Pfizer Appendix 2.2 document compared to VAERS
The new Pfizer document's details - don't worry: it's not important
There's a new ‘confidential’ Pfizer document circulating entitled: “Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Reactions from Post-Marketing Data Sources”. It’s a 393 page pdf document so notoriously obnoxious to assess from a data point of view, but needless to say, it’s still readable by eyes.
I decided that since it is redundant considering the VAERS and other pharmacovigilance databases, that I would compare and contrast a few select adverse event types to provide yet one more compelling piece of evidence that the COVID-19 shots are dangerous to human health and should be called off of every market - human and animal.
I haven’t really eye-balled data translation like this for a very long time and it made me appreciate the amazing tools and trades we have at our disposal. Sometimes, however, getting your eyeballs drenched in data is a good way to see things you might not normally see. This took me hours. And I triple-checked my total counts. The ‘Total Number of Adverse Events (PT)’ is 4,964,106 (Cumulative) which incidentally is 19,070 AEs higher than the sum ‘Total # of Spontaneous AE’ (when summing by System Organ Class totals) which is 4,945,036.
The table I created ended up being a summary table, yes, but it is almost as ridiculous as the original 393 page table released by Pfizer. I will put it here anyway and call it the most terrible table ever made. I extracted the AEs that had higher report numbers and/or the AEs that were atypical, such as male breast cancer.

This table isn’t meant to convey anything specific. I just didn’t want to have done all this work without showing it. But within this table, there are gems. Here is a summary of the totals per System Organ Class.
Those are some big numbers, no? My original idea for this piece was to do a compare and contrast against VAERS numbers so I figured the best way to do this is to pick the highest count within each System Organ Class and run a query of each AE that comes up in VAERS. Again, a monumental task but you guys are worth it. Here I go. See you in 3 days.
I’m back. Here’s the comparative table for all AE data from December 17, 2020 through June 18, 2022. The differences between the Pfizer AE counts and the VAERS domestic data AE counts could potentially represent the under reporting factors per AE. It depends on whether or not the Pfizer data is representative of reports from the U.S. exclusively or not.

Abnormal hepatic function (48.3x), Immunisation (34.5) (which could mean another vaccine was administered but likely refers to COVID product), Heavy menstrual bleeding (14.3x), Myalgia (11.6x) and Renal pain (11.4x) are the 5 most under reported AEs in this list.
Now, this is a pretty short list. There are so many more things I can talk about in this list including the entire list of Congenital, familial and genetic disorders of which there are 1143 reports. Why?
Of the multiple AEs associated with Reproductive system and breast disorders of which there were 178,353 reports, dysmenorrhoea, heavy menstrual bleeding and vaginal hemorrhage were considered serious 24.2%, 20.9% and 26.5% of the time. Menstruation was delayed or irregular 16% and 17% of the time.
And endocrine disruptions: notice that ovulation was reported to have been delayed in 196 WOMEN, and 12.8% of the time it was considered serious.
I have a question to ask everyone who reads my articles who have buyer’s remorse from the injections or know someone who does. Since Pfizer was sitting on this data for quite some time, why didn’t they print out a list of these known and reported potential side effects on the drug information sheet? How many of you would have reconsidered or think that all others might have reconsidered if they saw the following potential KNOWN list of side effects for the Pfizer COVID injectable products?
The following is just a small sample of some of the highest AEs reported per System Organ Class.
