Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Evidence of harm is overwhelming, but all the mainstream looks away!

Criminal negligence or evil intent?

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Evil intent from the ones at the top of the pyramid.

Depopulation, to make the "Great Reset" possible.

The people carrying out the orders didn't know this. But there are plenty doctors who gave their patients these injections and didn't take any themselves.

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I think we have to be really, really smart, how to deal with this situation.

Over here, they've put in place an extension on an old WHO treaty that allows them to call anything they like a "pandemic".

Mandatory mRNA injections, with exclusion from access to bank accounts is the strategy.

A trap, basically.

My point: This fight is far, far from over. The institutions of government and healthcare (regulators) obviously have been corrupted. The masses are easily motivated when scared.

There's hope, and I think we will win, but there will be a conflict. Probably the end of western civilization as we know it.

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TY for sharing

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Ralph, Dr. Lindsay answers this in clear terms. "Nefarious."

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And they turned the alarms off

With algorithms

And social engineering

But it's probably just negligence

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Sounds like Maui.

People need to get angry and get even and stop these Evils in their tracks.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

Maui gov turned off the alarms the day/ night of the deadly lasering so people would not be warned to escape. I believe they have weekly or monthly alarm practices ironically, for disaster warning for tsunamis, fires, etc. The people that tried to escape were disgustingly, horrifically turned back into the fires and lasers to be incinerated.

The leader of the police ( prev Las Vegas massacre ) is a treacherous paid

"Fixer". Just think the most Evil, twisted Mafia movie you can think of and that is the group of people we are dealing with. Did you see O Bidens POTUS tweet a few days later? After he gave the homeless, burned escapees a few shekels? Look it up ...he said " we are laser focused ...."

laughing in their face and kicking them in the face. They think they/we are so stupid and they keep telling us to be kind and nice while they smirk and laugh and kill us as fast as they can get away with all the while making so many jokes that go way over peoples heads. I get it these naive people don't get it, but those of who do want to vomit. Their nativity will get them killed and us too. The Evils know that, it is part of their plan of course. Get mean and get tough towards the Evils, hunt them down, hunt or be hunted. You decide.

If you need a ton of info on DEWs start reading markcrispinmillerssubstack including all the comments and links. I believe they just moved the Directorate to Space Force Agency. Not 100 % on this, but it makes sense since they will be us using Satellites as one of their originators. They also have the lasers on ships...isn't that nice? Lasers incinerate, vaporize essentially. Of course it depends on the wavelength. Shouldn't this make people angry? If you are not, something is wrong with you in my opinion and you will go down with the ship holding hands, singing and smiling happily.

F ing crazy, especially at this point!

The problem is everybody is so far behind in Science and the American and Canadian Propaganda Press has kept everybody in the dark. So wake up and everybody do something, think, everybody CAN do something to help.

If you like gardening, start growing food. We will need lots. If you like sleuthing, find out where these buggers are. Get the word out. Hint: they fly in and out of major mostly private (and private on larger none private) airports. Get a job at one. Snack shop. Whatever. Maybe we need to send in body guards like they send with RFKJr.

Sorry for the long answer.


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While most people here are hysterical over vaccines, I've been kicking ass for a LONG time.

Don't know how old you are, but back in the 60s I read the Jehovah's Witnesses' pamphlets on the end of the world. Didn't happen.

The only thing missing in your comment is this Italygate:

"It involves Barack Obama amassing a secret $400 million war chest, then cahootsing with former Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to disrupt vote tabulation in key swing states using Italian military satellites. And somehow this was all coordinated at the US Embassy in Rome, according to Brad Johnson, a self-described retired “CIA Station Chief” and current Epoch Times columnist."

Get real. Where are you growing your food? How's that going?

I've been growing food for a long time because I realized in the early 2000s that we're all getting sick from pollution and toxins everywhere.

However, unlike you, I have actually researched and concluded that it's ALL about moving assets from the working people to the super wealthy.

NOBODY wants to see anybody dead. The more people, the greater the PROFITS.

And the more SICK people, the better for Big Pharma.

Jessica seems to have a good brain and is doing a lot of research, which is why I read here.

So go kick some ass! Grow some ORGANIC food, not because there won't be food, but because it's GOOD for you to get away from your "smart" phone and be OUTSIDE among trees. Science.

And, maybe use your real name and publish how you kick ass?


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You are certainly elsewhere. 😂🤣

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“Nobody wants to see anybody dead”. Can you be serious? Look around. It’s their main agenda. Good grief!!!

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Evil action, not intent. It is implementation of depopulation process. Demon possessed beings in action...

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Please Ralph, we are past this.

The Evil intent was evident 3 years ago. Why do these naive people keep rehashing and holding back our progress? If I were the bad guys I would keep inserting them to slow down my opposition so more people could be killed more quickly.

Move on. We know what's going on ! Does b.Hates 2018/19 Ted Talk ring any bells " Depopulation " he said. That means murder, genocide, democide.


