I listened to the RFKJR interview with Sasha Latypova and surmise that poor quality control by DOD’s contractors is the reason anybody is still alive out of 80% “jabbed” in the US (or whatever it is).
The ability to adhere a refrigerator magnet to one’s forehead seems to be an interesting side effect for a few. Might come in handy if you don’t mind the reason for it. I get queasy thinking about it.
Aside from that, the Society of Actuaries report cited by Ed Dowd suggests a connection between COVID shot outcomes and the cumulative effect of assault by childhood vaccines. My question is posed below in a comment posted on Igor’s sub stack. Just asking!
Prior post copied here:
The Society of Actuarials report posted by @Edward Dowd on GETTR shows a 100% spike in excess death for age 35 to 44 in Q3 ‘21. Age 35 was birth year 1986. This group effectively captures the escalation of childhood vaccines driven by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act. This group was subsequently mandated by their employers when their busy boxes were replaced by laptops. Chronic immune suppression carried into adulthood that reacted in a catastrophic way to the COVID shots is a possible link to the enhanced vulnerability of younger folks to sudden death post vax. It tells of the inadequacy of all vaccine safety testing, the need to strip away legal Immunity from the manufacturers and to codify philosophical exemption to all vaccine requirements.
Hi Jessica, thanks for all your writing and analysis. In UK we noticed that calls to ambulances for collapse/syncope and cardiac arrest sky rocketed shortly after the regulator here changed the thawed shelf life of the Pfizer injection from 5 days to 30 days. That was the from about 21st May 2021. I understand that the FDA did the same in the USA at about the same time. I wonder how this longer thawed shelf life will affect RNA integrity and whether this is linked to the SAEs. It would be interesting to look at pre-May 2021 vs post-May 2021 for Pfizer. Ideally one would want to plot time since thawing against SAE frequency but I guess that data isn't available.
Per the testimony of Sasha Latypova and Maria Gutschi, it appears that large variation in manufacturing standards and practices at various facilities also played a role—how large seems unclear, but would complicate the correlation of “freshness” with SAEs.
It also seems difficult to assess whether or not a consistent mRNA sequence was utilized for all batches. That’s the official story, but seems impossible to verify, given the lack of transparency. Is there empirical evidence to support the premise of a single mRNA ‘recipe’?
Also, have to wonder about what part the pseudouridine substitutions may be playing, beyond imparting some degree of mrna longevity. My understanding is that such extensive Pseudouridylation has never been tested before in humans.
Something else I heard the other day, but don't remember what video, was that the lipid encapsulations, like fat in water, rise to the top in the vats, and because the containers are filled from the bottom, the first batches will have less LNPs than the last ones filled. They also claimed that the vats cannot be stirred due to the sensitivity of the LNPs. Not sure how true that is, but an interesting point, nonetheless.
There’s also a phenomena where the LNP’s can begin to agglomerate (clump) when temps are warm or the LNPs get ‘old’. I suppose an analogy is like coagulated fat on the top of your soup or stew. This would probably also contribute to batches and doses not being equal.
I was typing when you posted. The Japanese government has been testing and has the data, confirmed but not publicly released, tracking the lot to lot manufacturing inconsistencies. See my comment.
It’s insane, but there may be a large range of vaccine contents, varying across lots and even nations. There is no transparency, and no way to know who is getting shot up with what.
I thought the original EUA application for Pfizer said they could use up to 12 different formulas and had 3 different types of mRNA… I verified the 12 formulas.
Wow Pamela. Didn't know that. Taking that into account, sounds like they weren't even able to maintain quality across a single given formula they were trying to produce on a mass scale.
@NotJason666 here (not an expert, just an Average Dumb Guy)
So I to have been doing some digging into this, as I know SO MANY paths to jibby death. And I am looking for some sunshine in all of this.
I get that the spike, the LNP are insanely toxic and deadly. Millions have died already, and the more you take the greater the chances you will get a PURITY DOSE or that the cumulative effect of "jink toxin" in you will simply kill you.
Here are some of my thoughts (I am busy putting together a larger information dump, but it will take some time still).
When I first read the Protocol for a Healthcare Worker etc to actually put the jibby juice together, I say trouble. The Pfizer insert says they take the empty vial with the RNA in it. Then add a precise amount of saline, then turn the vial upside down, add some more, turn it again slowly, add more etc. The very nature of the RNA is so delicate this process if done shoddy can most probably cause issue.
the LNP is also very fragile and will be prone to cracking or degradation from fluctuations in temperature. So I would guess that even slight changes in the freezing temps could have an effect on LNP integrity. There was no advisory notice on how to properly thaw the batches out (well non that I could find so far i.e work in progress). As you correctly pointed out in your slides, the LNP/RNA must be kept in storage of insanely freezing C's. How this was made possible for long transportation is a KEY as well. Ten once the product is thawed, there is a small window for it to be given. Now I ask, how did they manage this with vaccine centres? They got hundreds of people some days, and hardly any on others.
