Thank you for doing your best to educate more and more people. I’m curious how you ended up in the Brazilian parliament? Were you invited? If so, you’d think they have enough curiosity to seek you out. Also, a great point about the lack of autopsies. It astounds me that with a technology never tried in humans before that no organized, independent, active data collection was implemented to look for signals, that doctors weren’t given strict orders to report patients with new diseases, autoimmune,cancer etc. new complaints and now you’ve pointed out about the lack of autopsies. So many families are stunned by an unexpected diagnosis of disease or death. This is too irresponsible to even put into words. All I can think of as to the reason is that much investor money has gone into the mRNA technology.
Unfortunately the powers that are in control of this world new to he outcomes from there testing of the MRNA (under the name gene 🧬 so called therapy) over the past 3 decades! If you research the outcomes you will know why they don’t want to do autopsies!!
Excellent work Jessica. You have been a voice for so many who are/have suffering due to this catastrophe. If hell exists (I believe we are living in it currently) I pray these megalomaniacs (your diagnosis which I concur) suffer to no end. Thank you.
be sure to check out and read carefully a petition at no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world INCLUDING BRAZIL it currently has over 215,000 signatures....also be sure to check out a page called the expose
I'm trying to make my recent essay reach a few more people. The headline is: “The World …. Re-Imagined”
Throughout most of Covid times, the Man on the Street didn’t understand the scale of the crimes committed against him and his loved ones. He also didn’t identify any villains …. This assessment might be starting to change. If a Great Awakening is occurring, I imagine it would produce these results … I admit it's hard to imagine such a world ...
I dare say Dr. J that you and the others here are well aware of my preponderancy to encourage, flatter, recognize and otherwise praise the fairer gender. Where did that come from? It came from my childhood noting my mother had a hard existence with four children and a father making a very modest wage. It came from a boyhood friend who was Jewish who committed suicide because of univerSHITYty cads who were critical of him. It came from noting bullies and how they hurt others verbally as well as physically. It came from a young man whose polio vaccination cause a reaction making him a hunchback and how the sheeplets turned on him. It came from a very unprepared black man who signed on to a camp job so far north in Manitoba that ice froze on mud puddles in late August. He had no clue and reported there wearing dress shoes.
It has come from a lot of my dalliances living an existence of necessity counting my pennies, sleeping on my motorcycle in the ditch in the rain, with a plastic sheet covering me. Hardship and challenges can be blessings in disguise and so mine were. Out of the hardship all around me and the hurting people I saw, it had a softening effect and engendered compassion towards others though the unfairness I noted and often opposed created a man who had a living hatred for injustice in any form. I lived in a garage once that was heated in winter with facilities, for 30 bucks a week three meals a day and a lunch on the days I worked.
I would not trade any of that for anything, it was an exercise in learning and I enjoyed the challenges of living in a marina outwitting the rich clientele after work, sleeping in the back of my truck, doing my rounds in grocery stores that had over supplies of sandwiches I bought that were sold for half price at seven in the evening Monday thru Saturday.
I lived like the homeless long before homelessness as we see it today existed. I would do these things to enable me to send more $$$ home to my family. Yet in all this, I prospered and was happy at the challenges I faced. I have seen much of Canada and the USA , and beauty beyond description in the majesty of the Colorado Rockies, the azure water of the Pacific Ocean, along Highway 1, and hidden valley mountain meadows.
Yet the deep affection in the look in the eyes that a mother who has carried and nurtured her child inside for nine months, at the moment of birth when she sees the child for the first time , beggars description and impressed itself upon me at the birth of my son. I did not miss the same in the births of the other three.
I have seen much beauty, here and there and everywhere but none to best the way of a young mother with her child, she would die for. At some point in time I grasped the reality that the most precious and beautiful entity God ever created was woman.
To be blunt, the curves, the tresses of hair cascading onto delicate shoulders, the gentleness of their aura and the softness of their skin, were/are but more than enough to slay me. For the life of me, I will not ever understand how one male can prefer the whiskered cheek, the hairy leg and the coarseness of a man over that masterpiece of creation, woman and for sure, He was in earnest when He created her.
I am presently at my equatorial living hangout in northeast Brasil. Brasil is a very poorly administrated nation under the current administration. It suffers from incompetence and corruption. It is doing to the former President Bolsonaro what the US attempted to do to Trump and what the EU and Romania government is doing to Georgescu. Freedom is very fragile under Trotskyist leaders .
Thanks for this. I am curious - is it in all parts of Brazil or only the northern areas? Places like Santa Catarina and Porto Alegre - it's the same mandate? Or is it more in Sao Paulo and Rio?
Its not surprising, Brasil has a very corrupt govt. I have a lot of friends in Brasil and they hope that Bolsanaro can make a another run for the Presidency.
Thanks, Jessica. How much does your cat weigh? Cato, my tuxedo cat, will be 4 years old tomorrow and weighs 18 pounds. When he adopted me 3 years and 5 months ago he weighed 6 pounds.
As an Ob/ Gyn , I cannot tell you the amount of sadness in my heart . In America , the ACOG has blood on their hands . God help us all .🙌🏼
Well yes I can Dr Jessica Rose 🌹 it’s a part of the culling and depopulation of the world and in part thanks to Bill Gates and his cronies ……
100 💯 percent the Evil ones have to be Stopped at all costs for humanity’s future!
