Funny thing is, when I had a visit with my doctor the other day and we were both decrying the poor state of the medical profession. I snuck in the conversation that I don't trust FDA and the other health agencies. As an example, I used the line from the head of the vaccine review committee when they were "considering" approving the vax for kids that "we'll never know until we try" and the back pedaling on the "safe for pregnant women" (without actual data) BS that was main streamed. He didn't acknowledge what I was saying but I could tell he was uncomfortable or perhaps he was Comfortably numb πŸ˜‰

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Good for you for bringing it up. Please everyone do it every time. If they don't like it and fire you from being their patient you know you did the absolute correct thing for your health!

Rejoice you got out. A great test for Doctors actually to see who the thinkers are and therefore the good ones. I do it all the time. I have 1 firing so far from the Pediatrician who is jabbing away like crazy to save the world. I even brought in an article/study on male infertility. She ignored it. So sad. I was informing every staff member on the way out. I may have given 1 or 2 pause. Print Jessica's info out with her permission and bring it in to educate them. Some Drs will be grateful. At least 50% will listen and consider what you provide, more then you think, if it is from a credible source. If they question this source ask them why the FDA, CDC, NIH isn't providing this same data?

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In Fall 2021 a friend saw their GYN and the dr acknowledged he was seeing many cases of irregular cycles post-jab and even several of his patients starting menstruation again after being multiple years post-menopause. My friend asked β€œGiven what you’ve seen, would you suggest I get my young daughters vaxxed?” His reply was β€œHELL NO!! But if you ask me in front of my colleagues, I would say β€˜Yes absolutely, and you go get your booster asap!’” Such is the sad state of affairs where doctors know better but are unwilling to speak out. I am grateful to the doctor who shared this data with you. Every bit of revelatory data contributes to the unraveling of the narrative. Thank you!

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Yup…BIOWEAPON and population control all in one!!! It’s going to be a very sterile world for those that do survive this world regime…unless WE CAN GROW SOME…and say NO WE WANT OUR MONEY AND FREE COUNTRY BACK! Love you Jessica…

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1. Why should 2021 be affected by lockdowns? There was much less of that in 2021 than 2020?

2. Is figure 2 the "excess" miscarriage number or absolute? If it's absolute, what is the "baseline for previous years?

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yeah you're right about lockdowns but after effects? figure 2 is absolute and baseline for previous years is unknown to me at this time... waiting for data... i know it's important :)

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data is in Joel :)

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Thanks! I( can cross-post now!!

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That 2020 spike begs for more explanation than "anomaly". Anomaly is a lot like SADS.

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Love your snark in this hellacious predicament we are in. What’s next? Oh right they’re inoculating animals too.

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with mRNA transfecting agents

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That is probably why they burned so many meat factories down so they could rebuild them and take over production in part to inject this shit Bioweapon to infect us when we eat the meat. If they do it while the animal is still alive, the mRNA gene editing Bioweapon injection will go to all the tissues of the animal we will soon be eating.

If we are not going to take the needle BHates will find other ways, including inhaling the aerosol and food to get it in us. I am not posting the link of 30-40 food processing factories burned in US. Find it on non Lame Stream Media definitely WLT or Noah or rumble.com? Or Brave.com search even Duck Duck go search engine. If you already don't know this huge NEWS by now, if you find I am correct, it would be advised to completely change your news sources. Start by throwing your tv out the window. You will live longer and have a better quality of life when you learn the real information.

We need to find small farms that slaughter their own pure animals fast.

I am sure vegetables are next, if they aren't already there. They have been growing vaccines in say, tobacco leaves for years.

Normally one could heat at high temps food to dΓ©nature the "bad" proteins but since the mRNA injection has the synthetic component I wonder if it is resistant to normal heating....?

We need to stop these people and we need solutions. Those Evil Elitists have created a cruel Darwinism game for their entertainment. Foreshadowed by the movies( Hunger Games )and TV Programing ( X-Files)

Working the Defensive strategy is fine but we are only going to win if we employ the Offensive strategy. Navy Seal Teams? Or Soccer Moms? Either can do it really.