I was looking at this from a South African context (where I live) and we here have BLOODY HOT DAYS! So how did they keep the product in the "Goldie locks zone". My guess is they didn't. Many vaccine centres had many prepared syringes waiting. Which means these stood for significant periods of time (and what Centre was kept at less than 8C while the prepared syringes sat on the table?).
There is also the fact that these could have been moved to and from the fridges to keep them coll. This could affect the product with the manner they were carried, and even the constant variation in temperatures could affect the LNP itself.
South Africa is blessed with Pfizer extended the Expiration Dates of the product twice, due to low uptake. This is an immediate flag of product degradation for me. Now add in the minus 60C storage (I DONT BELIEVE ANY VACCINE SITES HAD THIS CAPAICTY and they used dry ice only) and also mass degradation.
When they said mRNA I was talking a Molecular Physicist I know, and she said that her and MANY other scientists were VERY SCEPTICAL that they could ever ramp up production to an Industrial Scale.
I read allot of reports on how they had struggled to keep the product functional at lab level. So how they got it to mass production must have been via the Virgin Marys intervention or something
There is the manufacturing process, where they use two jets (at nano scale level) to fire LNP and RNA at each other. This will allow for MASSES of issues IMO from blank LNPs, to ones with multiple RNA in them, to damaged LNP, damaged RNA etc. The issue of the LNP aggregating in production is also something to look at.
I will take this further and suggest that this can and does happen in vial state as well. Each vial can have the 5 or so syringe loads of product vary greatly IMO
If LNP aggregate then some syringe loads could have no to very little of the product. While other could carry all the product in one dose.
This is a potential mechanism for the " how bad is your batch" perhaps?
The fact that Pfizer etc also DONT WANT ANYONE examining their product indicates there are things to hide. The 50% allowance you so clearly point out to is also a MASS indicator of this. There is no QC and whistle blowers have spoken of blanked out windows and great secrecy at manufacture sites.
In the rush for Pharma to grab their chunk of the lucrative market share, it would not surprise me if they also simply sent out blanks.
Then when the intended sacrifice gets their dose, their bodies acidity levels will surely play an immediate role upon the LNP...but the actual physiology of the sacrifice is the last area I will look at.
For me its what do we look for now that there is a massive chance they are injecting naked RNA (albeit degraded) and degraded LNP into the body. Naked RNA could lead to cancers? The degraded LNP could still impact the immune function of the sacrifice? Will degraded LNP still carry an electric charge?
There is really so much to consider, so just spit-balling here.
Anyway, please do STAY SAFE and keep churning out the work. I love what you are doing.
Apologies for spelling errors etc. Am quickly hammering this thought stream in between my day work.
You might be interested in this video. It's long, yes, but in the midst of it, the doctor mentions that his AC was blown out in a recent storm, and his sample on a slide shows some very distinct changes in a few days. It might have been a providential accident that helps lead credence to what you're saying. https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/david-nixon-and-mat-taylor
I happen to believe you, btw... and had all these same questions, given the variability of conditions around innoculation.
Japan researcher confirms lot inconsistencies catalogued by the government, but kept from the public. This dropped a couple of weeks ago. Kyoto University researcher / professor, Takayuki Miyazawa, virologist with 300+ publications, veterinary degrees from Tokyo University. Two years at the University of London. Here he's talking, in Japanese, about wanting to test the vaccines but being prevented by the Pharma confidentiality contracts, rumor being they would be arrested for the attempt, a problem as mass producing these vaccines consistently is technically impossible according to him. He then had a meeting with a member of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan. In the conversation he wanted to find out about their testing / testing methods expecting there to be as much as a 10x difference in 'performance' between lots. To which the ministry official said it's not that much. So you have the data? Yes. Well show it to me. Can't, because of confidentiality (the contracts). He did some research and any reference to this data is blacked out. To wit, and the reason he's pissed, the Ministry has been testing, and confirmed they have the data on which lots 'are and are not dangerous'. They've had the data. And shared it with no one. https://twitter.com/kota_sugihara/status/1596550766705381376
10 by the way, in this case %, also represents the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare vaccine uptake among staff we now know. It's been their job to promote and encourage Japanese to get vaccinated. A very skeptical public (gardasil scandal) with slow uptake prior to the 2nd go at the Olympics has turned into 79%+ fully vaccinated from 12 up. 18% for 5-11. And from October, they approved the 6 month to 4 year olds. They've done their job promoting well. (Which is not surprising if you know Japan or have heard of honne and tatemae, personal feelings / beliefs vs one's public display. In a job setting, for example, some team members may be vehemently opposed to an idea, but present it to others outside the group as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Like it or not, it's the way many things operate.)
