Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Having just had some time wasted by a troll who insisted he knew me better than I know myself, this Stack article strikes a chord.

Yes, there are not many genuinely evil people in this world who live and breathe, eat, drink (and fart presumably) on the Dark Side, but there are plenty of people whose egomania and eagerness to be part of the 'in' crowd and maybe even do 'good' compels them to do the bidding of those evil people with 'rock' in their names. They are the witting or unwitting collaborators, not named rock, but who crawl out from beneath one in times of trouble. Thinking the best of them is a work in progress for me.

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You will never change the mind of someone who is getting paid to be a troll. When the same people show up and say the same thing over and over even though what they are saying has been debunked then I believe that you are being trolled. Once I realize that I just ignore them. Maybe they don’t get paid if no one replies to them? Ha!

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My wife has a way of troll-handling. She replies, “Go collect your seventeen cents for your trolling...”.

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Heh…good one. I ask them how much they are getting paid to write things that make them look stupid. So far no one has answered me. 😁

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I do the same. I sometimes go further to try to tug at their heart strings. If they have a heart. I actually looked up companies that hire people to troll. There are many. Think about it, honestly. Who would defend a poisonous injection that’s killing people, unless money is involved? It’s just so obvious.

I drown them in articles sometimes. I don’t always have the energy. But, I don’t want others believing what the trolls say, is fact. They usually make themselves look stupid.

I tell them that their bosses should get their money back from employing you. 🙈 I need to focus more on the positive.

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That reminds me of "Rent a mob", that actually exists like crisis actors. Last week I came across a different "troll", it was AI. Did the same as you, tried to be nice, cajole, even got a little snippy. Response was a little different but the same. That wasn't a troll. I was like, "Wow!! I get it, you're not human. Can't explain it but it's just not human.

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I’m not sure that compliments me or not. 😉 I just have to follow my gut & once in awhile prove I have facts to back me up. Not Fauci science facts or paid for trials & studies, real hard truths that should cause skeptics to pause. But then there’s GOD and “ facts” are replaced by faith. Closer to science than many admit.

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I generally ask them to educate me with the evidence (if I don't ignore them) and rarely get a response.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Kindness clears a path toward heaven on earth as others pay your good deeds forward, causing your grace to propagate through society. By serving others you serve God because you bring heaven to earth and make life brighter for all of His children.

A few quotes come to mind:

Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes. —Steve Martin

We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions. —Stephen M.R. Covey

The only people with whom you should try to get even, are those who have helped you. —John E. Southard

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself. —Earl Nightingale

The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. —Malcolm Forbes

We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. —Anonymous

I was walking on the shores of the Red Sea in Hodeidah, Yemen with a good friend. We were strolling very slowly, heads down, eyes scanning for interesting seashells. Because we were side by side, there were moments when we would both see the very same shell at the very same second. It then became a race to see which of us could grab it first.

After collecting for a while, my friend and I both saw the most luminous blue shell either of us had ever seen. I was so stunned by its beauty that I hesitated just long enough for my friend to grab it out from under my grasping hand. She held it to her face and I saw as her look went from rapture to disgust. Then she threw the shell back to the sand and walked on. I immediately picked it up and I imagine the very same progression crossed my face. Awe to perplexity to disgust. It was not a shell at all, but a shell-shaped piece of plastic.

The object itself had not changed one bit throughout the entire interaction. It was just what it was. —Unknown

This life is a soul test, will you pass? https://tritorch.substack.com/p/this-life-is-a-soul-test

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Very wise words .

The only way through this mess is with love & compassion , which up until ‘covid - reset’ I would have rolled my eyes and walked on by , sadly I’ve been wrong all my life ... unless we all come together “we can’t win” and they know that .

Enjoy the Good fight people 😉

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Well said.

These forces we are up against cannot be overcome if we keep allowing them to divide and conquer us. We must let go of our pride and our resentments for one another - which were instilled in us through their psychological operations - and unite together or we stand no chance.

Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing anything and everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together.

Excerpt from https://tritorch.com/united

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Ultimately, the way 'we are' is how things are. As individuals and as a species we shape our own reality and inevitably arrive at our own self-fulfilling destiny.

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Beautiful quotes and messages to remember

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

"The first trap I managed to escape was trying to convince ‘narrativers’ of anything other than the narrative. Stepping away from those pointless ‘arguments’ saved me a lot of heart ache and time. My energies went to analyzing data. The second trap I managed to escape was falling for the lures of trolls with regard to wasting my time responding to their hit pieces. This was really hard because oftentimes they write as if they know you when in fact - almost 100% of time - not a single reach-out or conversation has been had. When I see my name and image used in conjunction with falsities - even if they are just ‘kind of wrong’ falsities, because it’s in the context of non-conversing (just shoot me an email - sheesh), I find it super creepy. It feels like stalking. I think this kind of creepy stalking is now called ‘fact-checking’."