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Yes, Freedomisnotfree. 1000%. We are well past any questions about whether this is just a bunch of stupid people being "negligent." Well past.

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Indeed. The benefit of the doubt expired long ago.

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Depopulation agenda. Covid kills. The jabs kill. Ventilators kill.

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Capitalism kills.

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So do pesticides, conventional agriculture in general, not providing free healthcare to everybody, and a million other policies designed to move wealth from the working stiffs to the super wealthy.

We are literally exterminating homeless, old and sick people.

Why is everybody so upset about the vaccines?

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You’ve got this totally backwards. Who do you think pays for “free healthcare for everybody”?? How is that “moving wealth from the working stiffs to the super wealthy”?

No, we are NOT “exterminating homeless, old and sick people.” We take from all taxpayers to help these groups. Good grief.

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So what? DUH!

I guess you didn't read my comment or you just don't get it. Hysterical comments haven't changed a thing EVER except for the worse.

Grow up and kick some ass :)

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You mean “hysterical comments” like this?

Christine Baker

Writes Elsewhere

Sep 18, 2023

“So do pesticides, conventional agriculture in general, not providing free healthcare to everybody, and a million other policies designed to move wealth from the working stiffs to the super wealthy.

“We are literally exterminating homeless, old and sick people.

“Why is everybody so upset about the vaccines?”

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They are not mutually exclusive.

There has been sufficient compartmentalization that I daresay most involved did not see the big picture - at least, at first. Plenty of room for stupidity and criminal negligence. But there are someones somewhere directing the show. Those someones who had the big picture from the outset are clearly guilty of criminal intent.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

WE didn't need thiese vaccines.


Nefarious indeed.

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brilliant addition, thank you Jess for covering this so well

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Good to see relevantly qualified toxicologists entering the public commons on this issue.

It is as if a diseased notion has taken hold and become commonplace among significant institutional insiders; e.g., "Nuclear war is inevitable, the only responsible course of action is to depopulate the nations of the world. It will be as if a nuclear war occurred, but without the damage to property, technology or the environment. Therefore the typical person, their family and their future family are dead already. Better to save the legacy of human technology and the planet's environment by a mass culling of those who are already dead by the inevitability of nuclear war that cannot be avoided, but to instead accomplish this in a deliberate way in the most humane, gradual and imperceptible manner possible."

Are people really this crazy? Some are. Some also control incredible wealth and resources.

The malign intent now unfolding before us is unprecedented.

We need to think more about the unthinkable as this plays out.

As highly-experienced toxicologist Janci Lindsay said: "This is outrageous. I have never seen anything like this in my entire career."

Neither has anyone else. Some can face it. Some cannot.

If you have not seen Dr. David Martin's recent testimony in Europe, you need to:


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Thank you for this link. First time to hear...

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

I've just finished listening to Dr. Buckhault's presentation to the SC Senate committee for the third time. There seems to be a subtext that when coupled with the testimony of Dr. Lindsay is deeply troubling.

"Never attribute to malice that which can also be attributed to stupidity." This is a good general rule. But it looks less and less that rule can be reasonably applied in this instance.

Dr. Lindsay essentially testified there is no innocent explanation for the presence of SV40 in the mRNA vaccines where it was found; no innocent explanation.

When I couple that to Dr. Buckhault's concern about the perceived oversight to deliberately render the "sliced and diced" DNA into literally billions of transfective snippets, well, my head lowers in great sorrow. It is a terrible thing to understand you may have an enemy who means you and those you love great mortal harm.

Buckhault should go forth to sample the vaccines and the vaccinated and take measure of the potential for unwanted and dangerous transfection and present the findings. I understand the reasonableness of his thoughts that those who controlled the production of the vaccine made a simple mistake trying to do the right thing by obliterating the contaminating DNA with the Fish-O-Matic Method.

But I also hear the inference this was the worst possible thing to do; that now hundreds of billions of transfective DNA snippets were being injected into the innocent who have been deceived and misled to believe no such risk existed.

Realize, this was done by the same people who included the SV40, for which no innocent explanation can be made. Let that sink in.

Could there be more compelling evidence of malign intent and guilty knowledge of its execution?

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I supported bringing in Dr. Buckhaults for half my time to get the information out from a cancer geneticists perspective and to rally support from those in the pro vax camp that contamination is not acceptable and the shots must be pulled and people tested— which aphillip can do. The SV40 sequences can’t be explained as a simple oversight and “oh that’s what we had handing around the lab”. 3 SV40 sequences inserted in a plasmid designed to only infect bacteria? For those who know the history of SV40 and know what’s needed to make the template this is of course ridiculous.

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Very grateful and kudos to your for not remaining silent!! May God put a hedge around you and may your voice ripple far and wide. I don't understand why SV40 is even floating around labs any more.

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God bless you both for your contributions to date.

You know, it occurred to me when listening to you both (and I just listen again for a fourth time to both of you) there is an institutional gap in the governance structure caused by advancing knowledge and technology.