Covid deaths have remained comparatively low throughout with only a couple of days over 300, half that on the most recent reporting day. As you may suspect though, with such high vaccination rates, all cause mortality is up, peaking at 29% in August 2022. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=~JPN Birth rates have been dropping since the 50s, have been below replacement levels since 2010 and took another nose dive in 2021. But I'll be very curious to see the numbers for 2022 when that data is published.
(Looking up info for this comment, ran across this despicable post on John Hopkins Medicine website updated June 22, 2022. "Should I consider getting my child vaccinated for COVID-19?" Stops variants. Protects the community. "The vaccine helps prevent kids from getting COVID-19" "or further spread the virus to others who will become very sick, and maybe even die — all because of a preventable infection." How is it posting these provable lies they are not being sued? https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid19-vaccine-what-parents-need-to-know )
We've given a lot of thought to this issue, and think it likely that quality issues breaking down the McRNA are why so many batches are "safe", statistically. It makes more sense that there would be MANY improperly stored vials than that there would be a few, and that the fully expressed spike would be more dangerous than a bottle full of broken down strands.
The alternative would be that the safe batches were shipped as blanks. But mishandling on a mass scale seems very much likelier, and Occam's razor-y, especially when the CDC guidelines were radically less strict than the OG manufacturer specs.
I think any theory would perhaps need to explain this: South Korea tracked adverse events per 1,000 injections and that rate has been steadily going down. Here's the chart (I added the translations): https://imgur.com/a/L3LkDn9
In the first few months of the rollout there were a huge number of Adverse Events per 1,000 injections. This dropped for an unknown reason, and then in the last year the rate drastically went down.
Theories are:
1. they started aspirating (Marc Girardot).
2. the only people still getting the shots have a tolerance for the spike protein and sensitive people stopped taking them (Eugyppius)
3. Public Health in S. Korea is hiding adverse events (two people who live there)
4. the significant drop happened a few months after Japan called out Moderna for shoddy manufacturing processes, implying that was the cause of problems in S. Korea also.
5. they changed the vaxx formula to make it safer, at least in the short term.
It's an unanswered question, but so much of this data from public health agencies is corrupted that I don't know what can be read into it.
Or perhaps the companies knew the shots were useless and harmful, so diluted the injections. They are protected by the non-analysis agreement, so profits would continue.
Consider that all government data are GIGO, so Joel Smalley is correct, you can only count deaths.
Great work, Jessica. And I'm so grateful for all you've been bravely and willingly done and all you endured and are enduring to do this work. I so wish we knew even more. Me, my daughters and son in law unvaxxed but 2nd daughter now in love with double Pfizer and booster. He's promised never again, is now listening to Jie Rogan etc. But how do I help him get rid of Spike? He's open to doing the protocol. Does anyone actually know if it works? Ps. He's not vaxx injured that we know of.....33 today and a semi pro rugby player. My beloved husband died when said daughter was 18. I know I can't control things but I want to do what I can to help protect her from that grief🙏.
Assuming the current mRNA jabs are the "experiment" with the intent of determining, shall we say, the TRUE effectiveness of the jab in producing the DESIRED effect (whatever that may in fact be), in preparation for the next leap forward, can we postulate that the next jab will have been suitably tweaked for the REAL intent?
Is it also possible that the experiment has in fact been mostly a failure? In that the manufacturing, transportation/distribution, tracking and delivery has been unable to achieve the consistency of outcomes intended for such a large-scale roll-out (not to mention targeting) of product?
Are the SAEs representative of not only variance in manufacturing, storage temperature and handling, but also of the inability of the "jabbers" to achieve the vial monitoring, mixing, injection technique, and accuracy of record-keeping? Remember the proposed and then quickly buried campaign in the US to go door to door to inquire and advocate for taking the jab?
No wonder the pharmaceutical industry excluded themselves and their buddies in government from the grand experiment.
Since many of the patents are DOD backed, I believe there is a purpose for tagging people to strip away anonymity. The observed bluetooth signals that are "built" into the respective people would be VERY handy for tracking people at protests, or for remote perimeter detection around sensitive military sites, or the homes of the elites. Who knows, maybe it's for taxation purposes, or it IS your digital ID and will be used for controlling and tracking you no matter where you go.