100%! Went down this exact same path and through this same process with the same conclusion. There is incredible solace in discovering the truth, even just for yourself, often in spite of others ignoring it or even vilifying you for it - sometimes that even makes it even more comforting.

I have to disagree with you WRT people though. My starting point is ambivalence at best, "crapola" depending on how "institutionalised" they are, i.e. what profession they are in and for how long, especially public services. Those people have a long way to go to earn my trust and respect. Energy is finite and precious.

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I love it. Some of my most beloveds are much more like you in terms of peeps. We need each other and our weird unique ways are what fascinates us in spite of ourselves and keeps this life rich and interesting!

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Despite you being a vocal opponent of "the narrative" from very early on I am yet to read anything by anybody either slandering you on a personal level or questioning your work. Many others who have spoken up and put their heads above the parapet have been publicly and systematically cut down/ridiculed/de-monitised. I admire your strength to do what you do in such a public fashion.

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Actually, the correct term for that creepy stalking is “fact-choking” ;-)

“the lures of trolls with regard to wasting my time responding to their hit pieces”

You may appreciate the term “sealioning” if you don’t already know it: “a form of trolling meant to exhaust the other debate participant with no intention of real discourse.” (https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/sealioning-internet-trolling)

“Ultimately with people, my strategy is basically to think the best until I have proof that they are crapola. And by crapola, I mean someone who really is consistently intent on hurting others.”

YES, Jessica. This has been my philosophy precisely. I don’t engage in gossip or accusations of controlled opposition because I’m not going to waste energy on something that only divides our efforts and saps focus/energy from what really matters. If someone has hard, verifiable evidence of malice, that’s one thing, but if it’s just someone speculating, I ignore it and stay focused on my mission to end tyranny and democide.

As I previously shared, this giving-people-the-benefit-of-the-doubt attitude did backfire in one situation where I did not realize I was dealing with a narcissistic covert aggressor with histrionic personality disorder, so I had to recalibrate my perception when I was presented with evidence of her concerted efforts to harm me along with documentation showing she had been lying to me for over a year (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/how-to-be-an-upstander).

That said, I am not going to let that negative experience cause me to close my heart to other allies in the MFM, 99.8 percent of whom have been overwhelmingly wonderful. Instead, I have been reading books like “In Sheep’s Clothing,” “5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life,” and “The Narcissist’s Playbook” so I can better identify the patterns and red flags when they come up.

I’ll close by quoting something I wrote to someone in a private thread who had proposed the idea of creating a controlled opposition scorecard:

“I love systems, and this is a cool idea, but TBH, I think it is basically an intellectual game that tears down rather than building up the Resistance. Unless we have concrete evidence of someone being controlled opposition, it is nothing more than speculation, and the risk of harming someone who is genuinely doing good work is too high.

“Look at Mike Yeadon. He could easily be accused of being controlled op because of his three-decade career in the pharmaceutical industry, but he is wielding his extensive, deep, relevant knowledge to raise the alarm bell about democide and encroaching tyranny. He gets 1,000+ points of net good to counteract any demerits he would rack up on the controlled op scorecard.

“We are already dealing with destructive rifts in the movement, negativity, bitterness, envy, pride, and attacks/counterattacks. What we need right now is unity, harmony, and love, not more division. I have been called controlled opposition enough times to know it is a silly game because no one knows what’s in your heart.

“When trolls invade discussion boards and start accusing some of the most effective voices of being controlled op, it is actually more likely that they are controlled op. As I wrote in ‘Dialogue with a Divider’ (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-divider), I believe in redemption, so I’m not going to discount someone because of their background if they are making phenomenal contributions to the truth movement.

“We need people from the dark sectors (pharma, deep state, etc.) to summon the bravery to step forward and expose the corruption in their organizations. I do realize there are fake ‘whistleblowers’ like the Facebook one who testified before Congress. All you need to do is look at the sum product of their efforts. In that case, it was used to justify a heightening of censorship, so that is immediately suspect.…

“Ultimately, the question is how do you want to spend your time—on negative or positive actions? Are you working from a place of love or fear? What are your goals in life, and is it furthering those goals, or is it a diversion from more meaningful actions? I’m not talking about you personally, but rather using this as an opportunity to gain clarity about our mission, motivation, and actions.