Total Blood and lymphatic system disorders 100970 Lymphadenopathy 79171 Lymph node pain 9199 Cardiac disorders 126993 Arrhythmia 9658 Myocarditis 10363 Palpitations 30435 Pericarditis 9783 Tachycardia 25509 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 1143 Atrial septal defect 40 Colour blindness 23 Congenital anomaly 45 Ehlers-Donlos syndrome 20 Factor V Leiden mutation 17 Foetal malformation 22 Gilbert's syndrome 21 Heart diesease congenital 40 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 43 Macroglossia 26 Tourette's disorder 21 Trisomy 21 11 Ventricular septal defect 14 Ear and labyrynth disorders 47038 Tinnitus 15833 Vertigo 13698 Endocrine disorders 4115 Ovulation delayed 196 Thyroid disorder 299 Eye disorders 61518 Asthenopia (Ocular fatigue) 676 Blepharospasm 784 Blindness 970 Conjuntival haemorrhage 437 Diplopia 1722 Dry eye 958 Eye irritation 1531 Eyelid oedema 1004 Eye pain 6217 Eye swelling 2929 Lacrimation increased 1555 Ocular discomfort 1349 Ocular hyperaemia 2176 Photophobia 2800 Vision blurred 8600 Visual impairment 7540 Gastrointestinal disorders 317811 Abdominal pain 19593 Addominal pain upper 11491 Diarrhoea 44169 Nausea 123930 General disorders and administration site conditions 1605985 Asthenia 59447 Axillary pain 14735 Chest discomfort 20378 Chest pain 40680 Chills 128172 Drug ineffective 40393 Fatigue 234052 Feeling abnormal 16662 Feeling hot 17980 Influenza-like illness 28373 Malaise 141773 Pain 79973 Peripheral swelling 15784 Pyrexia 227782 Swelling 16998 Vaccination failure 37547 Vaccination site erythema 27556 Vaccination site inflammation 16133 Vaccination site pain 189777 Vaccination site reaction 16160 Vaccination site swelling 39932 Vaccination site warmth 15820 Hepatobiliary disorders 4380 Hepatic function abnormal 386 Liver disorder 320 Immune system disorders 31895 Anaphylactic reaction 7326 Hypersensitivity 9587 Immunisation reaction 7846 Infections and infestations 167382 Asymptomatic COVID-19 1859 COVID-19 74803 Herpes zoster 18744 Influenza 15464 Nasopharyngitis 8768 Suspected COVID-19 5748 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications 241342 Confusion 5286 Expired product administered 3649 Exposure via breastmilk 5796 Fall 4542 Inappropriate schedule of product administration 57181 Incorrect route of product administration 4908 Maternal exposure during pregnancy 5956 Maternal exposure timing unspecified 1151 Off label use 54370 Overdose 5144 Poor quality product administered 30828 Product administered to patient of inappropriate age 8718 Product administration error 7586 Product storage error 6966 Product use issue 8296 Investigations 96411 Alanine aminotransferase increased 482 Amylase increased 60 Antinuclear antibody positive 131 Antiphospholipid antibodies positive 26 Aspartate aminotransferase increased 395 Autoantibody positive 64 Bleeding time prolonged 49 Blood albumin decreased 98 Blood alkaline phosphatase increased 141 Blood bilirubin increased 176 Blood cholesterol increased 263 Blood creatinine phosphokinase increased 632 Blood creatinine increased 310 Blood fibrinogen increased 145 Blood glucose increased 1296 Blood lactate dehydrogenase increased 274 Blood oestrogen increased 24 Blood potassium decreased 195 Blood pressure abnormal 767 Blood pressure decreased 3695 Blood pressure increased 14161 Body temperature increased 13528 Brain natriuretic peptide increased 139 C-reactive protein increased 2409 Electrocardiogram abnormal 664 Electrocardiogram ST segment elevation 395 Electrocardiogram T wave inversion 89 Eosinophil count increased 125 Fibrin D dimer increased 1973 Feotal heart rate abnormal 45 Gamma-glutamyltransferase increased 312 Glomerular filtration rate decreased 172 Glycosylated haemoglobin increased 124 Haematocrit decreased 144 Haemoglobin decreased 537 Heart rate increased 11499 Hepatic enzyme increased 366 Hormone level abnormal 713 Inflammatory marker increased 320 Intraocular pressure increased 146 Liver function test abnormal 283 Liver function test increased 192 Low density lipoprotein increased 126 Myocardial necrosis marker increased 144 Neutrophil count increased 226 N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide increased 142 Oxygen saturation decreased 2765 Platelet count abnormal 1006 Platelet count increased 249 Quality of life decreased 528 Red blood cell count decreased 189 Red blood cell sedimentation rate increased 369 SARS-CoV-2 test positive 1061 Serum ferritin increased 157 Transaminases increased 211 Troponin increased 1353 Troponin T increased 192 Tumour marker increased 32 Vitamin D decreased 80 Weight decreased 3151 White blood cell count increased 835 Metabolism and