Thank you for doing your best to educate more and more people. I’m curious how you ended up in the Brazilian parliament? Were you invited? If so, you’d think they have enough curiosity to seek you out. Also, a great point about the lack of autopsies. It astounds me that with a technology never tried in humans before that no organized, independent, active data collection was implemented to look for signals, that doctors weren’t given strict orders to report patients with new diseases, autoimmune,cancer etc. new complaints and now you’ve pointed out about the lack of autopsies. So many families are stunned by an unexpected diagnosis of disease or death. This is too irresponsible to even put into words. All I can think of as to the reason is that much investor money has gone into the mRNA technology.
John Kage is from Brazil and invites us all to speak at these assemblies. He works really hard.
Unfortunately the powers that are in control of this world new to he outcomes from there testing of the MRNA (under the name gene 🧬 so called therapy) over the past 3 decades! If you research the outcomes you will know why they don’t want to do autopsies!!
Excellent work Jessica. You have been a voice for so many who are/have suffering due to this catastrophe. If hell exists (I believe we are living in it currently) I pray these megalomaniacs (your diagnosis which I concur) suffer to no end. Thank you.
Thank you so much for continuing to speak up about the truth regarding the deaths and harms caused by mRNA shots.
be sure to check out and read carefully a petition at no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world INCLUDING BRAZIL it currently has over 215,000 signatures....also be sure to check out a page called the expose
Bless you - once again - for your efforts.
I'm trying to make my recent essay reach a few more people. The headline is: “The World …. Re-Imagined”
Throughout most of Covid times, the Man on the Street didn’t understand the scale of the crimes committed against him and his loved ones. He also didn’t identify any villains …. This assessment might be starting to change. If a Great Awakening is occurring, I imagine it would produce these results … I admit it's hard to imagine such a world ...
Dr J, you looked real good and your strong mental hardware presented as befittingly strong.
I dare say Dr. J that you and the others here are well aware of my preponderancy to encourage, flatter, recognize and otherwise praise the fairer gender. Where did that come from? It came from my childhood noting my mother had a hard existence with four children and a father making a very modest wage. It came from a boyhood friend who was Jewish who committed suicide because of univerSHITYty cads who were critical of him. It came from noting bullies and how they hurt others verbally as well as physically. It came from a young man whose polio vaccination cause a reaction making him a hunchback and how the sheeplets turned on him. It came from a very unprepared black man who signed on to a camp job so far north in Manitoba that ice froze on mud puddles in late August. He had no clue and reported there wearing dress shoes.
It has come from a lot of my dalliances living an existence of necessity counting my pennies, sleeping on my motorcycle in the ditch in the rain, with a plastic sheet covering me. Hardship and challenges can be blessings in disguise and so mine were. Out of the hardship all around me and the hurting people I saw, it had a softening effect and engendered compassion towards others though the unfairness I noted and often opposed created a man who had a living hatred for injustice in any form. I lived in a garage once that was heated in winter with facilities, for 30 bucks a week three meals a day and a lunch on the days I worked.
I would not trade any of that for anything, it was an exercise in learning and I enjoyed the challenges of living in a marina outwitting the rich clientele after work, sleeping in the back of my truck, doing my rounds in grocery stores that had over supplies of sandwiches I bought that were sold for half price at seven in the evening Monday thru Saturday.
I lived like the homeless long before homelessness as we see it today existed. I would do these things to enable me to send more $$$ home to my family. Yet in all this, I prospered and was happy at the challenges I faced. I have seen much of Canada and the USA , and beauty beyond description in the majesty of the Colorado Rockies, the azure water of the Pacific Ocean, along Highway 1, and hidden valley mountain meadows.
Yet the deep affection in the look in the eyes that a mother who has carried and nurtured her child inside for nine months, at the moment of birth when she sees the child for the first time , beggars description and impressed itself upon me at the birth of my son. I did not miss the same in the births of the other three.
I have seen much beauty, here and there and everywhere but none to best the way of a young mother with her child, she would die for. At some point in time I grasped the reality that the most precious and beautiful entity God ever created was woman.
To be blunt, the curves, the tresses of hair cascading onto delicate shoulders, the gentleness of their aura and the softness of their skin, were/are but more than enough to slay me. For the life of me, I will not ever understand how one male can prefer the whiskered cheek, the hairy leg and the coarseness of a man over that masterpiece of creation, woman and for sure, He was in earnest when He created her.
"And now you know the rest of the story."
I am presently at my equatorial living hangout in northeast Brasil. Brasil is a very poorly administrated nation under the current administration. It suffers from incompetence and corruption. It is doing to the former President Bolsonaro what the US attempted to do to Trump and what the EU and Romania government is doing to Georgescu. Freedom is very fragile under Trotskyist leaders .
wonderful clarity. thanks so much, Jessica, maybe grandmother to be many many years from now!
Thanks for this. I am curious - is it in all parts of Brazil or only the northern areas? Places like Santa Catarina and Porto Alegre - it's the same mandate? Or is it more in Sao Paulo and Rio?
to be honest, I am not sure... I can find out though
I believe it is a national declaration by Lula.
be aware another virus has allegedly escaped from wuhan i shit you not check out todays uk newspaper the daily mail under the health heading
I think it's already circulating. At least here in Michigan. Many are sick.
Its not surprising, Brasil has a very corrupt govt. I have a lot of friends in Brasil and they hope that Bolsanaro can make a another run for the Presidency.
Thanks, Jessica. How much does your cat weigh? Cato, my tuxedo cat, will be 4 years old tomorrow and weighs 18 pounds. When he adopted me 3 years and 5 months ago he weighed 6 pounds.
Keep up the great work?
Was that a question? lol
lol. I see it now. Hmm….missing those !!!!