I was in agreement with Jessica, early on in the pandemic, as I worked as a hospitalist / laborist . I worked unjabbed for several reasons, one was the lack of research, just like thalidomide. Anyway , shit hit the fan after the rollouts . Miscarriages, placental abruptions , severe hypertension, stillbirths and hemorrhage….. at a rate I’ve never seen in 30 plus years of practice. The powers that be have to know . Little old me sees something is wrong . Sooo why does the ACOG keep recommending this product to pregnant women unless there is nefarious intent. Thus I will call it a Bioweapon till proven otherwise. Now I see autoimmune issues and cancers and infertility, to name a few . I really believe it’s got short term and long term consequences, with various outcomes. Shut it down for humanity sake . We are not Guinea Pigs .

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It's my understanding , based on my reading of some incredible people over the years of the virus debacle , is that The University of Substack could also be given some sort of high ratings.

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got that right!

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As a former nurse of 20 years ( got out in the 80's when hospitals were made into business models) I've learned more about medicine and critical thinking in these past 4 years - thanks to your early work Dr Rose out of Israel as well those who have been writing with different opinions from MSM.

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We were all classmates 😉🤣

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Well said!!! 👏👏👏👏😅😅😅

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Only difference is Dr Jessica went on to higher things, like an AI degree 😁🤣

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Omg...too good!!!

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"received my education at “the University of Google”.

Google planted that so they could bask in your limelight.

If they wanted to really BE good they would undergo a robotomy!

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That’s the problem with social media, it’s a megaphone for people of low cognitive ability who are simply jealous.

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It's also a megaphone for people of real wisdom who didn't fall for the "intellectual crap" of every University Professor that insisted they get vaxed to go to work or school. Ohhhhh the irony!

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Helped the rise of Marxists you say?

I agree.

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Laughed out loud. Thanks.

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Thank-you for all you do!

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Wow cool my family is from digby NS

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Well, I did use Google to learn R myself. It's also good with literature search. Arrogant woke snobs. Yuck.

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I just listened to Jessica’s podcast with Julian G . It was an excellent description of these Bioweapons without saying the word . Why else would they make this ? Then ask yourself why DID they make this and mandate this if not for nefarious intent. The next word is depopulation.

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Retraction Watch are nasty people.

A long time ago I submitted an evidenced criticism of their dogma - attacking a paper that had been withdrawn for highlighting child abuse within LGBTQ circles. They tried to falsely claim that the paper was unevidenced.

I submitted examples of other papers showing examples of child abuse, both experienced by, and perpetuated by, those claiming to fall within LGBTQ. The experience part is relevant because psychologists typically believe 'abuse perpetuates abuse'. I then also submitted example papers showing in cases of straight couples, contrary to their comments' assertions, abuse rates were actually lower.

Retraction Watch refused to publish my comment, falsely claiming that the part showing LGBTQ causing abuse was "unevidenced". What they wanted was a misleading 'defence' piece trying to paint them all as victims in order to try to justify the paper's withdrawal. They suggested a misleading edit, I refused on the ground it was both ironic - in it violated free speech on a site supposedly opposed to anti-free speech - and misleading, given I had cited example papers.

Retraction Watch then had the cheek to reply back by saying that free speech doesn't apply to their site. So they're raving hypocrites. They retracted my comment.

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Thanks Jess 🇨🇦 I'm in Nova Scotia too... been listening to Tony for a while now - he seems like a lovely caring guy 😁

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Well then, that person obviously doesn't know much about you!

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Great interview, i love your Canadian flare. You did not want to reveal your location….i noticed the receptical on the wall, i think it may reveal a hint on your location. Your insights are sincere and truthful making you the more beautiful.

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