TEA [Source of Suramin]: Antidote for the Covid 19 Vaccine


FTA: "Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of coagulation (clotting) cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA."

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please refer to Judy's advice on this: it is NOT pine needle tea.

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My sincere apology for having mislead anyone. I still haven't found what appears to be a legitimate source for Judy's advice...

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That is because there is no legitimate basis for her advice on this. There is research on suramin out there, but it does not lead to covid mitigation.

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I gave up, but am very interested to see where Dr. Rose is going with her mention of Suramin...

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Hi Dr. Rose. Thank you for your diligent work, and for having acquired the extensive training and knowledge base you have! Those of us without that certainly rely on folks of good will (such as yourself) who do.

I'm probably way out in left field here (I usually am, as I'm not educated in science at all), but how might levels of vitamin K effect these things? I was looking around about what vitamin K does, and found that newborns (in the US at least) are typically being given vitamin K shots shortly after birth.

I thought it was interesting, but I'm not educated enough to know why.

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I am my own guinea pig (disclaimer), and have found that my K2 - as MK-7 -definitely acts as a BLOOD THINNER. At 90 mcg with my D it's fine. But if I take double, I notice easy bruising, which I am not prone to. Gingko is another wonderful blood loosener. (Scientific word). Borage oil as well. And aspirin, of course. Spiderwebs can actually be packed into a wound to STOP bleeding in an emergency. As a coagulant.

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While every patient is their own science experiment, Vitamin K is used as a pro-coagulant not an anti-coagulant. This is why newborns, who are often K deficient, often get a single K shot...so that they are LESS subject to bleeding.

Vitamin K is used to REVERSE anticoagulation from Coumadin/Warfarin -- a different kind of anticoagulant than heparin. Heparin can also be reversed using protamine.

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I have read that vitamin K works as both an anti- and a coagulant, which really stumps me. Given what small understanding of what Dr. Rose has written here about the coagulation cascade, though, it got me wondering about vit k again.

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I've been taking a low dose K@ 45 mcg trans menaquinone-7 for a while, and I take one or more aspirins per day, and 5-10k IU D3 per day, vit c, b's, co-q10, etc. Yay for having a good multi, too, or I think I'd gag. I've noticed a bit more energy since I added the K2, but I don't know if I'm just imagining it. I'd forgetten entirely about gingko! I take NAC, for my liver.

My dad lived on a farm back in the depression era, he claimed he kept from bleeding to death by his dad running to the barn and grabbing a bunch of cobwebs and stuffing an axe wound in his foot full of them! :D

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Spiderweb has been helpful for stopping bleeding in a pinch. Afterward must beware infections.

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Jul 4, 2022
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Thanks, I will look into it. I've never had it before.

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So this might explain why some patients are not benefiting from heparin therapy in hospital after developing blood clots? I’ve not read it recently but have in the past. So many intricate webs to untangle no wonder experts are baffled… b/c they’re not even trying to be experts. Going along to get along like the dimwits they are. Thank you for your hard work, perseverance and curious mind. We appreciate you.

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I am ignorant in the sciences. Last science classes in High school. So take everything I say through that filter. Here's a crazy thought. Jim Humble who may or may not be a crackpot is the inventor of MMS which claims to cure to malaries, cancer etc. He also claims that Calcium Hypochlorite - Ca(ClO)2 taken in a pill form will cure cancer. Calcuim Hypochlorite may turn into HOCI or Hypochlorous Acid in the stomach. HOCI is made by your body in small quantities and is available over the counter for skin, wounds and kills virus on surfaces. Incredible product. Briotech has a paper in their website that indicates that HOCI it can kill prions on surfaces. The question is : if you ingest it (assuming you can do it safely), can it get into cells and mop up prions. Long shot I know but Jessica I know you read the comments so I thought I'd throw it out there.

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One anecdote pops to mind. A few weeks ago a business associate, who is a physician, had minor heart surgery for a congenital issue and was put on heparin. Within a few days he developed a full-body itchy rash that prevented him sleeping for three nights. He earned $$$ vaxxing people in a clinic and of course is multi-vaxxed himself. Coincidence?

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Questions Re Heparin and Niacin (not niacinamide)

Your heparin references are too technical for me, and I can’t tell if you think the spike protein causes excessive bleeding from excessive heparin, OR if a feedback mechanism leads to clotting, OR if one or the other result occurs depending on the person—which necessarily depends on nutrition as well as genes (and other factors?). Can you clarify?

I have been wondering if supplementing with niacin (not niacinamide) would help with blood clotting issues by improving heparin metabolism.

Niacin goes to enabling healthy heparin production—in the complementary, not allopathic way—if Carlton Fredericks was right in 1972. Then, heparin gives red blood cells a negative charge so they don’t clump in capillaries, especially important in people with microvascular disease (thickened walls narrowing capillaries) or with blood flow already impeded by narrowed arteries.

And I wonder if sufficient naturally produced heparin will prevent or reduce dangerous clotting in larger vessels.

I am struck by how good nutrition seems to go to greatly reduce severity of a SARS-CoV-2 infection (vitamins C and D, zinc, nutritional zinc ionophores, glutathione via the cysteine and methionine in complete animal proteins coupled with adequate selenium, etc.).

My own experience being permanently sickened by the 1976 Swine Flu shot, via an overexcited immune system, is that doses of the B-complex much higher than the RDAs work wonders, and get used up rapidly, so I need to take the Bs several times each day. An excited immune system is also clearly at work in Covid and its vaccines, so that’s why I wondered.

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Thank you for all the effort you put into discovery of the issues with covid and the vaccine. This one was one of your best. You may feel like I feel. These problems were ignored in the rush to profit. In a normal pharmaceutical/research/political environment the vaccines would have been stopped within weeks to months of introduction. Now we have tons of data, research, and questions all being ignored. How do we change this?

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In reading your July 3 and July 4 articles I felt I should share with you this link to two new articles by Steven Hatfill. You may recall he spoke at the major Covid summit in Italy. He too is examining segments of the spike protein.


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Early covid, 2020, we had lots of patients in hospital + HIT and low plts. With omicron I haven’t seen any low plts, so haven’t even tested for HIT. Any idea why?

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