Somewhat off topic but Looking @ your slideshow I was struck by a thought; when the living intelligence of the body begins to resist what so-called-Science is forcing upon It—- and I believe that It will as It is a Living Intelligence that is constantly self-evolving ItSelf—- When we begin to witness the living intelligence fighting back against being programmed/misprogrammed in this manner, will Man then acknowledge the Life within and move to cooperate with it? Or will it be an all out war upon ourselves and all life? Because if the answer is the latter then , from my pov, we are revealing something terrifying about what mankind is willing to Be and the extent of our own hatred toward Life or any kind of loving/thoughtful interaction with it. Just my 2cents with my morning tea. Thank you Jessica for that great big Heart of yours. Your loving essence comes through your every word and I am grateful 💕.
Hm. I recall that the codon "spelling system" enables an intrinsic prio mechanism for the distribution of amino acids during "amino acid starvation". A study found that the different synonymous codon "spelling" controls this "priority", and also that different genes can have different codes/prio - in the same organism - depending on how "important" the genes are.
> "We modeled how the charged levels of different transfer RNAs (tRNAs) that carry the same amino acid (isoacceptors) respond when this amino acid becomes growth-limiting. The charged levels will approach zero for some isoacceptors (such as Formula) and remain high for others (such as Formula), as determined by the concentrations of isoacceptors and how often their codons occur in protein synthesis. The theory accounts for (synonymous) codons for the same amino acid that are used in ribosome-mediated transcriptional attenuation, the choices of synonymous codons in trans-translating transfermessenger RNA, and the overrepresentation of rare codons in messenger RNAs for amino acid biosynthetic enzymes."
So, this mechanism kicks in only during "amino acid starvation" which makes me wonder if also this mechanism becomes more or less active depending on the transcription efficiency, and in turn also influences pathology?
Just watching the talk... On top of demographics how about the medical profile of the patient? It appears to be affecting those with existing autoimmune disease / allergies to a greater extent. If a batch hit a bunch of people with existing allergies could this create a false 'hot lot'? Was it safer to get your jab at your doctor's where they may have checked your records, as opposed to batches which went to drive through grab a jab horror stops where I think they took your name, jabbed you and you were on your way?
This is exactly why my PCP and I decided that I should not get the jab due to my existing autoimmune issues. My PCP and his ER physician wife remain un-jabbed as do I. His premise was that my immune system was already wonky to begin with, why take a chance on this "new" product making things worse. I am 75 and in reasonable good health. No prescription meds and never had a flu shot.
A relative of mine already had a diagnosis of celiac, got vax and boosters (3 total shots), then received Hashimoto’s diagnosis. No doctor is attributing the second diagnosis to the shots because “people with one auto-immune disease often develop another.” I wish she had had your doctor!
Exactly, if I take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs I double in size like a human Puffer fish, no way was I going to try something I didn't need where Phase II of the trial showed autoimmune inflammatory problems and I would have to wait 75 years to see what was in it!
Are there elements associated with race, and more harshly impacting those people with racial markers that are being disrupted in disproportionate numbers?
Would the possible batch date and placement of vials in warmer environments (drawing out for a shot) cause the (self) destruction of components not otherwise active with proper cold storage? In other words, it's a "one shot progression, once warmed up".
Does it become more active in proximity to various energy sources? (electrical, radio, magnetic, certain frequencies (powerline, near wireless or cellular frequencies, microwave relays, xrays?, etc)?)
Does it leverage sun exposure and subsequent melanin processes or vitamin conversions/productions?
Are there dietary triggers? In other words, would it bind to, or be activated by elevated levels of meat, fats, certain types of foods that might otherwise "help it grow"?
Are there genetic components that are more prevalent? (dark hair for instance?) There was that "german ideal" and some of the players have adopted eugenics of a sort. There were rumors that the Chinese buying up genetic testing labs to find unique markers for targeting ethnicities, and Blackrock quietly bought up Ancestry.com and they have an EXTENSIVE DNA collection/analysis/matching database.
The final slide could be explained by more shots delivered from fresh lots. To exclude this possibility you could, e.g., plot the corresponding graph for non severe AE and take their ratio. A constant ratio would strongly support that explanation. Alternatively, you could weigh a SAE by the size of its lot.
I listened to the RFKJR interview with Sasha Latypova and surmise that poor quality control by DOD’s contractors is the reason anybody is still alive out of 80% “jabbed” in the US (or whatever it is).
The ability to adhere a refrigerator magnet to one’s forehead seems to be an interesting side effect for a few. Might come in handy if you don’t mind the reason for it. I get queasy thinking about it.
Aside from that, the Society of Actuaries report cited by Ed Dowd suggests a connection between COVID shot outcomes and the cumulative effect of assault by childhood vaccines. My question is posed below in a comment posted on Igor’s sub stack. Just asking!
