It is quite horrific that a young woman should die in this gruesome way, when she was at virtually zero risk of death from Covid itself. What on earth were our governments and the regulators thinking of?

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Killing and maiming people, including children. Clear to me. Too much fits to ignore the obvious plan.

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Depopulation cannot be achieved by this means, and in any case, it is happening already with a huge fall in birth rates since at least 1980 in all developed societies.

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You may be missing "their" strategy.

This fake pandemic and vaccine kill-off is stage one.

Stage two: Continuous pandemic / mRNA vax death knells.

Stage three: Continuous increase in vaccines into children. . . all of this, AROUND the world.

Not illogical-- Evil, inexplicable, and insidious.

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I don't think that plasmid contamination is the silver bullet especially in regards to the adenovirus vaccines. It has been known for over 20 years that adenovirus vector use can cause issues such as thrombocytopenia in mammals. It beggars believe that the regulators turned a blind eye to a wealth of scientific research into this matter.

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The fact that we are still (Year 4) talking about it… The contaminated, non-uniform, highly harmful products with thousands of loose ends are still on the market… and they are gaining traction and speed… The underlying technology has already become well established and quite possibly will remain untouchable… All aspects of this one single product family are beyond any challenging, criticism, or even verification… The guardians of this product family do extremely well and quite possibly will never talk to the people… The aspect of harmfulness doesn’t exist… All data related to this product family are unreliable, fragmentary and doctored, thus completely removing the possibility of any actual assessment of this forced intervention… The “scientists” and “researchers” playing around with it simply continue their work… and the medical circles simply do as they please, not listening to anybody…

All this proves that the presumably esteemed, beneficial, life-saving or trusted medicine simply does NOT exist. All there is is a one-way enforcement mechanism, that has departed from science over one hundred years ago.

The question is still baffling: why are we talking about it? Why? Millions of substacks and thousands of concerned citizens or professionals won’t change anything about it. As these 4 years have proven, people dying or suffering for lifetime from these “medicines” are completely irrelevant and neglected. Which shows that no traditional braking mechanism is allowed to interfere with the mRNA agenda. Why talk? Why discuss? Why waste energy on it? Every well-researched article on various aspects of that stuff is only enriching THEIR knowledge base, directly (mechanisms) and indirectly (showing where they have to work more to adapt “science” and propaganda to deflect future criticism).

It’s a lost game. Like a 100-year-old compromised building. You can’t repair it. You can’t modify it to make it life-able. You can’t analyze its details and make bystanders “oh, look, how much we know” happy. Demolishing is the only way to prevent further harm.

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Looks that way now, unfortunately. The runaway climate train is on the track now also as well. Unassailable killing narrative train empty of facts but loaded with lies coming at us from every direction.

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A nice representation. No-one of the folks who are our neighbors can access the driver's seat. If you want to survive, you can only move out of the rails. Oh, wait, you can't. The rails are fenced and protected by uniforms and regulations. so, the only way out is to force the complete dismantling of the railway line and to abolish designing, researching, building and using any trains. So easy. Except that some of us who are on the rails actually live off the rails and off the constant fear of the train and off the constant roar of the engine. These people will be the first to protect the lethal engine. They already are.

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The lack of compassion for humanity from these "scientists" convinces me that they are looking at us as the "animal study". Our response to them should be swift and equally compassionate.

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That's the point. At this stage of progress in the medical field we don't need any new research. Permanent shutting down of all medical research and rerouting funding to improve what we already know would be a true blessing.

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They aren’t going to stop the vaccines. They just authorized monoclonal antibodies for RSV for all babies and they are playing fast and loose with the definition of it. It’s really a drug, but they are putting it on the vaccine schedule so it gets immunity. That’s blatant fraud.

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This whole story may be just a prelude to transfer all drug approval processes behind the curtain and away from public scrutiny. The model is already proven working: a theoretical health threat triggers a "we care for you all" massive reaction with imposed rules to develop and optimize stimulus-reaction behavioral patterns. Nothing to see here, just a vicious circle.

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I agree. That anyone is waiting for the health agencies to start protecting our lives instead of allowing big pharma to kill and injure us at will hasn’t been paying attention to what they have been doing with vaccines and other drugs going back over a century. And congress through previous administrations have written legislation making it legal for them to do it.

In case you haven’t seen what Katherine Watts has discovered she has done incredible work finding the legislation that makes it legal for our rights to be suspended.


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A VAERS database search at the CDC site reveals 237 deaths from Pfizer lot EN6201 (this number has gone down by 25 or 30 in the last few months.) The CDH lot size dataset shows that there were 2,620,800 of this lot # produced. This is about 1 death per 11,000 shots produced (who knows if they all got injected.) Obviously there is an underreporting factor in VAERS, but who knows what it is. Let's say half of events are reported, which is super conservative as some estimates say it is only 1%. That gives you a 1 in 5500 chance of death if you got this deadly lot. How do I know this? My wife's best friend is one of these 237 and we reported it, and I have spent 2+ years obsessing over this.

