Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

When I read things like this it renders me totally speechless. We need to stop these people before they kill us all. We need Trump and RFK Jr and Elon in the White House.

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hahahaha... seriously? Ya think so???

You been played

What if....

Everything you think you know... is fake


CNNBBC Hate Trump - Right?

So why are they not asking this question?


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Happy to see the First Amendment go and much wider censorship?

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you are a stooge. What did they promise to you. The devil only lies and has no loyalty

I have been played for 3 years, and still don't know the deal people like you make. Care to share, you may get converts.Why hate Trump any more than the other sleaze bags getting rich from DONERS? really fast eddy ! tel me your payoff?

i agree that much of what we are told are fake info... so tell me why you would bother hating anyone.As Yung would say stare at yourself in the mirror. awaiting your answer prawn

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I don't hate Trump ... any more than I hate the characters who play the villains and heroes in a world wrestling federation match (I pay about as much attention to pro wrestling as I do elections).

It's all fake. They are ACTORS

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Fast Eddy, your first link had a number of useable quotes from famous leaders in the past. If you had the links to original source material for those quotes I would appreciate it.

I agree. We have to listen to everything we get from our news sources from a very jaundiced perspective. Your references to The Matrix are very much on point.

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That's a joke, right?

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The day you need Billionaires to "save you" better cull yourself before that need arrives.

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The micro RNA editing tool known as CRISPR-cas 9 is nothing less than a cowboy crapshoot.

"Life is complex [and] self-organized. It’s not a word program that you can cut and paste with no consequence.”

In editing one gene, 1,500 other genes get destabilized.

The long term results of this short term genetic tinkering, that literally took billions of years to evolve, cannot be predicted, particularly within the realm of our already destabilized environment. This type of narrow minded science for profit must be stopped, for the sake of humanity

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Oct 10Liked by Jessica Rose

CRISPR was always the endgame of the mRNA platform

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you might be right

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Correct. So even if they get large deletions of DNA with CRSPR-cas9, some think they can fix it.


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There is no way to fix what was already perfected by the time tested evolution of life. With each intervention, we continue to digress..until nothing works as it was designed.. and to finally realize we cannot undo what we've done.. there is no reset/ start over again button

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The tinkering with the human body by some is a deliberate intent to change it as God created it because they want the same power as He does. What they don't know is they are tinkering with the destination of their soul which will go into one of two places for eternity-hell or heaven. It is their choice.

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A misconception taught regarding "eternal" damnation is this: That for a short lifetime enjoying what is known as "sin" or the breaking of God's Law, that the God of Justice would designate all those in history, now sleeping in their graves, will be thrown into a divinely constructed place called "hell." It supposedly will be in accordance with His Righteous Judgement capacity to do this evil thing and torture the careless, the ungodly, the sinners of past ages with unending pain and suffering!

We as mortal sinners, have been made in the image of God, and are imputed with certain of His abilities such as reproduction (a form of creation) and the ability to recognize injustice, and steer clear of it. God's entire Character is unveiled to us openly by way of His Word, and through Christ and the Holy Spirit, among other beings enlisted for our well-being. How is it then that anyone with a sound mind can assume that an ETERNAL punishment would ensue to recompense the breaching or breaking of His Commandments? Surely there is a short in the electrical connectivity of the thought. It only takes a moment to understand that it has been a construct of Satan, and that the Truth of the matter is that "death" is the wages of sin, not eternal pain and suffering. The Word of God makes it entirely clear that to die temporally, is to "sleep" and to die eternally is the "second death" which will occur after that person's sins have been paid for by themselves, with no intercessor or Redeemer (as Christ offers Himself to be for us). There are a plethora of other misconceptions fostered by the enemy of souls; the "father of lies," for which are intended toward our eternal demise. These are calculated to blind the individual to the Truth, which is right, good, and just, found in the Word of God, and elaborated upon by the prophets He has sent on our behalf, to warn us all of the impending dangers.

Hopefully some good will come of the time spent in this endeavor to help.


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Cooperation implying an intelligence then?

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I've always believed that when dealing with complex systems, human intervention should remain at a level outcomes can be accurately predicted and managed, without delving too deeply into more and complex layers, much like reductionism, even if we can observe them. This is my fundamental principle for tackling complex problems. Violating this principle means that the solutions we come up with will likely create more new problems than they solve. Whether it's mRNA or microRNA, humans cannot precisely foresee the results of manipulating them, so it's not surprising when significant issues arise.

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Your idea of tackling convoluted problems may be related to the 1000 year old methodological principle of simplicity..AKA Occam's razor ?

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My principles involve two aspects: analyzing problems and solving them, with a stronger focus on the latter. I believe Occam's Razor is more about analyzing problems, so there might be some differences between us. This likely comes from my experience in three complex fields: I hold degrees in meteorology and economics, and I'm currently researching biology and medicine—three areas that are classic complex systems. In meteorology and economics, professionals often solve problems following my principles. From observing problem-solving habits in these fields, I've developed principles to tackle complex system issues. I apply these principles to specific problems in biology and medicine. This post might provide a systematic explanation: https://clo2xuewuliu.substack.com/p/first-principles-and-reductionism

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Gene source has nothing to do with evolution.