Prior post copied here:
The Society of Actuarials report posted by @Edward Dowd on GETTR shows a 100% spike in excess death for age 35 to 44 in Q3 ‘21. Age 35 was birth year 1986. This group effectively captures the escalation of childhood vaccines driven by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act. This group was subsequently mandated by their employers when their busy boxes were replaced by laptops. Chronic immune suppression carried into adulthood that reacted in a catastrophic way to the COVID shots is a possible link to the enhanced vulnerability of younger folks to sudden death post vax. It tells of the inadequacy of all vaccine safety testing, the need to strip away legal Immunity from the manufacturers and to codify philosophical exemption to all vaccine requirements.
Dowd and Latypova are two of my favorite people. They both should be more widely followed.
Hi Jessica, thanks for all your writing and analysis. In UK we noticed that calls to ambulances for collapse/syncope and cardiac arrest sky rocketed shortly after the regulator here changed the thawed shelf life of the Pfizer injection from 5 days to 30 days. That was the from about 21st May 2021. I understand that the FDA did the same in the USA at about the same time. I wonder how this longer thawed shelf life will affect RNA integrity and whether this is linked to the SAEs. It would be interesting to look at pre-May 2021 vs post-May 2021 for Pfizer. Ideally one would want to plot time since thawing against SAE frequency but I guess that data isn't available.
Or perhaps it doesn't relate to the RNA integrity but to other ingredients in the injections?
Per the testimony of Sasha Latypova and Maria Gutschi, it appears that large variation in manufacturing standards and practices at various facilities also played a role—how large seems unclear, but would complicate the correlation of “freshness” with SAEs.
It also seems difficult to assess whether or not a consistent mRNA sequence was utilized for all batches. That’s the official story, but seems impossible to verify, given the lack of transparency. Is there empirical evidence to support the premise of a single mRNA ‘recipe’?
Also, have to wonder about what part the pseudouridine substitutions may be playing, beyond imparting some degree of mrna longevity. My understanding is that such extensive Pseudouridylation has never been tested before in humans.
yes 100% on the pseudoUs. those guys also increase chances of protein mis-folding because of potential for ribosomal pausing
Isnt there also an effect on stop codon reading via nonsense mutations? I also read that it interferes with toll-like receptors?
Something else I heard the other day, but don't remember what video, was that the lipid encapsulations, like fat in water, rise to the top in the vats, and because the containers are filled from the bottom, the first batches will have less LNPs than the last ones filled. They also claimed that the vats cannot be stirred due to the sensitivity of the LNPs. Not sure how true that is, but an interesting point, nonetheless.
I’ve heard Latypova speak to that.
There’s also a phenomena where the LNP’s can begin to agglomerate (clump) when temps are warm or the LNPs get ‘old’. I suppose an analogy is like coagulated fat on the top of your soup or stew. This would probably also contribute to batches and doses not being equal.
It’s complete chaos.
Dr. J, this is applicable—and Sasha mentions you!
Yes, there was that manufacturing plant in Baltimore that got closed down, I believe for adulteration of product.
I was typing when you posted. The Japanese government has been testing and has the data, confirmed but not publicly released, tracking the lot to lot manufacturing inconsistencies. See my comment.
that is for Japan only?
Yes, Japanese data on vaccine lots available in Japan.
It’s insane, but there may be a large range of vaccine contents, varying across lots and even nations. There is no transparency, and no way to know who is getting shot up with what.
I thought the original EUA application for Pfizer said they could use up to 12 different formulas and had 3 different types of mRNA… I verified the 12 formulas.
It’s hard to keep track of the numbers, but I read similar.
Would you happen to have a link or citation to the 12 formulas you referenced?
Thank you 🙏🏽
Wow Pamela. Didn't know that. Taking that into account, sounds like they weren't even able to maintain quality across a single given formula they were trying to produce on a mass scale.
That is new information to me. So which formulation had the RCT trial?
Hi Jessica
Love you work, and you are LOVELY!
@NotJason666 here (not an expert, just an Average Dumb Guy)
So I to have been doing some digging into this, as I know SO MANY paths to jibby death. And I am looking for some sunshine in all of this.
I get that the spike, the LNP are insanely toxic and deadly. Millions have died already, and the more you take the greater the chances you will get a PURITY DOSE or that the cumulative effect of "jink toxin" in you will simply kill you.
Here are some of my thoughts (I am busy putting together a larger information dump, but it will take some time still).
When I first read the Protocol for a Healthcare Worker etc to actually put the jibby juice together, I say trouble. The Pfizer insert says they take the empty vial with the RNA in it. Then add a precise amount of saline, then turn the vial upside down, add some more, turn it again slowly, add more etc. The very nature of the RNA is so delicate this process if done shoddy can most probably cause issue.
the LNP is also very fragile and will be prone to cracking or degradation from fluctuations in temperature. So I would guess that even slight changes in the freezing temps could have an effect on LNP integrity. There was no advisory notice on how to properly thaw the batches out (well non that I could find so far i.e work in progress). As you correctly pointed out in your slides, the LNP/RNA must be kept in storage of insanely freezing C's. How this was made possible for long transportation is a KEY as well. Ten once the product is thawed, there is a small window for it to be given. Now I ask, how did they manage this with vaccine centres? They got hundreds of people some days, and hardly any on others.
