Jun 20Liked by Jessica Rose

Dr. J, I absolutely adore you. There are lots of things about you I cherish but your mind is absolutely awesome. Were I 100 years younger I would be within your age range and would look to attend a public event to hear and see you in person. I bet you are Mensa material...or higher. You are superlative.

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Keg totally agree with accolades of Dr Jessica Rose 🌹

She’s Awesome 👍

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

I expect there are many more who find Dr. J superlative but fear making it known because they may be perceived as creepy. My take is that the "bruners" in the ranks of real freakos think they can control the expression of opinions to correlate with their mickey mouse minds. They can make like the birds and flock off.

To indicate a woman of exquisite excellence is so, I find to be a duty especially when she opposes the corrupt CYSTem with her poise, intelligence and focus. To not do so is an abdication of Truth.


Freedom of expression has been under attack by the CHRC (crazy hooliganistic ribald cucks) for decades. That stalinist sop stoogery disorganization filled with the real racists and bigots needs to be defunded and the useless trollops within thrown out so the homeless can use it as a shelter.

Bigots and criminals have tried to silence me for decades and the pressure cooker is about to explode, exposing what legal minds have advised me are gross violations of the Charter, the Bill of Rights and the CCC.

A potpourri of pathetic anti freedom pukes from the prejudicially biased injustice CYSTem, the OPP corrupt upper ranks, two JP's, two corrupt bureauCRAPS and others not mentioned here YET are construed by many observers as criminals and stalinist stooges, ALL TO MY AGREEMENT.

Wokist wankery and bigotry is to be found throughout the CYSTem and it is/will be exposed. Freedom of expression has been under attack since Pee ERRor turdo, the fickle father of the current slime minister was voted into power and attacked English rights and western Canada in the sorry sixties.

Canada has become Canuckistan, a hellhole of sheeple manipulated and controlled by bigots and ingots of idiocy. These safron suckers of the left rear teat of the politically correct beast have to go down and the court of public opinion will be used to expose them.

Unfortunately the key inquisitor suddenly died in 2023 but there are still many proofs of his delusional dead headed dunceries that need addressing though I fear some dirt I uncovered might crawl to the surface from the sewer and hurt innocent people.

I hear damned fools proclaim the dead should not be attacked (exposed and sacked) but that BS was calculated to protect criminals hiding in their coffins, from exposure of the public discovering what real dirt bags they were and are.

So tell me you censors of criminality, does that mean we cannot expose your buddies Adolph, Josef, (Stalin), Genghis, Weinstein, etc from criticism of being criminals? Hell no.

Stop being morphiditic cowards and liars, step aside or else get run over by the Truth.

The CHRC has been a bastion of bigotry run by francoPHONY bigots recently exposed by black victims of racism. It needs to be defunded. It has been a running sore on the face of Canuckistan for over five decades with its stench of leftist hypocrisy drifting downwind to gag the maggot munching on its road killed three day old skunk.

"The Truth shall set you free" and the lies, deceptions and total BS of turdo by way of rear entry of his corrupt ASSministration need to be cast into the sewage lagoon along with their fake leader possessed of less sense than God gave a constipated billygoat.

Exposure, then deposure awaits four CYSTem prejudicial organizations many hate and need to be taken down. Just one example of many. How and why would OPP pay heed to the unfounded alleged lies and delusions of a fairy tale fool bureauCRAP who used them to criminally harass, criminally obstruct, violate basic Charter rights, CCC violations, etc of someone with no criminal record, a successful business, and well known beneficience towards specific groups. Why would a fake defective detective do what many see as a colored and biased investigation allegedly to benefit his criminal aims? Why would a rookie JP accept such a crock and another JP with suspected vested prejudicial interests not recuse herself? Why would a long list of charges suddenly be "disappeared" by a Judge? Why did a bureauCRAP who many think sheltered a delusional dupe hide the liar behind her skirts. How so? I sought an FOI which she refused to ascertain the identity of the cowardly bureauCRAP harassing me for decades but my request for one from a national security agency be honored in short shrift?