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Cows? To get rid of all that methane and fight climate change? BTW, the FDA just approved lab-grown meat...

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Martha, perfect for the Homicidal Psychopaths. It is easier to add their poison when they "grow" their meat.

Do Not Comply!

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πŸ‘ No lab grown meat or insects for this gal!

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The growing transgender movement will lead to lower birth rates. And the sweltering climate makes it impossible to have sex. But now that NATO has bombed the Russian pipelines to Germany the Europeans will freeze this winter unless they stay under the blankets and have lots of sex to get warm, and then the births should rise next fall unless the jabs are designed for sterilization to make Bill and Charles and Greta happy.

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Greta is genetically predisposed to never be happy.

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Much akin to Victoria Nuland, Hillary, Jacinda Ardern, Ursula Vandercrazy, and Nurse Ratched.

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unlike them Greta does not have any hidden agendas or corruption. perhaps you can say she has been fooled by the green wave in mainstream and scientific establishment

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I'm all for shitting on people who want to amass power while doing terrible things, like Bill and the Monarchy, but going after activists like Greta, who might be naive, is misdirected anger. I would suggest staying focused on the real criminals like Big Pharma and the WEF. We need to make allies wherever we can instead of creating more division. Just my two cents.

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I don’t have any problems with a neurotic angry misdirected environmental activist Greta flying around in her private jet lecturing the rest of us on limiting our carbon footprint. She and al gore are birds of a feather.

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Please stick to the facts, if you want to retain credibility. Greta doesnt have or use a private (or public) jets - if you know otherwse please do post references. There is a critical evaluation of her "carbon footprint" in this article https://oilprice.com/The-Environment/Global-Warming/Greta-Thunbergs-Not-So-Little-Carbon-Footprint.html

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Her dad ( and her now ) is and was paid off big time by the WEF and their organizations.

Most everything is linked when you follow the money trail. All the same shit. Paid liars.

Now do they start to believe their lies after repeating the same crap year after year? Who knows? Ask the Drug Reps...

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Can you provide the average admissions for 2021 and 2022, broken down the same as the miscarriage rates, i.e. with Dec-21 in the 2022 data? So, it looks like fewer women could get pregnant in the 6 to 9 months after they started jabbing that cohort and those that succeeded ended up with a much higher miscarriage rate?

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i can ask, yes. but this is a private practice. apparently 2023 due dates have been futurized for expectant mothers who've been multiply jabbed as well, so i am waiting on those outcomes... i am very curious to know how many deliveries were had in 2022 and how many will be had in 2023.

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Brilliant work Unacceptable Jessica Rose 🌹

You are a sister warrior. Thanks for all you do. You have saved many many of my patients lives by your courageous posts. Thanks for sharing your important posts.


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VIPER!? Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to write that snake venom guy off as a charlatan...

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haha i know right! lol

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ThΓ© Remdesivir outer? Dr. Ardis?

All are hypotheses, his sounds very plausible and possible.

To poison humanity you have to think like the Satanic Narcissist Homicidal Psychopaths that they are. They do it the simplest way. Water, air, food. Done!

They now have all 3 covered.

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β€œDIED SUDDENLY” Movie Documentary premiers November 21, 2022. Watch the two very brief trailers with nearly 2 million views. The trailers are stunning.


DIED SUDDENLY | OFFICIAL TRAILER - Streaming November 21st – Stew Peters

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Jessica or others……

I ran these numbers to assess the reduction in births in the last two years just in USA using conservative assumptions that I think are reasonable. In essence taking into consideration a decrease fertility rate, a increase miscarriage rate and an increase in fetal death rates I come up with a 2 year reduction in live births from 8M to 6M.