I was looking at this from a South African context (where I live) and we here have BLOODY HOT DAYS! So how did they keep the product in the "Goldie locks zone". My guess is they didn't. Many vaccine centres had many prepared syringes waiting. Which means these stood for significant periods of time (and what Centre was kept at less than 8C while the prepared syringes sat on the table?).
There is also the fact that these could have been moved to and from the fridges to keep them coll. This could affect the product with the manner they were carried, and even the constant variation in temperatures could affect the LNP itself.
South Africa is blessed with Pfizer extended the Expiration Dates of the product twice, due to low uptake. This is an immediate flag of product degradation for me. Now add in the minus 60C storage (I DONT BELIEVE ANY VACCINE SITES HAD THIS CAPAICTY and they used dry ice only) and also mass degradation.
When they said mRNA I was talking a Molecular Physicist I know, and she said that her and MANY other scientists were VERY SCEPTICAL that they could ever ramp up production to an Industrial Scale.
I read allot of reports on how they had struggled to keep the product functional at lab level. So how they got it to mass production must have been via the Virgin Marys intervention or something
There is the manufacturing process, where they use two jets (at nano scale level) to fire LNP and RNA at each other. This will allow for MASSES of issues IMO from blank LNPs, to ones with multiple RNA in them, to damaged LNP, damaged RNA etc. The issue of the LNP aggregating in production is also something to look at.
I will take this further and suggest that this can and does happen in vial state as well. Each vial can have the 5 or so syringe loads of product vary greatly IMO
If LNP aggregate then some syringe loads could have no to very little of the product. While other could carry all the product in one dose.
This is a potential mechanism for the " how bad is your batch" perhaps?
The fact that Pfizer etc also DONT WANT ANYONE examining their product indicates there are things to hide. The 50% allowance you so clearly point out to is also a MASS indicator of this. There is no QC and whistle blowers have spoken of blanked out windows and great secrecy at manufacture sites.
In the rush for Pharma to grab their chunk of the lucrative market share, it would not surprise me if they also simply sent out blanks.
Then when the intended sacrifice gets their dose, their bodies acidity levels will surely play an immediate role upon the LNP...but the actual physiology of the sacrifice is the last area I will look at.
For me its what do we look for now that there is a massive chance they are injecting naked RNA (albeit degraded) and degraded LNP into the body. Naked RNA could lead to cancers? The degraded LNP could still impact the immune function of the sacrifice? Will degraded LNP still carry an electric charge?
There is really so much to consider, so just spit-balling here.
Anyway, please do STAY SAFE and keep churning out the work. I love what you are doing.
Apologies for spelling errors etc. Am quickly hammering this thought stream in between my day work.
You might be interested in this video. It's long, yes, but in the midst of it, the doctor mentions that his AC was blown out in a recent storm, and his sample on a slide shows some very distinct changes in a few days. It might have been a providential accident that helps lead credence to what you're saying. https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/david-nixon-and-mat-taylor
I happen to believe you, btw... and had all these same questions, given the variability of conditions around innoculation.
Japan researcher confirms lot inconsistencies catalogued by the government, but kept from the public. This dropped a couple of weeks ago. Kyoto University researcher / professor, Takayuki Miyazawa, virologist with 300+ publications, veterinary degrees from Tokyo University. Two years at the University of London. Here he's talking, in Japanese, about wanting to test the vaccines but being prevented by the Pharma confidentiality contracts, rumor being they would be arrested for the attempt, a problem as mass producing these vaccines consistently is technically impossible according to him. He then had a meeting with a member of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan. In the conversation he wanted to find out about their testing / testing methods expecting there to be as much as a 10x difference in 'performance' between lots. To which the ministry official said it's not that much. So you have the data? Yes. Well show it to me. Can't, because of confidentiality (the contracts). He did some research and any reference to this data is blacked out. To wit, and the reason he's pissed, the Ministry has been testing, and confirmed they have the data on which lots 'are and are not dangerous'. They've had the data. And shared it with no one. https://twitter.com/kota_sugihara/status/1596550766705381376
10 by the way, in this case %, also represents the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare vaccine uptake among staff we now know. It's been their job to promote and encourage Japanese to get vaccinated. A very skeptical public (gardasil scandal) with slow uptake prior to the 2nd go at the Olympics has turned into 79%+ fully vaccinated from 12 up. 18% for 5-11. And from October, they approved the 6 month to 4 year olds. They've done their job promoting well. (Which is not surprising if you know Japan or have heard of honne and tatemae, personal feelings / beliefs vs one's public display. In a job setting, for example, some team members may be vehemently opposed to an idea, but present it to others outside the group as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Like it or not, it's the way many things operate.)