Steps to research deaths by lot #

1. Go to wonder.cdc.gov

2. Click on A-Z Index and then “V”

3. Click on Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

4. Agree to disclaimer

5. Select VAERS data search

6. Scroll down to item 3.

7. Enter 6201 in “Vaccine lot” a field on the right hand side of item 3.

8. Press Enter

9. A table will appear with a complete list of adverse events

10. Scroll through to have your mind blown

Where I live in Berkeley, CA, when I share this with my professor, and tech tycoon, and intellectual friends none of them have the critical thinking skills to accept this as true or a safety signal. They all trot out some line about "anyone can put anything into VAERS. Did you see the report of the guy that turned into the incredible hulk..."

Complete madness has captured this community I live in. Don't get me going on the masks that have all of a sudden returned in force here!

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"Mistakes will be made"? Theyve killed probably 100s of thousands of people around the world, destroyed economic lives as well. Those responsible should either be in prison for life or flat out executed for their more than obvious crimes against humanity!

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“…Six reported clots out of almost seven million doses(of J&J).” “Doctors did not see any evidence of a blood clot.” This from a local news article about her death. They didn’t mention the deaths of FOURTY women in MI. I’m not sure why this still “baffles” me? That more people aren’t screaming bloody murder in front of pharmacies, hospitals and capital buildings. So called reporters should be leading the pack.

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DNA Crystals, Technology, biosynthetic piezos, QCA, Graphene coating on DNA aptamers, hydrogel all over our blood, QDots and you are actively denying it

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Endotoxin attaches itself to dsDNA

The fact that Serious Adverse Event rates don't correlate with dsDNA points to variability likely to be found if anyone holding donated jab samples sent them for Mass Spec analysis.

Brain Bleed from Janssen is likely due to Polysorbate 80 and/or the Adenovirus carrier.


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Covid Was Not A Natural Disaster.

It Was The Beginning

Of A Human Disaster.

As Most Things Are.


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Ya' know Jessica, it seems to me all reports regarding data from VAERS, should have a standard caveat:

"This data is from the US Government VAERS database comprising voluntary responses entered after patients' deaths or adverse events. Statistically, VAERS must be regarded as a sample from which to extrapolate ACTUAL event occurrences and, as such, it is important to understand that statistical analyses by a number of experts revealed ACTUAL events occur at rates 40 to over 100 times as often as VAERS indicate."

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This coverup is becoming more than just a way to hide a crime....

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there were billions and billions of vaccines produced under a short time, mistakes will be made. Operation Warpspeed required guts and quick tough decisions had to be made.

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There were no mistakes, you either don't know enough or you are also collaborating in these biosynthetic / pasteurian eugenics

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Pandelis is a paid Pharma troll.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

thats the best you can do? how about some arguments instead?

i addressed bufus baseless allegations right below ... do you have anything to contribute? this is a debate and excahnge of ideas ... dont be a bully.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

these are baseless allegations. if there were no mistakes, then all regulators, medical establishmnts, mas media and governments, all colluded together from isrel to unites states. that is simply not possible. you know better than that. no governmet has that much power and why do it anyway?

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it is getting very serious since Karen Kingston is being poisoned constantly and I am losing my patience with these ridiculous trials to weave a medical mistake story

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this very collusion you are speaking of was quoted by Michael Yeadon, ex top pharma guy ;-)

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

thats the guy who says there are no viruses, though he worked at pfizer all his life ... what did he do all his life if there are no viruses?? dont listen to schemers, they are after your money.

people overanalyze these things, it was a huge exercise and the whole world shut down, billions vaccines produced and mistakes are made. next time around all these mistakes will be adrressed especially if trump comes in the office. tough quick decision making that is what is needed.

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“All these mistakes will be addressed…” like all the mistakes that have been happening with childhood vaccines? All they’ve done is ramp up the schedule. No one is coming to address anything.

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You are ill-informed in SO many ways.

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the friends behind the WEF have and they act like a mafia

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Do you believe your own words at this point ?

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Have you had all your boosters?

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UK Government publishes horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths:

1 in 73 dead by May 2022, 1 in 246 dead within 60 days,

1 in 482 dead within a month

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Hey Jessica, off topic but have you ever seen this pbs documentary from fall of 2021? Perhaps interesting in the larger contex?


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Hi, could you ask Kevin to test Tetavax and Verorab too? In Europe and even US they push for Tetavax. Both are the main workhorses of Sanofi.

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From the first link on Anne VanGeest's death another article has this:

"The government initially spotted six cases of the rare clots, with nine more cases coming to light in the last week or so. But even the first needle-in-a-haystack reports raised alarm because European regulators already had uncovered similar rare clots among recipients of another COVID-19 vaccine, from AstraZeneca."

‘Needle in a Haystack report….' Another way to say it’s rare don’t bother your pretty little heads about it. While searching for the needle how many more deaths were discovered? I bet if any of the people who approved reinstating J&J vaccine had their own family member die from it they would have sung a different tune.

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