“I have a limited supply of time, energy, and life, so I carefully select what I spend those resources on and make sure it advances my overriding mission to unmask totalitarianism, awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, and end democide. If a project doesn’t contribute to those goals, I try not to waste my time on it so I can concentrate on what elevates, inspires, awakens, and liberates people.”

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Yes, "fact-choking" 😂should be the reply and the first thought when we see the bogus

evils and the non evils that fell for that Propaganda term above that I cannot even repeat because it is so obviously Propaganda Psych Ops.

They don't want people to think so they are saying...wait....we will do your thinking for you...here you go...this is what to think.

Thank you

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I know deep down that you are right Jessica. Hate gets us nowhere but boy is it hard at times to be so understanding and forgiving. As I have come to believe over these past 3 years that we are all here to ‘learn’ something then maybe this is my lesson to learn.

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oh i know my friend. it's a moment-to-moment struggle. :)

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What one learns in Al-Anon may work here: should an addict start up again, one must detach. This is very hard to do, this just letting go. I have to work at it. I used to get my good friend's dog to answer to the name "boner" instead of "boomer" so he'd be bingeing and standing in the park calling his dog and everyone would think he was talking about a viagra type moment. But that is emotional engagement. Now I'm having to detach from liberal friends who are utterly convinced their journals and data and experience are superior to the analysis of doctors and statisticians on substack, and I am just going down a rabbit hole because I've always been a dumb conspiracy theorist. I have to be able to warn them, send them a few things, then detach. It is easier to try to convince, engage, punish,or just ghost them, blow them off forever. But I think they are all addicts, some with power, if not certifiably dark triad Cluster B personalities, are addicted to their repressed narcissistic rage, like Sauron, or addicted to seeing the world through one lense or the other as it is part of their ego identity.

I just tell myself repeatedly to detach even when I want to waterboard someone in a vat of mrna lol.

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You are not alone in this effort

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"Positive thoughts, images and suggestions bring me all the benefits I desire" - Silva method

It seems cheesy, but psychoneuroimmunology, neuroplasticity and epigenetics suggest an optimistic outlook really is better for your health and wellbeing.

And who knows maybe this magic extends beyond your own body.

Nothing is more contagious than misery or a bad mood.

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it is magic.

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I cannot help but think God gave us anger, passion, and even hate for the warriors of a civilization to fend against evil for the others. If our warrior class had taken down the evils that have risen to so high and powerful a level as they have right now, we would not have nearly the large problem, perhaps insurmountable circumstances, we do now.

Under no circumstances should these evils and their accomplice evils be treated civilly, there is only one way to put Homicidal Psychopaths to rest. They are constantly laughing in our faces and kicking us, but most people miss their ridicule of our passiveness and our lack of understanding. Once you see it, it can be seen everywhere, unfortunately, ie.the street addresses of their shell companies, vacation logos etc.

Ignorance is so bliss. They have told us, they will use others in the population against us, as they have already. What to do then? When they are standing in the way purposely?

Then they can be given their last opportunity to choose a side, good or evil.

Superman will likely not be coming to save us. I hope a large group of warriors will come and save us but it may be, we will have to save ourselves. Study Maui very closely.

markcrispinmillersubstack thoroughly review with comments and links.


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Not wanting the government or product peddlers to shoot me up with whatever they feel like experimenting with is ... NORMAL! I am upset and at times angry that so many people I know have not changed a single bit with all the information that has come out. Again, normal feelings. I'm done feeling like I'm the outcast. I firmly believe those shutting their eyes and ears are the outcasts even if they also happen to be the majority right now.

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I agree. Just yesterday, with a sky full of chemtrails, I literally rebuked evil & evil chemicals, and demanded them to flee, in Jesus’ name. It was probably my imagination or wishful thinking, but the plane spewing the 4 stripes in the sky seemed to vanish extra fast. The chemical line it had made dissipated faster than any other I had seen. This wasn’t a commercial flight. Definitely the high flying white - trails of lasting clouds. What if there truly IS power against evil acts, even without full evidence or comprehension, with the sound of JESUS’ name?

1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

John 16:33

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

King James Version (KJV)

God has NEVER lost a battle & HE sure isn’t cowering now. Do, neither will I. I agree we don’t have to be cheerful with evil powers but praying for them & reciting Bible verses hurts them more than harsh words & hate. Their world is hate, that’s what they bathe in. So, maybe hearing joy & love in a world they want to destroy feels like flaming swords piercing their hearts. I hope so. 🙈 I’m tired of being angry & sad about all this. Even if it’s only for a minute. Who are we to doubt that GOD is in control?

It doesn’t mean we do nothing. But, worry & fear isn’t productive anyway.

