Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

If the TGA is being honest then why do they black out EVERY PAGE?


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the question of the ages

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Because they performed a southern blot and are embarrassed by that? They invented a new assay that's the best ever and want to keep it a secret? They are wankers?

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Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

Please kindly share this comment to Rebekah Barnett.

It’s interesting to note that under TGA FOI 4558 (dated 4.10.2023), it shows on redacted page 72 of 74, a batch no. EP2163. This was the very first Pfizer (Comirnaty) batch number released in Australia on 9.2.2021 (as per TGA Batch Release Assessment of COVID-19 “vaccines” webpage). It is also deemed “Serial 1”.

The first male Australian death reported, following Pfizer (Comirnaty) was a 92 year old; listed publicly on the TGA DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) under case no. 520837 report date 1.3.2021. This very same elderly male death, was reported with fuller details on VAERS ID 1072560-1 listed on 4.3.2021, showing the 92 year old male death and in Australia.

The VAERS report shows he had dementia and allergies and was on medication, but he was reported as being well prior to Pfizer dose 1. He was jabbed on 26.2.2021 at an aged care facility and then found unconscious - dead 2 days later on 28.2.2021.

The person (presumably a doctor) who reported this first male Australian death following the Pfizer, listed it on both the TGA DAEN and on VAERS. The VAERS shows far more information and specifically batch no. “EP2163 Serial 1”.

Now go to website OpenDAEN.info and put 2163 into the batch number search (blue column on left side) and see the data results. This very first Pfizer batch number reveals a staggering 674 cases (ages 15-100) reported on the TGA DAEN, which includes 9 reported deaths (ages 77-96). Yet this was for the first Pfizer batch number released in Australia. You can probably see why EP2163 (Serial 1) was redacted by the TGA on page 72 of FOI 4558. Highly controversial, considering the documented adverse reports. Not safe (for those affected by this first Pfizer batch number in Australia).

Now look at FG0050 redacted page 53 of 74 (FOI 4558)


- search 0050 on OpenDAEN.info and the other batch numbers, to see revealing ‘data of harm’.

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You really are an eagle eye!


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Thanks Rebekah & Jessica. Happy to send you both the DAEN death case reported on 1.3.2021 and the actual 1 page VAERS report dated 4.3.2021; of this male aged 92 - first man in Australia to have a reported death after receiving Pfizer Comirnaty first batch number EP2163 Serial 1. Interesting long paragraph of the circumstances documented on VAERS ID 1072560-1.

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Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

Yes indeed, that article really is a banger. Great work Jessica and all involved.

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It's so obvious that with ZERO LIABILITY (= consequences) Pfizer, et al, can put any crap into their vials because nobody at FDA or CDC checks for quality or contamination.

Just like the "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" lie that accompanied the 'EXPERIMENTAL' mRNA injections that cause new deadly diseases, cause serious heart issues and many other serious long term health issues. And people ask "Why are there so many new cases of CANCER in the young"?

My unqualified suggestion is that for every mRNA jab the recipient becomes more susceptible to Covid and all other human illnesses and diseases. For every jab and 'booster' the recipient reduces resistance and reduces LIFE EXPECTANCY, by between 3 and 5 years (that's per jab).

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Isn't that the point?

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Thankfully, there are many more beginning to realise this is so! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

Can anybody figure out why our health agencies aren’t doing everything they can to get to the bottom of this? They know what pharma stands for and it isn’t health. How can they in all good conscience rely on pharma for answers? Our health agencies have failed miserably and haven’t even implemented active, independent, unbiased data collection looking for signals. Buckhaults has an easy test to confirm whether integration is taking place. When he writes his paper on his findings I’m sure it will be ridiculed. I don’t understand any of this. It’s depressing.

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"conscience"!? what conscience?

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"health agencies" almost fully funded by Big Pharma. TGA ~ 96%

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Yes, sadly the corruption in our healthcare agencies is rife. I just don’t know how these people taking payoffs live with themselves.

