The more I read, the more I might be inclined to use the term "Liquid Cancer" to define "The Shots" (that I never had despite literally being treated like a murder suspect when I repeatedly refused).

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Back in 2021 I argued with people that the shots were in fact a form of synthetic cancer. Looks like I was right.

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We've been shouting this since 2022 as loud as we could. This paper should never have been forcibly retracted by Eric Freed.


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Any updates on the paper’s retraction at the behest of Freed and his sidekick? What did the publisher say?

Your rebuttal was (is) powerful, particularly 5). None of the novel jabs should have been given authorization for anything without at least midterm carcinogenic ramifications as well as a whole host of other severe side effects.

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We are still working behind the scenes to get the truth to prevail. It will require someone with probity to take action. We have not stopped

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Probity-personified I'd say Jess.

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to all who are taking on this battle.

It should never have had to be this way. But thank God giants walk among us. 🧡

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They were approved because they were carcinogenic, among other lethal effects (not “side-effects”).

These shots were not needed; they were redundant, except for nefarious purposes.No amount of research could or would correct them; they were created to do maximum damage. In the terms of their creators, they are a success.

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I’ve read Welcome to Gilead more than once, and will be pairing it with this one by Jess on my censored FB page. I am EVER SO GRATEFUL that I found Team Humanity, early on. I would be lost...and probably force-vaxxed...w/o ALL of the docs and scientists who shouted into the Void. I’m the Echo, echo, echo...

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I do exactly the same as you and am also thankful to all these Doctors, Scientists & Researchers who have been screaming into the void since 2020.

We are not the only ones.

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The Pharmaceutical-industrial Frankenstein cannot tolerate free expression of dissenting views.

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Is there ANYTHING which the spike protein DOESN'T bugger up? Perhaps researchers should just concentrate their efforts on finding that elusive and probably unique biological process and then Pfizer/Moderna can scream it from the rooftops: "Look, see! We told you it was safe!" The rest of us can just carry on assuming that the 'vaccines' are the most dangerous licensed medical product known to mankind with a list of adverse effects longer than the human genome.

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not really. they designed something really harmful to human physiology.

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😉 one could almost conclude that they couldn't have stuffed it up more if they tried! It's almost "methodical" in how "badly" these things were designed to %$#@ up the mitochondria.🤨🤐😉🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Looks pretty deliberate and diabolical to me.

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I remember Prof Angus Dalgleish saying that the spike protein was something like 80% homologous with human proteins, though I can't be sure of the exact figure, it was very significant. Then they injected it into billions of people to provoke a 'targeted' immune response . . . . . big target!

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So, if there was a novel therapeutic that interfered with the body’s cells’ ability to produce p53 and make the BRCA pathway work defending our genome - you would think that would be important, wouldn’t you? Well I guess it depends on who is funding the therapeutic and whether they care two hoots whether you (or your mother, wife or daughter) get cancer.

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I wonder how "Safe and Effective" the new anti-cancer Mrna vaxx will be? Maybe it will add a hemorrhagic component to the fun list of side-effects we already enjoy.

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Let's recall that in all the years since injectable mRNA was conjured, it's record of failure in clinical trials is unblemished. AND the damage is heritable, showing up worse in the third and fourth generation, and probably beyond. That this was ever administer to a single person is simply unconscionable.

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"Well I guess it depends on who is funding the therapeutic".

And what their true goal is.

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inactivation is considered to be one of the most common molecular mechanisms behind the dysfunction of p53. Extensive mutation search revealed that more than half of human cancers carry loss of function mutations of p53. Among them, 95% of mutations were detectable within the genomic region (exons 5–8) encoding the DNA-binding domain.

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So, if there was a novel therapeutic that interfered with the body’s cells’ ability to produce p53 and make the BRCA pathway work defending our genome - you would think that would be important, wouldn’t you? Well I guess it depends on who is funding the therapeutic and whether they care two hoots whether you (or your mother, wife or daughter) get cancer.

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What I would really like to learn is if this also applies to shedded spike. If so, then mostly all of us are possibly buggered. But spike can be brought under control somewhat (e.g. FLCCC protocols). That is somewhat a relief.

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The jabs, on top of the virus THEY CREATED is, without question, the most heinous crime in all of mankind's history. By the time this thing is resolved — if it ever is — Hitler will move down a peg on the list of mass murderers.

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Not just Hitler; Mao Tse Tung and Stalin will be relieved of their former status as giants in the hotly contested field of modern genocides.