GOD wants us to be joyful in every situation.

Rebuke evil everyday in Jesus’-name & pick up your shield for protection daily. This is spiritual warfare.

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Ok, we will joyfully take them down, to save mankind.


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Yikes. This essay sounds like the woman I married 52 years ago. She would have written this at your age while she was trying to calm me down. She sees the best in everyone and calms almost any storm. In spite of living with her for this long I still don't do well with obnoxious, egotistical people who just don't know the facts or assume everything published is good research. I'm retired now but for 40 years I thought doctors were the best of the best. Toward the end of my career my thoughts began changing. Over the last 3 years I've really lost faith in medicine. Still lots of good doctors out there but it is harder to find em as all my age group retires. At my age I'm not going to change so I will continue to begin at the level of thinking or expecting the worst and hoping to be delightfully surprised. Most of public health and lots of academia has just reinforced my bad attitude. People like you and my wife give me hope. Keep up the great work. I like your philosophy but your science is better.

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We must be related. I have lost all faith in scientists and medicine, and I have degrees in chemistry and pharmacy!

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I think we have more and more relatives.

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I am 50 and feel the same as you😕

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It seems the older I get the worse I get. Maybe you'll head the other way.

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I think it would need to be an active practice. I used to be more like Jessica...then a pandemic happened.

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Same here!!!!

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I used to be in the naive camp that believed everyone should get along with everyone ... until around 35, when I saw how some people just used other people and situations solely for their own gain. It was the first time I decided, no I can't get along with everyone nor do I want to. Soon after, I also learned there are certain battles that cannot be won. You can argue about something you know 100% as fact until the cows come home, but in the end, you realized things escalated to where it wasn't worth it, saw sides of a person you never knew existed or could exist, and that's when I learned the important skill of knowing when "not to engage" and to "pick one's battles carefully". It's not out of laziness, but recognizing who you're dealing with and why. It's one of the most important skills I've garnered and has saved me much stress, disappointment, and heartache. Cheers Jessica you're doing great and thank you for all your work.

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knowing when 'not to engage' is a place I find myself in, in more situations than I am comfortable with. its almost like I get a pang of guilt by accepting that most people are willingly in the dark and wish to remain there. its frustrating and sad.

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Excellent. But keep in mind the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy. No one cares what happens to me XD Being hated would be an upgrade. At least then I'd have eyes on my claims. Sometimes I consider becoming infamous just to build a platform.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I think I needed preachy. Got a couple negative thoughts running around my head (things people said). Time to let them go. Peace.

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lovely :)

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I think Jessica is right however this invites presentation of the other side of the story. Sorry, it is important not to disregard the truth in our quest for a happy place.

I have never seen or imagined in all my years the number of evil people out there that are showing their colors now. So much so that I wonder if they were all being kept and cultivated somewhere.

We know that is true to a degree in various ways, through the Internet and in person individually and as groups as new information is coming to light about trafficking of humans, including for sexual captivity and the cia raising children (stealing I suppose since they are not supposed to be in the orphanage business). For those that are paying attention, it is astonishing that humans can be such predators of their own species. So much so that leaders across all organizations including top law enforcement and clergy actually target and murder their own that are trying to expose the evil and illegal happenings and help the hapless victims. One example is the poisoning of heroic Ted Gunderson ,FBI Agent in Charge of the California and SW region of the US. He worked tirelessly and helped so many and exposed so much evil, including in the FBI, that he had to be killed ( poisoned).

The usual uncensored sites have information and documentary of his work exposing Satanic rituals and sex trade of children and child sacrifices. The practice is now more prevalent then ever with government and corporate leaders taking the reigns. Apparently the large scale diversions and unnatural disasters happening now are really a cover and distraction to protect these Evils from their 1)land/real estate grabs and 2)childrens' kidnappings that happen just before every planned "disaster". Yes, they are planned and the players are in place. ie. Maui with the " Vegas lone shooter" police overseer in charge, again. Get it? These two items along with the depopulation are first and foremost on numerous corporate leaders and the government leaders that are partners in their crimes, agendas. They are very high level, organized rings. It has come to that because our lack of due diligence for our fellow humans.

There are approx. 750 plus billionaires now and 350 of them are members of the Great Reset - Destroy and Depopulate (murder)and rebuild -WEF.

Oh, and lies matter, it is how you judge one's character and integrity, look for goodness and truth and move towards it always, and move away from badness and lies. However small the lies are, it is a sign of desperation or lack of morals or both.