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Who makes money, who can control and who gets the most power?

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I understand why Rebecca has paywalled her comments section (I do from time-to-time), however perhaps you'd be kind enough to relay some observations to her? TGA are doing some nasty sleight-of-hand stuff:

Quoting from her article:

TGA said: "There is no significance to minute amounts of residual DNA being encapsulated in the LNPs"

The TGA are admitting there is residual DNA (they're now claiming it has "no significance", not that it doesn't exist), which contradicts their later claims.

TGA said: "There is no accepted science that shows any alteration of the human genome."

This actually shows there is scientific research that shows alteration, but they're exploiting the keyword: ACCEPTED. Accepted by whom? Whom is doing the accepting? If it is the TGA then they're not impartial; they have a conflict of interest to reject science.

TGA said: "The use of plasmids in cells such as E. coli (and others) is a technology that has been around for many decades"

Notice they don't say the same about the LNPs, SV40 sections.

TGA said: "The test for residual DNA is already part of the agreed required testing specifications for this product and each batch of COMIRNATY released in Australia has passed the test."

TGA are not the party responsible for GENOMICS testing. That falls to the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR). It doesn't matter what value TGA permit or not permit; their job isn't genetics testing.

TGA said: "COVID-19 vaccines do not alter a person’s DNA. The mRNA in the vaccines does not enter the nucleus of cells and is not integrated into the human genome."

This is factually point blank false. Not only do TGA not have the tools for genetics testing, but they're wrong about how mRNA works.

To quote the BBC: "A chemical called messenger RNA (mRNA) is >>made in the nucleus<< and >>carries a copy of the DNA base sequence of a specific gene to the cytoplasm<<."


They teach this to school children, and The Daily Beagle has already presented evidence the PLASMIDS can integrate into the cell lineage as well. Notice they don't say the same about plasmids; only sleight-of-hand focus towards mRNA.

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Right because for many plasmids in past vaccines 💉 have been fetal cell lines and the most famous Héla line of cancer cells used to manufacture the polio shots and we wonder why Cancer has exploded in our population… these last 70 years … Jonas Salk was a monster eugenics man he started this bullshit and every one buys into 😳😱👺👹

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Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

And the beat goes on...corruption et al.

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Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

Is ecDNA a foreign concept to the Chad Thunderbrains of the TGA? Do we need to pass the hat around and buy them some updated copies of textbooks or a subscription to Nature?

It's a little disturbing that there is no single agreed upon methodology to ID DNA in a soup of nucleic acid polymers. Hopefully McKernan is providing the boot up the arse of the collective to sort this out.

Meanwhile, we are left hoping that someone, somewhere in the TGA that took every shot/booster/one more for good luck, is shitting bricks like billions of other people at not knowing what is going to result from this experiment.

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Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

If I remember right from macK's substack / FOIs, Health Canada called it "residual from manufactoring process, not a contaminant". Here we are in a clown world. But the safety regulations are there for a reason. Violations has consequenses not cured by twisting words.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

We're also in a woke world, where truth is whatever you want it to be and reality is whatever you "feel" it is. Pay no attention to logic, reason, the scientific method, or carefully observed data. We live in a world where men can get pregnant, can use the women's locker room, and girls are rushed into hormone therapy at age 12 or even earlier.

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It’s a spiritual war .

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Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

If one scrutinizes the CYSTem appointed so called "health officials" it is a given that there are others far more qualified and expert that are overlooked. At that juncture it signifies a fail.

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My special heartfelt prayer for the TGA

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Jul 24Liked by Jessica Rose

thank you!

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Intentionally contaminated

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Yes, Pfizer patent states quite clearly Endotoxin Lipid A is their preferred "adjuvant". They get it free of charge from the E. coli.

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And Dr Jessica Rose 🌹 in the time it took me to write my comment to you just now FB took down that video

I would say they did it in seconds

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