Fake science.

They are messing with God's design and divine creation.

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I found it peculiar that Jef S. asserts evolution as design in one short comment above. I think we agree, though, that this incessant tinkering (described in this article) is fraught with much risk!

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In your own admission, when one gene gets "edited" 1500 others become destabilized. I would like to point you to another quote of yours: ""Life is complex [and] self-organized. It’s not a word program that you can cut and paste with no consequence.” If it is indeed "self-organized" then "evolution" and "billions of years" of countless mutations would have manifested a menagerie of mistakes and dysfunctional aberrations at best, and more likely, no life whatsoever would even ever be able to within itself become organized so as to exist.

Any statistician knows this full well, when confronted with a bio-chemist's perplexities regarding the insane complexities of the organization within all life, even plants. The mystery of "life" itself, as it is not even in these modern days understood, is a hurdle which God alone is privy to and in my estimation, which will remain vouchsafed as His own peculiar, gifted, essence for all of mankind in all eternity to wonder, marvel and ponder over, and worship Him for such marvels of Divine Design. Pride and "self" would become fostered and exalted if it should ever become within mankind's reach to comprehend what "life" is. To assume that "life" and the biological organization of all that constitutes and underpins its existence and function in such perfect order; and that it all has "self-organized" by "chance" is the highest form of absurdity that can be imagined. Not only is it a definite disgrace, and obtuse affront to the Creator's ability and divine skill, but it highlights the rude oversight of the one making the statement and placing him in par with the brute beasts he has made mention of regarding "evolution."

Why not investigate the Truth? Learn from one of the world's premiere experts in this field: Dr. James Tour. He will not disappoint.


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Evolution has little to do with life's actual origins, I'll leave that up to your preference. I am a biologist, and my knowledge and experience is built upon the shoulders of brilliant scientists that have preceded me and those who pursue that path. I only present my perspective here, based on scientific evidence that these gene editing "cowboys" choose to ignore, or possibly incapable of understanding.

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"Preference" carries no weight in the matter. Evolution has ZERO to do with life's actual origins. These two are completely separated by true science, but grouped as one, by the blind. Although both are inexpressibly without a hint of real science, they do share that in common. There was no inference to the "origin of life" in my comment. It referenced only the absurd Darwinian theory held by even "top scientists" of modern times. With discoveries at their current level, there remains only embarrassment left for them as they speak of such absurdities. The deception is unveiled, and those clinging to it are showing their colors. The distinguished and seasoned Scientist named James Tour is unassailable and has put forth immense efforts to confront the lie, with not a soul to stand up to his assertions.

Trusting on the "shoulders" of those brilliant scientists who have gone before, is akin to making the same mistakes they made. How many "brilliant" cosmologists believed that the sun revolved around the earth back in the day? Sure, Darwin was a thinker, but he did not have the tools of discovery we have today. A cell was just a blob of protoplasm without the "designed" circuitry and bio-mechanisms involved. These are compared to a micro-CITY such as New York, during rush hour! So there is left unto us no excuse, just as God has made mention through His disciple, Peter.

Have an enlightened day~!

Yours in Christ,


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"evolve" Interesting that one who has witnessed a genome sequencing age would be comfortable with that Darwinian association. Yes life, like the stars, and some planets are billions of years old, as best as our abilities can determine. However, there must be a more specific context when Darwinism is connected. Knowing what we do now, would any creditable person push it? Still looking for "the missing link" when it really is "THE MISSING LINKS" much more.

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Symbiotic evolution is the cornerstone of biology and probably your missing link, not Darwinism. Cooperation is what led more complex life to evolve and humanity to occur. Although competition can shape species, survival of the fittest as proposed by neo darwinists has little to do with punctuated evolution

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Cooperation implying an intelligence then?

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You say we have organized life and billions of years of evolution to thank for it.

Is no one using serious logic skills - those assertions don’t support each other. No wonder biological research teams have no idea what they are doing, they truly have no idea how we got here.

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If they think that something can be created out of nothing, although no one has ever nor can anyone ever prove that because it is impossible, then they will believe they can help evolution along to become whatever they want.

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I'm encouraged when coming across posts like this one. These words are true. Thank you, Paul!

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To quote Dr Aseem Malhotra "First do no Pharm" See the film

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Where to watch?

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This poisoning of the entire human species seems unstoppable. We are sitting ducks, aren't we?

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“Why can’t hubristic men stop trying to play God?” Bingo.

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I don’t believe that the goal of any of this “research” or promotion & normalizing of such products is to promote health & well being or “cure” anything. The reliance on pharma that makes us sicker & the depopulation agenda continue apace

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Brings to mind an old adage - just because you can does not mean you should...

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I just can't wrap my head around that AI generated surfing photo. I mean WTF???