Please review my calculations for errors Jessica and everyone β€”β€”-

Infertility = 1.12M for 2 years

Miscarriage = 960K for 2 years

Fetal death = 48K for 2 years


1/7 (14%) reduction in fertility as per Jessica Rose SubStack 11-18-2022. 4 million births per year. 14% of 4M births = 560k x 2 years = 1.12 M


2 fold increase in miscarriages as per Jessica Rose SubStack 11-18-2022 going from 12% to 24% with an excess of 12% x 2 years. 4 million births per year

12% of 4M births = 480k x 2 years = 960K

FETAL Demise / Stillbirths

Assume 2.4/1000 births per 10% vax rate. Assume 50% vax rate in USA = 12/1000 births excess deaths. Assume 4 million births per year in USA. THEN assume 12/1000 x 4M x 2 years = 48,000 excess stillbirths for 24 months IN USA

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Jessica can you please tell us the country of origin of this data? Or did I miss it....

Also thank you, thank you, for the splendid photos from your journey abroad. They are still making my day when I recall them - the buildings, food, ocean, sky, the FEELING of being in Portugal and Spain. Almost as good as going myself but not quite.

However when I factor in how I'm always TSA's favorite person to pull aside and take apart, no matter which country or decade, I'm beginning to settle for photos and daydreams.

(Oh, and we were wondering, who took care of Checkpoint?!)

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Was July 2020 the month of maximum stress?

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Dr Jim Thorp Provides Your Community a Fetal Death (stillbirth) Rate (FDR) Calculator to determine excess fetal deaths caused by C19 Experimental Gene Therapy Injections.

Calculation of the fetal death (Stillbirth) rate [FDR] in your community is directly proportional to the COVID19 β€œvaccination” (vax) rate. A fetal death occurs ONLY at or after 20 weeks gestation but before delivery. A fetal death before 20 weeks is by definition a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.

The baseline FDR is about 5.75 / 1000 births according to national vital statistics. High vax sites in USA & Canada have FDR of about 30. I suspect a rough linear correlation with a communities’ % COVID19 vax rates and FDR.

FDR Unvaxed 5.75 / 1000 births

FDR 100% vaxed 30 / 1000 births

For every 10% increase in vax rate there add Β 2.4 / 1000 FDR added to 5.74 (baseline rate)

Thus, assuming 10% vax rate then there 5.75 + 2.4 = 8.15;

A 50% vax rate = 5.75 + (5 x 2.4) = 17.75

A 100% vax rate = 5.75 + (10 x 2.4) = 29.75

This is consistent with the vax rates & FDR I have seen in my vast clinical experience of seeing over 23,000 high risk OB’s in the last 3 years.

Number of fetuses that have been killed by the COVID19 experimental gene shot in pregnancy recommended by #abog #abms #fsmb #acog and #smfm - - Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β My analysis and extensive clinical experience can Β estimate this.

Fetal Death (stillbirth) Rate (FDR) baseline = 5.75 per 1000 births. Β For every 10% of COVID19 vax rate in pregnancy in your community add 2.4 FDR. So if a community has 100% vax rate & 10,000 births per year then the excess FDR is 24/1000 or 240 dead fetuses? Do you realize the devastation of s stillbirth in my patients?

Is it worth it? What is the benefit? There is none. I have proof the vax is killing fetuses. You know what the standard deviation (SD aka sigma) of the FDR? About 0.5/1000. Each 10% vax rate will increase almost 5 sigma with a 100% vax rate causing an almost 50 sigma increase in FDR.

James A Thorp MD

Sent from my iPhone

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Dr. Rose, I realize there is a conflict of interest between Reuters and Pfizer, but I am still curious about the studies they cite to refute claims that the Covid jabs are harmful for pregnanies:


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Sorry to be dense but I am not getting figure 3 at 15 percent, then figure 4 at 7 percent for almost the same data. Can you help me understand? Also, what were the usual percentage rates in previous years? These numbers look bad, but compared to what? (I read the email, then saw the updates in this post, which is better now showing 2020. Any data from pre-2020?)

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@Jessica, Shouldn't the wording on figure 4 be: "Avg percent losses for Dec 2021 - Nov 2022 is 15.5%" (or around 15%, but not 7%)

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