These are but a few concerns not only I have but many others share as well. The story needs to be told, and I am just the guy to do it. Investigative reporters might be a good bet.

if the damned CYSTem thinks this criminality and bigotry will be buried, have I got a bridge to sell them. There are a minimum of over 16 people culpable from a lying defective detective criminal who committed reckless endangerment, violated his OPP Oath, and lied and very possibly committed perjury. What do you say tavarres? The OIPRD needs to be made aware of you but they might well be at this point in time. More critically, the whole public needs to know why I maintain/allege the OPP are corrupt, as are specific bureauCRAPcies, the CHRC, the injustice CYSTem, and other entities being investigated now.

Life is exciting. All one has to do to make it so is to stand for Justice and Freedom against a CYSTem containing hypocrites, liars and criminals. The LPC and its ass kissing subsidiaries are corrupt, and it has spread to OPP, bureauCRAPcies, bureauCRAPS, the prejudicially biased injustice CYSTem, and a potpourri of pukist patheic poltroonic peonistic disorganizations of dirty penilistic pedantry.

Scrubbing under the skin of the uncircumcised member is a common error in the LPC who need to attend to the hygienics that purify the Truth. Yes, the damned LPC is corrupt, tainted and infected with dishonesty.

I said that to say this. I am told that any opposition to my defence of freedom of expression comes from the highest office in the land. I really do not doubt it. It is a good place to start the disinfecting process because the rot starts at the head namely the slime minister.

Nuff said for now.

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Jun 19Liked by Jessica Rose

Well presented talk!

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This seemed like a smaller, more local event than others you've presented to.

You didn't physically attend,, but is info available on:


Feedback from attendees and from other viewers?

Afterward, what did the various reviewer's and fact "chokers" say?

CAN SMALL, MORE PERSONAL VENUES MOVE THE NEEDLE on the "Fight against the Cartel" meter?

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Jun 20Liked by Jessica Rose

VERY interesting 14 minutes worth each one of them to listen to.

"Unacceptable" Jessica?🤔

"Valkyrie" Jessica!😊👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

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Jun 20Liked by Jessica Rose

I just think that Jessica would be a hoot to hang out with at one of these symposiums😊

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Jun 20Liked by Jessica Rose

Well she did it to me again. Created awe by her flawless and confident presentation off the top of her head of a subject matter requiring knowledge most do not have. I have always been an ardent admirer of intelligent women.

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Sit down, pour yourself a drink, I'm gonna help you through this.

I once felt terribly inferior not being able to see Dr. Rose's glowing aura.

Then, hope blossomed when I saw her being interviewed.

There was the aura - something in front of her was reflecting it back into her glasses!

I wasn't inferior!

Several interviews later, I noticed the reflection was always rectangular.

I was CRUSHED - that was her monitor! NO! NOOO!!! Her awesomeness is just

consuming the light of the aura! Right? RIGHT? Then the alarm clock rang.


And she's too dedicated to her work to "wing it'' without backup!

I gotta go now - I hear your alarm clock ringing.

When you wake up you'll realize that we're both too old to see auras.

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Funny for sure, but if you look into her eyes when she is recounting things I cannot comprehend, it is there...her aura is the comprehension of detailed and deep info that is routine and it shows in the confidence she displays others would grasp of grade three math. Her eyes always reveal her inner beauty and ability to operate far beyond the understanding of many of us.

Look closer but also try to feel it. It is there in every smile, on display in her eyes. Another wonder of the fairer gender.

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I only joked that we were too old to see auras.

Feeling them is quite another -and different- thing!

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I know. A tongue in cheek exposition. But she is another wonder of the world.

I do like Dr. P but his big disadvantage is he does not have the power to make himself as easy to look at as Dr. J.

Her mind is unbelievably focused like a magnifying glass. it staggers the imagination.

Is it proper to so adulate her? So in my existence, was the beauty I saw in the Colorado Rockies, the Pacific Coast highway, and the Smoky Mountains to be kept silent? Nope. If not proclaimed, it will in itself being self evident, proclaim itself silently.

There really is nothing more sublime than the fairer gender. Nor more precious in the temporal sense.

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Dream tale was to gently burst the bubble of Jess performing feats off the top of her head. We agree in principle, digress in approach - Jess is brilliant and gorgeous! .