Perhaps there needs to be a formal state office of toxicology whose role is to watchdog, monitor, test and advise legislators and inform policy regarding presence of adulterants, toxins, dosage and risks to human and animal health. An institution that proactively looks; that surveys the scope of public exposure to toxins to help drive the evolution of the modern human environment and the public understanding in ways that reduce risk and enhance public sophistication regarding good practice and reducing the toxic burden of everyday living. The benefits of such an entity as a research incubator and conduit of outsourcing and funding novel inquiry could be a very positive and productive use of legislative authority and public funding.

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This would be wonderful if the Government’s plan was to promote human health and safety. This is not what the current plan is. If we can stop this and turn it around this would be a great idea!

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

It's our government too. The problem is the infiltration of failed trustees, malignant narcissists and others too comfortable with criminal intent willing to betray their duty to their employer. These are the archetypes who conspire to exploit and unreasonably convert the resources of our mutual interest into personal wealth and political hegemony.

Call them what you will, but they all share one trait: they are anti-mutualists. They instead believe in special rights for special people; that they should decide who is special.

If we do not come together in good faith and good will to protect our government from such aggregated psychopathy, who will?

Otherwise, the anti-mutualists will prevail. We appear to be living in the age of the failed trustee.

It causes me to wonder about the role of mass distribution and use of SSRIs and the potential side effects in positions of trustee and professional responsibility, particularly those that might result in conflict avoidance as the default "greater good.".

History has shown us the astonishing lesson of Pervitin, its mass distribution and impacts upon the German People and the German State during the early mid-20th Century.

Is there a corollary to this in our modern era? Why would our trustee functions so effortlessly and publicly turn to shit and fiduciary betrayal and breach of duty become so ordinary and normalized?

What happened to these people? What role does chemistry play in this epidemic of toxic behaviors plaguing our institutions, foundations and corporations?

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Very proud to now live in the free state of South Carolina. Moved here a year ago from a decaying, rotten blue state. Never looked back. These great people, Janci, Phillip Buckhaults, Dr. Robert Jackson, Dr. Karen DeVore, all who testified, live not far from me. So grateful for these brilliant and brave people.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

She is an excellent speaker, explains so clearly, and speaks from the heart. Everyone should listen to this. Thank you for posting it

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I find this physician more trustworthy and honest with her presentation... far more realistic concerning the dangers of the garbage put out by big-pharma... whom I have no respect nor trust in.

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She is a PhD vs. a medical doctor.

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Which actually makes her more trustworthy.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Nefarious purposes. I believe this is the first public testimony to unequivocally use those words. (At least that I have heard).

How long ago was this testimony and what did SC do?

I knew something was seriously wrong when the mainstream media attacked Plaquenil/hydroxychloroquine. It is a VERY safe medication unless taken at higher dosage for over a decade.

I was hoping it was “just” for the money but knowing how mRNA technology had failed in all other past uses, and then seeing them push this novel technology on infants and pregnant women, one can’t help but wonder if more nefarious purposes than just the money to be made were involved.

Add onto that this testimony regarding plasmids “contamination” and SV-40, nefarious intent indeed is warranted.

Also interesting - China did NOT use mRNA shots. Almost all of the Western world and Europe did use gene therapy injections.

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This testimony was from last Tuesday. You can listen to the entire hearing here: https://www.scstatehouse.gov/video/archives.php

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Aaron Siri starts it off!! Yay!!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you Jessica! U r the bomb. So tired of screaming from the rooftops & having people think I’m crazy. These videos are priceless & give so much hope. One state at a time. One country at a time

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

"A voice crying in the wilderness"... and so it goes. Here's hoping it will be heard.

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Come on South Carolina start the ball rolling!

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The ball is rolling in Florida thanks to Joe Sansone, PhD. He has been leading the charge to get these horrific concoctions banned as biological weapons.

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Florida has been great too. I love their chap Surgeon General, Dr Joe Ladapo, he takes no crap!

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Except for the bill allowing quarantine? DeSantis lost me on that one

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Yes, we need to work on getting that repealed. I think similar things are on the books in most other states.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thanks for bringing us these testimonies, especially from Dr. Janci. She lays it out clearly and starkly.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

This just keeps on getting worse and worse. What a mess! Thank God for brave souls like Dr. Lindsay who have the expertise and willing to speak out. I hope the government listens.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Again an excellent job at spreading the word especially about the plasmids. Soo important .

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Never inject anything.

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There we go! Some smart common sense. And Damien don't jump off a bridge if others tell you to do it. Didn't your parents teach you not to listen to others? To think for yourself?

Don't Trust the Government Damien. Read some world history books. Educate yourself. You have no excuse ( that I know of ) to not be responsible and educate yourself.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

We will find our Tribe no matter what! 👏👏👏 Thanks for sharing, her passion is contagious. ♥️

What did SC do? Any news on that please?

Once 75% of the world population have died from these poisonous Russian Roulette drugs then we who are left can rebuild our world. 2025/26 is my guess. Are we ready for that? 🙏

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