In defense of good people, it is often difficult to understand and accept the level of evil that exists without being educated on it, however, one you learn the truth, you cannot unlearn it and do nothing because you are then complicit.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

great summarizing comment on an important aspect of the ongoing 'evil'. I am wondering how we categorize the many among us who, though not exactly evil themselves, absolutely refuse to believe any of it is happening. if the PTB say its all a 'conspiracy theory' coming from right wing nutjobs, they just go on their merry way. nothing to see here, folks. calling it 'willful ignorance' is an apt description. if evil can be measured on a continuum, where do we place the 'willfully ignorant', I wonder? I cannot, in my heart, consider them completely innocent.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

Thank you.

Agreed W Mom, of course, they are not innocent because they hold in their hand the same thing you do to research and learn information. They chose to potentially hurt or kill instead of using their God given brain to read. They are ok with it apparently.

I am in the business of quantifying.

It is simple. There are evil and good people. Either one can chose to be willfully ignorant.

So obviously the evil belong with the evil, I imagine you might be asking where the non evil willfully ignorant belong. That depends on their IQ and education. As both these variables go up, the more evil they become. The only reason I can think of that someone could be considered slightly less evil with high scores here, would be if they have a tremendous psychological block that they have not repaired. A reason, not an excuse because in society we are all required to take care of ourselves and to not hurt others.

The " Useful Idiots " are thé most puzzling piece in a way. The Evil leaders exploit this phenomenon to the n th degree. And they are right, it is so affective. The Useful Idiots don't know they are idiots chosen for that reason (ie Hospital Administrators are perfect examples, they must be mostly made up of sociopaths additionally) and the recipients of their declarations also don't know or feel they can't do anything about them if they do know. So they, the administrators continue to kill people without a qualm.

Of course we are generalizing here but that is how we analyse data. Proof? This is my experienced, educated hypothesis. The closest things we will get to Studies on it may be Stanley Milgram etc. It appears the Evils are using his studies as their playbook. Sadly it is working.


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great insight. the friend I usually speak of, who's 'willfully ignorant' is quite under-educated, yet considers herself knowledgeable when she looks stuff up on Scopes. (Yikes!) that's her 'wall'. questioning stops there. other people in my life like my sister, who's college-educated and well read, have a massive case of tunnel vision (of which I have pointed out to her repeatedly) because her idea of 'news' is MSNBC. if it ain't on MSM, it ain't important. so the other 80% of pressing issues facing the world (besides all things Trump-hating), don't make the cut.

yeah, the Milgram stuff... I remember studying that in undergrad psych 120. I thought it was dubious at the time, but it has been replicated numerous times, in different variations. scary shit, what humans are capable of doing to other humans.

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Can you show them or write the link to a substack article say of a Former Pfizer Dr. who spells it out for them? Like Dr Yeadon. He was a Senior Vice President of Immunology/ Vaccinology and he is very balanced, normal and humble. I can't imagine how they could hold an argument to his words.

Have it pulled up on your phone and introduce him and turn on his video at key parts. What will these people do? Run out of the room? Will they start spitting nails? I am curious. We need to put this info in front of their faces just like they did to us about how horrible we were for not getting an injection of something we know nothing about. Hold their feet to the fire. They may be the awaking they need. Just their derangement should prove it to them and anyone else is they cannot listen to an expert in that area that worked there and has studied the outcomes. 🤯😊

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all one of the sheeple would have to do is read the absurd Wikipedia entry for Dr Mike Yeadon. according to them, he's the crackpot loony from hell and none of his former career counts for spit. he's just some disgruntled ex-employee making a name for himself in the anti-vax, conspiracy world. completely discredited in a few sentences. mainstream people actually BELIEVE bullshit crap like Scopes and Politifact and Wikipedia. its certainly easier than them doing their own homework, reading primary sources or even well-rounded sources.

oh no. doing 'your own research' is now a taboo thing. pffft.

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Oh, don't they know anyone can write anything in Wikiped. In middle school and high school my children learned it is not a trusted source and they were never allowed to use it. They learned about the 3 levels of sources for researching the first being the original.etc

Maybe they should revisit a high school and do it all again. Sounds like you might benefit from branching out and you have started the right way!! If they are poo pooing doing your own research you need to run from them fast. No two ways about it. They are dangerous. It is not going to be pretty. They will bring the enemy whose footsteps we can hear, right to your door. Ignorant self righteousness. The ignorant part is the really dangerous part. So many of the Nazis were just that. And follow orders without thinking.