Covid deaths have remained comparatively low throughout with only a couple of days over 300, half that on the most recent reporting day. As you may suspect though, with such high vaccination rates, all cause mortality is up, peaking at 29% in August 2022. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=~JPN Birth rates have been dropping since the 50s, have been below replacement levels since 2010 and took another nose dive in 2021. But I'll be very curious to see the numbers for 2022 when that data is published.
(Looking up info for this comment, ran across this despicable post on John Hopkins Medicine website updated June 22, 2022. "Should I consider getting my child vaccinated for COVID-19?" Stops variants. Protects the community. "The vaccine helps prevent kids from getting COVID-19" "or further spread the virus to others who will become very sick, and maybe even die — all because of a preventable infection." How is it posting these provable lies they are not being sued? https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid19-vaccine-what-parents-need-to-know )
We've given a lot of thought to this issue, and think it likely that quality issues breaking down the McRNA are why so many batches are "safe", statistically. It makes more sense that there would be MANY improperly stored vials than that there would be a few, and that the fully expressed spike would be more dangerous than a bottle full of broken down strands.
The alternative would be that the safe batches were shipped as blanks. But mishandling on a mass scale seems very much likelier, and Occam's razor-y, especially when the CDC guidelines were radically less strict than the OG manufacturer specs.
:) Ribosomal pausing.
Pausing, or priming¿
I think any theory would perhaps need to explain this: South Korea tracked adverse events per 1,000 injections and that rate has been steadily going down. Here's the chart (I added the translations): https://imgur.com/a/L3LkDn9
Here's the source: https://ncv.kdca.go.kr/board.es?mid=a11707010000&bid=0032&act=view&list_no=818&tag=&nPage=1
In the first few months of the rollout there were a huge number of Adverse Events per 1,000 injections. This dropped for an unknown reason, and then in the last year the rate drastically went down.
Theories are:
1. they started aspirating (Marc Girardot).
2. the only people still getting the shots have a tolerance for the spike protein and sensitive people stopped taking them (Eugyppius)
3. Public Health in S. Korea is hiding adverse events (two people who live there)
4. the significant drop happened a few months after Japan called out Moderna for shoddy manufacturing processes, implying that was the cause of problems in S. Korea also.
5. they changed the vaxx formula to make it safer, at least in the short term.
It's an unanswered question, but so much of this data from public health agencies is corrupted that I don't know what can be read into it.
Or perhaps the companies knew the shots were useless and harmful, so diluted the injections. They are protected by the non-analysis agreement, so profits would continue.
Consider that all government data are GIGO, so Joel Smalley is correct, you can only count deaths.
Great work, Jessica. And I'm so grateful for all you've been bravely and willingly done and all you endured and are enduring to do this work. I so wish we knew even more. Me, my daughters and son in law unvaxxed but 2nd daughter now in love with double Pfizer and booster. He's promised never again, is now listening to Jie Rogan etc. But how do I help him get rid of Spike? He's open to doing the protocol. Does anyone actually know if it works? Ps. He's not vaxx injured that we know of.....33 today and a semi pro rugby player. My beloved husband died when said daughter was 18. I know I can't control things but I want to do what I can to help protect her from that grief🙏.
Front Line Doctors or The Wellness Project might be able to help him. Both are on line.
Assuming the current mRNA jabs are the "experiment" with the intent of determining, shall we say, the TRUE effectiveness of the jab in producing the DESIRED effect (whatever that may in fact be), in preparation for the next leap forward, can we postulate that the next jab will have been suitably tweaked for the REAL intent?
Is it also possible that the experiment has in fact been mostly a failure? In that the manufacturing, transportation/distribution, tracking and delivery has been unable to achieve the consistency of outcomes intended for such a large-scale roll-out (not to mention targeting) of product?
Are the SAEs representative of not only variance in manufacturing, storage temperature and handling, but also of the inability of the "jabbers" to achieve the vial monitoring, mixing, injection technique, and accuracy of record-keeping? Remember the proposed and then quickly buried campaign in the US to go door to door to inquire and advocate for taking the jab?
No wonder the pharmaceutical industry excluded themselves and their buddies in government from the grand experiment.
Since many of the patents are DOD backed, I believe there is a purpose for tagging people to strip away anonymity. The observed bluetooth signals that are "built" into the respective people would be VERY handy for tracking people at protests, or for remote perimeter detection around sensitive military sites, or the homes of the elites. Who knows, maybe it's for taxation purposes, or it IS your digital ID and will be used for controlling and tracking you no matter where you go.
