Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Injection remorse? Not just a yes but a HELL YES I now have regrets. Had I been given factual data to have the option of providing truly informed consent there is no way I would have agreed to a jab.

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Thank you for this. It's so maddening, your question about whether or not it would have made a difference, had there been an adverse event package insert, in terms of people thinking twice about getting these shots...... maddening, because my common sense and gut feeling about taking an experimental "vaccine" that was being pushed so hard, while treatments were being suppressed and expert voices silenced, was more than enough for me -- but to my loved ones (ALL of them jabbed multiple times), they could not hear me!!!

I do think -- if only there had been a package insert with warnings, it would have been something tangible I could have thrust in their faces as I begged and pleaded with them not to put this poison into their bodies.

I am beside myself with outrage.

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Death is a conspicuously absent AE.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

my family would have still gotten the jab even with a list of possible side effects. they are that brainwashed. my parents have had so many problems since their 3 jabs but still don’t see it. before the jabs they were fine. it’s maddening!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

1) scanning through that Pf document, it looks like we *may* have Pfz's own estimate of a denominator-- either number of shots given, or number of patients injected, maybe both-- with which to calculate a *rate* of AEs from this data, to be able to compare it to other routine shots. This is something we've been missing for two years.

2) This data only covers thru June 2022, so whatever it says, it's been a whole additional year and those numbers are even bigger now.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you Jessica.

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Do I have buyers remorse? Yes. Would I have avoided the jab if I had had this information? Absolutely! Do I feel betrayed and want retribution. Absolutely! Key question: What are the AE timelines? If you had the jabs over a year ago and haven’t noticed any AEs, what is the chance of a latent AE developing? Did you successfully play Russian Roulette or is the gun going to go bang later?

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

That is really great work, and should be shared widely, could I suggest you send copies to Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Dr. Peter McCullough, Senator Johnson and the lead attendees at Senator Johnson's Hearing, A Second Opinion? This is a link to two of his conferences for reference: https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html and his follow-on hearing: https://rumble.com/v1ze4d0-covid-19-vaccines-what-they-are-how-they-work-and-possible-causes-of-injuri.html

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for your hard work and diligence.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica I fear there are millions more injuries and deaths not reported.

In my vaxxed family I have the following NOT reported.

29 year old niece mother of 3. She previously had a controllable blood disorder that has never held her back from living a very active healthy life.

High blood pressure

Sick with colds & lung infections

Now has kidney issues and mentioned dialysis to her mom.

Very very pro vaxx, went so far as not allow my sister ( her mom) to see the children)

Nephew 35 previously very healthy, 3 small children.

Started in December 2022 ( he had 2 Pfizer shots in early 2021)

-nausea, throwing up

- couldn't eat anything

- feet swelling

- lower legs & knees swelling

- bruises around knee area

- very low hemagloban

Doctor was treating him for gout, now they say he has arthritis, testing for what kind of arthritis. He suspects the shot.

Nephew 40 previously very healthy father of 1.

- so far weird rash or small lumps showing. So far that's all he has opened up about. Extremely pro vaxx who regrets getting the shots.

Brother previously very healthy 70 year old. He looked about 55 but not any longer.

- diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma shortly after booster. Finished his chemo and cell transplant.

- has had a continuous lung infection for approximately 1 year. Been on antibiotics several times.

- his 66 year old wife diagnosed with colon cancer after her 3rd shot almost the same week as my brother. Successful operation and so far okay.

Neither admit it could be the vaxx. Brother pressured us unvaccinated relentlessly to get vaxxed. He would not allow me to help him through his operation or treatments because I wasn't vaxxed.

42 year old niece single mother of 1

- serious anaphylaxis immediately after 1st shot, spent 4 days in hospital. Obviously she knows it was the vaxx.

53 year old nephew who has a mild case of crones, which was operated on in his teens and has had few symptoms since.

He was getting huge welts throughout his body.

He took 1st Pfizer.

He realized it was the vaxx and didn't take a second that I am aware of.

Brother in-law

-heart issues

- stomach issues

- welts and rashes.

He knows it was the vaxx and decided to follow the FLCCC protocol for vaxx injuries and is starting to feel much better.

I have my doubts any of these were reported, for sure not to VAERS.

All Albertans except 1.

Then my friends and others in my small town area several sick, lots of heart attacks, cancers, myocarditis, autoimmune disorders, congestive heart failures, Sepsis, lung infections, brain bleeds.

5 of above were children.

My guess is none were reported as vaxx injuries.


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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Amazing work! That must have taken so much time and your thoroughness is jaw dropping. Also, infuriating they sat on this info for so long but at this point not surprising. The mRNA version is so confusing with all of the side effects because we knew so little at the beginning about how it would spread throughout the body- unfortunately the diverse symptoms are also what helped Pfizer hide this data, everyone had difficulty believing it could cause so a wide group of illnesses, cancers and complications and even death. Some of my loved ones took the J and J, what’s also frustrating is will we ever find out if such a lists as this exists for J and J or AZ too? Especially as they now yanked J and J and buried it.

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank God I heeded the warnings of Sucharit, Mikovits, Tenpenny, Christiane Northrup, Seneff, Luc, and RFK. Foucho and Hotez and Bill looked and sounded like sociopaths to me although the media praised them.

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You seem to forget, that many in the US simply went through a "vaccination-drive-through" where they got the shots. Meaning they basically got no information on the possible side effects whatsoever.

Plus many do not want to look at this information, because they cannot bear the idea that they were wrong. As simple as that, their psychological barriers prevent them from acknowledging reality.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

So glad that is just a short list because I was being to think (from anecdotal evidence) that the vax might affect every single cell throughout the entire human organism.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

How do we know this is a legitimate document from Pfizer?

Assuming it is real, I wonder if they knew this pre-market vs post market. There is no liability in post market. Getting them on negligence would be glorious.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

When do the lawsuits begin? We have all been adversely effected, even if e didn’t take the poison! I want to see the ministers of evil held accountable! Does Ralph Barric walk free? The China virus was grown by our government that was tasked with looking out for us! Yes, that’s a joke! They are using tax dollars to kind us!

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