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I believe you are 100% correct. I'm expecting the downstream effects of the jabs to escalate over time. I think of the jabs as a time bomb; a lot of people who don't know they've been injured will experience the effects as time passes. I just didn't want to declare Fauci the winner in the clubhouse (over Stalin and Khan) until he passes Hitler, which I expect happen soon, or which may have already happened as far as anyone knows, because, as I wrote two years ago, they're cooking the books over a fire as big as Lahaina... https://www.fittrimimmortal.com/blog/covid-statistical-hijinx

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thank you Jess

unfortunate but a greatly needed and overdue paper

.. one of the authors has, let's say, a bit of knowledge about cancer: Dr Wafik S. El-Deiry

Wafik El-Deiry (born, 1961) is an American physician and cancer researcher who is the Associate Dean for Oncologic Sciences at the Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Director of the Cancer Center at Brown University, and the Director of the Joint Program in Cancer Biology at Brown University and its affiliated hospitals.


also, a certain mouse on twitter noted this preprint vindicates the earlier/earliest paper by Jiang et al 2021: SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro.


.. which paper thugs associated with Fauci's crew caused the authors to retract

Jiang and co-author Mei should stand proud today

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and let's see if it gets published and stays published.

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Are we there yet? Where? To the point the drug companies major job is making illnesses for them to treat. I want that job. Create a drug with inadequate testing.Fabricate the emergency. Say the drug cures. No, lessens the symptoms. No, doesn's kill you. No, probably safe. Except for a few kids who will get myocarditis but it mild. OK, maybe there isn't mild myocarditis but they are just kids and only a few are dying. Wait, some adult athletes are dying too. OK, maybe it'll do something good or maybe not. OK, it's our only chance for world survival. No? Maybe it will control the population to keep from killing us with CO2 poisoning if we don't eat worms/crikets and kill at least a few 100 million first. Wait, you mean CO2 levels have been cyclical and changing for millions of years. Hold on! Plants really need CO2? So remind me again why we need to kill part of our population. Oh, there aren't enough lobsters, caviar, and winter black truffle. I think I'm starting to get it.

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It's OK...private jets and yachts are exempt!

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There are clearly multiple mechanisms involved in oncogenesis? Obviously DNA/SV40 contamination of the gene therapies doesn't help and the frame shifting induced generation of random "junk" proteins which may compete with p53.

We should all be humbled by the complexity of the human immune system as the more we discover, the more we realise we don't understand. In the setting of a global RCT I was once told by an Internationally recognised Immunologist that"if we understand 10% of the human immune system, we are very lucky". That remark thrown in over a beer after a long day has never escaped me.

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Dear Jessica,

As I told to Kevin on X, this study has the causality reversed.

It's because these transfected cells had p53 inhibited that they didn't get apoptosized in the first place, not the other way around. So these transfected cells were stem cells, and their p53 gene was inhibited as is the always case in high-ranking - read less specialized - stem cells.

If one gets the sequence wrong, then the rest becomes pure fantasy.

Cancer cells of origin are stem cells. It's very clear and consistent. Cancer theory until now has been totally upside-down.

Read "The Needle's Secret" I sent you (available on Amazon).

Not saying these vaccine can't/don't start cancers, they do. But they do the same way other vaccines start cancers, by contaminating stem cells and tinkering with the openly accessible chromatids during cell division...

A big hug.

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Marc, if what you are saying is true, can we say that people who are developing cancer post-vaccine and post-COVID infection via p53 inactivation pathway were already in cancer trajectory and would have developed cancer in certain number of years? It just that transfection/infection accelerated the carcinogenesis?

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Apoptosized - normal and controled cell death that is part of an organisms growth or development.

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is likely that certain cancer-derived p53 mutants transactivate growth-promoting and oncogenic genes, thereby leading to the progression of the aggressive cancer's?

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That's mathematically impossible.

And physically impossible. Bc any transfected cell that carries MHC, isn't immuno-privileged will be apoptosized...

So they all already had p53 inhibition,else they'd have apoptosized.

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Mutational inactivation is considered to be one of the most common molecular mechanisms behind the dysfunction of p53. Extensive mutation search revealed that more than half of human cancers carry loss of function mutations of p53 Among them, 95% of mutations were detectable within the genomic region (exons 5–8) encoding the DNA-binding domain .