nutrition disorders 24038 Decreased appetite 13410 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders 539299 Arthralgia 121356 Back pain 19445 Bone pain 4671 Costochondritis 505 Fibromyalgia 756 Groin pain 869 Invertebral disc protrusion 216 Joint swelling 4150 Limb discomfort 23851 Mobility decreased 4019 Muscle spasms 10357 Muscular weakness 10735 Myalgia 177523 Neck pain 13047 Pain in extremity 92942 Spinal pain 1253 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified 3711 Acute lymphocytic leukaemia 19 Acute myeloid leukaemia 45 Basal cell carcinoma 28 Bone neoplasm 2 Breast cancer 169 Breat cancer male 4 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia 51 Gliobalastoma 25 Haemangioma 69 Lipoma 98 Liung neoplasm malignant 64 Lymphoma 177 Malignant neoplasm progression 18 Melanocytic naevus 47 Menigioma 39 Metastases to liver 30 Myelodysplastic syndrome 54 Neoplasm 130 Neoplasm malignant 213 Neoplasms progression 94 Uterine leiomyoma 98 Nervous system disorders 696508 Ageusia 4230 Anosmia 3344 Balance disorder 4947 Bell's palsy 3305 Burning sensation 6597 Cerebrovascualr accident 4389 Dizziness 92642 Dysgeusia 6814 Facial paralysis 5138 Headache 295929 Hypoaethesia 29444 Lethargy 9411 Loss of consciousness 7652 Migraine 12666 Movement disorder 2973 Myelitis transverse 248 Neuralgia 5243 Paraesthesia 44587 Presyncope 8427 Seizure 4484 Somnolence 14376 Syncope 13947 Tremor 11503 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions 4056 Abortion spontaneous 1846 Foetal death 155 Foetal growth restriction 124 Premature baby 184 Stillbirth 57 Product issues 15910 Product temperature excursion issue 14474 Psychiatric disorders 77148 Acute stress disorder 5856 Anxiety 7049 Apathy 913 Confusional state 5539 Depressed mood 2037 Depression 2054 Disorientation 1895 Hallucination 931 Hallucination, auditory 112 Hallucination, olfactory 58 Hallucination, tactile 6 Hallucination, visual 212 Insomnia 16673 Sleep disorder 4791 Renal and urinary disorders 13647 Acute kidney injury 835 Renal failure 672 Renal pain 1950 Reproductive system and breast disorders 178353 Amenorrhoea 12404 Dysmenorrhoea 15319 Heavy menstrual bleeding 30500 Menstrual disorder 24427 Menstruation delayed 15101 Menstruation irregular 16535 Polymenorrhoea 10668 Vaginal hemorrhage 5034 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders 190720 Cough 26605 Dyspnoea 56775 Oropharyngeal pain 18845 Rhinorrhoea 9542 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders 224633 Alopecia 4330 Cold sweat 4193 Erythema 21900 Hyperhidrosis 16936 Night sweats 3443 Pruritus 36607 Rash 41841 Rash pruritic 7514 Sensitive skin 9591 Skin burning sensation 1890 Urticaria 21235 Social circumstances 9414 Bedridden 1195 Impaired quality of life 535 Loss of personal independence in daily activities 3548 Surgical and medical procedures 87073 Abortion induced 42 Immunisation 46563 Interchange of vaccine products 38170 Menstrual cycle management 333 Vascular disorders 73542 Deep vein thrombosis 4696 Haemorrhage 2586 Hot flush 7550 Hypertension 14859 Hypotension 5707 Thrombosis 4676
Again, these aren’t AEs of special interest; these are reported AEs - counts and all.
More soon. Ask me if you want to know something specific.
Update: Daniel Horowitz and I are going back and forth with emails and he reminded me that Maddie de Garay’s condition called “Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy” has 68 cases listed, whereby there are 19,593 cases of gastrointestinal pain which they told her, and the public, she had. Makes you think. Love to you Maddie and family.
Oh and by the way, as one my brilliant readers pointed out, there is no mention of death reports. Not that I saw anyway.
Injection remorse? Not just a yes but a HELL YES I now have regrets. Had I been given factual data to have the option of providing truly informed consent there is no way I would have agreed to a jab.
Thank you for this. It's so maddening, your question about whether or not it would have made a difference, had there been an adverse event package insert, in terms of people thinking twice about getting these shots...... maddening, because my common sense and gut feeling about taking an experimental "vaccine" that was being pushed so hard, while treatments were being suppressed and expert voices silenced, was more than enough for me -- but to my loved ones (ALL of them jabbed multiple times), they could not hear me!!!
I do think -- if only there had been a package insert with warnings, it would have been something tangible I could have thrust in their faces as I begged and pleaded with them not to put this poison into their bodies.
I am beside myself with outrage.