Good time to edit friends and acquaintances and make some great new ones. At least that worked for me. 😊🙏

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Carnegie Mellon ( Engineering and Computer emphasis ) University on par with MIT without the politics did a large study during Covid 1984 to see what populations in terms of education levels were accepting and rejecting ( hesitant and questioning ) of the unknown permanent gene editing Bioweapon Injections. They numbers showed that the population of high school grads and PhDs and above questioned and did not take the unknown injection and college grads succumbed. I guess George Soros was successful in reducing our education system as planned through the teachers unions and teachers associations. I watched it unravel before my eyes, fighting it every step of the way.

You may want to revisit Milgram again, what is happening now is spot on. Imagine the individuals on the laser triggers igniting the houses, restaurants and social clubs while people sleep, cook, play in their houses and imagine their bosses behind them in the uniforms commanding them to do it.

What about the ones that had family in Lahaina since the laser weapons directorate is there on Maui? You can bet those families were told to leave that night. I know the ones that were tipped off prior bought Sat phones....good thinking.....check the purchase lists NSA, opps it is fellow employees of DOD, we better not. Just like 911. So easy to check this info, but we have no reporters that are not bought off and hardly a person motivated or interested enough. ( Dr. David Martin!?) They are just interested in maintaining status quo and being happy. Germany 1938 : The Jews that were optimists went to the ovens, the pessimists to NYC.

Funny, I read In the Garden of Beasts years ago because I could not imagine how a population as smart as the Germans, ( check out the Periodic Table of Elements and the discovers of most of the Elements are German, that tells you something) in 1938, 1939 and 1940 could miss or let what was happening happen. Here I learned my answers. It was mostly based on the original writings of the American Ambassador to Germany from America who was schooled at University of Illinois( that may tell you something- hint- it hasn't changed ). Regarding my question on how it was able to happen ; the reason I sought out and read the book, the reason was " everyone just be happy and move along, be nice to each other, you will find a happy place " wink, wink. " just get on the train, you are going to a better place", and they did willingly. Dum, de dum. They are using the exact same play book now. History repeats itself. It was successful then, it is turning out successful again, why not do it again.? Well people it has been over 3 1/2 years now. Things are far worse than people can imagine, just like Germany 1939. They had no idea what was going on in the surgical suites and the underground bunkers to thousands of neighbors and citizens. Where did all those children disappear to in Lahaina ? Did they disappear ? Where are the parents? Are they dead or speaking out? Where are the school's enrollment lists? Online of course? Where are they calling for them all to appear for a head count? You know, when people get separated. Is everybody following this? Remember when 1 or 2 people went missing while surfing or on a trail hike ? It was a big deal, News story! Now the Evils are laughing at us for that, because we sit here all trying to nice and happy " only good vibes " while thousands are missing, just vanished. Where are the skeletons ? Dental records? The Evils are watching us and know we are doing the same as the Germans did in 1939 and 1940. Just playing pretend. What neighbors? What school students? Nothing to see. Just move along and for heavens sake " no negative vibes".


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I was just reading comments on Mark Crispin Miller's stack from yesterday. someone said that they didn't 'count' bodies that were not found intact (that's pretty ridiculous; since when? I remember it being a big deal when a human bone or two were found on some construction site). someone else said that a contact within the fire dept admitted to having used up 400 body bags. the fact that the entire tragedy left the news cycle in like a week, should be a massive red flag... yet its not. deeply disturbing. no words for how disturbing.

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Not counting the body parts! Are you kidding me! People should be outraged. Where are the towns people pissed off that they are not including their husband or wife or children. We can ID the bone type, likely we can do DNA testing, ask any fire men, they would know if the remains are counted in house fires or warehouse fires! Of course they are. We are not barbarians, yet!The Las Vegas guy is doing the big cover up and people are standing by and letting him get away with it!! and doing his bidding. Why? They brought a lot of Feds in to do it, is why. Bad guys. Like the one on the Sat phone interviewing people, dressing them up in Demonrat Build BB T shirts the day after the fire ( already made ). And the books that came out on Amazon about the fire, before the fire! Well ! Who is questioning the publishers, distributors and Amazon about that? Jeff Bozo? Funny how people can play so dumb and not care and carry on their disgusting pathetic lives. Meghan Kelley, whoever, start asking these people questions. Now I know why Whoppie magically " caught " covid 1984 now , the Demonrats ALWAYS do this, to distract from the dead body clean up and what ever else us going in behind that black cover up screen.

I live so far away but I am tempted to go there with video cam , recorders, my drone etc and out what is going on. Likely they will try to arrest someone who is trying to find out answers - you know something is wrong then! I need to bring a bail out partner and a Press pass. Free press remember just like the blm marches they were always allowed in. Where are the press briefings from the Congressmen/women, Senators , other mayors and police in neighboring towns ?