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The DNA picture doesn't look much better. Looks like a tennis racket where the ball broke through the strings. Game, Set, Match, we lose. If the picture is accurate, it looks like it could knot up the DNA into tangled bundles. Mostly, I do not trust AIs. Too often, they just compile things and put it together into images or good sounding text with no verification. No cross discussion between AIs, No human counter arguments, no debate. In short, no scientific method.

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Yes, and to think that with man's amazing modern abilities to manage and arrange bits of micro-data to such a degree as he has shown, that AI is not even able to get the picture correct! It highlights the absurdity of the theory of "evolution" itself, in that if an intentional configuration made by high-end scientists in that discipline are unable to get things right, how would "chance" (disorganized, malfunctions known as mutations) EVER be able to redistribute genetically organized strings so that a positive outcome might ensue. Especially in an environment with many checks and balances that prevent such occurrences! And also in an environment wherein such synergy is occurring constantly.


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The anti-God / anti-human march towards a far more synthetic human. Control freaks that are left to their own devices, come up with very strange ideas to foist upon everyone else. The technocratic elites are a fear-driven lot. And their biggest fears are dying and losing control…thus their pursuit after transhumanism; the means by which they hope to engineer themselves to live forever, and the means by which they hope to control society.

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They won't stop unless and until we're all dead.

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Or they are.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

‘this ‘application-to-big-pharma-to-make-money’ thing has got to get a grip.’

This is not about making money. That is only a side benefit, that we are paying for out own destruction. These people are psychopaths. They are evil. They are waging an unconventional war against the populations of the world. You are a very smart lady. I’m sure it is adding up to you but because you have a conscious, that this is so diabolical it’s hard to fathom or say out loud. This is what they are counting on; that people stay silent and will not appropriately resist due to the dumbfounding audacity of the criminals.

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1 in 5 US citizens resisted the relentless pressure to be vaccinated against COVID. And now that their plan/strategies are known (loss of freedoms under the guise of public health measures),it will be much easier to resist the next time. I think those who pulled the strings of the COVID response (on all levels) overplayed their hand.

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I believe that Satan, the designer of all evil, is well pleased with the campaign he created and foisted upon mankind. The injections have yet to be exhausted in terms of their effects on the body. Who knows how many more will die once their systems and organs begin to be overwhelmed by self-replicating intrusive agents!

Wars, these days, are not sufficient to murder massive numbers anymore, and so an alternative is concocted by the "father of lies" to fill the void. But God is the Supreme Controller of all that transpires and nothing escapes His divine notice. Satan will be allowed permission to work marvelously, but those who have fortified themselves with the "armor" of God's provisionary Word of Truth, will be protected against falsehood.


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I have zero medical background, nor have I any medical education from which to make informed suggestions, but through the process of reading about all of these RNA derivatives for many months, it seems they are all potentially Gene Altering by formulation. I believe Covid was deliberately modified (by Gain of Function = Military bio-warfare techniques) to create a need for a cure - preferably a highly profitable injectable one.

We have quickly learned that Big Pharma and Governments and the media cannot be trusted and that everything we are told is to support the ultimate intention of PROFITING from human suffering.

The biggest clue was revealed early on in the useless and sometimes DEADLY Covid vax fiasco, when we learned that Big Pharma rejected all LIABILITY for their supposed 'cures'. Join the dots and reject their dangerous Snake Oil cures.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Avoid Big Pharma and you stand more chance of surviving to old age. I'm 80.

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COVID, developed by the US DOD/DARPA, was the excuse to mainstream the mRNA platform and acclimate the average person to gene therapy-based treatments for all diseases

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Sounds like we have come to the exact same conclusions - as are thousands of others who are able to investigate with an open mind!

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Agreed. Pity so many are brainwashed and now injured and killed.

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Actually the problem driving the entire charade is Modern Monetary Theory. In theory pols could diminish the value of money while keeping social benefit payments fixed in terms of money...which instantly cuts social benefits in ways that nobody comprehends or notices.

So it's become quickly possible to experiment with anything that promises to cut future medical care costs, because at $140 trillion of unfunded pension obligations we're in deep trouble.

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It’s going to be another elephant in the room that stinks of 💩

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Sorry. The living rooms of every house in the western nations have no more space left for anything.

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Jessica, the vaccine-injured researcher which had his poster next to mine? He works in Ambros's lab. Talk about irony. Hope he can study the implications of miRNA in context with the jabs. I gave him lots of avenues to think about harms from the jabs. It is like their minds cannot go there, or if it does, it is jerked right back.

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Dr Josef Mengele sitting up in his grave

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Patrick Geddes was a Scot (hooray etc) from Dundee and arguably one of the first environmentalists; he was also a geologist, botanist, town planner, and much else in the late Victorian and early 20th century periods. He designed a university of Jerusalem, physically encompassing the three religions in the design - but of course that was never going to be built. Geddes would have made great use of today's technology. He understood that it's all very well inventing something, but technological and scientific progress need to be underpinned by wisdom and ethics, coining two terms, paleotechnics and neotechnics. Needless to say, we are still stuck and in the grip of paleotechnics. I'm not sure if Geddes said that paleotechnics is largely driven by greed.

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