Somewhat off topic but Looking @ your slideshow I was struck by a thought; when the living intelligence of the body begins to resist what so-called-Science is forcing upon It—- and I believe that It will as It is a Living Intelligence that is constantly self-evolving ItSelf—- When we begin to witness the living intelligence fighting back against being programmed/misprogrammed in this manner, will Man then acknowledge the Life within and move to cooperate with it? Or will it be an all out war upon ourselves and all life? Because if the answer is the latter then , from my pov, we are revealing something terrifying about what mankind is willing to Be and the extent of our own hatred toward Life or any kind of loving/thoughtful interaction with it. Just my 2cents with my morning tea. Thank you Jessica for that great big Heart of yours. Your loving essence comes through your every word and I am grateful 💕.
Hm. I recall that the codon "spelling system" enables an intrinsic prio mechanism for the distribution of amino acids during "amino acid starvation". A study found that the different synonymous codon "spelling" controls this "priority", and also that different genes can have different codes/prio - in the same organism - depending on how "important" the genes are.
The mechanism is described in "Selective Charging of tRNA Isoacceptors Explains Patterns of Codon Usage" (http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/300/5626/1718):
> "We modeled how the charged levels of different transfer RNAs (tRNAs) that carry the same amino acid (isoacceptors) respond when this amino acid becomes growth-limiting. The charged levels will approach zero for some isoacceptors (such as Formula) and remain high for others (such as Formula), as determined by the concentrations of isoacceptors and how often their codons occur in protein synthesis. The theory accounts for (synonymous) codons for the same amino acid that are used in ribosome-mediated transcriptional attenuation, the choices of synonymous codons in trans-translating transfermessenger RNA, and the overrepresentation of rare codons in messenger RNAs for amino acid biosynthetic enzymes."
So, this mechanism kicks in only during "amino acid starvation" which makes me wonder if also this mechanism becomes more or less active depending on the transcription efficiency, and in turn also influences pathology?
// Rolf
Just watching the talk... On top of demographics how about the medical profile of the patient? It appears to be affecting those with existing autoimmune disease / allergies to a greater extent. If a batch hit a bunch of people with existing allergies could this create a false 'hot lot'? Was it safer to get your jab at your doctor's where they may have checked your records, as opposed to batches which went to drive through grab a jab horror stops where I think they took your name, jabbed you and you were on your way?
med profile fields in VAERS are pretty sparse but good idea!
This is exactly why my PCP and I decided that I should not get the jab due to my existing autoimmune issues. My PCP and his ER physician wife remain un-jabbed as do I. His premise was that my immune system was already wonky to begin with, why take a chance on this "new" product making things worse. I am 75 and in reasonable good health. No prescription meds and never had a flu shot.
A relative of mine already had a diagnosis of celiac, got vax and boosters (3 total shots), then received Hashimoto’s diagnosis. No doctor is attributing the second diagnosis to the shots because “people with one auto-immune disease often develop another.” I wish she had had your doctor!
Apart from anything I'd be 127 and you'd be 150 years old before we get the ingredients.
Exactly, if I take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs I double in size like a human Puffer fish, no way was I going to try something I didn't need where Phase II of the trial showed autoimmune inflammatory problems and I would have to wait 75 years to see what was in it!
Couple of thoughts...
Are there elements associated with race, and more harshly impacting those people with racial markers that are being disrupted in disproportionate numbers?
Would the possible batch date and placement of vials in warmer environments (drawing out for a shot) cause the (self) destruction of components not otherwise active with proper cold storage? In other words, it's a "one shot progression, once warmed up".
Does it become more active in proximity to various energy sources? (electrical, radio, magnetic, certain frequencies (powerline, near wireless or cellular frequencies, microwave relays, xrays?, etc)?)
Does it leverage sun exposure and subsequent melanin processes or vitamin conversions/productions?
Are there dietary triggers? In other words, would it bind to, or be activated by elevated levels of meat, fats, certain types of foods that might otherwise "help it grow"?
Are there genetic components that are more prevalent? (dark hair for instance?) There was that "german ideal" and some of the players have adopted eugenics of a sort. There were rumors that the Chinese buying up genetic testing labs to find unique markers for targeting ethnicities, and Blackrock quietly bought up Ancestry.com and they have an EXTENSIVE DNA collection/analysis/matching database.
as always: above my paygrade, but keep them coming!
Agree! I love the opportunity Jessica brings to help us learn, understand. Grateful.
The final slide could be explained by more shots delivered from fresh lots. To exclude this possibility you could, e.g., plot the corresponding graph for non severe AE and take their ratio. A constant ratio would strongly support that explanation. Alternatively, you could weigh a SAE by the size of its lot.