We need to check flight logs of people in and out of there for days prior and days after. And especially children the day of....There will be a lot of answers. Remember when they caught that Clinton woman " friend " with dozens of children from Haiti ? She had left Haiti and was them flying somewhere. Hmm....away from their home country. She did not have a lot of answers. But she was friends/associates with Bill. And Demonrat Hillary shows up with Demonrat George Soros and introduces him to the children 🤮🤮he smiles 🤮🤮🤮. Never have seen that before, it was horrible. I recently saw the video for some reason. These Demonrat billionaires seem to be right there popping up and asking the public for money. Scamming the public for money because the Haiti victims never did never see it. It is Orcas turn now with the Rock. There are great videos explaining how the Demonrat scams are working and exposing the salaries of the employees of the " Entertainment company that is collecting the money! " I did read they hate her there. They know what is up because she has been trying to steal all their land. They just lasered them out because they would not sell the primo waterfront to her and her billionaire WEF buddies. So they stole it from the people. It's cheaper that way. Like the BLM Demonrat fake marches. The Billionaire WEFers swept in and purchased the downtown real estate while the stupid Demonrats again are arguing about black lives.

The solicitors are crazy with their phone calls 5-6 a day begging to buy any property you own. Are other people getting this? Sounds like young new grads out if college that they have hired with our money likely to take our land from us. Us everybody paying attention? First they will ask, then they will just take it with force " natural disasters " when they come to help watch out! You see what us happening in Maui and everywhere else ( SW coast of Fl ). Lots of empty land created, no houses left flying off the shelf for bargain prices. Hmmm....These Demonrats Deepstaters are using GeoEngineeeing weather control ( GeoEngineeringwatch.org) to play these wind, rain, fire, tsunami and earth quake and I bet you a $ 100 they are going to blow a volcano with their Direct Energy Laser weapons that they have been using and testing for many, many decades. The technology is used for all sorts of things but not usually frying people to death in their homes.

Time to rise up people this will be coming to a neighborhood near you soon enough. Better rally and practice your war cries doesn't look like the lovely warm people of Maui are doing such a good job. Unless we are just not being shown it.

Blessings and good luck.

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It was explained to me by someone here on Substack & then I understood why so many are blind to what others are seeing.

When everything started with pandemic fear was high right? Off the charts at times and the media was a huge part of it. Then, came Fauci to explain this or that, and things didn’t seem so bad. Still scary, but not like the unknown.

People got so scared & they needed to fill that “ unknown” , with something that made sense. ( it didn’t even need to be true, just somewhat logical)

Then came Fauci to the rescue & ALL the mainstream media seemed to agree, etc.

The big fear gap of the “ unknown” was filled. Fear seemed to subside & people felt a sense of relief. ( They will find a vaccine & it’ll all be fine”.) The vaccine came.. etc.

To step back & question ANY of the drama we dealt with for the last 3-4 years, would mean that horrible fear of the “ unknown” would have to come back too. Consciously or unconsciously, most people, at least 1/2 of us, simply CAN’T handle that. It’s easier to not question because the truth sounds super scary. It sounds childish but it makes sense to me. Fear is powerful & people will do almost anything to not feel it. It’s like all the Covid fake information was a sort of salve on an open wound, to these people.

So, it doesn’t matter what you say to these believers. You can show them legit proof, trials, graphs, witness testimonies, etc. & they simply won’t believe any of it.

I had 2 Moderna shots & THEN I researched. Very unlike me but I trusted our health agencies & I have M.S. Mostly, I bought into the fear.

This was the ( imaginary) scenario that made me snap out of believing the media any longer. It also came from a post or reply here on Substack! I love this app.

It read, “ Imagine for one day, just one full day, that all of it is a lie. Imagine that the media really is bought & paid for and social media too. Imagine all the gov. & health agencies, are all lying. International leaders are all corrupt & lying too.” And the scenario went on & on. But, just for one day I paused & imagined it really was a big lie with huge consequences. And literally everything made sense! All the pieces fit & continued to fit for the entire day.

And it’s scary, hello?! But, I’d much rather know and research & learn the truth, than be coerced into believing an absolute lie that makes no sense & might potentially enslave, or end most of civilization.

And Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt were my daily research buddies, along with Berenson & 2nd Smartest. Many have come later to fine tune my knowledge and what a ride it’s been.

Don’t give up on others too quickly & maybe offer the “ one day” scenario to them. It worked for me.

