You are amazing!

Never stop!

The truth will come out eventually.

Thank you for giving me hope for the future of science.

The last 6 years has been a disgrace.

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I was smiling while reading your post. How bad ass to be able to fragment their amoral blathering with precise scientific data. This was truly surgical. However, so sad that you would need to waste your time and energy on their intentional defensive plays when the loss of human life and unnecessary suffering is the pawn.

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They could at least have sent it to me as I am one of their invited reviewers.

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But you might’ve used your brain, they couldn’t risk it!

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Well, that raises the question: Who are the “invited reviewers and how are they specified for this submission?

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As Jessica points out, Cureus Editors rejected her paper before sending to reviewers.

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At which point the "Editors" should be identified.

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Editor in Chief calls the shot, but he probably invites recommendations from editors in the editorial board before making a decision.

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The best reviewers would be the Australian TGA reviewers.TGA let anything through if their masters..sorry..the people that pay 95% of their wages want them too...

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Now that you know about that it was submitted, why don’t you ask Cureus for a copy so you can review it?

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LOL. Or gather a group of willing “invited reviewers” from their roster of same, and solicit their review.

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According to Cynthia Chung of Rising Tide Foundation, the goal to create a scientific elite that censors rather than promotes scientific studies, that is, true science, has been achieved to the harm of society. There is a scientific industrial complex (likely tied to DARPA, the military industrial complex).

The public needs to know, but does not.

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DARPA gave Jen Doudna heaps of funding for her CRISPR research

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Damn it feels good to not be jabbed

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And feeling healthy!

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They don’t think DNA fragments in the shots is a big deal. Or perhaps their rejection is because they think it is a big deal and they don’t want to talk about it.

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Out of sight...out of mind...and the COVID shots are "safe and effective".

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Dr Fauci was just given a US Presidential pardon by President Joe Biden for crimes he might have committed.

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They are so adamant in their position and willing to palm off any old excuse to remain part of the True Science! gang, and now they believe they enjoy the protection by a senile racist turds blanket immunity to King Fauci. I believe, they are secretly plopping out besser blocks like billions of other people that took their biological rocket fuel.

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Thank you for the detailed rebuttal in your response. It's funny how one can watch an argument in a very unfamiliar field, but clearly see who is bringing the evidence-based objective analysis. Keep up the great work, please.

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When you present a scientific study to an entity that is part of a completely politicized system for which "science" is primarily about publishing desired results then it's time to create new entities and abandon a systemically corrupt system. They're ossified and and will be cracking apart.

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I would have to wonder if the Cureus team and others like them, if jabbed, aren’t suffering from some form of psychosis that might affect their ability to make rational decisions: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1360338/full

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Journals often receive funding from the pharmaceutical industry, so there is significant control on what gets published.

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Definitely something to consider

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It's almost as if the editors never took a biology class.

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And never took an ethics class either...

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Go get em, Dr Rose!

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How very Cureus. You appear to have discovered yet another form of weaponized retraction --- and you're on the preemptive retraction list, courtesy of Bio-Pharma. At least they're not wasting your time as they did with our Lessons Learned paper last January!

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The lack Curioisty. Sad how even scientists from a publicicarion parrot talking points and can't even read your submission.

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Maybe you can get it to RFK if he gets confirmed snd he can get it to the right people! Push; keep pushing. Or try Dr . McCullough in Dallas who was part of AFCCC

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Of course DNA contamination is not an issue the Australian government report says so. Read it here:


Full transparency and openness. What more do you want? LOL

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Jeez, I'd sure hate to live in that open air prison controlled by second-rate chancers and carpetbaggers that couldn't be trusted to go get the lunch orders.

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Rather, these editors will not consider the possibility of the reported science being real given the widespread distribution of the vaccines combined with ignorance of associated reports of aggressive cancers. Three monkeys scenario - see no plasmids or cancers, hear no counter narratives, and censor all who think otherwise...

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