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This was not an oops 😬

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On your last "point", (sarcasm, right?) Who's to say such "research" wasn't done. I agree with Dr. Yeadon that the intention of harm was calculated in (if that's a fair summation of his viewpoint) and to what exact specificity (possibly not calculable to an exact extent?) ...Well, that might have to wait for legal "discovery" processes and/or deathbed confessions. Most likely both, for the most full accounting.

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One more link to the increase of cancer rates and resurgence of previous cancer patients turn into turbo cancers .

Recently Dr John Campbell had a interview with Professor Angus Dalgliesh on this very topic……

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A sibling and a cousin both developed "turbo cancers" after getting jabbed. Those of us who did not partake in the shots are perfectly fine.

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I’m so sorry to here that, a niece of my brother-inlaw developed a very rare cancer and when she was diagnosed it was already stage four and it’s in her heart never heard of cancer and heart before a friend of mine prostate cancer came back which was benign for years two of my in-laws one brother in-law have severe autoimmune diseases of muscles and joints one which is healthy prior to that never had an issue with aches and pains so many of this I see in my own little circle of friends and family and nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room …

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Cancer in the heart? I thought the trade off for the heart's inability to regenerate was no cancer. That's both really interesting and Horrible.

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Yes I never heard of it in the heart and yes horrible !

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Ablation therapy is helpful. 🙏

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Apparently heart cancer is really really rare.

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“...should have been done prior to using the spike protein...”

Ya think?

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lil bit

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Unless the spike was specifically employed on purpose. Just sayin...

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Now all we need to do is examine the reports of Ralph Barics early work to see when and where he discovered how to disarm P53 through a back door… and hide the nefarious plan in process pre-pandemic.

Electronic breadcrumbs join perpetrator and action … every plan leaves crumbs.

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Um.. p53 has been able to be "disarmed" since definitely the 1960s, possibly 1940s.

There are many things that do this in modern lifestyle. All Ralfy Boy needed to do was figure how to use the cascade or overwhelm effect, advantageously (depending on who's goal he was trying to accomplish)😐😤🤐

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Yes maybe.. but surely most of these techniques become traceable fairly quickly.. this latest finding seems to have taken the boffins a bit more effort…but like a murder weapon made from ice melting before forensics arrive.

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Pre genocide planning, they got pretty good at it

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Seems we are moving into a slow kill paradigm, with the kill having multiple personalities? I am having friends come down with resurgent cancers?

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This was from 2 years ago. Case reports have just escalated since. Expression of p53 doesn't appear to be impeded, but the protein then binds with S2 and appears to be opsonized for degradation:

Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 & BRCA related cancers

Experimental gene therapy transfections and public health implications


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yup. validation

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There’s a great interview with Dr John Campbell I like to share with you guys on this Dr Jessica Rose post , Jessica is phenomenal advocate for the truth and health of people but she can’t do it all by her self , if I was to pick a team of avengers she would be on top my list go to specialists scientist and be affectionately called the black widow of my team , I’ll mention the other ones on my team later. The question now is the video I like people here to watch James Rouski about the amendments of treaty WHO why things happened the way they do it pulls back the veil of deception it wasn’t just inept politicians and people in health/ sick institutions they were in for nefarious reasons total corruption of captured money from big Pharma , you really got to peel back the layers of the onion to find how this played out

Most people do not take the time again most people worry about who’s on the bachelor bachelorette show or what team won or lost what the latest fashions are out there …… it’s extremely sad about the populace doesn’t give a rats ass unless it’s their child or love one gets hurt and even then their in denial , I never saw such a mass psychosis play out in real time in front of my eyes …….

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Dear Dr. Rose, please take a look at the following rumble video: https://rumble.com/vup1m6-dr-richard-fleming-shows-the-hiv-inserts-to-the-s-spike-protein..html. Richard Fleming, MD, PHD, & JD discusses the insertion of HIV GP120 into the spike protein. In my humble opinion, people's immune are being decimated because they essentially have Vaccine Induced AIDS. Dr. Fleming also discusses about P53 gene suppression and how the LNP can traverse pass through the Blood Brain barrier and can cause deterioration within the brain. He mentioned that they found Lewy Bodies in the brains of autopsied animals,. My father was diagnosed with Lewy Bodies Dementia after having taken 3 shots.. Dr. Fleming is right. the mRNA with HIV GP120 gives people VAIDS, destroying their immune systems and leading to Vaccine Induced Dementia. I hope you look at this video and his work.

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It’s called VAIDS and it’s real and many already have it. We shall see in future whether it can be ameliorated or not! Those of you who were coerced into the jab should be very very angry!

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