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a very astute synopsis. I value the insight from everyone who started out believing and then came around; similar but not identical stories. every one is so important.

its super difficult for people to come around to realizing that our leaders (health, govt, etc) are not trustworthy, that the conflicts of interest are massive and most importantly, it all is NOT NEW. many in the movement (health freedom - a substantial chunk of which morphed from the autism/vax injury community that's been around for 20 yrs,) speak of the 'silver lining' to the covid debacle and that's people like you coming forward to say they have snapped out of their blind trust. the only reason that I called bullshit from day one was because I already KNEW the perilous lies of the 'sick care' system. otherwise, I likely would have been just like you. but tell ya what... even knowing what I already knew, I did NOT see this coming. definitely did NOT think that the majority of people (and many still do!) bought into the fear frenzy, the terrible health advice, the nonsensical policies, the intense gaslighting and canceling of highly respected people in their fields. zero decent tolerated, which is STILL going on (thank goodness lots of people aren't listening).

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It also helped, not being in the medical field, to read “The Real Anthony Fauci”- by Kennedy Jr. I wasn’t even done with the foreword & I was completely shocked! 😳 How could we have allowed this for so long? Absolutely shocking all the conflicts of interest & FDA regulating patents it owned??!! Unreal & unethical business practices, let alone pharmaceuticals. From there, my trust was GONE.

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Thomas Sowell once said "It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance".

So much of the vitriolic social media discourse of the last 3-4 years is coming primarily from a place of (a) ego and one-upmanship and (b) a belief in being so unquestionably right that any other opinion simply cannot be entertained.

We don't know what we don't know.

But we should at least be willing to look and find out.

And that's what's NOT happening.

(Whoever would have thought humans in 2023 would have become MORE narrow-minded than they were 100 years ago??).

Many people have enormous gaps in their knowledge, and don't know it, but absolutely believe they are right; therefore you are wrong. And ego and arrogance do the rest.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

I wholeheartedly agree with this!!! Was thinking something along these lines this morning. People have lost their curiosity and willingness to explore anything that goes against what they’ve been brainwashed into. I’ve lost my faith in humanity and don’t think that will recover. I can be the most compassionate person in the room but it means nothing when everyone else is out for themselves. Maybe I’m in the wrong room…

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This is one of the reasons I am besotted with the lovely Jessica. She does not hesitate to admit she does not know something.

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I think in this day and age, THAT is the number one quality I look for: being willing to admit you were wrong and change your views in light of new (or just new to you) information. personally, I know very few people like that, even as MY view/knowledge is expanding every day, because I am doing the work. but there is a wall, so to speak, that one needs to bust through, to be able to be open to the true reality. THAT is very difficult.

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I agree totally. In the early days of the plandemic I had no access to data. Being a pharmacist, for decades I had urged people to get their vaccines, and I certainly got mine. I have since spent thousands of hours researching hundreds of articles, and I have become a fervent opponent of most vaccines.

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thank you so much for being open to information that contradicts your education. if only everyone were like that, it would make a HUGE difference.

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Look at where being "broad minded" and "tolerant" has gotten society. Does not the scientific method narrow the focus of investigations? Have we been able to discern "good and evil"?

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Science & appropriate medical protocols seemed to disappear during the pandemic.

Masks were promoted, even mandated, and they have never worked against respiratory viruses.

Early Covid treatment was dismissed in the medical community & Ivermectin was hidden as possible treatment. Not just hidden, it was prohibited for dr.s to prescribe.

When in all of history have we treated every citizen with the same hospital protocols for respiratory virus? Dr.s didn’t take into account co-morbidities, individual health of the patient, etc.

Fever or inflammation wasn’t treated with antibiotics, like prior illnesses. It wasn’t in the protocol. Dr.s couldn’t & STILL don’t deviate from “ recommended” protocols.

There’s no discussion or sharing of information between Dr.s. California even passed a law that censored Dr.s. They are only allowed to tell patients what the “ approved “ information about Covid is.

Science & medicine is about learning and sharing. It evolves as illnesses evolve. Medicines are introduced & sometimes re- introduced & prescribed off label, as a Dr. is allowed & has always been allowed. Not in California- not for Covid. Not in many states.

Science & medicine took a huge hit these past years. The trust, by citizens, is teetering.

Who can blame them? The only good that may have come from Covid is people are thinking and researching more. Critical thinking is fashionable again, instead of blindly accepting medical treatment, testing, or unnecessary fake vaccines.

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Good observations! Your second point could be summarized by: never negotiate with terrorists. There is a time to be compassionate and a time to just let go and turn the provocateur over to God. It keeps me from becoming bitter. Remember that we are not fighting flesh & blood but dark spirits who deceive. And the power in a believer is FAR greater than the power of demons who seek to destroy all things good. (Good as defined by God).

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

What a nice post to start the day 🙏

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

You are a hero, Jess. Love from the UK.

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