Returning to dsDNA contamination by diving into VAERS
What do the AEs look like in the context of vax lots found to be contaminated?
Please re-read Kevin McKernan’s piece about dsDNA contamination that you can find here, published on February 16, 2023.
He identified dsDNA contamination in a number of vials of COVID-19 injectable products. I covered this here and here and interviewed Kevin on this subject matter here. The Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen products were all implicated. Including the bivalent shots.
I wrote up an article about VAERS reports pertaining to a particular Pfizer vax lot that was found to be contaminated that you can read about here.
In this article, I summarize the reports filed to VAERS for all of vax lots that Kevin McKernan tested: GL0447, AS7172B, 011H22A, FL8095 and 1855190, and for the vax lots that Phillip Buckhaults tested: EL9262 and EL9264. I think I got them all.
GL0447, AS7172B, 011H22A and FL8095
The following summarizes the reports of adverse events in VAERS for vax lots GL0447, AS7172B, 011H22A and FL8095 as of August 4, 2023, including the percentage of the reports that were considered serious (also including the number of deaths).
Vax lot FL8095 remains the worst in terms of who got the shots with regard to age but luckily, only approximately 4% of these reports were considered serious.
EL9262 and EL9264
Dr. Buckhaults did some work on vax lots EL9262 and EL9264 wherein he also found dsDNA contamination. You can read about that here. The following summarizes the reports of adverse events in VAERS for vax lots EL9262 and EL9264 as of August 4, 2023, including the percentage of the reports that were considered serious (also including the number of deaths).
These two vax lots clearly have higher SAE rates that what was found for the lots that Kevin tested, yet the former were found to be within 1 CT of the latter by qPCR. This means that although they all had comparable amounts of dsDNA contamination, they appear to manifest in different SAE rates. This is interesting and should be looked at with a finer tooth comb on the bench.
Kevin also sequenced Janssen vax lot 1855190. Here’s what VAERS reveals as of August 4, 2023.
Anne VanGeest died of a brain bleed a week after her Janssen injection. She was 35 and was injected on April 8th - 5 days before a pause was imposed on these particular products by the CDC - and died 11 days later on April 19th. You can hear about that here and here. Her vax lot is not known.
Just so you guys know, there are 40 women who died in Michigan in temporal proximity to being injected with a Janssen product. Anne VanGeest is said to have had a VAERS report filed for her by her doctor, but it’s not clear where it is in VAERS.
I found 3 possible VAERS IDs that might be hers.
VAERS ID #1316353. It is hard to say because there is NO information in this woman’s report. None. No age data, no date data, no product data. Nothing. Just that she got injected with Janssen and that she was female and lived in Michigan. The only possible link back to Anne is in the SYMPTOM_TEXT where it states that she “DIED AFTER COMPLICATION FROM THE JOHNSON AND JOHNSON COVID-19 VACCINE” which is also what is stressed in the media. There was almost an insistence that she didn’t die because of the shots but due to something else, ie: ‘complications’.
She could also be VAERS ID #1401679. The SYMPTOM_TEXT reveals her age (35), but not much more.
She could also be VAERS ID #1994519. There’s also a mention of death ‘attributed to deadly complication’ following injection. No age is listed in the SYMPTOM_TEXT and no additional information is provided.
It’s kind of disgusting how public her death was, but that I can’t easily find her VAERS report. If I had it, I could potentially identify her vax lot and help to nail down the causal effect.
That’s all for now. I’ll add to this if Kevin has any more lots tested that I don’t know about.
It is quite horrific that a young woman should die in this gruesome way, when she was at virtually zero risk of death from Covid itself. What on earth were our governments and the regulators thinking of?
I don't think that plasmid contamination is the silver bullet especially in regards to the adenovirus vaccines. It has been known for over 20 years that adenovirus vector use can cause issues such as thrombocytopenia in mammals. It beggars believe that the regulators turned a blind eye to a wealth of scientific research into this matter.