4 reasons I never mention her looks: 1) Irrelevant to her intentions and mission. 2) I'm not pursuing romance or intimacy 3) They're gifts given, she just maintains them well. 4) If it goes without saying, I let it!


Looks can open doors, eyes, ears, and minds. What's important is what is then imparted!

Jess offers self-developed/self-acquired knowledge, insights, wisdom, prowess, morals, integrity, even humor! These deserve appreciation and profuse praise.

Jess's totality is manifest in this site - a home where we came for the science, and stayed for the love, hope and help we found and the sharing and camaraderie that she inspires and fosters.

Between the 2 of us I think we got'r covered.

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At times I wonder out loud when I am alone if she thinks we are besotted with her. I do not known about you but I am. She is the real thing, a real woman of substance and a mind that makes me fell weak. But it was always so with women like her and the effect they had on me.

There is no shortage of confidence in herself and she is the type I would classify as a "neat package." I am sure she smiles when she reads what we say about her especially when there is no brazen sexual overtones but I must say it is best to not drift into that bay.

Yes if one of us misses anything about her I am sure the other will not. My question is how can anyone not adore her. (key into the song by Perry Como "Its Impossible."

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Thank you for sharing the truth.

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Dr Jessica Rose 🌹 thank you for a another fantastic presentation you hit on so many good points and was very easy to follow especially using your past post as reference of the terms describing the breakdown of action .

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Jessica, I want to share with you my dream the night before you posted this; I am seated at a long table and I am looking out at an audience. There is a women to my right; we are friendly, know each other by first name. On my left, is a man who smells very badly, almost like he is rotting. I am listening to him speak to me but I don’t answer I just listen. I look at him and see a very grey/brown pallor to his skin, many wrinkles for his age. I decide to introduce him to you, Jessica, you are the woman on my right. Jessica this is Justin, Justin Trudeau. Justin this is Jessica……… then I woke up. I think I saw him….His soul is rotting, dead. Keep up the great work! We will win.

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Dr J, I do not seek to make you feel uncomfortable but I have always inclined myself unto the direction of Isaac Asimov when he wrote an article in a mag called MC2 titled "Praise Excellence." You dear gal I suspect must have a similar IQ as he did if not higher.

Thus I have always praised excellence and will be in a few days taking out, at her request, an intelligent woman to fine dine and enjoy the pleasure of her company, conversing but also partaking in the fellowship of her sufferings. It is a non romantic friendship where we meet each the other in the satisfying of the reality we lift each the other up. She is both intelligent and focused, making herself deadly. She parses each word I say and files them in order of significance in her mind for later use.

Intelligent women are beautiful women and take my breath away. When we enter the place, I will be greeted by the owner Janet whose hand I will take and kiss the back of it, signifying I respect and think highly of her. She will know my date and I need to discuss personal matters and will lead us to a portal room that is private. The age differential is large, but that has no bearing on the objectives...in fact she was one who chose me as a "confidante" and one who would be honest with her in addressing specific matters. A state of what women call "emotional intimacy" exists twixt her and I as it does with most of the other 7 in my life, all at their voiced desire to be their friend.

The "personal" matters to be discussed usually deal with relationships and I tell it like it is. There is a lot of hurt out there, in fact, it is "a broken world filled with broken people." All 8 in my life have suffered much hurt and one told me she cried in the shower to keep her daughters unaware of her hurt.

I believe women have been under attack since 1969 and current generations also bear the brunt of the same. I do not publicize identities or abuses but one of them causes me to break when I consider the abuse she suffered.

The tendency to evil is increasing yearly spurred by corrupt fake leaders but much of the fallout is on the shoulders of girls/women still.

My answer? Easy. I tend to focus on the hurt and seek to lessen it by enlarging on the dynamics of the one who is telling me her bad experiences. Good can be found even in women of the night, but often all is never as it meets the eye.

My point? These days of insanity, the escalation of hurt is compounded by societies that have lost their way. Period. It will only increase.

A simple tactic is to live by never wasting a kind word. I do though have an immense hatred for those who foment and impose hurt on others. I do not apologize for that. It happens to be an attribute of God.

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